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Latest revision as of 14:47, 28 January 2020

Coney Island Odyssey
Date of Scene: 27 January 2020
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Life's about the journey, and it can go in many ways.
Cast of Characters: Venom, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Venom has posed:
Coney Island was the kind of place that would attract all walks of life. There were locals, tourists, business people, families, homeless beggars, and even a priest doing some kind of contortionist act in an effort to raise money for the church, or at least that's what the plastic sign he set down near the collection box said, and he was wearing the white collar.

Eddie was standing in the crowd, watching the man do his thing, ice cream cone in hand. It was a chocolate flavoured cone, with chocolate ice cream, covered in chocolate sprinkles, and had a circular piece of solid chocolate that looked almost like a tree trunk stuck into the cone. Yes, the symbiote had needs, even in this weather.

While he was watching the priest, a little ways down the way, there was a man dressed in a hard hat, blue jeans, and a white t-shirt, brown jacket, looking very much like a construction worker, as he argued with a man in a cheap looking suit, glasses, and a clipboard.

Today, Eddie had chosen to wear a black leather coat over a t-shirt with Captain America's shield on it, with comfortable blue jeans, and black and white Adidas sneakers below. He also had a very nice looking Ushanka, a Russian fur cap with flaps that can be tied, though he's left it undone.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Another figure moved through the crowd, watching the act with interest. She did walk close enough to drop a bill in the collection box before shifting back to the edge of the semi circle around the show. Her hair was black, falling straight down to just below her shoulders. Her eyes were brown. Yet, Eddie would know that face.

Being this was not a mission that was hugely sensitive, Natasha wasn't wearing a face-mesh that would alter her appearance. Instead, it was her face. Just not something most people would notice standing out in a crowd on Coney Island.

She had on an oversized parka style coat with faux fur lining to keep herself warm. Dress slacks and a pair of knee high boots with a short heel.

Venom has posed:
Eddie's sight was limited to his own field of view, but the symbiote could see in all directions, and it spotted Natasha through its body, which currently made up the clothes he wore. It spoke to him in his mind, 'Eddie, Natasha's over there, and she's a brunette now. I don't like it.' Eddie turned in the direction indicated, and he whispered to himself, "I think it's nice." And then an old woman asked Eddie, "what's nice, young man, and who are you talking to?"

Eddie would have thought she'd have hearing problems, but it seemed the old woman's ears were as sharp as ever. Stammering a little, "er, the act, I think his act is nice." But the woman wouldn't have it, asking again, "who were you talking to?" Oh great, Eddie was in one of those situations. He tried to explain, "it's okay, don't worry about it."

And while Eddie was having that conversation, the worker not too far way shoved the man in the cheap looking suit. It wasn't too clear what it was over, but that one seemed to be escalating quickly.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the sound of raised voices were heard, Natasha turned her head that direction but then went back to watching the show. None of her business. She was already on a task and she didn't need to blow her cover unless it was a matter of life and death.

Course, knowing her luck? She began to move around the circle and through the crowd, getting herself a little closer to where the bickering pair were at. That's when the shove happened and she faded to the back of the audience where again, she might be able to act if she needed to.

She really should just let them beat the hell out of each other. It was mostly a monitor and wait right now while keeping an eye on her target.

Venom has posed:
When Eddie finally manages to disentangle himself from the old woman, he tries to make his way through the crowd, and bumps into Natasha, it was one of those days, as well as a big burly man, big even by Eddie's standards. "Oh, sorry about that, N..." and with the black hair, he says after a pause, "Natalie, and you sir."

The big guy looked like a body builder himself, even through the heavier winter clothing. You could just see, like how thick his neck was, how strong his hands looked. Thankfully, the symbiote had actually sent out a tiny discrete tendril to prevent the ice cream from hitting the man, so when he looked down at his coat, it was perfectly fine. "Don't worry about it." The man said in a gruff lower class accent. He was probably from Flushing in Queens.

With that settled, Eddie asked, "how've you been? You look good."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Good to see you," Natasha says with a bright smile as the man goes on his way since his suit is still ice cream free. She focused on Eddie though still keeping track of that kerfluffle behind them. How? Super spy stuff and decades of practice. More the decades of practice.

"Like the new haircut?" she asked in a light tone, obviously joking since he knew her secret.

