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Midnight stakeout
Date of Scene: 21 December 2019
Location: Brendan Cemetery, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Buffy spends Christmas Eve in a cemetary, fighting Vampires alongside Thomas.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
Most people would be Christmas shopping right now and spending time with family. Buffy however, was feeling pretty anxious with all the Master threats, and so she had decided to let off some steam by hunting down a rumoured nest of vampires, and with any luck she might just find a lead on another missing classmate. So far however, the cemetery seems pretty quiet..We're even vamps busy celebrating the holidays rather than lurking out tonight? "Let's hope not.." she mutters aloud, carrying a mini backpack on her shoulders, complete with slaying tools and probably some other surprises as well..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith meanwhile isn't carrying anything of note, though the shape of a pair of Kukri knives can be made out under his coat... if one knows what they are looking for. "Honestly Buffy," he says amused, "You know most people would see a night of /not/ running into demonic blood sucking hellspawn as a /good/ night. I'm generally one of them and I call some of them my friends." He says amused.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has her senses peeled for the slightest noise, but Thomas is pretty sneaky, and she yells, spinning around to face him with a stake in her hand. Fortunately she catches herself before actually staking him, although she comes within an inch of stabbing him in the heart. "Thomas! What are you doing here? You should have said something sooner.." she pulls her stake quickly away, not wanting to make that mistake again. She does smile a little though, "Well, this is my idea of 'fun.." she grins.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith doesn't flinch away from the strike, if anything he has an even bigger grin on his face then usual as she "almost" attacks him. He smirks just a bit and says "Have you ever thought of other hobbies? Board Gaming has been having a resurgence. Or BASE Jumping? He smirks a bit and comes to her side, keeping a steady eye out for other things that do go bump in the night.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and shrugs, "And where's the pulse pounding, edge of your seat, death defying fun in that? I'll take this over some silly board game any day..Wouldn't you?" she playfully punches him in the shoulder, glad for the unexpected company, "Anyway, it's way more fun to go patrolling when you've got a cute guy at your side...How've you been? I haven't seen you in a bit..Been keeping busy?" of course she had been doing her bouncer job at the Blue Lady part time but she didn't often see him on her odd shifts.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a little bit, "So says someone who has obviously been playing the wrong board games. I'll have to show you my collection some time." He smirks just a bit giving her a wicked smile, "Of course there are things I'd /rather/ be doing with a cute girl in a cemetery... As a matter of fact, if horror movies are to be believed it's the /fastest/ way to summon all the nasties." He says waggleing his eyebrows. He nods to her "Keeping busy," question. "definitely busy. End of the Quarter taxes, plus making sure all the Employees get their tax information..." he head shakes a bit and laughs, "Sometimes I wonder if having my own personal hunting ground is worth the trouble.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a wary brow at him as she keeps one eye on her surroundings. "Really..Do I even wanna know what kinds of board games someone like you would play?" of course there's a part of her that is curious enough to really know, because the only board games she has played are monopoly and life. Her smile widens, eyes sparkling in amusement at his suggestive hints, "Oh yeah? Well actually that does kinda lure them out..." not that she's about to start smooching him right now, tempting as it may be. "Actually that reminds me, I have a little something for you.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Dead of Winter." he replies with a bit of a grin, "It's sort of like playing Walking Dead the game. Your on the edge of your seat the entire time, not sure who you can trust. The Zombies are less scary then your fellow players." He smirks just a bit. "The idea of making out in a cemetery reminds you that you have something for me? I must say Ms. Summers, I am beginning to very much like the way you think." He says playfully.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "Zombie Apocalypse?" she grins, "Sounds like my kinda game, we should play sometime?" his flirtations do cause her to falter a bit though. "Erm...Well What I mean is...Look out!" eyes widen suddenly, shoving him out of the way as a vampire suddenly grabs her and hurls her into a nearby headstone. Three more vamps join the first, one of them wearing a Gotham University ball cap. They seem to be more interested in targeting the Slayer, quickly surrounding her, a look of wild hunger in their eyes.

