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Latest revision as of 19:45, 12 January 2020

Mapping The Sentinels
Date of Scene: 27 February 2019
Location: Security Center - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue, Gambit, Cyclops, Jubilee
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has taken over a large segment of space in the Security Center, working out of it while Forge is working elsewhere on the mechanics of the Sentinel head itself. It was brought back to the base only after Forge deactivated it fully, shutting down what turned out to be a homing beacon and a constant data stream.

Kitty has a number of the Security Center's computers at work, but has also brought in all sorts of additional computing power. Including quite a few of her own manufacture, some little more than circuit boards sitting side by side and plugged into power supplies.

One monitor has a scrolling list of terms like: DES/3DES. Blowfish. AES. Twofish. IDEA. MD5. SHA 1. One is highlighted at a time in larger letters, and the notification "Encryption algorithm penetration commencing" along with a status bar indicating how far it has progressed. Blowfish finishes up and AES scrolls up the list and is the next algorithm to attempt to be hacked.

The 3d Holographic display is currently showing a map of the Northeast. Dots populate it in a number of areas, though most seem clustered in two particular areas. There are also different colors for the dots. Red and blue seem to be the predominant colors.

Kitty is on a rolling chair, sliding halfway across the room to a different keyboard. Checking the progress and typing in a bit more. There's also boxes of cereal, some empty, and signs of lots of caffeine having been consumed. She's been at this for awhile, it seems.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pops into the room to take a peak around it, she'd heard some of the noises from inside it coming out into the hallway. She sees the cereal boxes, the girl on the wheely chair and she just grins lightly.

"Well now." She says as she steps fully into the room, her gloved hands inside of her leather bomber jacket pockets. She walks a few steps inside, her green/gold jumpsuit is on beneath her jacket as she's just come from the Danger Room and an exercise in smashing things.

"You've got this place all... uh... Sentinel Headquartered Out? Or something." Rogue says, to Kitty of course. "You doin' okay though? Cereal's not exactly great brain food... so I hear."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau follows his...his... his it's complicated into the room, whistling slightly and shaking his head. He then eyes the cereal boxes and says, "Normally Ah always t'ink of it as Henri dat we gotta force ta eat 'ealthy foods. He picks up one empty box and blinks slightly, "Where in 'eavens name did yah get a box of Count Chocula at dis time of year anyway?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up as Rogue comes in, and then Remy behind her. "Not great brain food? I have a couple of degrees that would like to stand evidence to the contrary," Kitty says with a grin. She looks back to the laptop screen, typing in a bit more and hitting return, then rolling her chair back. Taking a break apparently and giving her friends Kitty's full attention.

"Our cereal is so much better than what the Brits have. They have this thing against coating everything in thick gobs of sugar, it seems," Kitty concludes with a disappointed shake of her head.

She looks over to the box that Remy has in hand. "I have a guy. A... dealer if you will," she tells him before resting her finger on her nose meaningfully like someone out of The Sting.

Kitty glances over at the map. "Anyone know offhand where that factory was that Logan hit?" she asks curiously.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes fall onto the box of Count Chocula that Remy picks up and she smirks at what both of them have to say on that subject. She, however, side steps over to a table and perches one butt cheek onto the corner of it to sit down part-ways on the table's edge while her hands come together out of her jacket pockets between her legs and her elbow rests ontop her thigh.

"I watched a video online about cereal. They said it was originally made for insane asylum patients. Then eventually made only for kids, so they slammed as much sugah inta it as they could. T'get the little buggers attached to it somethin' fierce." She grins lightly. "Mission accomplished, I'd say."

