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Surviving Infinity: Home Stretch
Date of Scene: 11 January 2020
Location: Pluto (Sol, Sector 2814)
Synopsis: On the distant maybe-not-planet of Pluto - Rogue, Mary Marvel, Grail, and Captain Marvel encounter geographical graffiti and a genuine space bounty hunter!
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Mary Marvel, Rogue, Grail
Cast of NPCs: Surviving Infinity

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
The Southern Belle - the luxury space yacht Carol and Rogue had stolen from a frozen outpost somewhere in Khundian space - had proven to be quite the reliable vessel. Not only had they made good time on their way back towards their home system, but they'd done it in luxury. The only wrinkle had been the lightspeed engine, which only performed micro-jumps and needed to be recharged between each one. So, the ship floats in the farthest reaches of the solar system - out near Pluto - waiting for the drive to recharge.

"We can't just fly there," Carol explains, sitting at the pilot's console with her feet up, "At sub-light speeds it'd take months even with this thing. Trust me, we're quicker waiting out the hour for the drive to recharge."

As she relaxes, she glances towards the sensor output built into the wall next to her.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Flying in space isn't like in Star Trek.
First off, you have to remember that you don't have to breathe. Mary Batson can hold her breath for two full minutes, but Mary Marvel...doesn't need to breathe at all. That was a little weird.
Second, she can only fly as fast as the speed of light. She checked her speed as she reached Mars and it fit. The problem was, she was going to Pluto, because if she was going to do this, she might as well do it right. Worse comes to worst, she can always fly back to Earth. She can actually navigate it, thanks to the Wisdom of Solomon. That, and Earth has a special pull for her.

Flying to Pluto at light-speed took about six hours. She landed lightly, looking around. She pondered taking home a souvenir, but explaining it was too much trouble.

Then she smiled. Something she COULD do, and who would see it out here?
She formed her hand into a flat blade, and speared it into the solid rock.

By the time she is spotted, she is almost done, a message in English for any alien races that could read it:


Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been integral in charming the ship out of its former owner's possession, but as it turned out it hadn't been too terribly difficult to do for her. Part of it was because this yacht had belonged to one of his 15 wives and she'd skipped out on him with another alien thing, so he was mad at her. She was asking for the ship back, and well... he was happy to 'give it away' to Rogue and Carol instead just to spite her.

Free yacht? Excellent.

Rogue had spent the trip mostly asking questions about space and space related subjects, they were all 'over her head' so to speak. She'd also spent a lot of time combing through the ship and its belongings still aboard. As it turned out she fit into the clothing that the ex-wife had stored aboard it, so she'd changed into a rather fancy space suit of blue and red, fitting similarly to how her X-Men uniforms fit, she felt right at home in it, plus its warmer than the clothing she'd had on when she'd been portal'd off of Earth over a week ago now.

She steps into the control cabin and stands behind Carol's chair, one hand on the chair and her eyes on the space outside. "Never gonna get over the sight'a seein' things from... out here. It'll always be surreal. But I can see why ya like it up here, for sure."

Grail has posed:
Then there's those that cheat the universe. A bracer that allows one to boom tube about is rather...well, it's kinda like cheating. When she arrives on Earth, she usually stops just outside of the orbit of the planet to survey it and see what she can see there. Of course, that's when a certain Marvel of a Girl goes flying off into space. She looks in the direction the girl went, standing on literaly nothing as she does, looking off in her direction before she taps her chin and boom tubes again.

Now, luckily in space no one can hear you boomtube. So, she arrives out near Jupiter, watching the light speed blip fly by. She considers and then shrugs and puts in more coordinates before she arrives out by Pluto. She steps on to the edge of the boomtube, looking down in time to see the girl carve something confusing into Pluto. She tilts her haed, idly crossing her arms and then smirks. Pettiness, she could understand.

Of course, now there was a ship floating there now and she tilts her head at that. Now that, that was new. She set the distnace and a moment later, the ship's bridge had a boom tube opening up into it and then had a Grail stepping out of it and looking slowly around.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"It's pretty," Carol agrees, glancing up from the sensors for a moment to look out at the solar system arrayed before them. The sun glittering like a far-off jewel, "I'm glad you're starting to get a feel for it."

She trails off, glancing down at the sensor displays again.