Venom has posed:
The symbiote whispered into Eddie's ear 'tell her I like you, the haircut is a bonus', and Eddie had a look that suggested the symbiote had just said something to him and he wasn't as good at hiding it as he'd care to admit, but he does so anyway, "I like you, but the haircut's a bonus."

Meanwhile, the issues between the man in the cheap suit and the worker had been resolved as two other workers had separated them. The guy in the suit had a bloody nose, but he'd live. He might have actually broken the nose. An EMT or at least nurse would likely be on the way soon.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Speak of the devil, the on duty EMTs were on the way with their bags. They settled down with the man and were checking his injury. If needed, they would call for a transport to the local E.R.

"Cute," was Natasha's response to the smooth compliment. She shook her head a little. "I used to be a brunette. Darker than this though. Black," she admitted. "Well, that's the way I wore it at least. In my earlier days. You should see some of the pictures from then. Too funny." Course, they would give away her ago she was not about to share them. Ever.

"Ice cream what tempted you out to Coney?" she asked, turning to continue watching the contortionist.

Venom has posed:
The symbiote was Eddie's wingman, best friend, and pet monster, all in one. It gleefully said, 'I told ya' to Eddie. "A brunette, huh. Well, brown, black, blonde, red, white, blue, green, or purple, no matter what the colour, you look good. Though I reserve judgement on bald. I'm thinking that you could, but I'd have to see it first... pictures you say? I'd love to see 'em." Like there was any chance of that happening.

"I swung by the neighbourhood, helped a guy moving some electronics," in other words, stopped a robbery, "and thought I hadn't been out this way in a while, plus, you know me and chocolate. Want some?" And then the symbiote said, 'that's ours!' in a loud, angry voice, "it's on me," he said, and gestured to the nearby vendor. The symbiote then added, 'we want seconds.'

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Could I have a double scoop rocky road?" Natasha asked as she got back to her spot on the side of the circle by the performer. It would give her a good view but wasn't too far from the vendor he had pointed to.

"Kind of want to stay here and keep watching." Translation: Somewhere nearby was the person she was keeping an eye on and she didn't want to put too much distance between them. Hopefully he'd get it. "Waffle cone dipped in chocolate though, not a plain one," she added with a grin.

Venom has posed:
Eddie was a reporter. In some ways, his skill set overlapped with hers. What he lacked was knowing how to turn a wooden ladle into a deadly weapon, or how to pick a lock with a coat hang... actually, he probably knew that one. But she had a lot of skills that he lacked.

So it was not surprising that he caught on to her being undercover, like when he quickly began calling her Natalie, figuring that would be her cover name in this. "Two scoops of rocky road, waffle cone dipped in chocolate, got it." And then the symbiote added in his head, 'we want one too! We want two too. Wait, your species doesn't have enough arms. I picked the wrong planet.'

Shaking his head and laughing at what the symbiote had been saying, Eddie wandered over to get the order, returning after a few minutes.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Thank you," Natasha said as she reached out a hand to take the offered cone. She took a quick taste of it before focusing on conversation again, while watching as the contortionist started to wrap up. He unfolded and began gathering his things, starting a walk around the circle of viewers as there was some light applause. They could add to the donation container her was carrying when he passed. Eddie and Nat would be the last two he passed.

"I really hate when work interferes with fun though." She shook her head a bit. "Haven't seen you for a while. Last time was when you were walking out of SHIELD after recovering from your injury."

Venom has posed:
Eddie quickly finished the one he had been eating as the two new ones were prepared, so he returned to Natasha with a fresh one for himself, as well as her order. "You need to have more fun. My Bat sense is tingling and it tells me that you have a severe fun deficiency," he began waving his free hand, more holding it out, palm level to the ground, and wiggled it a little, "but there still is hope. There's a kernel buried in there, somewhere, we just have to bring it out."

And when she brings up S.H.I.E.L.D., his state, "well, you know how it goes, you lose one measly kidney, a couple of ribs, and they start talking about you becoming an organ donor. But you know where you can find me. You're always welcome, Nat."

Then he took a big bite of his cone, actually holding it in his mouth, so he could clap and rub his hands together, then grabbed the cone so he could speak. He has ice cream on his nose. "Now, where in Coney Island are we going to find something fun to do? There's got to be something around here."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the contortionist went by, Natasha slipped a couple of bills into his basket. He tooks his final bows then gathered the rest of his things and started on his way.

