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Latest revision as of 07:59, 29 January 2020

Follow Up on the incident prior
Date of Scene: 28 January 2020
Location: Angelo's Pizza - Brooklyn
Synopsis: Conversation about a gun battle on the street.
Cast of Characters: Carlo Paccioretti, Karrin Murphy

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
It's been a few days since the incident on the street, with gunfire and a baseball and a rodent or dog-looking guy getting into a fight with some gun-toting punks referring to themselves as the Foot. Carlo had managed to keep his face and name out of the paper, only referred to in the article as 'baseball guy' since that's what he used in the fight and, really didn't want to comment too much on it. He had to get his windshield repaired from the gunfire and get his shop open for the day - so giving detailed statements wasn't his thing. Still, he did leave his name, address, and phone number so, in the event a follow-up was needed, he could be found.

Carlo is an upstanding member of the community.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
The pizza shop is slowly getting ready for lunch. The main customer base comes in for a couple of slices and that's what Carlo is getting ready. Pizzas, racks of them, behind the counter, of all shapes and sizes, ready to be sliced and heated through on the oven behind the bar. Quick and easy. The perfect New York lunch.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There's the sound of an engine outside as Karrin's coming down the block in her Saturn. She's got one of those gumball lights atop it, it's doing that whole flashy old timey cop thing. Admittedly the whirling light's not lit. Instead Karrin climbs out and takes it off the roof, it vanishes inside the Saturn. Karrin locks her car, and heads into the pizza joint. She's dressed business casual today and loooks relaxed. Gone is the cop blues. Instead she could pass for some business type out for lunch. She's on the job, mind, but she sniffs the air and smiles.

She's got her smart shoes on, her vest under her shirt and between her skin and clothing (actually it goes skin, undershirt, vest, shirt, jacket), and sidearm in place. She's striding with a purpose right now and joins the lunch line, too. If anyone's stupid enough to try anything with her car...they'll make the local SPECTRE legends. And NYPD legends, too.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
Carlo is in the middle of pulling pies out of the coal-fired oven. The temperature in the restaurant is warm for the weather, thanks to it, but it's pleasant, and the smells are wonderful, reminding a lot of the customers of pizza joints that they grew up with. Heck, this is one that several of them grew up with already, so the nostaligia is reinforced doubly so, and there's Carlo in the middle of it. Each customer gets a nice word, a thank you, a hello, a 'how's your mother?' because he's a part of the community. He really cares, it seems. And he's a one-man show for Lunch, pulling slices, running them through, running the register...busy guy.

He does look happy, though, and can that really be said for many people?

He's dressed for cooking. Jeans, white t-shirt, apron, and comfortable non-slip shoes, all dusted with a little bit of flour from all the baking he's done. It's authentic and fits the bill. "Two slices, there you go, manny." Carlo says with a smile, coming to the next person in line. "Welcome to Angelo's, what can I get'cha?" His grin widens when he recognizes the woman in front of him. "Hey there, Supercop." A nonchalant greeting. "What would you like? It's on the house for serving your community."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin laughs gently, "I'm just doing my job. Look, I need to have a talk with you about what happened, okay. You got anyone else who can cover for you? It'll take a few minutes" she offers hopefully, looking around. "Nice place though, gotta admit. It's clean, it's neat and tidy" Karrin observes with a nod of approval

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
"Thank you. I work very hard to keep it clean and nice. Don't want a dirty pizza shop. Lose my A rating if that happens." When he's asked to step away from the line, he seems taken aback for a second. "Right now? Um..." Carlo looks at the clock on the wall, then at the people in line. "Give me like....twenty? Yeah, yeah twenty. We should be able to get the rest of this line done by that time. Have a slice while you wait. Drinks are in the fountain on the wall." He's not putting Karrin off but more of shunting it past the lunch rush. She's provided with the special slice of the day and a glass that she can fill with what she likes (no beer at lunch!) And, like he said, it only takes about 20 minutes to clear the line. Shortly after, out from behind the counter he comes. "Step into my office." he says, jokingly.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Oh Murph will wait those 20 minutes or so. She grabs a cup and settles in to wait, filling it with ice and water. yes. In that particular order. See, she is a smart cop, and sets the filled cup on the table, just waiting and watching the line. Pizza does sound good right now. But, she's a job to do. She could be back at her desk, right now but no, she's out here, in a pizza joint. Oh it's a good pizza joint, true, but she's out here, away from her desk, enjoying this.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
Carlo's office is back in the back, through a door in the arcade, leading to the warehouse behind. It's a small office, locking, with windows that look out over the warehouse where his car, the Impala, sits, with a new windshield. He leads Karrin through and in, taking a seat behind the desk and clicks on a small fan to circulate air in the room. "So, supercop." He calls the woman that since she hadn't exactly introduced herself. "What can I do for you?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph settles into the chair with a smile, water in hand as she sets it down, pulling out her phone, setting it to reccord. "My name is Karrin Murphy, I am with SPECTRE and I am interviewing a witness to the attack in Flatbush" she states, phone on the desk. The implication is you touch it, Murph will deal with ya.

