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Latest revision as of 06:06, 20 January 2020

Friend New Mutants edition.
Date of Scene: 18 January 2020
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: and a double date may happen
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Prismatic, Cypher, Magik

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has came down to the Rec Room with Alexis. The couple are over by the pool table. He looks to her, and says "You ever learn to play?" He nods towards the table. He has smiles over to her, as he steps over getting them each a drink from the mini bar.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'm afraid not," Alexis begins a reply to Sam, "I've never been very good at billards or pool. Just don't have the skill for it." she admits to the Good ol' Southern Boy as she follows him in. "H'lo everyone!"

Cypher has posed:
    Doug has a tablet in his hand. He's walking down the hall, making notes on it, swiping through documents with his other hand, and not looking up. He passes by the door to the rec room, muttering to himself.

Magik has posed:
The silicone tray isn't large, just six cups wide. The contents will win absolutely no prizes for prettiest option and if Paul Hollywood were to turn his fat finger onto the uneven surface and call it stodgy, his contestant clopping into the rec room might kick him through a wall or grow curled horns from that pale flaxen mane. She tried. Nothing smokes, nothing still blazes or heaves to a magmatic temperature she cannot feel.

Whatever tongues she can utter are not inhuman at the moment, rather thoughtful instead. "The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns," she intones. A scrap of poetry given Russian flow with English precision. Haunting Doug is apparently now her job.

But the scent of cream and vanilla are heavenly, and the streusel topping on her muffin offering gleams under a soft crumble of brown sugar.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and looks over to "Alexis, and says "Well if your wanting to learn, I am willing to teach you." He grins and moves to put an arm around her, and seeing doug he will call out "Turn left Doug." trying to direct the man into the room with them. Seeing Illyana, he grins over to her "Hey Illy." He greets her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Good afternoon, Doug, Illyana. Goodness, those smell fabulous." she states in regards to the muffin, sniffing the air a moment. "Is that from one of the books in the kitchen? I managed to not destroy the last batch of cookies I tried."

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses, after walking by the door, and he backtracks, still looking at his tablet. He follows the scent of the muffins all the way in, without looking up, and then reaches out to take one off the tray and take a bite of it, still without looking up. Nomf nomf nomf nomf. He inhales it. There aren't even any crumbs.

Magik has posed:
"Hello, Sam. Alexis." Greetings for all! "No. I watched someone wiser than me." There may or may not be a trashcan somewhere full of rejected muffins. It may be her first try. Illyana carefully maneuvers around the pool table and the various other paraphernalia that symbolize necessity to the general age group dwelling here. She carefully extends the offering to rest on a nearby table. "They have strawberries in most. The recipe called for it. Two have a chocolate swirl." Beat. "Supposedly."

She pulls at her sleeve where it snuck up over her wrist. Doug probably doesn't have to worry about the petite Russian sorceress sneaking up on him but she slides in behind him to put her chin on his shoulder. That does mean almost standing on tiptoe. What she whispers is a poem. Must be. Has been.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit and says "Oh reminds me, Illyana, was going to ask you sometime in next couple weeks might helping Alexis and Ah make a trip to England. Got a few things planned." He does look over to Alexis and says "Oh and maybe planning rescue mission soon, if so might get you and Doug both to come with us."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis couldn't put her chin on Sam's shoulder unless she had a stepladder. The problems of being short.

    She gives a wry grin as she hops onto a stool nearby, and she blinks a moment "I... rescue mission? Sam, what kind of trouble do you anticipate us having at home?!"

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrow at the poem, and his cheeks glow pink, just a bit. Then he turns, suddenly, and kisses Illyana on the cheek. He has his mind on his work, apparently. He looks back to his tablet, and says, "Always anticipate trouble. We've never been disappointed."

Magik has posed:
Illyana is not someone who knows how to blush. Paint big pink circles on her cheeks with rouge, like some Versailles cast off, and she still would be unable to summon the colour to turn flaming bright. But oh, those eyes, arctic pale blue by nature, can burn when called upon for the requisite emotional responses. Subtle but there, even as she tilts her cheek to receive the payment for muffin or whispered suggestion. "It took a bit," she explains without preamble.

A slight gesture with her hand reaches the silicone pan of five muffins, now. "Please." Someone wants to die, right? Russian cooking roulette? "Where in England?" That's more of a tone of 'making plans' than 'interrupting her day.' She nods to Alexis and Sam. "Of course. Transatlantic flights are bad for the environment. And rescue missions. Passports, borders." She shrugs her shoulder purposefully.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will get one of the muffins "Well the trip to england is hopefully just going to be fun and relaxing the rescue mission is more Illyana, myself and others, but if you two are able to come, might be useful to have someone who knows a bit about trying to keep herself hidden and also someone who can talk to the natives.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Tuche. I'd almost hate to have to risk my real name being used..." Alexis admits as she grasps a muffin.

