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Latest revision as of 03:44, 17 January 2020

Log 6404
Date of Scene: 07 February 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Cannonball, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Kid has posed:
It is late afternoon in mutant town. A particularly bad snow storm had made it a snowday. So folks where out in force. Around the town snowball fights, and snowangels were abound along with snowmen. And some Kids even found an area to create a small ice rink to skate on (with a bit of powered help from an icey mutant).
    Kid was here just watching everything. He looked strangely content as if trying to concentrate on something. He was as usual in his sweater, jeans and boots, but wore little else. Not even his hood, as a gorilla wasn't the strangest thing to be seen in this part of town

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out in mutant town this evening. He flew in and is actually doing some shopping. The young man is walks about checking out the shops in the area. Sam is scanning the area for interesting things.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
And in all her near 1 ton currently forced to be centaur glory is Kae. Her hoof falls are quieted by the snow and all, but those broad pie-pan hooves and her sheer weight seems to help the woman get through the snow rather easily. Her presence doesn't really seem to other most norms much, until she's either bumped into, which kind of makes for a suprised gasp, or she actually addresses someone.

The large horse-woman pauses near a person selling fresh pretzels, and smiles before ordering a dozen or so, garlic parmesian pretzels at that. Kae smiles and as she gets her pretzels begins walking on, high stepping just a bit to get her feet clear of the snow...

Kid has posed:
Kid hmmms a long momenty and stares intently at the snow. He closes his eyes, not too shy about using abilities in the first place - let alone here....the snow around the area changes into a rainbow hued specticle! It seems to delight many of the kids. Some try the snow and other procede to make forts out of it, or prep snowballs for a bigger way!
    Of course Kid notices Samuel and raises a big ol' mit to wave at him. He can sense Kaelyn, but he doesn't seem to notice her, perhaps because of whatever effect she is currently putting out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walks over as he sees the waving friend and says "Hey there." He will nod to the man, and looks to the kids "Don't eat the yellow snow." He makes the childish joke for the kids, and says "Hey Jua, how you doing man?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae notes Kid and the snow, and well Samuel, and well, the woman turns, starting to clop in their general direction as she nibbles, ok chows down, on a pretzel. Thing about being this big, it's costing her a bloody fortune for food... As she gets closer she offers a wave "Heya..." She says to no one quite in particular, this time drawing some oohs and ah's from some kids, and as she comes to a stop, ends up with a little girl now litterally hanging from her tail... Kae blinks and looks back, freezing a bit as she stares at the kid... "I'm attached to that." she says friendily enough..

The Kid then goes to wrapping around a foreleg, while calling out pony.. a lot...

Kid has posed:
    Kid now sees Kaelyn...and the kids swarming her. This could make for a really REALLY good prank, but he merely chuckles showing off his canines. He signs "Hello. Seems yea got a little mono attached to yea." to Kaelyn. Although the voice sounded off as if something was begining to distort his tech he used for communication. But it wasn't out yet.
    But to Samuel he signs "Doing fine, just practicing a few things" his lips still curled in a grin. He gestures to the colored snow "As yea can see"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head in greeting to the woman, and looks at the kid. The man seems thoughtfull. He looks to the woman to see if she is ok with the kid he will not say anytihng. "I did not know you could do this, interesting."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae then umms "Yus, I seem to have.." She winces as Another kid is now tugging on the feathering of her hooves "A following." She says and siiighs, she glance sto the kids "Oookay folks, that fur, that hair the tail the legs are all part of me, I'm not a jungle gym ok?" She says to them simply. "Also if you did this to a normal horse, you'd get hurt.. so now's the time to stop..." She says, then sighs and wel uses magic to create a number of snowmen and women to play with the kids, oh and snow ponies for the little girl.. .distractions work well right?

Kid has posed:
     Kid grunt and signs "Considering we hardly know each other, not to surprising. Illusions are a specialty of mines." he admits "Well least it something I use alot. Good for scaring and for playing..." and he got this smile like mischiouse was on his mind, as he looked to Kaelyn
    But than Kaelyn got her magic on and many of the kids were quite distracted. Actually it startled Kid as extra people just appeared! A surgence of folks usually ment a surgence of emotions to combat for him. He signs at Kaelyn "...alright, thats an impressive trick"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and raises a brow but smiles as he sees the woman distract th ekids and try to educate them as well. "Well, we have seen a bit of action together, but to be true illusions would not have been much use that day. He loooks to the woman, and nods again "Sam." He introduces himself.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms "Well yeaaah, sometimes being a mage is useful, I generally try not to use a whole lot of overt magics in public unless I have to, buuuut well with the kids clinging to me and stuff and my current size, one flinch could hurt one.." She says and shrugs "That and it hurts getting yer tail and fur yanked on." She adds and shrugs...

kae then suddenly yawns... "Ummmm, yeaaah, I'm sorry to visit and run, I need to wander off to the house and grab sleep."

Kid has posed:
    Kid chuckles and signs the voice module sounding normal again "See you Kaelyn...odd one that girl. Wonder if I can learn magic" he was curiouse to that. But none the less he looks back to Samuel...and eyes him "Guess your right. As for how helpful the illusions would have been....well it may have been" he says "All depends on your use."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Got a few friends who can do the magic thign but Ah don't quite understand it myself, but then I am a bit straight line, I fly through things, and leave big holes behind."

Kid has posed:
Kid chuckles and signs "Well that the great thing about magic, yea gotta accept it sometimes ain't ment to be understood...I think. You just do the thing and the thing happens. Least...I think that is how that works?" he gives pause before shining on "But still flying through things must be handy"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "It can have it's uses but so can illusions. It would be fun to play and torment with my brothers and sisters.