Natasha watched him a moment before reaching into her left pocket (which was her free hand) to pull out her phone. A quick scan of thumb and swipe of finger, it was open. "No, no fun ever. It just can't be. Too much work to do and bad guys to catch." She's speaking more openly even as there is a small blip on her phone. A quick glance will show what looks like a GPS map with a red dot moving along a path. "Good, the tracker is working."

Venom has posed:
Eddie was torn; on the one hand, he knew the contortionist priest was not a priest, but something of a con man. At least that's what his sources had said. Perhaps there was more to him than he thought. On the other hand, he did put on a good show. In the end, Eddie would slip a few bills into the basket as well, being careful to mind his own wallet before, during, and after.

"All right, if I can't interest you in a go on the bumper cars, what about some late night surveillance? I brought the webbing." He offers, feeling more confident now that they were alone. He could be open about their identities.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"While I do have my own lines, it is nice to let someone else use up theirs instead. I hate using resources I might need later," Natasha admits. It's another thing from her training. Use resources sparingly, since she could never know when they might be a necessity to save her life.

"Surveillance is my task tonight. To track our lovely performer back to his base of operations. Where hopefully I can get a look at his boss." She tilts her head slightly then nods to the roofline not far away. "Meet me on the roof over there in about five minutes? I need to change into something more comfortable." WHich would be work clothes.

Venom has posed:
Eddie gave a knowing nod. He produced his webbing himself. It was something he would rather not think about, but in a way, that ice cream he had been eating would become webbing. "Then it is mine as well." Looking up to get a good view of the rooftop, he nodded his head again, and would begin to walk off, having five minutes to kill; which meant having another ice cream cone. At least the symbiote was happy.

A few minutes later he would be up there. It didn't take much effort; he could have climbed the wall, jumped much of it, or just fired off a webline. In the end, he decided to just climb. It was easier on the stomach after three ice cream cones. And when she arrived, his clothes would morph into that of Venom, though his face remained his own for now, looking very much like he wore a black suit for now.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It was Natasha's turn. She came up over the edge of the building, pulling herself up then twisting her wrist so the Widow's Line retracted back into her oversized wristbands. She was in her usual black suit, zipped up the front. It was insulated so she wasn't cold, despite it not being particularly thick. The wonders of modern technology. Her red hair was about the same length as the brown wig had been, falling loose. She pulled the phone out of a pocket on her belt. "Seems he is working his way to the west. Shouldn't be too long since he stayed on foot. I'm hoping." She tucked it away and glanced off. "That rooftop over there then we will wait to see which way he goes at the intersection."

Venom has posed:
"Much better," Eddie said when he got to see her red hair sans wig. It was a damn good wig. He wasn't even sure it was a wig until now. S.H.I.EL.D. always had the best toys. "Good," he said, getting down to business. He looked out at the direction he had been going, then back to her, so he can see where she points, and then he'll walk over to her, the Venom 'mask' coming over, but no teeth this time, just looking like it was a cloth mask. He grabbed her by the waist when she was ready and let out a webline to head in the direction she had gestured. Another line was needed, and soon they'd be up there to watch and observe. Once he let her down, the symbiote said, 'I want a Big Belly Burger!' And Eddie said, quietly, "you just ate, and we..." he looked to Natasha with a pained look, "want anything from Big Belly Burger, since this seems to be a stakeout now?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Are you seriously hungry again? You just had three ice cream cones," Natasha points out, unnecessarily. She gives a shake of her head as she glances to the phone while the target below turned left. A moment later and the blip was stationary. That didn't make sense. She peeked over the edge and there was no sign of him. Then she noticed the sewer grating lowring closed. "Goodie. Sewers. Should be able to track him still from up here for now at least. Not going down there unless I have to."

She glanced over at him again. "Why not. A big belly burger with onion rings and a tea."

Venom has posed:
"What can I say, my other has a mind of its own." He wasn't about to leave her like this, and listened, "Sewers... not too bad. You get used to them." He nodded when she said she could track him from up here. "If you do need to move while I'm gone, how do I find you again?" He was going to get her that food, and was already getting his phone out to make an online order at the nearest one. Technology, he loved it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"You still have the same number? I'll text you if I move after you're gone. Though he does seem to be slowing." Natasha peeked over the edge again as she began to type on her screen.

A moment later the street overlay was replaced with a sewer map. The dot was sitting that are one of the oversized junctures. It was big enough to hold probably a small house in that area. Which meant it could be the hideout they were sent to find. Not something to check right now. Instead, it was camp out time.

