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Latest revision as of 14:22, 28 January 2020

Plans for the future
Date of Scene: 26 January 2020
Location: Sam's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Plans are made and some worries adressed.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Prismatic

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie leads Alexis back up to his room, as they have just got back from services. Once inside the room he is undoing his tie and dress shirt rather quickly. "So, hon, how you feeling this morning?" He will ask looking over to her with a bit of a smile.

Prismatic has posed:
    "A bit like going to confession with Kurt Wagner would be only the second most awkward thing I've done in my lifetime." Alexis answers back, still wearing a nicer skirt with a dark maroon sweater. She raises her eyebrows at Sam, purisng her lips, "I should probably take a trip to the city if I'm going to go about that." she jokes, letting her hair down and shaking it out a moment as she looks back to Sam. "What about you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and hangs up his tie, and leaves the dress shirt open t-shirt on under it. He will turn and says "Pretty good, but have been thinking a bit." He turns walking over to her, and leans in kissing her softly "Wanted to ask ya a few things."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Hm?" Alexis questions, her lips pursing a moment as she sits down at his desk. "And what is it you'd like to ask, Sam? If this is about going to the UK again, still working out the details..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Not quite, but it is about a trip, you talked about me meeting your dad.. You ready to go back and face him, and tell him about yourself love?" He will ask. He takes a knee beside her so he can look to her face to face easier.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis freezes, and she looks to Sam with mixed worry, and she breathes out abreath before she stands, turning from him as she paces a bit, her stocking-clad feet tapping on the carpet of Sam's room, and she brings her fingers up a moment, knitting them.

    "He'll reject me, outright."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "He might yea," He admits not candy coating it. But your 19 your a legal adult, he can't control you. If you face it, you don't have to worry about him finding out about you. We can tell them we live together in the apartment in bushwick, and that you teach music. They do not have to know about the school, could be like you were teaching. You said Ah would have to meet him, is what got me thinking love."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis wrestles with what she wants to say, and she wrings her hands a moment more as she looks to Sam, then closes her eyes.

    "I don't know what he'll like least, my being a mutant, my dating a mutant, or my dating a Southern gent." she states, attempting to bring a little levity to the moment before she pulls the chair back out and sits down, looking to Sam.

    "Why ar eyou so keen now to meet my father, Sam?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "Well, I was thinking about us... If your interested we might be able to get one of the cabins on the property. " He looks to her standing and walking over to her. "Ah really like the idea of you being the last thing Ah see at night and the first thing Ah see every morning."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Have you given thought to perhaps we're moving a tad bit fast on this, Sam?" Alexis inquires, her shoulders rising as she blushes, a deep pink color. "I Mean, four months, we've gone from 'I like your vehicle' to 'I want to meet your parents and wake up to you every day'." she reaches for his hands, and holds them tightly.

    "This is going fast, and I know that you love me, and that I love you... but I... I like living here, in the school. Being around the students and being available if they need help... for now. I'm not axing the idea right out the gate, mind... but I need time."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well Ah was thinking one of the cabins here at the school hon, we would still be here for them and such the only difference would be a shared bedroom, and when we wanted to be alone we would have a little more space." He tells her "But there is no rush love, it was just an idea, Ah was just thinking of taking a step along the a path. " He holds her hands and says "And Ah want to meet your mom and your grandparents, think it is more willing and maybe some need to meet your dad." He offers her a grin.

Prismatic has posed:
    "... you're going to punch him in the face, aren't you?" Alexis questions dourly, her eyebrows rising up as she squeezes against Sam's hands, and she exhales. "Well, how do you want it to go down? To let them know I'm alive, and in New York and wait for an invitation? Inquire about a proper introductory supper, or just.. show up on the doorstep and hope they're home?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie holds her hands and says "Ah promised to be on my best behavior when Ah meet him hon. Ah doubt Ah like him, but for you Ah will do all I can to hold my temper and not punch him, besides punching him will just make him think he is more right." He releases one of her hands to reach to stroke her cheek "Which way would you want to do it hon?" He asks her "Ah am not pushing to meet him for me hon, Ah think it will do you good to be able to fully be Allegra, you are beautiful, smart, and gracious. You deserve to not have to hide yourself."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... all I ever do is hide, Sam." Allegra comments quitly, leaning into his hand. "I hide when I try to be someome else, when I work on the streets or in the school. I have hidden myself since I was twelve." she whispers, then she leans her head on Sam's shoulder.

    "Am I even Allegra Caradenza anymore?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and rubs her back and says "Yes my love, mind you Ah think you maybe Allegra Alexis Caradenza now." He tells her in an honest tone. "You are Allegra, but you are more than the twelve year old Allegra, you are the young woman your experiences before and after have shaped you to be. you are the prodigy, you are the mutant, you are the woman who made a life for herself even in hiding not letting go of the things she loved. You are the teacher. You are the woman I love, for your heart, soul, and mind, for all that time has combined to make the woman in my arms."

Prismatic has posed:
    Allegra Caradenza breathes out in a soft, warm breath against Sam's shoulder, her fingers curling againt his arms.

