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Vampires. Even if you live with one, they suck
Date of Scene: 03 January 2020
Location: Raven Park - Harlem
Synopsis: Fred gets bit by vampires. Katsumi saves her, but gets bit a couple times herself.
Cast of Characters: Winifred Burkle, Bakeneko

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred was walking through the park early evening. The sun was well down, and it was fairly chilly, though it wasn't snowing at this time. As Fred walked through the park, 3 ruffians approached. Fred was far, far more familiar with vampires than most, however, and said, "I'm not your lunch." She even had a stake handy!

The vampire grinned, and assumed his normal form...and rushed her! He was too fast, grabbed the stake and sent it flying. "Cute. But you're no Slayer, are you?"

The other two lick their lips as they approach.

Bakeneko has posed:
As it happens, Katsumi is roaming the same park. She had to sneak out again in order to do so - the GM caught wind of her foray into the outside world earlier and became even angrier with her. She didn't think it was possible, but for once, Katsumi just weathered the verbal lashings without firing back. She's so drained; overwhelmed. It's difficult to come to terms with the idea that she's not normal anymore. And that that lack of normalcy looks like it's going to completely ruin her life.

She needed quiet. She needed to not have to look at the same four walls.

So here she is, fully embracing the winter chill in what most would consider unseasonably fashionable - short skirt, tanktop, boots, with a cropped black leather jacket overtop. The gold coin of her choker glints in the tall park lamps, serving as an incidental sort of flasher for any oncoming joggers.

Alas, that's not what she comes across. In the dim light of the park, Katsumi can just make out some shapes in the distance. A struggle? Maybe getting into a scrap would make her feel better about things again. She takes a couple jogging steps forward, only to pause and glance back up at the sky. Nighttime. The leading theory is that she goes super saiyan or whatever at night. If she hit someone...

"H-hey! Leave'er alone!," Katsumi shouts at the shadowy individuals. Man, are they ever ugly. They have like a deformity? "Freaks like you haven't been cool since The Hills Have Eyes! So why don't you f*** off!"

God, that felt good. So much more natural.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The two backup vampires turn, and grin. "And a sensible dinner." Their faces and glowing golden eyes are clearly visible, with bumpy foreheads and wicked looking fangs. And they proceed to charge at Katsumi!

Meanwhile, the vampire who has Fred goes, "Now that looks more like a slayer. Better hurry up then." And he opens his mouth wide to sink his teeth into poor Fred!

The other two vampire charge at Katsumi from both directions, intending to tackle her...and if they can, sink their teeth into her. Vampires like this focus on feeding first, above all else.

Bakeneko has posed:
Oh, glowing eyes. Talk of a 'slayer'? Bumpy Star Trek heads? Katsumi's brass has immediately melted away, and those exotic eyes of hers are widened. She takes a single step back, her voice catching in her throat. And she sees the other one going to bite the girl-

No more time to process. The thugs - whatever they are - are on her, tackling her slight figure to the grass. She feels their mouths on her, immediately urging a panicked response. She lets out a shriek, her limbs thrashing, and likely to disastrous result. She's strong. Superhumanly strong. And though the flailing and kicking is wild, a literal ton of force would back it.

The girl that was about to be bitten. She recognized her, she thinks. That was the girl who was going to be cooked!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The vampires are no wimps. They've got about 4 tons each. But when 4 tons meets 25, 4 goes flying. They go flying into the ground...and while that hurt, it doesn't appear like it hurt nearly as much as it should've. They're undead, with no living organs, and the internal damage they should've taken just isn't relevant.

Fred is being bitten, and, "...You need a stake" is the last thing she says before falling unconscious. She's a bloody mess now, all of it from her neck.

The vampires get back up again, and they turn to come after Katsumi again!

Bakeneko has posed:
Flinging them off may not have injured them, but it did demonstrate something important to Katsumi: she's not overpowered outright. She sits up immediately, jaw slack, and looks down at herself. She's a little bloodied from where the teeth gnobbled at her. Then her hands raise to look at her palms. There's something very different between knowing you have superhuman strength, and physically feeling it.

The grappler scrambles up to her feet, the heels of her boots scooting against damp grass before finding her balance. Her heart is racing, her mind abuzz, frame rising and falling heavily; everything feels so much more on purpose, deliberate. And then Winifred's voice is heard.

"I don't give a s*** if they're vegan!," Katsumi fusses.

Maybe it's because she's foreign, and English remains a secondary language. Maybe it's because Katsumi is, at baseline, not what most would call brilliant.

Thankfully, she's putting two and two together. The guy is /biting/ her neck. The glowing eyes, the faces, the fangs they're showing her- "O-oh my god, no way..," she stammers, taken aback. Vampires? Crap, no time to really think about it.