    "The village of Rooks-on-the-River, with the school of Saint Cecilia's." she explains, "It;s... where I grew up. Before I fled to America." Alexis rubs the back of her head a moment as she gives a huff, and considers. "About an hour and a half north of London?"

Cypher has posed:
"People were making noises about setting up a new filing and requisitions system in the school head office." Doug says, "So I've been setting that up. Just another in my many, many jobs," He looks up and beams, "But if you really need my help, sure, I'll come along. We're actually in the final stages of the X-Corporation tech infrastructure setup."

Magik has posed:
"Too many jobs? I was thinking of working with Jamie, but maybe not. Do you need anything?" This Illyana speaks of almost carelessly. Her chin lifts as she bumps Doug with her hip. "I would like to go. Both to the rescue and the country. I can do that. Let me check a map."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to illyana, "Well the rescue is what we were talking about last night with Thor. " He tells her. "And Alexis and Ah were talking about taking a few folks, what ya think hon?" He will ask as he walks over breaking the muffin in half offering Alex a bit of it, as he moves to stand next to her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "... is this going to be another sword appearing on your bedroom wall, Sam?" she questions, raising an eyebrow, but she exhales. "I should be fine going about and trying to not mess up too badly on the rescue, but in the case of the trip, there's certain openings for others to come. Sam's convinced me to visit my Nan."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow, and then asks, in mild tone, "What's wrong with swords? Lots of people in this school have swords. I mean, I don't." He says. "...They don't trust me with sharp objects."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputina dips her head and brushes her hand over her bangs. "Another sword on the wall? I want another thing like this to happen to me. I like them just fine." She makes a swift gesture and a pretty katana, very clearly old, is just /there/.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Think it is more a rib about our asguardian trip it being Thor and all. But na hon, this would be more a bat'leth on the wall than a sword. It is on a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Who all is going and when it still waiting on Thor, but looks like Illyana maybe the way of getting there.

Prismatic has posed:
    ".... Sam what on Earth is a bat'leth?" Alexis asks, raising an eyebrow, and she gives a little shrug for a moment, and leans back, watching the others... and nomming on her muffin. Ooh. Chocolate.

Cypher has posed:
Doug helps himself to another muffin, and then Doug glances at Sam, and his eyebrows go up. "Sam, chaj web wo'vaD. quvHa'ghach tuqwIj! nuq bat'leth!?" He shakes his head.

Magik has posed:
"Something from a show?" The closest guess that Illyana has lies in the gist of conversation and Doug ranting angrily about something as tender as suggesting he enjoys the company of friends, muffins are delicious, or holding a katana is dangerous and please keep the pointy end down. She will not question, one way or the other, what this can be.

Rather she holds the blade easily downward, the fatal killing edge folded and refined in a technique lost to time, largely, and whimsical archaeologists. "Thor's friends were taken. Abducted by someone in another part of the galaxy. I do not have much information about them yet." Stress to the last word implies a purpose. "Sam, have you learned much? The missing men -- Tony Stark, Captain Rogers." He always gets the title. "The ones who hold them are not aware of us yet. I think it is best to scry in Limbo all the same. We have a name for them, though, yes?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Alexis and says "It is from Star Trek, it is a curved blade from the klingon, and thats what Doug is speaking. I aint heard anything yet other than the information we got last night." He rubs Alexis's back "Do need to warn ya hon, if we go to Limbo, Illy is in charge but it is very much what most pictures of a version of hell, without the lakes of fire, least not at the places I have seen.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis looks at Doug, and tilts her head "I have the distinct feeling I might have just been insulted in nerd." she teases lightly, and gives a smile to Ramsey before she turns back to Sam.
    "Well, yes... I mean I've read Dante's Inferno, I can't imagine anywhere called 'Lim--" that's when it hits her.

    "... Captain Rogers is missing?" she quetions quietly. And she rubs the back of her head a moment, then looks to Sam, then Illyana, and she gives a nod. "Well, count me in for anything then. His timely arrival likely saved my life."

Cypher has posed:
Doug beams at the others, and then tosses his tablet aside, before he turns to Illyana and says something ELSE in Klingon. Whatever it was, it sounded like a challenge.

"neH ghoghmey jIH jagh slay 'ej batlh qem tuqwIj, par'Mach'kai!"

Of course, maybe it's good that Illyana *doesn't* know Klingon, because the correct response is to belt Doug across the face hard enough to knock him over.