"I think I'll be right here." She was staying low, making sure not to silhouette herself against the skyline.

Venom has posed:
"Yes," he said, smiling through the suit, teeth showing a little bit. It was habit. "All right," and he went down the other side of the building, so as not to alert anyone. As he climbed down the building, he moved past an open window where two people were having sex. Another window had a guy likely growing marijuana, which the symbiote complained about. 'What's that smell? I don't like it.' One past it, Eddie explained, "it's a grow op. We can let Natasha know if she wants to report it."

And then he was done, where he changed into street clothes, and made his way to the Big Belly Burger, where he would be able to pick up one with onion rings, a tea, and a Biggest Bacon Belly Burger for himself, large curly friends, with a small Diet Coke. It was a good thing that the symbiote made it easy for him to get back up there with all this. A few minutes later, barring a call, he'd be on the roof again.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Now was the boring part. They just got to sit there and wait. It was a common enough thing in her line of work. His too for that matter.

Didn't make it any less boring.

"Thanks," Nat said from her spot sitting on the rooftop near the edge. She would be able to peek over from time to time. Otherwise, she was hidden from any casual observation from below.

Venom has posed:
Moving over to her, careful not to make too much of a profile, Eddie would sit back down on the floor of the roof beside her, taking out the bag and offering her drink, which was in a tray. He got napkins, plastic knives and forks, just in case she wanted to use them. "So, I gotta ask. When's the last time you were on a stakeout with someone?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She took the offered items, setting aside the knife and fork but taking plenty of napkins. The onion rings were set down on a napkin, in case they tipped over. She pulled out one golden ring and took a bite, pleased that it had a proper onion to ratio content. None of those all breading and no onion catastrophes.

After chewing and swallowing, she considered. "Six weeks ago I think? Agent Coulson and I. Helping ferret out a mole in Interpol. You?"

Venom has posed:
Eddie had asked, but for some reason, he had never expected her to ask him the reverse. He paused, thinking about that, and then said, "I think you may be my first." He had taken his French fries out, curly ones, which he set on the floor, though with a napkin base in case they tipped over. He also laid a napkin on the floor for his burger, and one for his knee, so none of it would be lost while chewing.

He started with the burger, taking a nice bite. Again, his head, the human head, was visible for all this. "Mmm," he said, before setting it down so he could take a fry. Then he looked in the bag, "hey, they gave us a couple of dips. Honey, honey mustard, barbecue, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Want some?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha had just unwrapped her burger. She flipped up the top bun to get a look. "No, seems they got my ketchup right on it so I'm good." She let the bun fall back into place then took a bite. A napkin was used to dab her lips but she kept the burger gripped in her left hand.

"You've never been on a stakeout? The joy of old coffee and being bored out of your mind? Unless you do something like sudoku in your head. No, I do not, before you ask," Natasha tells him with a soft laugh.

"In all those times chasing down leads, you just would do this alone?"

Venom has posed:
"I've been on plenty of stakeouts. I just haven't ever been on a stakeout with anyone else." Eddie corrected, "my other notwithstanding, of course." Curiously, the symbiote didn't pipe up before or after, seemingly content between the Big Belly Burger desert and the chocolate meal. "Well, that's the nature of the beast. The money's not great, and investigative journalism is slowly dying, so it's just getting squeezed more and more. I could make more money reviewing the latest movies than exposing real scumbags."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"You could." Natasha works on her burger for a few minutes, falling silent. She ends up munching another onion ring and taking a sip of tea before she opts to speak again.

"You could also take your skills to another level where you can help take down real scumbags, as you put it. It wouldn't be journalism precistly. Something a little more on my side of the legal fence."

Venom has posed:
"That's not exactly an option now, is it? You know my status. When I was at S.H.I.E.L.D., somebody came in to try and arrest me three times before someone told them of your orders." Eddie was living outside of the law. He was a wanted man. But he was guilty, after a fashion, even if there were extenuating circumstances. He'd had a few close calls too, where someone tried to capture him. It was more of a matter of when, not if, he was in prison again, and that'd mean death, what with the cancer inside. He looked lost in thought but didn't say anything as he continued to eat.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Don't be so hasty," Natasha pointed out with a half smirk. She let him talk though, winding down as he fell into some self analyzing, or so it appeared to her.