    "We should show up, out of the blue. Keep them on their toes, unexpected. Maybe... maybe he's calmed down. Won't just turn away."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "We can rent a car if you want that way he has less information about us. Only what we give him." He tells her. He kisses the top of her head, and says "He has a bit of a public life right so finding when he should be home should not be to hard.

Prismatic has posed:
    "He's always home for Sunday dinner, after the matinee, if there is one." Alexis comments quietly, and she begin plotting. "Would be easy enough, if they haven't changed the code on the doors I oculd still even get in without anyone noticing through the side gate garden."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthriesmiles and says "So thinking more you want to be there when they come home rather than knocking on the door? The issue is though if they have changed it might have the cops called on us before we get a chance to talk to them, he warns her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "No, no, probably easiest just to come through the front door." she admits, rubbing the back of her head. "No need for subterfuge, they're my parents, they'll probably be glad to see me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to her, and steps in hugging her and kisses her on the forehead. "Ah would think so, everytime I see you my heart skips a beat, and my world gets better." He tells her. He smiles holding her close "So how serious you want to let them know we are?

Prismatic has posed:
    "Let... me handle that one. Introducing you as 'the southern gentleman I am dating' will probably go better than 'the mutant I'm sha--" she trails off, and she gets a distant look to her face and goes "Good god both of those options are bad for different reasons, let... me think on that particular one." she admits quietly, rubbing the back of her head. "Thank goodness your mum was so cool about everything."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Ma, trusts our opinion and might be the fact is so many of us." He grins and says "So, the Redneck mutant, who your kicking boots with is probably out of the question." He chuckles a bit at her, and kisses her cheek again, and moves to grab a drink "Want something?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh good god, if we introduce you that way and you just start calling him 'Pa,' we might give him a heart attack on the spot." Alexis reflects, and she flops down in one of the recliners, exhaling in a soft huff. "I don't think we should take any of the students on this particular trip, though I wish we could tag maybe one of the more experienced teachers to answer questions." she leans her head back.

    "And your mother has the biggest heart I have ever seen in a lady, Sam."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and grabbing his drink he will say "Yea, no students there, if your wanting to take a teacher type.... I would say "Either Jean, Scott, Piotr, or Ororo would be the best choices, Kurt and Hank out cause your dad would not see past their appearances unless we took inducers, and Kitty out as she is younger than me."

Prismatic has posed:
    "I wouldn't want to inflict my father on any of our friends." Alexis sticks her tongue out, and then leans her head back, giving a soft huff. "Maybe it'd be best just you and me. We can land at South Station, take the metro down to my parents in Caimbridge, and from there just sort of... find the way to explain what I am to them."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will walk over to stand behind the chair, and puts a hand down onto her shoulder "Well some of them Ah would say taking would be bad just cause like say Logan, no that would be bad." He grins a bit more and says "So no me flying you down there and us landing on the stoop either huh?" He grins

Prismatic has posed:
    ""No, no that would probably be the second worst idea, bringing Logan. They would be too focused on Logan to even hear anything about me since I'm pretty sure he gives neither a damn about decorum nor about my parents." Alexis gives a wry smile.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie leans over and kisses the top of her head, and says "So, how soon are you wanting to wait before we go hon, like today, this weekend, next month or when?" He asks her grinning

Prismatic has posed:
    "Maybe tomorrow. Before I lose my nerve." she states quietly, looking up at the kiss on her head and wrinkling her nose. "how do I let you talk me into these things?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Cause you love me, and I love you." He grins at her bending over to look at her a bit upside down and says "And you know Ah would never do anything bad for you.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis's nose wrinkls as Sam looms over top of her, and she reaches up, brushing her wrists over his shoulders. "I know you would never intentionally hurt me, or do things that would end up hurting me, I'm just... kind of tying to figure out the smoothest way to work this."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and kisses her in an odd upside down spidermanish kiss "Well you know I will do all I can to help." He will move around to in front of her kneeling down there so he can look into her eyes easier smiling at her.

Prismatic has posed:
    Short girlfriend is, indeed, short. She gives a soft huff as she's kissed in such a fashion, and rubs the back of her head a moment before she gives a shrug.

    "I also don't want you to get hurt. My father isn't... known for mincing words."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Words aint gonna hurt me hon, he can tell me Ah aint good enough for you, Ah am southern genetic trash, and Ah will just tell him he is allowed his opinions but Ah love his daughter and Ah believe she lovesme

Prismatic has posed:
    "I love you just fine, Mr. Guthrie." Alexis gives a grin, and she leans forward, wrapping her arms around Sam's shoulders and hugging him to her. She gives a soft breath out against his cheek.

    "You are the light of my life, you know."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie simles and kisses her as he wraps his arms around her, and says "And you are my heart." He tells her. He grins and says "Even if Ah still need to get you to liking flying." he teases

Prismatic has posed:
    "It's never going to happen, like tolerating southern sweet tea. There are some hills I shall die on, Samuel Guthrie." Alexis states, frowning against his ear, deeply, on purpose.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah might loose the tea fight but ah have some cheats on the flying war." he teases back to her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Cheats on the flying war?" she questions, the color-changing mutant raising her eyebrows a moment as she draws back. "Now you've got me curious, and a littl efrightened."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Oh yea," He leans in and says "They start with a little this and a little of this." he kisses her cuddeling her close.