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Latest revision as of 11:39, 23 January 2020

High Tide, Low Priorities
Date of Scene: 23 January 2020
Location: Sailor Pub and Bar, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Guido and Mo find Jamie in a bar. Drunkenly, he drags Morrigan into his little... problem.
Cast of Characters: Multiple Man, Strong Guy, Morrigan MacIntyre

Multiple Man has posed:
It's too much. It's all just too damned much. Jamie Madrox, stewing in his own little self imposed pity party, has decided that enough was enough. Being pulled in every direction at once(literally and figuratively), he's reaching a breaking point and the approach has been a fast one. Pedal to the floor, he's been burning rubber and cash like it's all he knows how to do. Work, work, work. The detective agency, the pawn shop, the other two businesses... not to mention the fact that he's got a Dupe out there trying to either frame him or kill him.

It should be no wonder that Jamie Madrox has found himself a barstool and a relatively empty pub to waste his time. He should be working. He should be doing a lot of things. Instead, he's decided on not deciding.

Clad in his usual attire, Madrox holds a glass of bourbon between both hands. Heavy overcoat hanging off his shoulders, showing the weight in hiden pockets by the odd angles and bulges beneath the fabric.

"Another. Double." He says sullenly to the haggard and grizzled old war dog slinging booze behind the bar. The old man grungs his acceptance and pours Madrox another. The suspicious side eye, of course, comes free of charge. "Thanks, Billy." The bartender snorts derisively. Clearly not a fan of his new nickname.

Strong Guy has posed:
There's a raucous burst of laughter from the back room, and then the comically large form of Guido 'Strong Guy' Carosella steps out into view. He looks over his shoulder and waves. "--an' if I tell Lila /that/, then she'll cram that guitar o' hers so far up my butt, I'll be usin' the strings as floss!" He sighs, grinning widely. "You take care, Les. I'mma call it a night."

He turns and takes three steps toward the door, pausing as he spots a familiar face. "Well, hell, Madrox!" He pounds the bar-top, causing it to reverberate nearly the entire length of the bar. "Woops. Sorry, sorry," he adds quickly.

Stepping to the morose Multiple Man, Guido extends a massive hand. "Put 'er there, buddy. You c'n look up now--I'm back on the payroll! Decided so myself."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had found herself in Mutant Town for reasons that will remain unnamed. She was a Doctor, so it wasn't that out of the ordinary. She was dressed in jeans, crisp white dress shirt and boots. A knee length wool coat was on over it. She found her way into the bar and was expecting something completely different. Sailor's pub? Maybe they'd have sailors.

Her sunglasses are taken off and there's a moment taken for her bright violet gaze to adjust to the light. That's when she spots Jamie. She'd last saw him when they were fighting a troll. She heads that way quietly, not interrupting the conversation between the two men, but she takes a seat a few down from them.

Multiple Man has posed:
That booming voice was aaaaallll too familiar to one Jamie Madrox. The ghost of a smirk creeps to the corner of his lips as he brings the glass up. "Actin' like he didn't buy the smallest guitar just incase." He says under a breath before he knocks back a mouthful of sweet, life affirming small batch bourbon.

From the corner of hisneye and with the aid of an old mirror behind a plethora of half empty bottles(cynic!) he watches the immense Guido. Setting his glass down just as those massive fists thunp down, his drink near spills. Fast hands see to the safety of his current priority. "Guido." He says, unable to keep the smile from being just the threat of one, slips off the barstool and claps a brief hug around Strong Guy. "Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers hug!" A chuckle, low and weak, is given before he moves to retake his seat.

It takes less than a second. Jamie is great with faces. As Morrigan settles into the saddle, Jamie gives the good doctor an upnod. "Doctor MacIntyre, right? Dresden make you cage fight any goblins lately?"

Strong Guy has posed:
Ecstatically embracing Jamie, inadvertently pushing the smaller man into his disproportionate pecs, Guido laughs. "Yeah, I hear that, buddy. I can't wait ta put the 'fun' back in 'dysfunctional' for our li'l family. Why, I--"

He stops as Jamie turns to acknowledge the doctor. "Goblins? Izzat some kinda new disease term or somethin'?" Guido frowns momentarily, looking at Morrigan. "Wait, it's not like goblins from Limbo, izzit? Or some disease from Limbo goblins? Aw, man," he rambles. "I ain't even had my shots for it yet..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to the tender and orders something simple, whiskey was great. She then gives a look down the way to the two that are hugging and her eyes twinkle just a little. Then Jamie recognizes her and she gives a dip of her head, the red locks bouncing as she does, "Yes, it's Doctor MacIntyre, though Morrigan is fine." she tells him. "Mister Madrox, it's good to see you again." the Irish woman states. "And no, I've not seen Mister Dresden since we went hunting." she admits.