"I swear we've had a tail since we left Khundian space," the blonde says with a frown, tapping the glass of the display, "I thought it was just a trader or something piggy-backing off our course navigation, but they wouldn't come out this far. This is like the backwoods of the backwoods for them."

And then, something more unusual as she brings up the hull camera's high-resolution imagery of nearby Pluto and the message carved into it. She blows it up on the screen where Rogue can see and turns slowly to look at her - perplexed.

"Marcy Wilson?"

She shakes her head, hands gliding over the controls to alter their course down towards the surface of the icy planet.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to know what the hell is going on ... and see if this guy following us hangs around. Check if they've got a helmet for one of those suits, Trouble."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had never even watched sci fi tv shows. The most she'd gotten into that genre was a few Star Wars movies, only one of which she even knows that well. Guess which one.

Her eyes go to the sensors display that Carol pulls up and she tries to decipher what she's looking. "So thats why alien invasions are 'rare' in the grand scheme'a things. We're all rednecks on Earth. So t'speak." She flashes a grin down and to the side at her pilot and friend.

At the idea of a helmet, Rogue nods her head once to her. "They do. I saw'em in the locker back there. I'll go get one."

With a little hum, the southern gal turns and starts to stride back deeper into the yacht, moving down the half-spiral staircase that leads into the main cabin of the oh so fancy ship... then onward back toward the master suite with the glass jacuzzi and more! Its quite a ship, its no wonder the unfaithful bride wanted it back.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary steps back to view her handiwork. Because she used her hand to make it work.
After a few moments, she nods. Yeah. Maybe if Marcy stops being such a poop-head, she can fly back out here and fix it, but it felt better to vent. She smoothed the skirt of her costume, even though it didn't need it, and thought, *At least no one's going to see it.*

Then she turns around and sees a gleaming ship growing larger in the eternal night of Pluto, and those inside can see the glowing yellow lightning bolt on the costume she wears...and apart from that, the bracers, and the white and gold boots, nothing else against the harshness of outer space.

Well...THIS is awkward. The ONE time she flies to another planet, the FIRST time she's left Earth...and someone sees her graffiti a planet that's not even thought of as a planet anymore.

If anyone on the planet can see her face and can read lips, they can clearly see her mouth, "Ahhh, FATRAT..." and blush a little.
Because in space, no one can hear you swear...

Grail has posed:
It's pretty easy to hear a boomtube. It's not exactly a quiet display and even though this one is much smaller than a normal one, it still makes a racket. So, when Grail steps out of said boomtube on what she assumed to be the bridge, she looks around slowly only to realize she apparently went into a cargo hold instead. She frowns and then shakes her head before looking around and aiming her hand only to this time, end up boomtubing to the top of the ship and then just lets out a slow sigh.

Well, no point in prolonging this farce. She walks along the top of the ship, shaking her head as she does and heading for the front of the ship from the outside.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Pretty much," Carol offers, "It's like the full might of the military invading a small town with a population of two-hundred. They don't really see the point in it. Generally, if they're out here they're looking for something specific. Earth is pretty low down on the list of tactically important worlds."

The Southern Belle slowly lowers down towards the surface of the planet, coming in for a landing as Carol rises from the console. Her body glimmers momentarily and the simple casual wear that she's dressed in vanishes to be replaced with the red and blue suit that is Captain Marvel. She tugs the sash about her waist to make sure it's secure and moves towards the airlock, waiting until Rogue is fully dressed for space-walking before opening it and heading outside.

"Sooo," the Captain says, unable to keep from grinning at Mary, "What did Marcy do?"

After a moment, however, her eyes drift back towards the ship and the person walking around on top of it. She frowns at Grail - someone she recognizes, although not in a friendly way.

"You," she calls, pointing at her, "Get down from there. That's not a jungle gym."

Rogue has posed:
Once Rogue grabs the helmet from the wooden cabinet she flips a little light on inside it with a switch on its base then slips it over her head with her hair tied up and back. It vacuum seals on and adjusts to the proper oxygen levels. "Far out." Rogue says inside the helm.

She starts back to the ship's interior in time to follow after Carol in her blue and red. "I wish I had the sash ya gave me now." Rogue says, grinning through the visor on her helmet.

She follows after Carol, leaving the yacht interior just as Grail appears on the skylight roof walking along atop it...

Rogue follows along with Carol now and, believe it or not, she can still use some of her gravity altering abilities to stay steady where she is... she actually got some valuable practice at this when she and the X-Men got stranded on the Moon.