Thomas Raith has posed:
As the four vamps surround the Slayer, three of them learn ignoring the pretty boy in white is a foolish idea. The Forth does not have that sort of time as his head lands at his feet a few seconds before his body ashes. Thomas having drawn those wicked Kukri blades and decapitated the nearest of the blood suckers in a single smooth motion. "Honestly boys," he says casually. "I was already dancing with the lady, you couldn't wait your turns?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers mutters quietly to herself, jumping quickly to her feet and pulling out a stake...Only to realize that Thomas has already killed one in a matter of seconds. "Heey, leave some for me, will ya?" she grins and winks, turning to face one of the remaining vamps, "You wanna dance? I'll give you a dance.." and she takes her time to dance with said vampy, exchanging a few blows before effortlessly stabbing him in the heart, dusting him instantly. One of the remaining vamps snarls and lunges for Thomas, and he must have been a martial artist if some experience as he demonstrates some considerable skill as he attacks him with a flurry of vicious kicks and eye blurring punches, attempting to shove him into another tombstone.

Thomas Raith has posed:
If there was ever any doubt that Thomas was something "More then Human" It would be shaken at this moment. As the White Courts eyes fade from sphere blue to Silver his speed and strength far beyond what any normal person could hope to achieve. Using the bent shaped knives he captures one of the vampire's kicking legs and severs the leg at the kneecap. A wound that pains the Vampire for the entirety of his remaining unlife...all three seconds of it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is only semi-aware of what's going on with Raith and his vamp, as she quickly brings an end to hers - but only after having a little fun with him first. She catches the end of Thomas' show however, catching sight of those strange silver eyes of his, eyes that seem colder than she remembered..And when the Vampire screeches in pain at the severed limb, she cant help but flinch just a bit as blood is sprayed everywhere. For the most part, Buffy likes to make it quick and clean, but this...

"Soo..This is the demon behind the prettyboy face, huh.." She smirks, trying to act all casual about it, but honestly, she's glad she's not on the receiving end of that sword. But even as she talks, Buffy is aware of another vampire, the last vamp of this little gang, a young, pretty girl with short, dark brown hair who looks like she could be in one of Buffy's classes with the Gotham U college cap, and the school backpack over her shoulders. The sight of her causes Buffy to frown a little as she approaches.

She only smiles all the more as she approaches the two of them, but turns towards Thomas, peering at him with beautiful pale green eyes. "Hi Buffy, Robbie Barker says 'hello'." she nods to a shocked Buffy as she says that, although all eyes are on Thomas, batting her lashes at him. "Mm, who's the pretty boy? I don't remember seeing you in class." No vamp fangs are out just yet, nor does she have her game face on..Maybe she isn't even a vamp, who knows?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks at her and gives her a looks that seems out of place anywhere but the bedroom. "Oh Buffy, this isn't the Demon... this is just fun." He says casually as he tries to stand up wind of the dusting vampire so as not to get Ash on his white jeans. "Friend of yours?" he asks curiously.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Thomas, looking only faintly bemused. Her eyes dart back towards the girl who continues to approach Thomas, coming to a stop only a hair's breadth away, still smiling sweetly at him. "Fun, huh. I'd hate to see you when you're mad. As for the girl.." eyes narrow slightly upon her. "Classmate of mine. She and I and Cheryl and Robbie were study buddies." she hesitates on the word, 'Robbie', looking troubled for some reason.

"Trudy, wasn't it? I thought you guys were dating..Except I havent seen you guys in class for a little over a month. Where is he?" her tone is a little tense, not sure what to make of the girl, but she has her suspicions.

Trudy just smiles, still peering up at Thomas with those sweet eyes of hers and giggles, "Oh, he's around..There's a sweet gig going on tonight, by invitation only. Wanna come?" her eyes are still totally on Thomas, mostly ignoring Buffy as she offers him her hand. "C'mon, it'll be fuun.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith eyes the other girl, raising an eyebrow slightly, "Sounds like it could be interesting," he says casually, "but I do already have other plans for the night, and a gentleman always leaves with the lady that brought him to the dance. He flicks non-existent blood from his kukri and runs his fingers through his still perfectly tousled hair. It's not fair, he doesn't even use product.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes, watching the girl warily. She's not an idiot, clearly she's not who she used to be. "Run away while you still can..You're outclassed, Trudy.." she does sigh softly, a little sadly, remembering their last study session.