Then there's a look to the other man, "Hello." she smiles to him. "And...is there more than one type of goblin?" she asks curiously.

Multiple Man has posed:
"It's good to have you back in town, bud. Was starting to feel too 'stable'. Makes my skin crawl." He says after nearly being mushed to a paste against the brick wall like frame of the MUCH larger man. Back in the safety of his barside perch, Jamie runs a single digit 'round and 'round the rim. "Or maybe that was an allergic reaction to Summers' cologne." A nonchallant shrug comes before he gestures to the bartender. The international sign of 'put them on my tab'.

Elbows planted on the edge of the old, well polished bartop, drink in both hands like it's a life line. He smiles wider, forced but sincere. Fake it till you make it, right? "Ahhhhh, call me Jamie. We got into a knife fight with a boogie man together. Practically makes us cousins." A wink, playful and quick before he slams back his drink and gestures for another. "Naaaaaah. Haven't seen Dresden since then either." A brow arches beneath the M inked into his face. "I really, really hope there aren't more than one kind of goblin. Hell, kinda hope there isn't such a thing in the first place but..." Taking his new drink in hand, he lifts it in cheers. "To the bliss of ignorance."

Strong Guy has posed:
"Uh ... no? Yes. No. Wait. No." Guido stares at Morrigan, his brow slowly furrowing. He opens his mouth, but pauses a beat before continuing. "Yes?"

He leans slightly to the side, whispering to Madrox out of the corner of his mouth. "Help me out here, man. Yer makin' me look like an idiot in front of the doctor. Unlike you, I can't afford to look unstable."

Guido stands back up straight. "Yes. Final answer. 'Cuz of nose goblins. /Boogie/ men, right? So yes. Unless it's no."

He coughs and waves to the bartender. "Gimme some *KAFF* some water, please."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a grin as she sips her whiskey and listens to Jamie andthe other guy. "Hmm, wonder if he's gotten himself into trouble...or stuck somewhere." she muses. "And I mean...a lot of other things are real, so why not goblins?" she shrugs. "Seems like they're at the bottom of the worries list. Vampires and werewolves are higher up." she admits.

Then there's a look to Strong Man, "Hey, I'm Morrigan." she offers a hand to the man in greeting. "And you don't look like an idiot." she adds to him.

Multiple Man has posed:
Jamie keeps that eyebrow lofted high and openly curious. As Guido dances between around his final answer, Jamie can't help but release a little bit in his trademarked 'smug yet somehow not a complete jerk' smirk. "You sure? You sure you're sure?" He asked Guido teasingly.

Leaning toward Strong Guy, eyes still on Mo, Jamie stifles a laugh behind his glass. "Hey, I'll have you know that 'unstable' is the new man bun. All the rage. Right up there with 'has a job and can tie his shoes'." Clearing his throat, Jamie shrugs once more. "Worth looking into. Can't have my competition get cleared out before I can rub it in that I've got the cooler coat."

When Mo introduces herself, Jamie smacks himself -lightly- on the forehead. "Now I feel like a jerk." Drink in hand, he gestures between the two and sloshes bourbon onto his knuckles. "Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, Guido 'Strong Guy' Carosella. Mo here saved my bacon ince or twice down under a bridge. Guido here hasn't thrown me offa one. Yet."

Strong Guy has posed:
"Not even by association, eh?" Guido asks, shaking Morrigan's hand before running a hand over his head to slick back the tuft of white hair there. "Well, lucky me, then. So, I gotta ask ... what's up, doc?" He grins, leaning gently on the bar while the bartender places a glass of water near him.

Guido chin-nods to Jamie. "I still got it. An' you were all worried with an existential crisis or whatever."

He looks back to Morrigan. "Doc, I'm Madrox's employee of the month each November. That's about the time of the year he finally gives up the joke of awarding it to himself ... and then he remembers the Christmas bonus. But if you ever need reliable help, you just ask him to put me on yer case."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Or can turn into a demon, put that on the list of rages." Morrigan chuckles to that. She then gives a smile, "Eh, we're all a bit unstable sometimes, it's a part of life." she admits. Then there's a chuckle, "Thank you for introductions, Jamie." she dips her head to him. "And I did what I could. I think Dresden and Dean were the most help for you." she chuckles.

Then her bright gaze turns to Strong Guy, " The sky is up. Or well...the roof would be first." she muses to that. "I'll make sure he does that, and should you guys need any medical assistance you be sure to call me." she tells them as she shakes the big guys hand. "So just a quiet night tonight?" she asks.