When Carol speaks, she can hear it through her helmet's communicator just fine and she looks to one person, then up to the other on top of their new ship which makes her narrow her eyes... -.-

Mary Marvel has posed:
Wow. Yeah, she's in trouble. The blonde with the short hair looks like she means business, but she looks human. Another person comes out, only she's wearing a spacesuit. Okay. She can work with that.

ANNND there's some dark-skinned woman walking around on the hull of the spaceship. And by the body language, it doesn't look like she came in with them.
Then the assertive blonde speaks to her, and Reading Lips works. She pauses, then looks to the ship. Truth be told, after all the dead silence she'd been dealing with for hours, a little sound would be welcome.

"Can we speak on your ship?" She enunciates, making pointing gestures when relevant. "The silence is starting to bug me."

Grail has posed:
A grasp on to the ship carefully as it lowers itself down and Grail shakes her head. This whole thing was becoming annoying and honestly it was only going to get worse. There is none other than the blond haired stick in the mud and apparently she has friends. Using her grasping point, she pushes herself toward the planet surface and lands there with a light thud, using a hand to pretend to steady herself on the ship. As she does though, her right finger wrenches right into the surface of the metal and she puts her hand up ot her mouth for a dramatic gasp as she looks at Carol and then back at the ship.

Slowly, her finger cuts a nice deep scratch down the side of the ship as she watches, looking from the ship to Carol and back again as she looks just so shocked by what just happened. Her hand pulls away and she says (though it is easier to read her lips than hear it), "Oh my. My hand just slipped. Such a shame." She shakes her head, "Such a shame."

And then she steps away from the ship and continues, "I'm sure that'll buff right out." She nods her head.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Right," Carol answers with a shrug, pointing back towards the ship's airlock, "Follow me."

As she walks back towards the ship itself, she pauses to watch Grail scratch the ship. There's no overt reaction from her, just an impassive blink before she politely ushers Mary onto the ship. She closes the door behind her, apparently treating Grail how one treats the vindictive when they act up.

Once inside, she turns to Rogue and offers an explanation.

"I'm not sure who she is. She showed up on the Station kicking up a fuss about Superman. Seems to have an entitled streak a mile long - my guess is she's from a might makes right society."

Then, glancing to Mary, she says in a slightly exasperated way: "You shouldn't carve things into Pluto."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't walking, she's floating / hovering and she turns right around to float right back in to the ship. Her helmet's HUD is showing her information about everything about her, all kinds of detailed info about the geology of her surroundings, about the stars in space when she glances up at them, its some serious high tech shit... and she doesn't know what most any of it means!

As she spots Grail scarring their ship Rogue just raises her hands up and sticks out her tongue while doing the Bullwinkle ears with her hands on the sides of her helmet.

Once back inside the ship, Rogue drops back down to the deck and moves to sit down on the edge of one of the main room lounge chairs.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary seems to savor the feeling of air, taking a long, slow breath. And the words, even though they are a LITTLE harsh.

"Well, I didn't want to put it on any other planets. I figured since no one cared about Pluto anymore, it wouldn't be a problem." She pauses, then says, "And it's not like it isn't the TRUTH, either." She sighs, then looks to the door. "Well, if she causes trouble, let me know. I'm plenty strong."
Suddenly she turns to Carol, extending her hand to her to shake.
"I'm sorry, but we don't know each other. Hi...I'm Mary Marvel!"

Grail has posed:
Turning to follow the group, Grail blinks when the door is shut in her face. Sure. There's the option to rip the door off the ship and walk inside but even she's not quite that bad. The scratch was just cosmetic.


OK, sometimes she is that bad but she's less angry and more amused so the ship stays intact. Instead, Grail just simply shrugs and pushes something on her bracer and a moment later a burst of sound can be heard just beyond the door before mere moments after that a portal will open up right next to the trio. From it, Grail steps out and smirks as she looks to Carol and nods.

"That was petty and I approve." She grins a little and looks to the trio, one from the other before considering, "Now, what are you three doing out here? I mean, I understand the space cop but I hardly recognize you other two." She crosses her arms and looks slowly to each.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Mary Marvel," Carol looks thoughtful for a moment, as though trying to place the name but failing and then pressing on regardless, "Nice to meet you. I'm Carol. This is Rogue."