Rogue then looks around the room and swings her foot inside the tall yellow boot that it resides in. "Nope." She says to the question. "Logan doesn't tell me nothin'."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "Ah 'eard dat corn flakes were created by an abusive nursing 'ome. Dey spread corn mush on a baking try super t'in den served it. Dey were surprised as anyone when it was a hit." He shakes his head a bit more coming to stand next to Rogue, sliding his gloved hand into her's. "First Ah 'eard about it was when I 'eard we 'ad a Sentinal 'ead on de front lawn."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde picks up the box of Count Chocula as Remy relinquishes it. Hugging it to her chest like a loved one. "Mission couldn't be more accomplished unless it had 'W' on an aircraft carrier," Kitty agrees with Rogue.

But this assault on the integrity of cereal cannot go fully unchallenged. "Look, I'm not saying it is the perfect food," Kitty says. She hesitates, the young woman's eyes looking up into the air and dancing back and forth a bit as if with a stream of thoughts through her head. "I mean, it is. I'm just not saying it," Kitty counters. "And only because pizza has to be cooked first, while cereal just needs a couple of shakes and some milk."

The monitor shows that the attempt to hack the data packets using methods to break the AES protocol have failed. It scrolls down to Twofish and commences. Kitty's eyes move over to the screen, rolling her wheeled chair closer to look at the parameters being used. "64 bit, not 32. I need more sleep," Kitty says, shaking her head and making the correction.

"Well, there's a big cluster of things putting out the same kind of information as the sentinel head did," Kitty says, motioning towards the map. "So you might be able to get in on the fun you missed in Gotham, Remy. Speaking of which, Anna Marie was awesome in the fight."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes look over to the cajun and she grins at him softly. "Old folks homes are a total scam. I know this girl... she works at one. She says they charge five hundred dollars t'the residents, if a resident asks for one'a them just t'help walk'em back to their room. Five hundred bucks! Can you believe that?" She exhales sharply then before she looks back to Kitty.

"Don't get me started on pizza now, Sugah." Rogue says to the wheeling-around-one. She's just in a good mood though, teasing and all.

"That fight was a scary thing, admittedly. I'm for one glad Magneto showed up and made it clear we're all not gonna stand for this crap."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly to Rogue, giving her hand a playful squeeze. "Ah'm sorry Ah missed it. Ah'm sure yah were brilliant as always chere." He says bringing their gloved hands up together and kissing the back of her's. "An oui, yah c'n usually count on MAgneto to do de right t'ing...when it's convenient foh 'im."

Cyclops has posed:
    "Then from there you're able to take off vertically, while most people think that technology is from the alien tech, it's not. We reverse engineered it from Lockhead." Scott explains to Jubilee who looks like she might have entered a walking comatose state by talking to Scott about something he might be interested in. "Anyways." Scott says as he looks to Kitty and the Terrible Two. (His nickname for Remy and Rogue, because celebrity name mash up game does not work for those two.) ((Look. REGUE GROSS! Or maybe Romy... DUMB)) (((LAME)))

    Where was I?

    Scott shakes his head to get out of his mental block and nods to the three people again. "It wasn't convenient in the slightest. But this is the kind of scenario he's always figured would come to pass. This is what Charles sought to avoid, but it seems we failed." Scott says with a frown crossing his face.

Jubilee has posed:
As she follows along with Scott, Jubilee puts on a good show at least, nodding her head, going 'mmhm' and 'uh huh' now and again as she listens. "That's like .. really cool, Scooter." She says, flashing him a grin briefly as they head into the room. Lifting a hand, she gives a wave to her best friends ... and Remy.

"Laaaadies. I brought you guys something. You'll thank the shit out of me, I know, because I'm amazing. Buuuuut..."

In her hands, she holds up a box of ice cream sandwiches. Chocolate and vanilla. Perfect combination. It's the old school kind too. "So what's up? You guys still poking at a giant robot head or have we moved on to it's stomach contents?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a nod of her head at the mention of Magneto. "Yes, it looks like we're allied with him again. At least for now," Kitty says calmly. She's often kind of outspoken about things involving him, so the acceptance might seem to stand out to some.