The girl just shrugs and smiles, taking a closer step towards Thomas and shrugs, "Never bothered me before, I mean, why would you wanna hang out with a *Slayer* of all things anyway? Dont you know she kills people like you and me?" she dares to reach out and touch his face rather boldly if he'll let her, "How about it, hmm? Bet you I can show you a better time than the Slayer could.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith doesn't shy away from the touch, not does he cut off the arm it is attached to, at least not yet anyway. "Sweetheart, I'm way too much of a good time for you to handle. He says casually... and he feeds. Normally Thomas feeds slowly. He takes slow sips of...energy? Life Force? Mojo? Whatever one calls it, often over the course of hours. Trudy on the other hand, she gets the equivilant of a long night's passionate sex taken out of her in one big bite.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Mmm..." Trudy moans softly as she attempts to pull him closer, although she's going in for a good old fashionned kiss, baring those nasty little vamp fangs of hers, even as her fingers flutter hungrily around his neck. And it's clear what she's gonna do next. Although as he feeds on her, it only causes her to writhe a bit more, caught up in ecstasy as she pulls him nearer, pressing her lips more hungrily against his, unaware of the ultimate fate of one caught up in the passionate throes of a psychic vampire such as Thomas. Her eyes widen suddenly, feeling oddly weaker and her arms drop to her sides. Even if she wanted to, she probably couldn't muster up the strength to bite him, to hold him down, or even push him away at this point.

Buffy stands to the side, watching with a mixture of morbid curiousity and disdain as she watches the woman writhe under his power. So this is how it works when he feeds. Will he kill the vampire ultimately? Would he kill Buffy too if she offered herself to him as she had once promised? It's a little..Unnerving, to say the least.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith lowers the woman to the ground, one hand still on her face as she is indeed unable, and unwilling to pull away from him. As her undead body trembles in pleasure he carefully lays her prone and slowly pulls away. Then tapping her nose he says simply "No. Means. No." Then he steps over the vampire and walks towards Buffy, amusement in his eyes. ""I've never been much of a fan of the pushy ones." He says with a shrug, glancing over his shoulder as his would be assailant tries, and fails at least for now, to get her mind unscrambled. "All yours." He says to the Slayer casually.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as she continues to watch, but doesn't take a step towards either vamp or Thomas. "Soo..This is how it goes then. I suppose she'll be writhing like that for a while, huh, or will it kill her eventually?" she frowns, peering at Trudy and shrugs, turning her back on her. "I could kill her..But somehow it wouldn't seem fair when she can't even defend herself. Besides, she was a friend of mine, before someone turned her. I still have questions. Let's get outta here.."

And with that, Buffy walks away from the scene, putting quite a lot of distance between herself and the writhing vamp before grabbing her backpack and then taking a seat on a nearby park bench with a tired sigh, waiting for Thomas to join her.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow. "No, it won't kill her. Empty Night, she won't even hurt in the morning... or well evening I suppose." He says wiping his Kukri off on an handkerchief before returning them to his belt behind his back. "I barely took any more then I always do during a feeding. I just took it all at once so the effects were rather...intense for her you might say." He doesn't seem to protest her leaving the vampire alive. He joins her on the park bench, relaxing beside her and looking at her critically. "Trying to decide how you feel about seeing the monster under the mask?" he asks casually.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers yawns and stretches. She's been patrolling for hours, and it feels good to rest her legs for a bit. Besides, after getting thrown into a tombstone, now she's got a bit of a neck ache and she groans softly as she rubs the back of her neck, trying to get the kink out of it.

"What monster, you mean yourself?" she laughs and shakes her head, "Please, I'm used to that. I used to date a vampire, and I got to see what happened when he lost his soul and tried to kill me and my friends. I dance toe to toe with demons all the time. This is nothing. I mean, at least your heart's in the right place. And I'm not afraid of you, whatever you are.."

