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(Selene Grills William Wilkenson. Just with less fire.)
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Latest revision as of 23:04, 25 January 2020

A Word Of Warning
Date of Scene: 25 January 2020
Location: Cafe - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Selene Grills William Wilkenson. Just with less fire.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Selene (Underworld)

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There is something nice about this club that is simply entitled Cafe. In the evening it is indeed full of life. There are people taking advantage of the computers while others are taking advantage of the pool tables.

As for William, he is taking advantage of the tables near the security window that looks out to Greenwich. A cup of something sits in front of him as the dark haired man simply people watches. The security glass hiding his gaze from those his eyes fall upon.

Forgoing the typical tees and jeans that persons of his visual age spectrum tend to favor, this mid-20s ish looking individual is instead wearing some well tailored dress pants and a deep purple dress shirt with sleeves rolled up and the top button undone. There is a black tie around his neck but it has been losened considerably. But other than the relaxed manner he is wearing the dress clothes, his hair is fully set in place. A short black hairstyle with the back of the dark hair cutting off an inch below the bottom of the ears.

Despite the cheery atmosphere of the area, William seems a bit... irritated.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
From a dark corner comes Selene, leader of the Death Dealers. She steps forward and sits, smoothing her trenchcoat out then looks to William. She'll let him make the first move, watching him silently, she is sitting perfectly still. She's playing the long, waiting game. There's a quartet of Death Dealers spaced around the cafe, watching them both.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, the presence of a Death Dealer showing up does little to improve William's mood. And perhaps in a bit of retaliation, William takes a little bit longer than normal to acknowedge Selene's presence. He takes a long sip, setting the cup down gently and licking his lips.

Cool eyes look down to the cup. "Come to yell at me about the incident? That's been done already. I've been good."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene barely speaks, but she has icy blue eyes fixed on William. "Why would I?" she asks, the other four closing on the table. "Why would I yel at you?" she asks. William's a bug to her way of thinking, an annoying bug that she has to deal with. "You seem to think I have to deal with you or I came to deal with you? I didn't. I came for information" she says finally after a pause.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William cocks his head to the side looking to Selene, "So not one of the kill now, forget about questions later types of trips." He chuckles, lifting up his cup, "How fortunate. And what information are you looking for?" He sips his drink, looking back out the window.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene sighs, and loks over to William. "I want information on your musical friends" she starts, laying down a trail. "So" she says firmly. "The drummer. Start talking" she says, and sits back with her gaze pinned on William. She doesn't need to say much. Give him enough rope and he'll hang himself, metaphorically. Hopefully, literally too. It'd save Selene a job after all. She's got a pen and paper, pen posised to write notes. It's all on William now to talk. And talk and be truthful and honest.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I hate repeating myself." William comments with a sigh, setting the cup down. "Jerry was unfortunate. Despite monitoring him, he did not adapt well to his changes. It was affecting the group so there naturally was a shape up or ship out talk given to him. He chose to ship out."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes don't move from him. "He shipped out, permanently, huh?" she asks watching him. "Why. Why did you change him to start with?" she adds and spreads her hands on the table. "What were you gaining from it, exactly?" she adds with a sigh. Selene fels like she's missing the pieces here, really...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Degenerative disorder." William replies, matter of factly. "It would have been no help to the group if I allowed that to continue so, nipped that in the bud right there." He looks to the cup.

"It was a tactical decision which backfired. He snapped, left the group, and ran off." William adds, frowning, "Seems he found out one of the ones we were considering to take his place and-"

He pauses, considering the choice of words, "expressed his discontent."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene narrows her eyes. Standing up, she folds her arms. "Who gives you the right to decide to take people to fill in for a band?" she hisses. She looks to William. "Yes people get turned. But..." she snaps, "You think it's fine to play your little games with people, to turn them nd move them around?"

Selene's a hypocrite, but she's a hypocrite with Death Dealers at her back, and a powerful position in the coven, no less.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's my project and if members don't perform I MUST do what is necessary to keep it going. Even if it means considering staff changes," William arches a brow at Selene, "It's not pleasant for me either. Do you know how HARD it is to get someone Kip is willing to work with? Just WHO do you THINK gets the money generated by them? I certainly don't get to keep it."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene fixes William again with a gaze, "So you're saying nobody gives you money?" she asks. "Nobody cares that you're finding a drummer by questionable means" she says simply, then turns and stalks out of the cafe, watching William as she looks to him, watching the Death Dealers silently.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Jaw clenching, William does indeed watch Selene with narrowed eyes. The hand clenches the cup harder, the sound of protest coming from the material before his hand relaxes. He could retort something back but, why risk it?