"When I get a chance, I want to check with Forge on whether my phasing affects these things like it does other electronics," Kitty says, directing the words primarily to Rogue. "If it does? I figure you can throw me at their head. Let me phase through them. Phaseball Special. Logan won't get to have all the fun anymore," she says with a little grin.

"Hey Scott. Jubi. Ice cream! Oh, you're the best ever," Kitty says. She'll be patient, wait for others to get their before she gets one as well. "If these only were dosed with caffeine," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes go over to Remy as he plays flirty with her like that and she just grins back at him, speaking to him in a more sultry tone. "Seulement pour toi, personne d'autre." She says, barely above a whisper in French, of course.

But then Scott and Jubilee enter and she grins over at the two of them. "Oooo. I haven't had one'a those things since I was a kid!" She extends her right hand out toward Jubilee for an ice cream sandwich and does the gimme-fingers. "You're the sparkle that lights up mah life, Jubilation Lee." She glances at Scott and grins at him. "Hey, Clops."

At Kitty then, Rogue has to grin also. "Phaseball Special. I like the sounda that, don't worry, Miss Kitty. I won't be gentle at all." Such a flirt, this one.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit wickedly, "Careful petie, she means dat. Ah may or may not 'ave de claw marks ta prove it." he says to Kitty with a grin. He nods politely to the X-MEn team leader, since after all their last conversation was not exactly amicable, though he is willing to let that pass. When Jubes hands Rogue and Kitty the ice cream sandwiches however he says to the team leader, "Yah know mon ami, Ah sensing some blaten' sexism goin' on 'ere/

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott slowly starts to blush at Rogue's words, but he ignores the girl as best he can before he looks back to Jubilee with a brown eyebrow appearing from behind his glasses, "Where were you even carrying those?! We talked for like, ten minutes." Scott says before he shrugs and moves on with a shake of his head.

    Scott points at Kitty, "I think it's safe to guess that you would affect them like you effect everything else, but it's good to know for sure. Good thinking Kitty." Scott lowers his hand and then a look is levelled on Gambit who he thinks about talking to privately in the hallway, but it's a passing thought that the X-leader doesn't indulge, but then the joke is offered up like a t-ball. "Yeah, but I think we're both smart enough to not fall for it." Scott says, his eyes lingering on the box of ice cream, but he doesn't push it further than that.

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh, you noticed that, Remy?" Jubilee says as she hands a sandwich to Kitty and Rogue. Turning around, she holds up one last one in her hand, wiggling it about in her fingers before she holds it out to Scott. Her fine brows lift upwards with a grin. "You were so deeply entrenched in your riveting story of Shi'Ar technology and vertical leaps that you didn't see me swipe it from the kitchen on our way past. It's okay, I'm not wounded that you aren't checking me out."

She unwraps one herself, taking a bite from it after lobbing the empty box into the trash, then hops into a chair or sits on top of a table, whatever is easier for her.

"So, what's the word, guys? Getting anything good?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft laugh at the comments from Rogue and Remy. "It would be nice to be able to contribute against these things offensively, too," Kitty comments with a nod to Rogue. Kitty opens up her ice cream sandwich and takes a bit before chuckling at the menfolk's comments to each other.

Kitty rolls her chair over to the 3D map. "Well, there's two big clusters. These ones look like they might be the same as the sentinels," Kitty says. "It's an industrial area." Kitty motions to another cluster. "And this airport has another group, whose data streams seem similar to each other. But not to our Mk 1 Sentinel head," Kitty says.

"I was going to see if Forge could track down if the data is making any hops after the radio station." Kitty hits another control, zooming the map in on station 101.7. There are little indicators on the map of data flowing into it from the dots, with a marker where her packet sniffer is in the network.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins at the conversation between Jubilee and Scott, shaking her head lightly. "Ya know you can only really gab about the jet t'me, Scott. Everybody else is gonna zone out on those conversations." She says this, while she breaks her ice cream treat up into two halves, still wrapped up in the package and then she offers the second half to the Cajun with a smile. "Et voilà" She says to him quietly.