"I'm Karrin Murphy, SPECTRE cop, and yes, that is close to supercop. I'm following up investigations and wanted to track you down to hear your side of things" Murph states and settles back. "So in your own time and words. Tell me what happened" she prompts.

Not really a traditional question an answer interview. Murph's just clicked 'record' and isn't prompting or pushing for answers. She'll disssect what Carlo says once he finishes speaking.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
Carlo rocks back in his chair, one ankle up on the opposite knee, thoughtful, watching as the phone is brought out to record and set up, the chair squeaking softly until she speaks. "Carlo Paccioretti, owner of Angelo's Pizza." He says as way of introduction. "Witness to the unpleasantries on the street a few days prior." A quaint way of putting it, sure but for the sake of brevity, it works.

"I don't know what to tell ya', really. I was driving to Juniors to get Cheesecakes for the buffet, an' I drive up an' see you." He inclines his bottle of water, pulled from somewhere. "Tryin' to talk some sense into four guys who are acting all crazy. Gang-bangers. Don't know what went on before getting to that point but something happened and those idiots pulled out guns. You shot one of 'em, I threw a baseball at another one an' knocked him out. An' some guy chased the other two into a shop an' got away." His hands are moving, now, the bottle rolling back and forth between his palms. "Guy on the ground what got shot was hurt, but wasn't going to die. I stopped the bleeding with my first aid kit, ruined a good shirt...an' you took my baseball as evidence. Like seein' the stitching on his forehead didn't tell you exactly what happened."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods, listening, "Right, those gangbangers as you call themstarted harrassing shopkeepers and drew guns after something set them off" she says. "I told them to drop it, they started shooting so I returned fire" Karrin says, taking notes. "You showed up when I'd opened fire" she nods looking to the bottle of water with a nod, then looks over to Carlo again. "Okay, do you have any ideas why they wanted to start shooting?" she asks. Hey, open questions

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
Carlo shakes his head. "No clue. Never saw them around the neighborhood, so they're not a part of the local...ahem...association...that runs the bookmaking and protection rackets. I'm guessing they were just trying to make their bones and then something startled them. There was that one guy in black causin' problems. Maybe they were tryin' to frighten him off."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods, "I hear you. Okay so you didn't know any of them or why they started shooting. Okay" she says with a look and a nodd. "It's mystifying. She's not entirely okay with random, new groups of criminals with guns coming into the big city and shooting up the place. Well then...

She nods, looking to Carlo. "Thanks for your time" she says and hits stop on her phone. Job done, info recorded, she grins. "Okay now that's done, you said free pizza, right?" Murph offers with a grin.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
"I said free pizza." Carlo responds with a matching grin of his own, getting to his feet and leading the officer out of the back room and into the pizza joint proper. "You tell me what you want, I'll take care of you. Italian sausage? Pineapple and canadian bacon? Supreme? Margherita? I can fill that hole that needs cheese and crust." Getting back outside, Carlo stops and sighs, shaking his head. Despite the 'back in 20' sign, there was a line of about five people waiting patiently for pizza. "If I hear anything about these people, I'll let you know, yeah? Leave me your card or come visit every once in a while. I've got a pretty good finger on the pulse of the neighborhood.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Sausage, bacon, coffe, black. Some cheese on that pizza, tomatoes, some pepperoni" Murph nods and settles back into her chair with a grin. It's a shame she's thinking about Bloodhaven and transferring ther. On the other hand, she likes coming here for food, it's good. Carlo's helpful and friendly. But, hey, Bloodhaven has its eateries and clubs, too.

Carlo Paccioretti has posed:
It takes a little doing but soon a full pie of sausage, bacon, cheese, fresh sliced tomatoes, and pepperoni is going into the coal fired oven with the peel, Carlo setting a timer for three minutes. From where Karrin sits, she can see him work, dancing around the kitchen as he heats slices and turns her pizza with deft movements in the oven until, after three minutes, the whole thing comes out, is sliced with a knife that could easily double as a machete in some southern states, and two steaming hot slices are placed on a plate, ready to be devoured. "Bon appetit. Enjoy." Carlo says with a grin, going to take care of the rest of the customers, coming back over about five minutes later to be sure things are going okay.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph watches. There's a lot of technique there. There's a ton of, well, there's /that/ knife. And oh yes, yes. The slices are good, she grins, shaking her head and smiling. With nothing but crusts left, because really, who eats crusts?

Either way, Murph's on her feet leaving $20 and another 0 tip, and her card too. She's taking off for the door and her car, too. Pizza was good. She idly wonders if Carlo delivers. Mostly since, hey, Karrin likes simple, easy food