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Latest revision as of 07:02, 25 January 2020

Not So Fishy Business
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: A nondescript harbor off the Gulf of Mexico
Synopsis: Robert needs to charter a boat. Little does he know just whom he's chartering from.
Cast of Characters: Yokai (Callaghan), Poseidon

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Occasionally there are some things you just need to do in person. When secondhand accounts just won't do. For this, a convict's history of cooperation and good behavior is vital; it was only so difficult (relatively speaking) to secure the transport to an out of the way harbor where one could do his work.
    Robert Callagan's dressed as a civilian for once, a long dark coat over nondescript clothing to ward off the chill. He steps out of a vehicle followed by another man, with whom he briefly converses before accepting a small cellphone. Pocketing it, he then turns to head out towards the main harbor, a backpack slung over his shoulder as he takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.
    There's a smile on his face for multiple reasons.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon isn't always in his palace sitting on his throne. Infact, oftentimes, he just wears the guise of a mortal and tries to blend in, somewhat. Right now, in a pair of work pants and a black shirt, Poseidon is not in his majestic deity form but in that of a man in his thirties, with a short black beard, hair of the same color, and sea green eyes staring at the few vessels moored at the small arbor. As for his actual position, he's near one of the recently unloaded crates, watching the crew of a small cargo ship to finish boarding their vessel, going about their maintenance routine. A nametag, identifying him as Percy Seaworth, name personally chosen by him, and identifies him as the local arbormaster.

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Scanning the harbor, Callahan's gaze comes to rest on some activity near one of the boats. Then the man watching it. Making a decision not to bother the ones who are hard at work, he adjusts his angle for Percy, clearing his throat as he approaches.
    "Excuse me! - sorry to bother you, but they do boat charters here, right?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon snaps his eyes on Callaghan as soon as he approaches and addresses him, and upon hearing the question he nods "aye! Infact, you may want to see about speaking with captain Jenkins about that... That, if he's not drinking his ass off, that is..." he shrugs, pushing away from the crate "come, I can see about leading you to him..." he states.

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    "As long as he can helm the thing," Callaghan says dryly, nodding and moving to follow. "I'm just needing a day, nothing fancy - and I'm out of practice, myself." He chuckles softly, as if making a private joke.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon shrugs "well if he's here, means he's sober. If he's not here, means he can't helm himself not only the boat, but that won't be an issue since, well, he'll not be available anyways." he simply states, approaching a small but well kept boat, complete with transparent panels for that oceansighting tourists like so much! "Jenkins! If you're in there I got someone wanting to rent your boat! COme earn your rum, captain..." he shouts, getting no answer for now.

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Either here or at the bar. Right. Callaghan nods, not too worried either way; the worst case scenario would honestly be him not being able to get a boat, as opposed to a drunk captain. And even then that's just wasting a day. He looks over the boat curiously, tilting his head before looking back at Percy. "I thought the rum thing was just a stereotype. Does he have a parrot, too?" he asks with a lopsided smile.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles, rather amusedly "no, but drinks enough rum to compensate for that." he claims "JEENKINS! he shouts again, waiting ten or twelve seconds before shrugging "well nothing, he's probably passed out somewhere! Well either you come back tomorrow" he reflects for a moment, then shrugs again "or I get a boat and bring you out myself... whatcha need to do anyways?"

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Callaghan makes a face at the idea of coming back tomorrow. It was enough getting one day, but other? He lets out a breath, then brightens up at the offer. "If you have the time? I can pay," he adds, "so it's not like I'd make you go out there for nothing.
    "And just some equipment tests," he adds, tugging on the straps of the backpack. "I need saltwater for it specifically."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon listens to the explanation, chuckles at the idea of getting paid even if the reason is unclear, to those not in his head, then nods "well then lets see if there's a serviceable something around that won't sink as soon as we set out to open sea..." he states, turning and marching towards the end of the row of docked boats. Passing the most modernish and amazing of vessels, he stops in front of what could have been the most amazing fishing boat! Fifty years ago. It's not that it is ill maintained, it's just, old, and it shows, with painting peeling here and there, but at least it floats! "well that's what we have available, and I can bring it out..."

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    "Your lead, Captain." Another tug of lips in a smile as Callaghan follows, briefly pulling out his phone to check the time. Slipping it back, he gives the boats they pass a casual glance but nothing much catches his interest...until they arrive at. Well.
    "Old reliable," he quips. "I'm not about to complain, you know the boats better than me. Any paperwork I need to sign?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon tilts his head slightly, sighing inwardly. Humans and their bureaucracy! "uh, yeah, the documents are aboard..." he just states, hopping on the old vessel "lets see if I can find them!" and indeed, in the helmhouse just where the controls are, there's a folder that Percy grabs and hands to Callaghan, with a bunch of legal documents in it that basically cover the not damaging the boat, not damaging those on the boat, and if something happens while you're aboard it's not very clear whose responsibility it is but surely not that of the owner of the boat. That, in a very complicate legalese.

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Frankly, he just wants to make sure this is legitimate as possible so there's no reason for him to be remembered, much less investigated. The papers are flipped through as Robert pulls a pen from his vest, glancing over them before signing his name as 'Bob Cahan'. No, that's not bad handwriting. "Easy enough. I'm Bob, by the way." Not that he expects anyone to know his name all the way out here, but. He's tied by his own bureaucracy that insists he use a false name.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon wouldn't really care about his real name, to be fair, and indeed just accepts the documents, places them awai in their closet and extends a hand to shake "percy, good to meet you Bob!" he states, going about finding the ignition keys after the handshake "ye on land! See about being useful and unmooring!" he shouts, as two dockworkers approach and start untying the boat, tossing the ropes aboard "good kids..."

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    The hand is shaken with a firm but nowhere near overpowering grip. 'Bob' isn't about to try a strength contest here, but smiles pleasantly. "Good to meet you, too, Captain Percy." He goes to shrug off the backpack, firing a quick text to his handler as they unmoor. Courtesy and common sense done, he opens the backpack and places the phone in a waterproof pocket before pulling out a few things.
    "Always liked having kids around to help with the work," he muses, thinking back to the labs. "Good experience for them."

Poseidon has posed:
"aye! They gotta earn their paycheck after all!" Percy states with a chuckle, turning on the boat's engine, a loud noise that for a moment covers everything else before setting down to a more manageable volume. They still have to raise their voice a bit to speak though! "so! Just any place with clear water will do or do you have a specific area in which to start studying?"

Yokai (Callaghan) has posed:
    Bob grins at Percy, nodding his agreement. As for the question? "Ideally? Clear water, within sight of land. Got a friend who's a little paranoid and likes to keep an eye on me."
    The only lie in there is the 'friend' part.
    "Other than that, calm water'd be nice. I don't really get seasick, but I'd rather not risk falling overboard."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon nods in understanding, looking towards the arbor as if his eyes could see the friend in question! Probably it's even possible! "well off we go!" he cheerily says, slamming forward the lever that will send the engine to half power, enough to get them away from the pier! And from there, it'll just be quiet sailing, towards clear water. But not too far!