She shakes the offered hand and then gestures towards Rogue, withholding her friend's real name just in case she doesn't feel like using it. Carol might be open about being Captain Marvel, but she's not going to hold her friend to the same standard.

When Grail appears, Carol turns her back to her for a moment and rolls her eyes where only Rogue and Mary can see. She then puts on her authoritative 'space cop' face and turns back around to face the Space Princess.

"We were displaced by someone called Mikonia of the Sybalt Order, sent by Titan," she explains, "We're traveling back from Khund space and -"

Before Carol can finish the sentence, though, the ship is rocked by something large and explosive directly outside. The running lights immediately turn red, and Carol pushes past Grail to move towards the cockpit and stare up out of the glass canopy. Above, a small and brutal looking ship zips away - having just made an attack run.

"God damnit! I knew it!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue, in her seated spot, places her gloved hands together between her thighs, palms and fingers flat against one another. She's in that full body suit of dark blue and crimson red, so she's just enjoying this space meeting in the proper attire.

Rogue offers a single nod to whoever Mary is, then when the red lights flash on she stands up. "That thing that was followin' us?" She asks Carol. "Space Nerds..." Space Nerds, in Rogue'lish are a group of space-born creatures that are hostile or aggressive toward her, or anyone she likes.

"Is there weapons or somethin'?" Rogue asks. "Should I go outside and throw rocks at them?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary is listening raptly to Carol's explanation when the ship is rocked by an explosion. She looks up, to Carol, to Grail, to Rogue...and then sees Carol looking up...a ship?
They're being attacked?

It seems only a moment before she is back at the airlock, remembering what Carol did to cycle it. They is a look of joy on her face as she waits for it to cycle.


Grail has posed:
A blink and Grail chuckles, "Mikonia of the Sybalt Order, Titan..." SHe hmms and nods her head before considering, "Well, that sounds like a whole bunch of people I hardly care about. Does have anything to do with those people searching the galaxy for...well, somethi-" She rocks with the ship and then blinks as Carol pushes by and she smirks, "Rude." And then she looks to Rogue and shrugs, "I'm a weapon." She laughs a little.

And then she watches as Mary fiddles with the door. She instead walks after Carol and looks up toward the ship before considering, "Dead or alive?" She looks to Carol, "How do you want them? I know what you likely want but I'm hoping..."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"On this thing? No."

Carol had already taken stock of the space yacht when they came aboard. She hadn't thought they'd need weapons - space is generally big enough that you can fly through it without running into other people. She just shakes her head, turning back towards the group.

Grail's offer prompts a frown from her, but then she looks from Mary and moves towards the door. A moment later she taps the electronic interface and the door opens. Carol steps to one side, allowing the pair to exit.

"Rogue and I are going to get the Belle up and running - it's a sitting duck here. Whoever's flying that vessel, I want them alive. They're following us for a reason, and we need to know what that is."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pauses when Grail announces herself as a weapon. "Well be a doll and go pummel whatever that thing is that is attackin' us?" She responds. "Feel free t'hurt more than just a scratch too!"

One thing's certain, she's definitely going to leave the helmet on, just in case some kind of decompression of the oxygen inside the ship happens! She knowns enough about space to know that air likes to get sucked outside, violently, if your ship gets damaged!

One step, two step... baby steps, she's on her way to the cockpit already, but she's waiting for Carol to dish out the orders to the others, and hopefully for them to work with them on this... though these two 'rogue elements' she's not sure are the play-along types yet.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary doesn't just jump out into the cold depths of space. She flies out, soaring up and towards the ship. That thing wasn't made by Detroit, but she has seen enough SF to know what a weapon generally looks like, and there are a LOT of them.
Well...she's just going to have to do a little PRUNING.

One of the beam weapons suddenly registered as OFFLINE. It's offline because Mary is currently riding on the hull of the ship and has ripped the housing of the beam weapon off and punched it into scrap.

Grail has posed:
A smile at Carol and she shrugs as if to say 'Aww.' before stepping outside and dropping to the planet. The small amount of gravity barely holds her down as she looks after Mary who is ripping the ship's weapons off. She meanwhile is considering the ship and then hmms to herself.

"No, I don't think I really want to put forth any effort."