She sighs tiredly as she gazes skywards, at the softly falling snow. At least it's not bitterly cold though. "Although it bugs me that someone keeps targetting my friends and classmates. Trudy was a good kid, so was Robbie. It totally ticks me off that someone is picking them off one by one and I wonder if it has to do with these threats from the Master too...?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, in seeming understanding. As she starts to rub her neck he gives her a little finger twirl, and provided she lets him, begins to work his thumbs into her neck and shoulder muscles. He's actually quite talented as a massuse, so the pleasure doesn't come /solely/ from his touch, but that's there too. A sentual sort of sensation like a feather being dragged along bare flesh. "So what's stopping you exactly from going in and unleashing ritious fury on him? I'm free this Saterday if you need back up. Anything to get me away from my end of quarter taxes." He says playfully.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is grateful for a neck massage; She hasn't had one in a long while, and in her line of work, she tends to get muscle cramps a lot. She does stiffen up a bit at first, wondering if this would bother Brian, but her neck *really* aches, and Thomas is *really* good at this, even if his touch is a little sensual - and she just watched what a mere touch from him did to a vamp a few minutes ago..But she can't help herself, it's nice to relax just a bit. "Mm, thanks..You're pretty good at this..Not that I'm surprised." she smirks and shrugs, "Well, it'd be nice if I even knew where to start looking for him. I've been checking all the regular haunts. He used to live underground and I should check his old lair again, guess I'm just not that keen on going back to that creepy place but I should just get over it.." she sighs, "Thing is, he's supposed to be dead, so why all these creepy messages of his rising from the dead? I smashed his bones and scattered them in the wind after dousing them in holy water. There's no way he could still come back a second time.." even though Buffy knows it wouldn't be the first time someone tried to revive him.

"Hah, look at me, talking shop on a holiday. I mean, how has your Christmas been? We should be relaxing, celebrating. Instead we're out here, in a cemetary fighting vamps.." and she's getting a really good massage from an incredibly sexy guy, but that's not the point..Or is it?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit, "Well I called my sisters, and sent them various presents. I got my youngest sister this Eeyore travel mug that she completely squeed out about. She's a bit of a Disney freak. I still have Harry's gift up in my apartment. He's out in Montana, or Minnisota, or Mongolia or somewhere. I'll have to give it to him when he get's back. Then I got bored of watching 'It's a wonderful Life and a Christmas Story for the billionth time today and went for a walk. The rest you know." He says, carefully working the younger woman's deltoids and turning them to butter under his touch. "So what about you, what did you do for fun... before coming out here of course."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, finding it odd to hear of him talk of his family, as if he were normal.."Wow, that's really sweet, I'm sure your sisters are very grateful. Sounds like a cozy family." she chuckles, knowing that his family is not exactly that cozy towards him, certainly not his father, but... "Yeah, I got my mom and my sister and even my dad some gifts, they're probably at home snuggling by the fireplace, unwrapping them as we speak. I should really head home soon, but I kinda like wandering about in the snow, it's kinda..I dunno, peaceful. Mmm.."

For a moment, Buffy loses herself in his magic, relaxing touch, which feels soo good, and she has to try hard not to melt under his touch too much, even though he knows as well as she does that 'Irresistable' is part of his nature, annoyingly enough.

However, she does eventually makes a grab for her backpack, searching for something in it, spinning around quickly to face him. "Phew, thank goodness it's not broken. I got something for you too, wasn't sure if I'd run into you in time, but.." And with that, Buffy pulls out a medium sized gift bag - it's pretty basic, white, with a glittery Christmas tree emblazoned on the front, fully decorated with more sparkles of various colors. Actually it's a wonder she managed to stuff it in her backpack and an even bigger wonder she managed to keep it from getting broken. Happily, she's got lots of padding in her backpack.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles just a bt, "How sweet of you." He says with a genuine smile on his lips, tilting his head. "I got you something too, but it's at the Club. I figured since you were supposed to be covering for Axe tomorrow night 'd just give it to you then.." He slowly removes his hands from her neck... a place many, many vampires would /love/ to get ther hands... though he takes time to let his fingertip trace her collar bone, giving her a slightly more intense sensation then just the neck rub had been offering. If only for an instant. "That said I do love presents. Is it something I can put on? Something I can take off?" he asks in a wicked tone.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at him and can't help but flush ever so slightly. "I mean, I'm surprised you're not like, a professional masseur or something." she is a bit reluctant either, when he lets go, shivering just the slightest as he traces her collarbone, although making an effort not to let him notice - and failing probably, as she tries to laugh it off.

"Geez, Thomas, you rascal. Uh...Here.." she just shoves the present at him so she can focus on that instead of him. "Well go ahead and open it. It's a surprise. And I look forward to seeing what you got me too. Don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow." she does arche a brow at the tease though. "Well...I suppose you could do either, but I'd rather you not, uh, 'take off' anything right here.."

