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Owls Most Fowl
Date of Scene: 13 January 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Mon El manages to save some kidnapped civilians. But the crooks got away
Cast of Characters: Kid, Mon-El

Kid has posed:

Late at night, when people are about going home to where they belong...they have been dissappearing. No cameras sighted the would be kidnappers. No footprints left, no trails to follow. It was as if each victem was spirited away. Even cameras are able tpo capture the person with the next frame, the people vanishing.

This most recent string of dissappearance has unsettled the people of the local area, their unease apparent. And the threatenings worlds of 'The Owl Watches' making people fear a new gang not yet seen before was moving in.

And to a degree...they were right. A conflagaoration or perhaps coven of magic users have taken residence in one of the abandon warehouse. Silencing spells, illusions and so forth being erected to protect their hideout, which may attract those of magical inclination. Both from within and from outside.

However, what they didn't expect, was having inadventedly Kidnapping a gorilla. A very very ANGRY gorilla right now. This gorilla was roaring and slamming into his cage with such ruckus, those with at least super powered hearing could likely hear.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar hadn't been back to Earth in a while. After the latest conflict the Legion had been engaged in had finally been resolved and things at least somewhat returned to some semblance of normalcy (if it could even be called that), he'd decided to spend some time here to recharge a bit. After all Earth is one of the better and more interesting places to go soaking up that yellow solar radiation.

    So the Daxamite is just out for a leisurely stroll in Manhattan, trying to get Brainiac's defection off of his mind for a little bit at least. Not even flying, not even wearing the uniform. But there's no mistaking that angry gorilla roar coming from that warehouse. Lar has an inkling about who it might be, but he peers through the walls of the building to try getting a read on the situation first--assuming it's not lined with lead.

Kid has posed:
Lars' vision is more or less on the dot. When he looks to the building, it like looking through a slice of cheese with holes of various sizes. This is due to old peeling lead paint. It offers him a semblance of a picture but not the whole thing unless he intends to go up to a large 'hole' to take a closer look.

But what he does see is a bunch of folks in robes reminicnet of owls. Some chanting and preparing oddly colored fires. Cages containing people can be seen...some clearly knocked out with others seeming to just be wating there afraid.

Kid could also be seen making a hell of a ruckus. He seems to be hit with a free magic bolts that sent him reeling back...but he only fights harder agaist his cage, as if he was going berzerk.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar frowns at the scene inside. Definitely not good, but he hesitates to get involved. He knows this planet has a lot of vigilante types, some of whom would probably be better suited to dealing with this situation without wrecking absolutely -everything-. Well, at least Kid seems to be physically fine, with all that kicking and screaming. Not so sure about some of the others.

    Still, he moves closer to a larger hole in the paint to get a better look, trying not to make a sound although stealth isn't exactly his forte.

Kid has posed:
Well not quite fine. Kid is taking hits from magic, and it shows. He just isn't able to calm down when he is caged up. Strike after strike is levied at him to try and get him down. It clear that these people...whoever they were, wanted him alive. And everyone else for that matter.

As Lars looks inside, there seems to be Seven made wizards, and much weaker underlings keeping everyone else in stasis or making preparations. Including writing Runes on the ground that were begining to glow. One cage with a person is picked up and moved into the center of the circle, as a ritual was begining.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs. He doesn't -really- want to deal with this, but they do seem to be hurting Kid. And they do seem to be about to do something most likely up to no good at all to someone in one of the cages.

    So he walks right up to whichever door is closest to where the ritual is about to take place and opens it--if it's locked he opens it anyway as if it hadn't even been locked at all and walks right into the midst of them.

    "All right I don't know what you're planning on doing with these people but it's going to have to stop right now and you're going to let them -all- go back home to their families and friends immediately." he demands. "Seriously the less I have to hurt you the better." At this, his eyes begin to glow the crimson color characteristic of Daxamites and Kryptonians, to show them just what they are up against.

Kid has posed:
Kids was hit with a few last bolts before he seems down for the count. Or taking a breath. Much to the relief of those handling him.

But than they all turn to Lars and his abrupt entrench. They look at each other...and than back to him. There was a rather arkward pause, as none of them were clearly expecting this.

However it was the more older looking seven who seem to act first. With a raise of a hand....the attack begins.

Well less an attack and more a volley of spells. Quick incantations are emited and suddenly Spells ment to knock Lars back with good forced are fired at him. While others erect forcefields of magic to protect themselves and their masters.

Mon-El has posed:
    Urgh. Magic. Lar -hates- magic. He manages to dodge some of the bolts, but with all of them attacking at once some of them send him into a wall, causing it to crack open and pieces of ceiling rafters to bend and groan, threatening to cave in. Also, do these types -ever- do the smart thing and just surrender?

    His body blurs forward off of the damaged wall once he manages to recover himself, but instead of attacking any of the shields or magic-wielders, he focuses on trying to dodge or block their projectiles while he begins to peel pieces of wiring or thin strips of metal off of various exposed portions of the warehouse's framework.