Rather than duck back, Katsumi twists her boot into the grass to plant her balance, then surges forward. It's a clean weave around the first one, and a low, graceful spin around the second, juking her attackers to beeline for the vampire draining Fred. And once she catches up to them, she'll be grabbing for a fistful of hair and his wrist to twist back off of her, hoping to pry him from her neck and stop what she's really hoping is just her imagination running wild.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The lead vampire gets ripped off Fred, who slumps to the ground. She looks a little pale...

The vampire converge on Katsumi, and while they're slower than she is, they still catch up very quickly. And when they catch up, they're all over her, like wolves trying to bring down much bigger game. They are still predators, after all.

All of them try to bite Katsumi if they can get a grip on her...they are vampires, and if they get a chance to drain any of her blood, they'll become much more dangerous by it.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro's chiefest concern was stopping the lead from doing any further damage to Fred. She let her down once before. And oh god why are they so cold and clammy.

Abruptly, she's flanked by the trio with gnashing teeth. But somewhere in the middle, Katsumi stops caring. An elbow is fired back against the face of one. A powerful left hook fired against a second. And the third is unlucky enough for a headgrab, and if successful, slammed down against her knee. That should hopefully provide a little breathing room.

"What /are/ you!?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The vampire, who got elbowed hard in the face and is once again pulling himself up off the ground, is feeling specially snarky, says, "I'm Batman." And then he rushes back in for more biting. The vampire who took a left hook also reels away, and despite the internal damage he should've taken, seems able to continue fighting. The third one got kneed in the forehead, and he looks a little dizzy for sure, but he's...still getting back up.

The cold, clammy pale looking girl who was just saved...appears to breathe out, "Stake..." again.

Bakeneko has posed:
"B****, please!," barks Katsumi to 'Batman'.

She's squaring more towards that specific one than the others, as he's closer. The wounded girl gets another sympathetic, troubled glance - and her heel catches something that rolls underfoot. Immediately she recognizes the pointy wooden object, and in a flash, dips low to collect it.

The reality of it is terrifying. She knows what she's expected to do with it. But these are people. Right? Won't this kill them?

She continues backing away, worrying her teeth over her bottom lip. The stake is raised, elbow cocked. "Okay, fun's over. I- I don't wanna do this. Don't make me do this." Her voice drops a little. "/Please/ don't make me do this..."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The vampires are evil...and they also aren't the brightest of critters. These guys are stupid enough to attack Buffy herself, let alone an opponent they don't really know. "That only works on one..." There's also, evidently, no honor among evil, as the lead vampire flings a crony at Katsumi, and then rushes low, trying to bite at her leg.

The other vampire circles around back, using the distraction to bite at her neck.

Bakeneko has posed:
The claim that the stake will only work on one is about to be inadvertantly tested. When one vampire is flung towards her, Katsumi lets out a squeak and brings her limbs before herself in guard. Naturally, this places the stake right at chest level - pointy side to the vampire's heart. Granted, the bites against her skin will land - but it'll take some serious work to puncture that skin, and she has no intention of doing anything other and kicking the low vampire away, and pulling aside from the one creeping at her back.

But for the moment, the most important thing will be what happens when stake meets attacker.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Exactly what Fred, at least, expected to happen, because the vampire simply turns to dust. No body, no corpse no nothing. Just some dust it'd be nearly impossible to tell apart from the usual dust in a park.

Meanwhile, the vampire behind managed to cling on, and its fangs are slowly getting through that skin. It's like a normal person trying to bite through cardboard...which can be done, it's difficult. The critical moment is if a drop of blood actually manages to escape Katsumi and end up inside the vamp's mouth.

The other vampire gets kicked away, as he decides going low was a bad plan.

Bakeneko has posed:
Breath catches in her throat, as Katsumi just saw a person turn to dust. A monster, granted. Not a person. Right? Her hand is shaking. The pressure on her neck is becoming more and more apparent. Oh god, that thing is still biting her!

Still holding the stake, Katsumi jerks the blunt end back over her shoulder to slam it against her attacker's forehead. And should that be sufficient in knocking him back a step, the punkette will whirl on heel to jab the pointy end of the stake at his chest.

At this point, it's training, adrenaline, and instincts that've taken over. Mercifully, she's not able to take a moment to really think about what's happening. That's the last thing she needs.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
It was a drop. Only a couple of drops, perhaps...but it was enough. Because as the vampire, who was previously much weaker than Katsumi got just that little bit of blood in his mouth...things seem more equal now, as he catches the hand as the stake plunges down for his chest. "Yum" is all he says in response...and he tries to force his way to get back up again.

The other vampire, now coming in from behind himself...well, he can smell where the skin is thinnest, and he'll attempt to come from behind and bite the same spot! He's still weak till he accomplishes this, though.

Bakeneko has posed:
"Ahn!" Katsumi's wrist is caught! He's either suddenly a lot stronger, or they've been screwing with her this whole time!

Seeing him try to force his way in again, Katsumi backpedals a step and leans away. The familiarity of being grappled is firing off well-honed neurons, though. She's struggling against falling back into her training - or has been. Until now.

