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Latest revision as of 10:42, 23 January 2020

Monetary Chaos
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: Roberto's apartment in Manhattan
Synopsis: Lorna has a chat with Roberto
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Magik, Quicksilver, Sunspot

Polaris has posed:
High above the streets below, was Roberto's Manhattan apartment. There was where Lorna had moved into for her stay in New York, she was still avoiding her father and Genosha at large.. though for now she was at least taking phone conferences and answering her emails. Since the fiasco that was her birthday she hadn't returned to the island and had more or less spun downward emotionally.

At least, now she seemed to be doing better.

The green haired woman busied herself with setting out a pot of tea, cookies, and unpacking a few sandwiches from one of the local shops down the street. She had invited Illyana to come over, hoping that the blonde haired mutant might show Roberto the sword he hadn't won at the charity ball the other night.

She might have also texted her brother's number to finally let him know that she was back in NYC and not at the school. More of a polite, hey, I'm alive, than anything in particular.

Lorna wore thick cashmere sweater, and pair of jeans, her slippered feet tapping lightly across the open floor plan from the kitchen toward the living room.

Magik has posed:
Whoever thinks it was a good idea to gift Illyana Rasputin with a sword has a very strange sense of humour. She doesn't wear it obviously. In fact, she carries no sign of it at all, shunting it away where all the other weapons go. That silly shadowy dress number she wore - the kind of design that snaps heads on a swivel - is gone, replaced by completely ignominous leather pants and a cropped sweater that's a bit too oversized.

Security systems are generally a problem for regular people. People who walk in front doors of highly secure places usually show up on camera. It's much easier to look at the fire escape of even those fancy places and hop up, but also might bring out the police. So with an illusion briefly dumped over her features to look bland, she finds her way up to that fancy apartment. Shuttle elevators with glass walls are great for making the Russian itchy. Arms crossed, she darts out into the hallway in front of the door. Hmph.

Knocking follows, and she keeps looking over her shoulder just in case.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro was running around Avengers mansion actually. He was zooming between point A and point B, with pretty much no one being home to even know he was there. But then he hears his cell phone buzz, which was of course SUPER SLOW for him since he was already on a roll.

"Oh come on, dumb thing, just show me the message." Pietro was always impatient because most everything else was just so SLOW. But when he reads the message Lorna sent him, Pietro rolled his eyes. "Finally!" He just kinda drops his phone and enters into a mad sprint, all people even possibly seeing is a literal blur of movement before not even that is possible. What was he doing?

Checking every building in the city that he could reasonably get into. He's gonna find her goddammit

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto has been at the cellphone for fifteen minutes now. Business chats. Yes, even in Sunday. That is something Lorna is going to need to get used to. Or maybe she could short circuit his cell. He would be grateful, honestly.

He actually shuts it down for sleeping. Also many times when he goes to Xavier. Otherwise the damn thing is buzzing almost all the time. And Berto actually responds about a 20% of the calls.

Right now, he is turning the damn thing off as he steps into the living room. "Lorna have you..." wait, the door. "Do we expect anyone?" He asks, checking the security system, and doing a double take. "Illyana," he greets, opening the door. "Come in, what brings you to my humble abode?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had her own phone calls and holo-meetings with Genoshan Councilmembers and the alike. A constant stream of meetings at odd hours, given the time change. She was struggling to keep up and balance the two. So she rarely, if ever, cared that Roberto was on his phone. She was a workaholic of a different flavor but one all the same.

She flashed Roberto a smile as he got off the phone and the doorbell rang. "I invited over Illyana, I figured you might be able to convince her to show you the katana she won at the charity ball raffle. Remember, the one that you had me go to on your behalf and donate?" She murmured, arching a brow upward. Still, she came toward the door.

"Also fair warning I texted my brother, so he might pop in to visit any time between now and six months from now. Depends if he actually checks his phone." She mused, and flashed Illyana a smile.

"Hey, I have tea and snacks. A couple of different sandwiches too if you're hungry."

Magik has posed:
Illusions tumble away upon exiting the elevator. There's not much else to be frightened of about a blonde Russian of average height and a dancer's build, is there? But looks are deceiving. She seems to have few cares in the world, least of all those involving international politics or international business. Two fields that Lorna and Roberto dominate go right over that girl's head. Winter-pale eyes flit all around the home. Not with the covetous gaze or a cold assessment of a peer, focused as it is on doors, windows, things that no one probably but her sees. It's an extension of herself, that magical sense.