Multiple Man has posed:
He knew the joke was coming. He could feel it in his investigator bones. Well, that and he's pretty sure he made the -exact- same joke last time he bumped into Morrigan. When Guido fails to disappoint, Madrox takes a drink. Seems appropriate. Then man is -really- drainining them down tonight!

"To be totally fair, I'm a fantastic employee. But Guido really hammers down when November rolls about." Looking at his glass, he gives it a wiggle and noisily slurps down the remainder. "See, Guido? Networking. It's beautiful." Now fairly buzzed, Madrox points at Mo with a squint. "Medical assistance. I looked you up. Asked around a bit... discreet work, yeah?" He's up to something. The look in Jamie's eyes doesn't dissuade from that feeling. "How familiar are you with mutant biology, Mo?"

Strong Guy has posed:
"Beautiful, indeed," Guido says, even though it's impossible to see the wink he makes since his eyes are perpetually covered by deeply tinted eyeglass lenses.

He chugs his glass of water and exhales deeply and audibly. "Well," he says, clearing his throat, "I toss back enough 'a these, an' who /knows/ what kinda chaos we can make? Am I right?" He laughs and playfully punches Madrox's shoulder.

"Uh, I hope she's at least /that/ familiar with mutant biology," Guido adds, cringing and hugging his balled fist close to his chest. "Sorry, bro."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan didn't seem to mind the joke, "You guys should try that joke on Doctor Strange if you get the chance. Just don't tell him I gave you the idea." she points out. Then there's a chuckle from the redhead, "Aww." she murmurs. But she doesn't go on about it. "I'm...a little familiar with it. Not in the biblical sense of course." she tells them. "You know a mutant I find fascinating? Sabertooth. He's...intense." she shakes her head. "Anyways, is there something I could help with?" she asks Jamie.

Then there's a look to Guido, her eyes squinting at him playfully, "What's /that/ supposed to mean?" she asks him.

Multiple Man has posed:
"Down boy. Mo here is -cuuuuursed-. Demons, my man." Jamie says with an entirely too amused smirk. He wears it well on that scruffy mug of his. Someone seems to be living in fear of his razor though. Lifting his empty glass at the bartender, the grizzled old man grumbles and gives a sloppy pour of bottom shelf bourbon. Sneaky devil.

"One of these days, Guido. That water is going to get hou into trouble." A sip from his definitely-not-water and Jamie finds himself pausing. Boubon on his lips, glass still. Sabretooth. He chuckles under a breath. There's tension in his posture where it wasn't before. He'd have to see Creed sooner or later now that he's tied himself to the Brotherhood. "Yeah. Intense is one way of putting it."

Setting the glass down, he nudges it away with a face of muted disgust. Cheap rot gut. "There is somethi-" Cut off by the slug to his shoulder, Jamie nearly falls off the barstool. Clutching the bar to steady himself, the two Dupes that -fall- out of him don't have the same luxury. Where once stood a single Jamie Madrox, there are now three. Two on the floor, looking up confused and surly.

"Hey! What gives, Guido?!" One snarls as the other lip wobbles and rubs his shoulder in silent acceptance. Jamie Prime? He sighs. Heavily. "Boys. Make yourselves useful and go get the folder from the trunk." The surly Dupe curses and pushes himself up. Grabbing the near weeping Madrox Dupe by the collar to drag him out. The bartender? Standing very, very still allnof a sudden.

"It's alright, my guy. No harm, no foul."

Looking rather dour as he stares at his glass of amber alcohol, Jamie lets out a heavy sigh. "One of my Dupes wants to kill me. I need to see if there's anything weird in my blood. It's... it's complicated."

Strong Guy has posed:
"Hell, I'm sorry!" Guido gasps, reaching out to the fallen duplicates as they get themselves up. He recoils from the angry one. "Alright, I guess I deserved that. Damned if I don't wanna sock that one, though. Even knowing it'd get me half a dozen more pissed-off Jamies."

He shrugs, looking at Morrigan. "That's what I mean. Well, one, whaddaya call it, iteration, of it. I don't do that." He mock-poses, flexing an arm. "I got /class/ ... but fer real, though, buddy, I really didn't mean ta set it off. Wait a sec," he adds quickly, "one wantsta /kill/ you?!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'm not cursed." Morrigan states with a chuckle. "I just...dated a guy who was bound at the soul with a demon." she admits with a frown. "Anyways...that was a long time ago." she adds. "You doing oaky, Jamie? You're knocking back a lot of that drink." she nods to it. Then there's a bit of a look to Jamie, "He was teaching me how to stab things." she murmurs. "Haven't seen him in a bit, but, I'm guessing he's doing alright." she states in a soft tone. Then she looks at the duplicates being all angry and she scoots back a few inches.