As Kitty starts her presentation, Rogue takes her gloves off and unwraps her ice cream. She stares at the various things that the techno-savvy X-Men lady is showcasing all while she samples the ice cream, licking the edges and mostly focusing on the melty corners rather than the chocolate cake.

After a second, Rogue snaps her fingers of her free hand, a loud *snap!* then she points forward. "Cell phone towers." She says, the ice cream held beside her face. "Should look'n see if they're usin' those damn things. Since, ya know, they're EVERYwhere now." Then her green eyes go back down to her treat.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins that wicked smile at Rogue and says something softly, only a whisper loud enough for her to hear. Then he likewise is removing his gloves to enjoy the sweet and sticky treat. At Rogue's suggestion that they are using cell towers he nods though he says "Not sure dey would rely on dose. Ah mean, Ah can' barely keep a signal sometimes and we got a tower nearby don' we?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott takes the ice cream sandwich and thanks Jubilee with a kind smile before he unwraps it like a burrito and starts to chomp away at it, not concerned about brainfreeze. "Sounds like we better get to work on our best play lists. Someone may end up as a dj soon." Scott says with a big smile as he thought his joke was dang funny, but then he looks around and already knows what everyone's faces look like. "Dazzler would have laughed at that one." He says with a huff before taking another defiant bite.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde motions to Rogue with her ice cream sandwich. "They are using regular commercial means, sending their signal over the internet." Kitty explains the route it is taking. Which might or might not include cell towers.

"And the newer models may be different in how they communicate," Kitty says. "Forge has some data from Logan but we're still analyzing it." She bites into her ice cream. Oh, glorious ice cream.

"I think investigating the station seems a good idea. I haven't dug into it very deep, was mostly dealing with the signals intelligence," Kitty comments. "Might be a good idea for a covert action, even?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues to enjoy her ice cream, mostly just attacking it wherever it is most melty. She grins over at Gambit and shakes her head at him. "Towers in New York are way nicer than the ones out here. Westchester may be one'a the richest counties in the nation, but their towers are a joke."

She grins then over to Scott. "DJ Cyclops has kind've a good ring to it. We don't need Dazzler around t'take all the shine from you!"

At the words Kitty tosses out, Rogue has to tip her right boot against Remy's shin. "There ya go." She tells him. "Your sneaky sneaky group has a mission all cookin'n'stwen' up now."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit at that, nodding slightly, "Oui, yah right... Coincidentally Ah was planning on talking ta Kitty about workin' on de team as well, still Ah was told ta keep de mattah undah mah 'at... not sure we shoul' be discussin' de nattah in mixed company." He says pointing at Jubilee with his thumb, and a moment later gesturing towards her with his head.. subtle? No.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's hand lifts up to his forehead and he actually lifts the glasses up from his eyes so he can rub at them as he takes a deep breath and then resets his glasses on his face. Scott looks to Jubilee with a frown and then to the Terrible Two after he shakes his head. But the leader doesn't say anything directly.

    "We think there's already new models when we just encountered this one?" Scott asks Kitty, trying to get more info but also trying to cover up the conversation he was trying to avoid.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft ah as she hears Remy's comment. "I'd contributed thoughts in the early stage," Kitty says. "And he did such a good job of not discussing it, I didn't know he had discussed it." She flashes a quick grin.

The monitor showing the attempt to hack the encryption moves on to the next algorithm. Kitty grumbles for a second before she swivels on her chair to look back to Scott. "That's what Forge said. He said the head was from an older model than what they are working on at the factory. I haven't seen the details myself on that," Kitty shares with their fearless leader.