Rather than attempt to pull away from his hand on her wrist, the girl leans back and whips her leg in a high arc, aiming to slam her shin against the back of his head with enough force to ideally bring him down to hands and knees. The completion of her kick's rotation would see her turned away from him, and suddenly without her wrist captured so much as his arm trapped backwards in her grasp, secured between her legs. And with a sharp backwards torque, well... she's stopped holding back on her force. That may be enough to snap the elbow.

Whether or not that will have longer lasting effects than a brief debilitation, it gives her a chance to raise the stake at the other vampire charging in, and jam it into his chest.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The strong vampire does indeed get his elbow snapped...however, he's got maybe 90 seconds of ignoring the pain the way Katsumi herself might. And vampiric natural healing ain't too shabby either.

The weak vampire gets dusted with little fanfare, particularly since Katsumi appears to be taking it seriously now.

The strong vampire may only have one arm now, but he's still, temporarily, an equivalent being, and he attempts to use his fangs on her again. IF you're gonna hold his arm with your legs, he's going to try to take a bite out of your thigh. Worse, if his bite lands this time, it'll slice through cleanly, as if you were only human. He understands he needs more blood or he has little hope of this.

Bakeneko has posed:
Poof! Dusted! Katsumi's heart flutters.

No. No fainting. The other guy is squirmy. He's- ah! Breath! Breath on her thigh! That rings so many alarms beyond just the context of a monster attack, is spurs her into immediate action. Twisting at the hip, Katsumi just thrusts the stake downwards to attempt forcing the pointy tip through his heart from the back, rather than front. It looks like she has a clear shot, at least, and she can put enough force behind it...

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The good news for mr. vamp, he'd just gotten his fangs through that thigh and was downing that sweet sweet blood. Bad news, he forgot to look up, and never saw the stake coming to dust him. Poof he goes. But as last meals go, that wasn't so bad for him.

All that's left now is Fred, who's been lying there with, presumably, blood depravation for the entire battle.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro stands there in the sudden, non-growly, non-monstrous silence, panting from sheer adrenaline. Her neck is bleeding. Her leg is bleeding. She looks at the stake in her hand and immediately drops it in a panic, as if it were white-hot.

Did she kill people just now? Did that happen?

Magenta eyes land on Winifred, and in a flash, she's on her knees beside her. "H-hey! Hey, you!," she reaches down to scoop her into her right arm, supporting her neck and shoulders. "Are you okay? Hello?"

Stupid question, she realizes. Of course she's not okay. She got bit. In a rush, Katsumi fumbles about her skirt for her cellphone, retrieving it. She dials 1-1-9, pauses, and stares at the screen. That's not the American emergency line for medical people. "Ahh, dammit!"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred lies there, blood still trickling from her neck, and the ground looks messy. But perhaps by chance, a mirror reflects the numbers on Katsumi's phone into the other order...9 1 1...

Fred remains unconscious, and is probably in shock as well.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro would've gotten it! Probably! It might've been a quick Google search away, but she would've gotten it! And the number is punched in. The address is given. And this time, Katsumi just stays with Winifred. She's horrified at what might come of this. But at least they didn't leave any bodies or anything, right? And once the call has been made, she puts her full focus on the girl she's cradling, trying to keep her elevated. No, she has no idea if it helps. She's winging it.

And she's completely forgotten about the stake with her fingerprints on it not far from her.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
It doesn't take emergency personell long to show up, and they wheel Fred into the ambulance immediately. One of the many things said by the EMTs is 'We need an immediate transfusion...' However, the EMTs also seem less than shocked to find a woman with holes in her neck requiring a transfusion. Maybe this has happened before...

"Lucky to be alive, we usually just send these to the morgue." But that doesn't stop that EMT from doing his damndest to save a life.

Bakeneko has posed:
"Hey, ass****, don't talk like that!," fumes Katsumi, staying close by Winifred until they shoo her away. Of note, despite being a little bloody, her puncture marks have already started to heal up. They're no longer freely bleeding. "You'd better take good care of her! And /not/ put'er in the morgue!"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Ma'am, we're EMTs, our job is to save lives. Just pointing out most people in her condition are dead before we get there. So if you had something to do with us getting here on time, thank you, because this woman would be very dead if you hadn't done something."

"We're gonna take her to the hospital. If you wanna talk to her, you should probably head that way yourself." Because the Ambulance has to speed off with lights blaring, as ambulances do.

Bakeneko has posed:
"That's- okay, that's better," grumbles Katsumi, eyes shifting sidelong. She didn't like the idea of doing whatever it is she just did, only to fail to help the girl a /second/ time. The first time was bad enough!

But she relents, letting the ambulance speed away. Her left hand lifts to touch the bite at her neck. Still there, but it's stopped bleeding. She looks a little gross and suspect now, and the last place someone needs to be bleeding from is the thigh. In a skirt. Good lord. Her palms rub at her face quickly, as if trying to scrub those very thoughts away, before she decides she's going to follow along to the hospital.

But first, a pit stop to wash up and check herself.