"Hello." Rules, formality, these are things that Piotr would be horrified if she didn't do. She draws the line at pulling her boots off. Scuffing them on a mat is an absolute. "Ms. Dane invited me. I do not know why." Well, the answer is right there, and she hesitates before crossing the threshold. Inside, her shadow is every bit as dark as in the sunshine. Her thumbs hook in the hem of the sleeves, a hole cut for that easy position. Under the sweater, her build betrays exactly how she won the throne of Limbo: she's fit as all get out. "Tea, please. Will it be trouble?" Shoulders flexing back give the impression maaaaybe something is in fact riding over her spine, not easily seen.

Quicksilver has posed:
Slightly frustrated by his apparent inability to find his sister on his own, Pietro finally returns back to the mansion in the span of about ten seconds and checks his phone. Address. Pietro growls, but says nothing. So, he uses that wonderful speed of his to zoom on over to the place of meeting.

He even pauses, before the sound of his knocking is furiously delivered to the door, about...twelve times in rapid succession. Then his feet just tap the ground as he waits impatiently. He'd check his watch, but he doesn't have one. He arrives only a short time after Illyana did proper, so there is but a small delay certainly. Nonetheless, Pietro is....

Being Pietro, accurately enough.

Sunspot has posed:
"Ah, that explains it," Roberto grins. He had seen Lorna was preparing something, but he was distracted by the phone calls. Lets blame the phone calls. "I think you mentioned about the sword, yes. Odd one. Maybe we can be optimistic and hope it was a coincidence." Sometimes it -should- be a coincidence.

The news about Quicksilver are received well. After all he is a famous mutant hero. They can invite him for dinner next weekend?

There is a knock at the door, an insistent one. "Guess it is not going to be six months," mutters Roberto, opening the door with a "hello".

Polaris has posed:
Lorna inclined head head toward the kitchen. "Help yourself, the teapot is already filled up, there's a few different loose leaf teas and tea bags if you want. Also I put on the coffee maker, so that should be up soon." She smiled toward Illyana. She'd been on and off close-ish with the Queen of Limbo now and then, mostly due to circumstances. "I invited you so that you could brag to Roberto about the sword he missed out on." Lorna offered smoothly, which is when the knocks on the door sounded again and she flashed Roberto a grin as she passed him.

"Good news is if my father hates you, Pietro might like you. He can't stand father." She waved her hand and the door popped open into her grip, and she flashed her half sibling a grin as she spotted him.

"Hey Pietro, I wasn't sure if you'd be too busy to stop in or not."

Magik has posed:
A teapot is something Illyana knows. She doesn't need to be told twice to make her own tea, slowly padding over the floor. Her boots are clean, free of any grime from the street. Still, they make almost no sound where she walks. Until, of course, there is a muttered voice and she turns.

A look of certain appraisal is there, fallen over Pietro. No one has electrocuted that cat, so to speak, but she tilts her head. "Your brother?" she asks Lorna, though Roberto's reaction is certainly good for informing her response. The sorceress wrinkles her nose slightly. Her English is perfect but it has an undoubted Russian accent, easy to pick up. "Bragging is... not good." This much she says, even as there is suddenly a sword in her presence, a katana hilt rising over her shoulder and swept along her back in a fairly classic harness of sorts. Deadpool will be _so_ jealous.

He has two. Hers is older.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks immediately at Roberto. He doesn't look very impressed, but then again, Pietro's not here for him. "Hi." He greets simply, and....rather rudely, actually. He can be a bit of a pill to swallow. But before he can even continue, Lorna is visible. "There you are!" He zooms, and if nobody stops him, he'll be right in front of Lorna. "Why in the hell didn't you text me sooner? I've been worried sick about you, five minutes from searching high and low." He looked....not pleased.

He even has a slight accent when he speaks, since he so rarely talks with one...he's not exactly bieng playful. Its also at this point that he truly notices Roberto and Illyana, now calmed enough to actually identify them as people he definitely doesn't know.

"....Lorna, mind introducing me?"

Sunspot has posed:
"Heh, I don't really hate your father," points out Roberto. Then Pietro is... past him. But at least he said 'hi'. Okay. Back to Illyana. "Who is bragging? Aha..." nice trick with the invisible sword. And that is not her Soulsword, unless she has learned to make it change shapes.

But really, he doubts Ilyana would give her sword a katana shape. She has always used her blade in the classic European style of slash and stab. "There is a story there I'd like to know," mentions the Brazilian mutant. It can wait until after introductions, though.