"Talked to Piotr. It'll be good to have him back on the team," she says, focusing her attention back on her ice cream sandwich.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue finishes off her ice cream sandwich half and then looks down to her gloves draped over her lap. "I'm tellin' ya, these are all just 'tests' as much as they are attacks on all'a us and our kind. They're just gatherin' up info on everything and poppin' out different versions'a these things until they find the ultimate one that can wipe us all out." She shakes her head then side to side as she looks up and over to Scott.

"If they're goin' on a secret missions with their sneaky sneakies, does that mean I get t'go somewhere and smash stuff? I wanna smash some stuff, DJ Cyclops." One glove is slipped back on after the other and the wrapper for the sandwich-half is balled up and tossed at a silver waste bin.

Jubilee has posed:
As she listens, Jubilee finishes her sandwich, licking her lips clean. She walks about the room, giving a glance at a few instruments, but otherwise she remains quiet as the big brains do their thing.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau leans over and stage whispers "An' dat's why Ah wasn' gonna take yah. Yah know 'ow 'ard it is ta do sneaky t'ings when yah got a flying brick along side yah?" his tone playful and amused however. He finishes his own half an ice cream, sending the wrapper towards the waste paper basket as well, dropping it right behind her's. He has some things he wants to ask Kitty, but Scott did order him to keep this low key-ish.

Cyclops has posed:
    "It would be great to have Piotr back. Are you cool with him being back on the team, no bad blood between you two or anything?" Scott asks, trying to make sure everything will be good to go in case there's a sudden need for the X-men he doesn't want any bad blood to cause the team to not function so well. Scott takes another bite of his ice cream and gives Rogue a look. "There will be time for that eventually, Rogue, but until then, you and I have some drills to run in the simulator." Scott notes before he looks back to Jubilee, one of the more senior members here, "Go anything to add Sparkie?" Scott asks, knowing the girl is capable of some deeper input than she's been offering.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a nod back to Remy as if she understands. She starts to swivel towards Scott when one of the computers beeps at her. She rolls over. Types a few commands and then sets it back to work.

Kitty rolls back and says, "Talked to him for a bit today. We're good. We won't have any problem working together." She looks ok with it as well, seeming satisfied. She's also still wearing the Star of David necklace that started showing up on her neck around Valentine's Day.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to smirk over at Remy then and she shakes her head. "The desire t'be sneaky, and the desire t'smash things are two completely different things." She says as she reaches up to lightly pat the side of Remy's left cheek with her gloved hand. "You'll be hard pressed t'find a girl who can covert your ops, bettah than me, Sugah." She says as she drops off of the table then and starts walking for the door with a sway to her hips. "I'm ready t'run drills, DJ Cyclops." She says to their team leader as she moves to exit the room. "Thanks for the info, Kitty! And for the ice crea, Jubilation!"

Jubilee has posed:
"You guys are talking about how the signals are coming outta radios, right? Did we ever figure out about that drone that was in the air that day that Rogue saw? Or even take a peek at satellites that may have been shot up into space? Maybe check out some of the manufacturers of the robot parts. See if any companies they belong to launched satellites. Broader range of signals to send over the world, easier to gather data, better encryption." Jubilee says as she rubs at her nose, straightening up. She waves to Rogue as she leaves. "No problem!" She calls out.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Glad to hear it Kitty. Piotr will have his access reinstated immediately, if he doesn't already have it that is." Scott say with a look to Rogue as she leaves and rolls his eyes. "You all got the rest of this, I'm going to try to teach that girl about discretion, and how to maybe be a little be subversive." The leader says as he finishes his ice cream on the way out. "Thank you again Jubilation."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde just gets a soft grin for her teammates. "I think I might go catch a cat nap." Or maybe that makes it a Kat nap. "This is going to be running for a while longer, should be able to go without me for a few hours."

Kitty rises to her feet. "I don't know about the drone, Jubes. I never saw it. I do think that Forge was looking into parts though, he was going over the mechanics of the Sentinel. Definitely worth talking to him about that part," she says.

Kitty stifles a yawn then. "Catch you all later," she tells them.