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(Selene tracks down a courier with some questionable finances)
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Latest revision as of 19:54, 11 January 2020

In the police bar, the mighty police bar, the courier drinks tooooniiiiight...
Date of Scene: 11 January 2020
Location: O'Riley's Bar, Gotham
Synopsis: Selene tracks down a courier with some questionable finances
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Selene (Underworld)

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is late, the sun has long gone and the final round of deliveries Brandon had to make today are already completed. It was a light workload so the Courrier is taking advantage of the early cutoff from work and the location he ended up with to pick up a drink. And what better place to enjoy a drink uninterrupted than a nice, QUIET cop bar.

Brandon sits in a booth, his blonde spiked hair uncovered as he had set his cap down on the table. His gray eyes peruse a handwritten list of bar snacks still available at this hour and a hand gently caresses the short tumbler glass showing a light amber color through the glass.

The place, minus the bartender, a retired cop, is empty. It is quiet. Peaceful. And utterly relaxing. As it should be.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
There's the growl of a bike, Selene's here. She's here to make sure she's going to talk to the right person. There's a courier she's been paying for info on. And it's led here. Opening the doors, Selene steps inside with a group of Death Dealers, she's brought them for protection tonight. Because. Gotham, and she gives the bartender a nod.

"One glass of coffee" she says, voice a Hungarian purr as she moves quickly to her seat, relaxing a little. Her eyes sweep the bar as the Death Dealers join her table.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Selene looks around the room, there's not many people to look at.

Death Dealer
Death Dealer
Wide eyes
Death Dealer

...Wait. let's go back a couple there.

Brandon has no idea why the large group has suddenly come in. But he's gotten enough hints from some of his clientelle to understand that there is a potentially bad situation for him in this. He averts his glance, turning his gaze upon the droplets forming upon the outside of his drink as he tries to wrack his brains about what it is he could have done that might even merit a visit from such a large group. Come on Brandon... THINK. Does anyone even care about random igloo containers now adays?

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene sweeps her gaze over the bar, nodding to the bartender. "Coffee. No milk, creamer, sugar" she nods, then looks over the bar again. "Have you, by chance, seen a courier? I'm looking for him. He's in trouble and I'm trying to save his life" she nods slowly. It's all true. Well, the 'save his life' bit may well be a tiny bit stretched, but....Selene knows what she's doing. She's been at this a long, long while. Oh she knows what he did. It's just a shame she'll have to explain it here, now.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Order put in, there is a nod as he turns, walking to the far end to grab a pot that's been sitting on the burner for awhile. He comes back over, grabbing a mug on the way. "What's he in trouble for?"

Brandon opts not to move from his spot in the booth. As her approach to the bar didn't divert over to him. There is the inkling of hope that this is all just some coincidence. It's not that farfetched right? Coincidences happen all the time in the big cities. Most people tend to haunt the same general areas over and over again leading to familiar faces being seen a lot. Maybe he just wandered into one of their's.

And then, that one word reaches his ears dashing any hope.


God damn it, what did he do?

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene smiles, looking to Brandon. "You are Brandon, right?" she says, pulling papers out of her coat, sliding it onto his table. Financial records. William's financial records. With the courier service highlighted. "I've been looking into a friend of yours, or a business partner" she says very softly. "Do you want to explain here?" she asks. She's not started a fight yet. She's not wanting to, the Death Dealers ordering drinks too, tipping generously.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing coat fabric slide against the old leather of the booth seat across from him, gray eyes reluctantly look up from the glass, looking to Selene, and then to the Death Dealers who are tending to themselves at the bar, "...Yes." Brandon doesn't specify which question the answer is for. He doesn't need to as he looks to the documents, then looking to the name. "I'm not sure what I can tell you. I just deliver things. I don't look in the coolers and I don't ask questions."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene says nothing. Instead. She shakes her head. "You're involved in something bigger" she warns, lookinguneasy. "You're in danger, Brandon. You're in danger" she says with a serious tone, watching him. "I know about you working with William. I know about William's finances. So" Selene says gently, stretching for a moment. "Do you know how much danger you are in?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Brandon shakes his head, frowning, "I'm just a courrier. I mean, yeah sure. He might ask for me when he contacts the service but that's because he knows he can trust me to do my job." He shakes his head, looking to his drink and then back to the paperwork. "I don't ask. I just, deliver."

He pauses, "I- might even do some daytime errands but nothing too weird. He's more of a night owl."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's not buying it. "So" Selene says simply. "What sort of things do you 'deliver'" she asks, air quote thing with her hands. Like she thinks his deliveries aren't all legal. GOod thing she's not a cop then, and she shakes her head at him. "Don't get yourself in a world of trouble" she warns. "I've been looking into William. He's not somebody to mess with" she adds carefully, flipping through the pages of financial records.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I don't look into the packages," Brandon points out again, fists clenching.

"But I'm guessing primarily medical stuff since the ones through the courier service involve coolers and they're usually sealed. Every so often, I'll deliver letters that he doesn't want going through the post office. Kind of has some old fashioned looking enevelopes. Probably would get damaged by the machines. Kind of old fashioned like that." He frowns, "Other than that, I collect the mail for him when he's on a long trip but other than dropping it off inside, I don't look through it. Guess that counts a a delivery of sorts."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene has hands on the table. "You delivered things for a Jerry Kelly, right?" she asks. "I looked into his finances. Your name came up there too. Do you deliver things for him too? He got into trouble" Selene points out, shaking her head. "Listen,. you think he won't kill you if you're a threat to him? William, I mean" Selene sighs. "Look, this Jerry guy got into trouble. Your name's on his documents. You think nobody's going to come knocking?" she says. She's torn between saving him, or putting him out of his misery. Both are good options.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Brandon nods, "William recommended me to him. Just coolers with him."

