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Latest revision as of 07:59, 29 January 2020

Brawl in the Bronx
Date of Scene: 28 January 2020
Location: West Farms, The Bronx
Synopsis: Tombstone fights Zombie-Girl and gets humiliated
Cast of Characters: Tombstone, Zombie-Girl

Tombstone has posed:
It was night in Southern West Farms, The industrial plants in the area where all shut down for the night, their activity silanced and the workers all gone home. However, their were still people milling about. This part of West Farms was the turf of the Sons of Apep, a vicious neopagan Motorcycle Club based somewhere in the Midwest but with chapters in 13 states. Tonight, the NYC chapter, a subsidiary of the much larger New York State chapter were meeting with one Lonnie Lincoln, a local drug lord whom they recently made a allaince with and entered a "drug network" with a seat on a "Board" where Tombstone was Chairman.

Five bikers were hanging out in a alley near a well-frequented biker bar, one of them clutching a briefcase. Suddenly, heavy footseps were heard appraching the alley. Soon, a very tall, muscualr Albiono man wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie stepped into frame. This of course, was the infamous Tombstone. He tugged on his collar and grinned at the bikers, showing off his very sharp teeth. He then said,

"Alright boys, let's do business."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl , as it would so happen, happens by just as Tombstone approaches the other men. Much like Tombstone she has an unnatural skin tone. Though the hooded jacket that she's currently wearing means that a person might not realize that at a casual glance unless they are looking right at her face. The small woman stops near the group and just oogles for a moment from behind the darkly tinted goggles that hide her eyes.

"Amway? This is an Amway thing right? Can I buy some laundry detergent? Something that can get out those pesky blood stains," she says butting into the conversation like a particuarly chatty freight train.

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone was about to start talking drug deals and cuts of profits with the bikers when suddenly a kid camr barging into the conversation and started to talk about Amway. Tombstone growled and said to Zombie-Girl say," Why don't ya beat it kid. We are talking here."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl pulls up her goggles onto her forehead. The hellfire within her body licks out of her eyes after they are exposed. "Beat it? Well yeah, beating something is in the cards. "It" or otherwise. Yah see, I know who you are. Tombstone. Pffft. What do you know about Tombstones? I have a tombstone. But knowing who you are, I know that any deal that you make probably isn't on the up and up. But I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by believing that you are selling Amway."

She crosses her arms and says, "So what's it going to be? Am I getting my laundry soap or not?"

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone and the bikers fliched back a bit when they saw her eyes emit hellfire. For a second, Tombstone though about punching this freak's head off, but thought differently. Suddenly, he pulls out a sandwhich bag containing white powder with a few blue specks in it and hands it to Zombie while saying,

"Here is your soap little girl, now leave!"

This, of course, wasn't soap, but a new strain of cocaine that Tombstone's men made and that he was gonna sell to the Sons. But, it bared a resemblance to powdered soap and he hoped that Zombie would be fooled by it.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl nods and says, "There now was that so hard." She pulls out a cellphone and says, "Selfie time!" she holds the camera out and makes sure to get everyone in frame and snaps the photo. She she says out loud while she tags the photo "Hashtag Amway, hashtag supportsmallbusinesses, hastag totallynotboogersugar, hashtag nypdcrimestoppers, hashtag imabouttoreallyruinthismanswholeevening."

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone glared at Zombie-Girl in anger as she belted out the hastags. Suddenly, he raised his fist and swung at Zombie-Girl, trying to punch her at his full strength. He didn't care if he killed her at this point, she seriously pissed him off."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl catches the fist straight in the sternum. Some of her ribs crack like dry kindling at the impact. She is knocked off of her feet but manages to roll with the punch and comes to a low squat on the ground. Despite the injury, she doesn't seem to be in any pain.

"You really need to work on your customer service skills," she notes and gets back onto her feet. "Think you can manage to kill a dead girl before the cops get here?" she asks.

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone looked on in surprise, and a bit of horro when he saw Zombie-Girl get up from the ground and taunt him. He then turned and said to the bikers,

"Get her boys!"

The bikers suddenly charged at Zombie-Girl, one of them trying to stab at her with a pocket-knife.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl does nothing to prevent the stab. The blade slides into her easily enough. But rather than crimson blood spilling out, a lazy trickle of a luminous yellow fluid oozes out. With the blade still in her she grabs the arm of the man who stabbed her and pulls his arm towards her, actually pushing the blade deeper in in the process. She places her other hand on the man's chest near that arm and pushes back. The result is that his arm is popped suddenly out of its socket. Though she can "only" lift two tons, she is still much stronger than the average person.

Tombstone has posed:
The man screams in pain and starts to clutch his arm as he is pushed onto the ground. Tombstone suddenly lifts a manhole cover and hurls it at ZG like a frisbee while another biker tries to hit her with a lead pipe.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl really doesn't have an opportunity to get hit by the lead pipe, because she is clobbered by about 250lbs of steel. She manages to get an arm up to block. But there really isnt much else that she can do. There is a sickening crack when it connects and she is again sent sprawling back. But this time she is left with a more obvious wound as that arm is broken and dangles limply at her side.

"Okay. That's how you want to play?" she rushes at one of the thugs and places a kick against his knee hard enough that answers the burning question of what it would be like if a knee could bend in both directions. Keeping her momentum she whirls about and plants an elbow in the face of another man hard enough not only to break his nose, but give him some skull fractures as well.

She turns to face Tombstone, looking ragged but ready to charge.

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone watches in surprise as two of his bikers are taken out rather brutaly by ZG. The final two bikers say nothing but flee, leaving Tombstone alone. Tombstone just growls and rushes at ZG, trying to ram into her with his shoulder.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl pulls that bag of cocaine out of her pocket and holds it as Tombstone rushes her. She allows him to plow into her, but not before she can swing the baggie at his face. The bag explodes, sending a puff of powder that covers his face. "Pocket sand!" she yells even as she is driven back.

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone immedialtey cries out in pain as the poweder cover's his face and some of it get's into his very sensitive eyes. He stops arbuptly and starts to rub his eyes, while occasionally coughing.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl ,being the dirty fighter that she is, takes the opportunity to do something that probably neither Daredevil nor even Spider-Man has ever done. She pantses Tombstone. She yanks down his pants so that they are around his ankles. It's difficult to fight when you can't walk.

"Okay. So now if you're smart listen up. I think you know how this is gonna play out. You are too thick skinned for me to do much damage to you and I can recover from anything that you can throw at me." The last part is a lie, but she won't go into detail about how she can be hurt. "So we're going to go back and forth like cartoon characters until the cops arrive. Or you can run your sorry ass out of here, while I babysit your goons long enough for the cops to arrive. So what's it gonna be?"

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone suddenley feels a breeze where the sun don't shine and found, much to his anger, that he had been pantsed, revealing a pair of white boxwers. He glares at Zombie-Girl and was about to attack, but suddenly said,

"You ain't worth it kid. Better watch your back though!"

He then rushes off, pulling up his pants as he did.