The words are for no one in parituclar, just for herself. So, her eyes begin to glow and then out shoots a pair of red beams. They immediately give chase. As the ship turns they turn sharply, creating a red pair of lines from her eyes right toward the ship, racing after it for the engines.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
The vessel is already turning about to take another run at the Southern Belle only to be suddenly confronting with a rapidly approaching ... girl? The pilot makes to dodge, breaking off from the attack pattern to veer away but not quick nor maneuverable enough to avoid her. The weapons are torn away, and inside the cockpit the pilot angrily pounds the console with his fists while screaming in a guttural and brutish-sounding language.

He's so busy trying to shake Mary from the ships outer hull that he doesn't even see the zig-zagging lines homing in on him, letting out a cry of surprise when the engines are both struck and erupt in a momentary burst of blue flame. The ship continues to move, but it's no longer being propelled by its thrusters - it's simply spinning wildly through the air, while in the narrow cockpit the pilot shouts and bellows curses.

On the planet's surface, the Belle has taken off. Not pulling away from the space battle, it instead enters a holding pattern not too far away. In the pilot seat, Carol glances back towards Rogue.

"I swear, if Tony and Steve are already there when we get back I'm going to tear my hair out."

Mary Marvel has posed:
YES! WOW, this is fun!
Mary leans forward and grasps the hull of the ship along the edge, then slows it until it is stationary in space. Then She begins pulling it along as she flies back towards the Belle.

She cups her hand and speaks through it, her voice reverberating throughout the hull...in the attacker's native language:


Grail has posed:
And then the ship is blowing up, well, sorta. It's engines are at least sparking and sputtering while it spins to a stop thanks to Mary Marvel's kindly break service. She hmms softly as she then turns and starts back toward the ship that took off. She gestures with her hand and clenches her fist and another bootube opens up. She steps into it and back on the ship before heading back to Carol, "There you go. Whomever is inside is probably not dead. Maybe." She shrugs, "Hard to tell from here."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Inside the disabled ship, the pilot hears the words and shouts something back in his native Khundian. Something along the lines of never surrendering and his honor will be preserved. Then he has a change of heart and taps a button on his gauntlet, prompting a helmet to rise from the gorget he wears and seal him in an emergency space suit. When the ship is torn open, he floats there sulkily, frowning at Mary through the glass faceplate of his suit.

Aboard the Belle, Carol glances at Grail and shakes her head before steering the ship in the direction of Mary and the newfound prisoner-pilot.

"Well, this was eventful. I suppose we have to keep him now - he's not flying anywhere in that thing."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles. Like opening a crab leg to get at the meat inside. And this is some very not-happy meat, still wrapped in its own package.
She grasps the pilot, placing her forehead against his. <Don't talk to me about honor. You shot at a ship that couldn't shoot back, you coward.>

Fifteen seconds later, the airlock cycles and Mary shoves the pilot ahead of her into the ship. "The noisy hole was spouting about honor and other lies. The jerk." She looked at him. "Anything else you'd like to say, jerk?" Then repeated it in the alien's language, to make sure he got it.

Rogue has posed:
There's not a whole lot Rogue can do. She's a trained X-Men, she stole Carol's old military training, but none of it is related to space combat. She's not a space combatant, plain and simple.

So from the cockpit, she observes. Her eyes do glance over to this mysterious Grail person though and she has to nod once to her and those strange eye beams. "Reminds me of someone I know." She says softly, speaking of Cyclops of course.

But when the enemy is handled Rogue exhales. "Thank goodness. I'm just startin' t'like this ship."

Grail has posed:
A smirk as she hears that from Carol and Grail shakes her head, "Technically you don't have to keep him..." She shrugs, "There's always other options." She then turns and starts over toward the new arrival and looks at him carefully before her eyes flash with red a little and she smirks at him, "He speaks of honor?" She grins, "What's that even for?"

She then looks back to Carol and then back at the alien, "What do you want to know from him? I can start crushing fingers till we get what we want."

She looks to Mary with a smile, "Much better than cutting them off or ripping them off. All those nerves and such, still attached but in agnoy..." She shakes her head and looks directly at the alien, "Just...terrifyingly painful."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I think I'll pass on the crushing," Carol tells Grail warily, shaking her head, "I'm not really in the torture business."

The Khund that Mary brings aboard the ship, however, seems unnerved by their presence. Mary and Grail had already proven themselves to be formidable, and Captain Marvel he knows by reputation. Rogue, in her space suit, is also given a wary look.