The courier takes a moment to take a sip of his drink, throat feeling parched. "But Kelly stopped using the courier service back mid-November. Not sure what happened to him. It's like he dropped off the face of the e-" He pauses, frowning.

Selene's coffee is finally deposited in front of her. Tight-lipped, the bartender moves back behind the counter, giving the pair their space.

Brandon looks towards the bartender quietly before looking over to Selene, "Just what is going on? Did Jerry do something to William or the other way around? Did they split up?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene sips her coffeee and looks pleased with it. "He got into trouble. Your name's on the records, you see how that looks bad for you?" she asks. The Death Dealers are edging closer and looking concerned now. Selene's got this well in hand, but just in case.

She sighs. "You are in a lot of danger. I've been looking into Jerry and William. They're both trouble. You need to get as far away from them as you can" she offers with a quiet, weary look.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Brandon just stares at Selene. "Do you realize how goddamn vague you're being?" He asks, voice a bit incredulous, "I'm TRYING to help but if I don't know what you're looking for, I can't really answer, you got that, right?"

He glances as the dealers start edging closer, "I-I- Christ." He shakes his head, burying his face with his hands. "I don't ask questions." He insists, voice muffled by the hands, "I don't peek. Just, do the errands, run the packages. That's all. There's no reason to-" He lets out a groan into the cupped hands.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"I realize hw vague I am being" Selene says. "You're being evasive as well. Hard to track down but you're not the one I'm after. You're just a pawn in all this" she warns and shakes her head. "Now" Selene says, looking to Brandon, looking concerned. Looking over the Death Dealers, Selene motions with her hand, the Dealers settling to the table. She feels bad for Brandon, really. She's in the same boat with the Council....sadly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I'm not trying to be." Comes the slight muffled cave-esque reply as Brandon has seemed to settle into the face covered discussion approach, "I just don't know what you want. Lot of people getting coolers on a regular basis. Nothing different about those, they go through the courier ser-"

There is a sudden silence as Brandon realizes something.


Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene watches Brandon then over to her Death Dealers, then back to Brandon. "So you deliver things, right?" she asks. She's laying down a bread crumb trail. "Fuck, what?" she asks. "You want to fuck somebody?y?" she purrs, looking over Brandon "Or did you think of something?" she nods and her eyes softens. She still feels bad for Brandon, really...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's not the coolers you're asking about." Brandon states aloud. The audibility of it confirming his inkling, he gives a weak, slightly hysterical laugh into his hands before growing quiet, taking deep breaths.

"Ok, William had some add on requests sometimes when I dropped off a cooler. No big deal. People tend to forget stuff at times. Or they decide paying the courier directly is cheaper than using the service for the additional items. Hey, I don't judge, I just deliver."

He lowers his hands, eyes directing to the glass as he grasps the cool container comfortingly, "I figure he worked in the entertainment industry as he had me running envelopes to various places.- But November and December were a little weird."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shakes her head and looks worriedly to Brandon. "Okay, so..." she says, listening. "Weird, how?" she asks taking mental notes. She's definitely listening now. This is good intel. Very good intelligence!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, November was also around the time Jerry was seeming a bit snippy so I figured they were having," Brandon pauses, considering his words, "Well, domestic issues. Midway through November, William seemed to get more distracted."

"Now, around the time Jerry stopped using the courier service altogether, William seemed upset. Figured they broke up. Once again, didn't ask. Didn't judge, just did my deliveries."

He pauses, taking a sip of his drink, "Well, anyways, December rolls around and William starts asking me occasionally to watch a friend's place while he's away traveling for business. But, not like house sitting. Just literally, keep an eye on the building see who comes and goes, when they do, let him know if anything seems out of the ordinary. Weird. But money is good and still probably cheaper for him than hiring a security guard so... okay fine. He's watching out for a friend. Got it."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene listens, making more mental notes, an eyebrow raised. "Why though?" she asks. Okay that's got her curiosity going. What's the point of geting a courier to watch a building and report? What's the point of it?

Selene sighs. "I don't get it. I need to figure this out, however" Selene offers watching Brandon, before she turns to her Death Dealers, as if silently asking any ideas?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I don't know," Brandon admits, "I did recognize a couple of them from the recording studio and one of them was rarely ever there when I was asked to watch the building so maybe that's the friend?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shakes her head, and her eyes narrow. "Okay, so" she sighs. "So, let me get this straight, you got asked to watch a building. Doesn't that strike you as odd?" she asks, shaking her head at her Death Dealers. She then shakes her head to Brandon, looking over him as she gets up and heads for the door. She's not even killed anyone. Yet. Night's still youngy after all!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Brandon watches as Selene gets up, keeping quiet as she does so. She seems satisfied and it doesn't look like he's getting into trouble so, why push things? He lifts up his drink, looking down to the glass to see it accentuating the tremor in his hand. The glass sets down.

Hmm. Guess he'll just hang around in the bar a little longer. Just in case.