And should he go ahead and open it, he will discover a rather expensive and tasty bottle of bourbon, decorated with a white bowtie, not just a decorative ribbon but the wearable type, made of silk from the looks of it. Clearly she put some effort into it. Hopefully it's something he'll like.

"Merry Christmas, Thomas Raith."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins at the gift and smiles wickedly. "My, my, my." he says as he carefully removes the tie from bottle and drapes it around his own neck. He carefully re knots it, despite not wearing a proper shirt for such an accoutrement. "It's lovely, thank you. I'll wear it for you when you stop buy to pick up your present tomorrow." then adding in that wicked tone, "If your lucky, I may even let you take it off for me." He adds playfully, "After all, it seems only fitting that if not here, you get to pick just /where/ I take it off.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers does watch his reaction carefully, smiling slightly, "To be honest, I wasn't sure if you'd like it, but I know you have a taste for liquor of all kinds, soo..." okaay, so the bowtie kinda came with the bottle, and she figured it'd look dapper on him, but she does blush a little as he manages to make it look stunning, even if he's not wearing formal attire at the moment.

"Well, I'm glad you like it!" she grins, "I'll have to do that. Got anything special for the club on Boxing day? And I'll be sure to take it off too, if you like." Buffy can't help but laugh a little, "But I wonder if that's all I'll be taking off.." okay...She totally shouldn't have gone there, but being around Thomas makes her feel all playful and flirty.

She catches herself though, shaking her head, laughing nervously, "No but seriously, forget that last part. I'm only kidding!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just as wickedly and says "Oh I believe you were kidding Buffy... but I have no intention of forgetting you said it." he says playfully. "Too bad we don't have any glasses," e says admireing the burbon with a critical eye and smirking, then leaning over he softly whispers in her ear, the words like smoke over still water, "I'll let you take off anything that you want. If you're really good, I'll even leave the tie on."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "Oh, well I don't have any glasses, but I have my empty water bottle. Okaaay, so that's kinda weird, but I could do with a drink after all that hard work..We both could." with a smile, she starts rifling through her backpack, producing a clear plastic bottle which she hands to him. "I mean, if you don't mind getting 'cooties'." she smirks, "C'mon, let's try it!"

The whisper does cause her to blush a bit more, pushing him away with a laugh, "Seriously, this is all your fault, you know.." Yes, put all the blame on him and his seductive powers.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit, "Ahh yes, Cooties. The first known STD, and cured exclusively by a mysterious shot that every 6 year old seems to carry." He says playfully, seeming not to mind as she once more shoots him down. He opens the bottle, pouring a fairly decent meassure into it before pausing "And just how are you getting home?" he asks casually.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Got that right. I mean, not like we're in highschool or anything, but you know. My 'germs' are all over that water bottle. I know that bugs some people, drinking after someone else." she shrugs. "Getting home? That's easy, I'll just walk. I walk alot, it's what you do when you don't have a car. Oh yeah, my mom's house is here in Sunnydale, so I hang out here a lot when I'm not in school. You should come over some time.."

Like, when her mom and overly curious sister are not home. Strictly because it would be weird and not because she wants 'romantic alone-time' with him. Totally! "How about you? Do you live far from here? I'd hate to see you drink and drive and crash or..Something. I mean, this late at night, my mom and sis are probably a sleep if you need a place to crash..."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith givves her a bit of a wicked grin, "Well if you are inviting me back to your place, we could just dink this there... I can promise to be very...very...quiet." he manages to say the words in a soft, almost whisper like tone that is wickedly both seductive and somehow almost challenging... as if to say he will do everthing in his power to make her be quite loud.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, wondering what she's gotten herself into. But he DID just help her dust some vamps, and she'd feel really bad if she just left him out here in the middle of the night - not that he can't take care of himself, but it just wouldn't be very nice. "Sure..But we'll have to be *very* quiet. I don't wanna wake up my family.." she yawns and stretches, climbing to her feet.

"Phew, it sure is getting cold out here.." she rubs her arms, having worn a thinner jacket than she should have, due to the weather having been warmer up until now. "c'mon, let's hurry, looks like a storm is coming.." she peers towards some grey clouds on the horizon, feeling the snowflakes coming more rapidly now. There's even a cool breeze starting to blow and it's no longer pleasant to hang around in.