"I was hired to follow you," he spits out from behind the helmet he wears, the ships complex circuitry translating him into a recognizable language, "I would have been given more for destroying you or returning you to your prison."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles to Grail. "See? No hurting needed." She tilted her head suddenly, then said, "Uhm...I have to head back to Earth, and it's going to take me five-and-a-half hours to get back. If you're going to deliver this person to wherever intergalactic jerks GO, then I will just head home by myself and you all can do what you need to."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands off to the side as the discussion of what to do with the captive is had. She glances from face to face, then to the one in question when he starts to talk. "Dog the Bounty Hunter..." She quietly says. "Except less attractive... arguably." She shows a smirk then.

"How much were they gonna give ya? I hope a lot. We're worth a lot ya know?" She can't help but sass the alien. "Either way though, your ours now and I think we should just let ya t'rot on the edge'a the solar system."

Grail has posed:
A smirk and she sighs, "Fine fine." Grail shakes her head, "It's lots of fun though and very effective. You should try it sometime." She then looks over at the guy who speaks up and then considers, "I agree with her." She gestures to Rogue, "Just how much /are/ they worth?" She grins over at Carol and it seems like she's trying to goad the woman...though it is unclear if she's really serious.

Either way she glances briefly to Mary and then tilts her head, "Do you want a faster trip back? I can send you back with fair accuracy." SHe nods her head.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
The Khund, when Rogue speaks to him, sulks visibly: "Many thousands of credits. It would have been enough to buy several new and impressive weapons."

"We'll take care of him," Carol says with a sigh, glancing at the captured Khund, "Alpha Flight has facilities for this sort of thing. They'll get in touch with the Lanterns or the Nova Corps and see about repatriating him once we get everything useful out of him."

To Mary, Carol nods her head and pats the young woman on the shoulder: "You did a hell of a job, Mary Marvel. Very impressive."

To Grail, she frowns slightly and shakes her head: "If it's all the same to you, we've had our fill of portals - they're what got us into this mess. I'd rather just take the long route with the Belle. We appreciate your help, though."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks to Grail. "Well, it would be helpful if you can get me to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, New York City, New York State, America, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Sol System."

Hey, no sense being vague at a time like this.
She smiles to Carol. "Thank you! You, too...maybe we'll meet up again. That would be fun!"
She smiles to Rogue, then says, "It was nice to meet you. I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip home, really."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to roll her eyes at Grail, though the intentions behind it do kind of amuse her. She looks back to Carol, then to the Bounty Hunter and she nods once at him. "We're way more valuable than any weapon a few thousand whatevers woulda bought ya, sugh." She tells the space man.

At Mary though, Rogue offers her best and crispest salute... which is pretty damn spot on even with a space helmet on, but then again her military training is all due to the Captain herself... sort've, it was stolen, look, they've moved past that event!

"Thanks for the help, wayward star traveler!" Rogue tells Mary and then side-eyes Grail.

Grail has posed:
A smirk at Carol and then at the Khund and then she laughs, "That's it? You're a joke." She then looks to Mary and opens a portal for her at least, "Should take you pretty close to that audacious statue of a huge woman." She then considers, "Humans really do like their huge statues." She then shrugs and then looks over to Rogue and Grail before considering, "What...was all this about anyway?" She asks and tilts her head.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Well...planet traveler, but why pick nits?
Mary smiles, then suddenly hugs Grail. "Thank you!" She then waves to the others before flying into the portal and is lost from view.

Mary Marvel ends up on the top of a mountain. "Waaaiiiit a minute..." she says warily, before looking down at the plate screwed into the rock. "I'm on MOUNT EVEREST! Ooooh!"

She launches off and heads back to Brooklyn, and thinks she REALLY needs an autograph book that will stay with her when she transforms. There's no point otherwise.

And she's going to give that blue girl such a PINCH!

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"We're hoping to find out," Carol tells Grail with a thoughtful glance towards the Khund, "Right now, all we know is someone wanted us off Earth and out of the way. Whoever wanted that put this guy on our tail once we got the ship and started to make our way back. Whatever it is, we'll work it out."

"We appreciate your help," she tells Grail earnestly, glancing towards Rogue for a little support on that tentative point, "And we're going to assume you don't need a ride to Earth given the ... portals and things."

That said, she reaches up to rub a hand on the top of Rogue's space helmet like she were ruffling her hair and then heads towards the pilot's seat to take the console and set a course for home.