Kid has posed:
Well, Lars may find that to be a BAD idea...for long periods of time or even attempting such. As his vision had revealed - he was infact dealing with lead. The holes were just the result of those portions of the building being stripped from ears of use. As such his stripping of wiring and even metal was rustling up or bringing him into contact with lead itself.

But it seems that these guys were trying to keep Lars busy. They do keep up the assult, seeming rather mindful of the building itself. As the goons continue trying to knock out or restrain him...the other Older wizards were already beating a Hasty retreat. It seems they had no desire for a prolonged battle.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well coming to Earth period would have been a bad idea, if not for Brainiac's miracle serum. Of course Lar would never actually call it that in front of the Coluan, but for him that's what it really was, since he would've been dead a long time ago or still stuck in the accursed Phantom Zone had it not been for that.

    The bolts from the goons knock him this way and that here and there, further degrading the structural integrity of the building. But he focuses on moving fast, to make it hard for them to hit him. He also notices the older guys starting to make a run for it. Oh, good. That'd make this even easier, then! Once he has gathered several strips of metal or wire, he starts attempting to thread them through the cages, gathering them up like giant keychains on a string.

Kid has posed:
The Old Men slow in their escape - despite the fact that there underlings were being Mindful of the power there using - somehow Lars is still hitting things hard enough to cause damage. This ment one of two things - Lars was either purposefully trying to bring the building down, really bad at controlling himself, or he somehow amplified magic that hit him. All possibilities were certainly of interest.

Just not interesting enough to stay put. The Old Wizard reach there distination and in a flurry of feathers...they simply dissappear. Not a trace of them left behind.

The task done, the rest of the underlings begin to beat their own hasty retreat. Some keeping Lars busy while the others make their escape. Clearly stopping him from taking the cages wasn't a priority, but getting away was. They could always kidnap more people after all. But it still ask the question of why do so in the first place

Mon-El has posed:
    Well that works out perfectly, because rescuing these people right now is -Lar's- priority. Some other people who are actually good at magic would probably be better at tracking down and apprhending these guys. He threads up the rest of the cages using the metal strips, gathering the ends together as quickly as he can and flies out of there!

Kid has posed:
Lars is able to successfully get everyone out of there. At least there crooks had some thought proccess. Sure they were not surrendering, but least they didn't try and out do what may have been a one sided fight. Still...Kid was not happy, and whoever was nearest his cage was staying the hell away as best they can, cause it clear they would be shredded limb from limb if the enraged gorilla got his hands on them.

Mon-El has posed:
    Once Lar has reached a safe distance from the place, he takes the cages to the nearest police station, hoping the local could handle getting people back home. Of course, he opens the cages for them, though. Save them the trouble. But when he gets to Kid's, he kinda leans in a little bit. "You okay there bud?" he asks.

Kid has posed:
The Answer was a resounding NO! Kid eyes had none of his intelligence, but all his rage and anger. If that didn't make it clear enough, Kid trying to grab Lars and slam him into the bars of his cage, probably would make it clear he wasn't okay. It also rather clear he was a danger to anyone (except maybe lars) that got near him.

He was right about the police though. They began taking statements, finding out what happened. And...they seemed to recognize Kid. Already someone was comming out with a Tranq gun....a heavy duty Tranq Gun, as if they delt with Kid before. One officer says to Lars "Step away Son, we got it from here"

Mon-El has posed:
    When Kid tries to grab him, Lar catches the arm attempting to do so and holds it back, though as gently as possible so as not to actually injure him any further. "Hey. Hey Kid. Calm down. You're safe now. It's Lar, remember me?"

    He holds a hand up to the officers as they approach. "Just wait a minute, I might be able to get him to settle down."

Kid has posed:
    "Kid, that not a good idea. Not so long as he in that cage." The Officer says, as the other gets in position, ready to fire, but holding back for now.

And well...it seems rather true. Kid doesn't seem to recognize Lars at all. He even grabs Lars arm that holds him, and suddenly Lars would be able to Hear Kid inner Beast loud and clear. It wanted two things: Freedom...and Blood. And the sensation...it was the strangest of all. As if something was trying to pull in his memories, his emotions, his thoughts.... Not just pull in...but consume. Could it be Kid own abilities going Berzerk as well? Regardless, the longer contact is maintained, the more powerful the sensation will become.

But something clicks...the doors open.

The door....is open.

Kid BOLTS like a demon out of hell! He was just running for it like his life depended on it. The other officer opened fire...but missed as Kid dove into an ally and just kept running, as if he was unable to stop himselfr.

The officer grumbles "Heh. Probably inform animal control bout this...just to be safe"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar frowns as Kid starts to use some kind of telepathy on him. If that's what it even was. He wasn't sure, because he hasn't encountered anything like it before. All at once, some kind of reflexive reaction kicks in, perhaps a natural self-defense against this odd mental assault. His eyes blaze, the thermal vision threatening to lash out at Kid.

    However, Kid ends up just rushing off once the cage is open instead. The glow fades, and Lar just watches him take off. "Nah, he'll calm down...eventually."