A glance over the edge of the roof and at her phone then back to the burger and conversation. "What do you know about me? What is the version on the streets?"

Venom has posed:
"I know that you're an Avenger, one of Earth's mightiest Heroes, or so the news says. You're probably the single most capable one. Sure, Thor has a hammer, but he's got nothing on you. You're also a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Russian, despite the accent, though there were some odd discrepancies, such as your date of birth. Oh, and you're a human that my other likes. I think he likes you more than me." And then the symbiote said, 'We do. She made us chocolate fondue. You give us chocolate ice cream. She's better.' And Eddie rolled his eyes, "seems the fondue was a big hit with him." The symbiote then added, 'not just the fondue. She is what you call a badass.'

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"My full name is Natalia Alianovna Romanova," she admits, giving him another truth about her. He is about to learn a few more, ones that might surprise him. "I was born...a long time ago. Thus the discrepencies with my date of birth you found in your investigating. I have to update it to match my appearance from time to time." She chews an onion ring then washes it down with tea and looks him in the eye.

"For most of my life, I was a spy for the Soviet Union. Before the fall." Another hint of her age. "After, when it was renamed. I was a special agent and assassin. I served Mother Russia loyaly and with honor. Then I was sent here to kill Tony Stark." She smiles a little, shaking her head. "No, he didn't make the difference. It was Hawkeye. I met him, tried to use him to help me in my mission, and instead learned that there was more to the world than I had been shown. I began to be swayed from my stance. Then I learned that my country had manipulated me the entire time. Used me. Fed me lies. And I turned. I came here, became a SHIELD agent despite my past. Despite being an enemy of the United States known as the Black Widow. Now? It's a name that is considered a hero and seen in a positive light. People don't know the shadows that I came from and where I still dwell."

Venom has posed:
Eddie was sitting on the floor of the roof, near a ledge, presenting a limited profile. He ate his curly fries and burger, all while listening. She was giving him some personal details, more information, and he appreciated it. He wasn't sure what had changed, but he liked that she was opening up a little bit. She was a spy, so he figured she'd have aliases and such, but the age was a new one, and he didn't even know how old she was. Though he had suspected she at least looked good for her age, given the medal he had managed to track down and return to her a while back.

She also said most of her life was before the fall of the Soviet Union, so that meant she had to be at least around 70 or so. He looked her over again, but kept listening. "My research suggested that there were other Black Widows, or you just were using a good disguise as the others didn't match what I know about you. Of course, I already know you're good with a wig." He paused, thinking about it all.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, Natasha. It means a lot, and I figure it's not easy for you." And showing he could listen to that, while still keeping a head on the mission, he asked, "is the target still on your scanner?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It is. Once he clears out, we can scout the location to confirm it's the hideout. Then I can provide the information to SHIELD." Natasha says, touching the screen on the phone to show him the stationary blip.

She looked back to him. "I was many of them. There are other Widows though. Russia trains them, uses them. I was the best, thus the title I earned. With my deepartuer, I have no doubt there will be another who will take my title." That smirk again. "At least they will give it to her in Russia. I will keep mine as it is changed here, something positive. A way to balance the red in my ledger." She tilts her head. "So just because you have a dark past, doesn't mean you can't have a future. Just think about it."

Venom has posed:
He continued to listen, trying not to ruin the moment with a belch or eating. He was there, watching her, listening to her, enjoying this moment. "Got it," he said in regards to their objective once the blip leaves its more or less stationary position.

"She hasn't taken your title until she's bested you, and from what I've seen, it may be some time before one can do that." He did have a dark past, perhaps darker than hers, maybe not, it was hard to say. His was fairly open. It was a matter of public record. There wasn't much hidden about him except his motivations and his inner thoughts, the reasoning. And then, he asked, "if you can redeem the name Black Widow, do you think I can redeem the name Venom?" He the had his face go mask, with teeth, "we are not exactly cute and cuddly."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That got a bit of a laugh from Natasha. Low and controlled but a laugh still. She wasn't going to chance a problem with her voice being heard on the street below.

"They would still have given the title and even should one find me and best me? I'm still the Black Widow." Then that smile got a slightly darker edge, a hint of what she was under all the surface beauty. "And we spiders are not what one could considered cute and cuddly."

A beat then the grin was back. "Usually. Thanks for the burger. These things are one of my secret weaknesses."

As time passed, they continued to talk though it was more light hearted and didn't touch on those elements of her past again.