"Oh it's alright, big guy." she smiles to Guido. Then she looks to Jamie, "Well, I am an expert on blood. So that I can help with. I'd just...need some." she admits. "And I promise not to get any weird cravings and drink any of it." she teases.

Multiple Man has posed:
Jamie Prime, quick to help ease the worry of his big buddy, shakes his head with a breathless laugh. "It's okay, man. It happens. Stubbed my toe last night and ended up getting roundhouse kicked by a confused Dupe." A faint smile remains, the booze helping dissipate that cloud hovering above his head. The angry Dupe gets a glance back as he drags the other mirror image of Madrox outside.

"Not cursed, she says. Riiiiiiight. We're gonna have a talk about that, Doc. Had some luck with this app not too long ago." He says with a smirk and some side eye. Sabretooth brought back up, he grits his jaw. "Could teach you a thing or six. Won't even try to eat your hands. Creed? I have my doubts."

Turning on the stool to put his back against the bar, Jamie nods in confirmation of Guido's disbelief. "Yeah. Well. He doesn't so much want go kill me as -be- me. He wants to be the Prime. It's getting messy." Scritching the back of his head with one hand, he gives a dismissive wave with the other. "I'm good. I can hold my drink. I'm a big boy." A look to Guido then. "Well. Not -that- big. I..." Squeezing his eyes shut, Jamie pinches the bridge of his nose. "He's using nanites or chemicals. Kidnapping Dupes. I... I need help. I need to know that I'm clean. That I can trust me." Blinkblink! Jamie snaps his attention back to Mo. "After almost being eaten by a Vampire a couple months back, I appreciate your restraint. Weirdo." He says with a cheerful, if muted smile.

Strong Guy has posed:
As Morrigan describes her background, Guido shakes his head and raises a finger. "Uh, bartender, 'nother water here?" He clears his throat again. "That's a hell of an ex-boyfriend story, doc. Hope the stabbin' practice is goin' well, at least."

Guido accepts the water handed to him and he drinks deeply again, although a bit more slowly this time. Listening as Jamie fills him in on the situation, Guido wipes his mouth with the back of one hand and sets down his empty glass.

"So. The medical expertise can help. An' now you got me on the case. Gorgeous Guido And His Uncanny Pals! Incorporated!" The large man rubs his hands together. "Where's this evil dupe at, anyway? Or do you need me to go hunting for him?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I was just checking." Morrigan states to Jamie. Then there's a quirk of an eyebrow, "A vampire tried to eat you?" she asks him. "I'm only half...and I don't need blood. It was just a joke." she muses. "But, I guess I am a bit of a weirdo." she admits.

Then she looks to Guido, "I miss him. He just kind of...disappears. Hasn't been back yet. But, hey, single and ready to mingle and all that." the accented woman chuckles. "And we'll get things straightened out for Jamie. Hopefully." she nods to this.

Multiple Man has posed:
"She's got me beat." Jamie confides with a wry curve on his lips. "Dated one of Daredevils dance partners once. She shot me with my own gun. Nice lady." Draping his arms along the bar, Jamie slumps down and back lazily. A boneless, easy relaxation found in a light buzz and familiar faces.

Ah, there it is. The taste of his own boot after putting his foot firmly in mouth. Dark brown eyes widen as he's quick to apollogize. "Morrigan, I... hey, I didn't know. The vampire thing. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear." A lopsided smirk hitches once more as he shrugs. "Tried to eat me. Tried... and you're not a weirdo. Probably."

Nodding his head to Guido, Jamie Prime searches blindly for his misplaced glass. "The man has business cards. Swear to god, it says exactly what he just did." As the weepy, crushingly depressed Dupe comes back in with a folder, he takes a shakey breath. "Got the folder. Other Jamie just punched a street performer. He dropped his change." Chin quivering, he hands the folder over. Jamie then hands it to Guido. "Go make sure we don't get arrested. Again."

A look between Guido and Mo, Jamie pouts out his bottom lip in thought. "Hey, Guido can drop off the sample? Cool? Hey. I'll owe you. Big time. Until I see Guido throw this dude into the sun? I need all the help I can get."

Strong Guy has posed:
"The hell you did," Guido says to Jamie, scurnching up his face in an exaggerated expression of doubt. "None of his exes ever told me that durin' pillow talk."

He waits a moment and then bursts out laughing. "I had you goin' for a second, though! I did! After all, I've only ever met, like, half of 'em."

"Hoo," Guido adds, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Alright. I'm on it." He takes the folder. "Doc. Nice ta meet ya. Next time I'll make sure ta be better-dressed for ya." He lumbers out front toward the duplicates.

"Hey!" he bellows. "Knock it off or I'm gonna have ta sic Val Cooper on yer butts!"