Magik has posed:
That katana of surpassing worth on the antique market is still impressive, beautiful as the woman fully skilled in wielding it. She doesn't bother to wave it around, instead opening her hand and allowing a deep violet tumble of embers to rise upwards. No words here, only gestures, locking together complex, strange patterns. "Il-Lupu ftit, taf li nista ' ninterpretaha kwalunkwe lingwa li rrid tuza jesplicitaw semplici? Regina ma tistax taffordja li ma tkunx tista ' tigi injoranti mal-girien taghha, imperfetta ghall-qaddejja taghha, jew matt ghall-Gheziez taghha," she replies calmly, snapping off every last syllable that sounds like Italian met Mr. Ginzu and they lived happily ever after in the Kree Empire.

Some of those sounds don't even -belong- in a human tongue, surely. But she achieves them quite well.

"Dante might have had a vision. I do not know, the previous rulers tend to be rather reluctant to share," she says quietly. "Did Captain Rogers save you too? I begin to think he is behind half of the people living, if Charles is not."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Well he did have a pre start on that." He jokes. "To be honest, might be more us rescuing who ever teleported them from them, but when we do find them want to get them home. I am putting the word out to see if Lila happens over them also.

Prismatic has posed:
    "A few months ago, yeah. Terrorst cell busted up a party I was performing at. I had to take a slug to the chest in order to confuse the gentleman manhandling me, which has resulted in my newly formed 'teach Alexis to beat people up' lessons, courtesy of Mr. Guthrie." Alexis replies, though she is leaning back from Ilia and the katana, because sharp things might not get through her skin, but they do hurt to be hit with.

    "And I don't mind swords, for the record, I fence."

Cypher has posed:
Doug's cheeks flush red, and then he rubs the back of his neck, and says, "Well that sorta puts ME out of a job, doesn't it?" He asks, sheepishly, a little smile on his face. "...Par'mach is the Klingon term for romantic love," He says, to Alexis, "...Just with more broken bones."

Magik has posed:
"Magic is not the antidote to every issue," explains Illyana. She collapses the violet embers into a neat helix that crashes into itself, plummeting back into her palm and absorbed away. "What makes you is not the magic. This is only a facet of a job." Whatever that means, one way or another, she doesn't go out of her way to exactly explain. Enough that Doug gets a pointedly level look, and the sword is put next to the muffins. She probably would toss Cap's shield away like that too.

"He helped save you. More reason to happen. I want to see him back because he is a good man. It is enough. They will one day need our help or we theirs. Best not go to war now." She shrugs.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "And something I have learned in the whole super hero thing, that works in the friends and dating world both. We are always more than the parts when we are together. " He leans over and kisses Alexis's cheek, and says "Ah know Ah am a better me with Alexis with me."

Prismatic has posed:
    "He and Wasp and the shapechanger saved a lot of people that night." Alexis replies to Illyana, though she's turned a little red when Sam leans in and kisses her cheek, and she straightens up a moment, her eyes going a little wider, and she turns an absolute dark shade of red, unnaturally so for her complexion, and she levels a look at Sam as she narrows her eyes.

Cypher has posed:
"You do the right thing because it's right," Doug says, putting aside his flirting, "Because someday you're going to need someone to do the right thing, too." He helps himself to another muffin. He's probably going to eat them all, which is a sure sign that he likes them, and that he's cheating on his diet.

Magik has posed:
"Exeunt in three, two," Illyana counts down for the necessity of it, the numbers haunting her lips and keenly measured on whether bailing to give Alexis and Sam privacy is essential. She's the demon queen. Such looks or times of someone about to erupt into a magma plume or decimate a building are likely plenty common for her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles at Alexis, a bit more and says "So, you two want to join us out for dinner sometime. Ah want to make sure we all have time to spend together, and keep being part of one another's lives.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a defeated sigh.

    "The horrible thing about having the prismatic layer under my skin is the fact that it's solely defensive in nature, but does nothing for embarrassing boyfriends. Dishonor upon your cow, Guthrie, and may your bubble never squeak."

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives a sheepish look to the others, and then slips his arm around Illyana's waist. "Where're we goin'?"

Magik has posed:
"Is there going to be a cow raid?" asks Illyana. She looks down at the arm wrapped around her waist, and then up to Doug, holding very still for a few furtive seconds. Long enough for the instincts to maim to end up flattened. See? Learning. Very slowly learning.

"Yes. We should." Decided on that, she nods to the others. Her not-glowing, totally normal Japanese sword worth too much money is on a table alongside some demolished muffins with a streusel topping. Reason they might be eaten. "Do not be ashamed for your gifts, Alexis. It is pretty."

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses, and looks embarassed. "...I thought we were going to teleport away." He looks left, and looks right.

Magik has posed:
The answer is a second later: golden line swirling through reality and then, the pair are gone.