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Latest revision as of 06:42, 31 January 2020

Date of Scene: 30 January 2020
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Diana Prince meets Mary Marvel...and Mary Batson.
Cast of Characters: Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman

Mary Marvel has posed:
The embassy is not as grand as embassies go, but the end of Embassy Row tends to allow for a certain amount of privacy. And unlike most countries, Themiscyra doesn't attract protestors and picketers. Well, except for that ONE group from A Voice for Men, but the men's rights movement doesn't seem dumb enough to provoke the island nation.

Still, security is maintained. And when someone is spotted observing the embassy for more than a few minutes, it gets noticed, noted, logged, and threat-assessed.

Megaera, one of the aides and a capable warrior in her own right, appeared in the doorway to Diana's office. "Princess...there is someone monitoring the embassy from across the street. They have made no overtures, but they are definitely observing. If you bring up the security system, they can be seen on camera nine."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Truths be told, Diana is a supporter of both Men and Women in the world. She advocates for the health and wellbeing of both sexes. So should any male organization feel they have a word to share with the Princess, she'll do her best to publicly meet them and try to solve the issues at-hand. But... that doesn't generally take place on the streets of New York.

A break-in had occurred at the Embassy fairly recently and because of it there was a little more tension than there used to be. So a security officer is sent out of the building to walk the sidewalk, and eventually approach the individual if they don't flee or move along.

"Something we can help you with?" The security guard will ask of the person monitoring the embassy.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The monitor displays the feed from the high-definition CCTV camera in vivid color.

The person in question is standing on the flat roof of the high-priced condominium building across the street and to the left of the embassy. It captures the bright red of the tunic-like costume, the almost-diaphanous white hooded cape, the gleaming gold of the bracers and boots. It displays the toned form, the glow of energy emanating from the wide thunderbolt centered on her chest.

It also reveals the fact that she seems...nervous. She is glancing at the embassy, biting her lower lip as she does. The image is of a nervous girl psyching herself up to head over to the table where the cool kids sit...
...which, for Mary Marvel, is rather close to the truth.
She had been in the area. The armored truck robbery had not gone as planned, and the truck was now sitting on its rear door, front end pointed up into the sky. The window was cracked, so the four crooks inside could breathe.
But she had realized how close she was to all the embassies (she had done a paper on them for her civics class) and could not help flying over to see if it was still there. And it was. Of course, her camera and autograph book were with her cheap clothes and junior-high body, so so much for that. But still...AMAZONS!
She figured she could just look. Maybe for a few minutes more. Keep it from being too stalker-y...

She blinked, looking down. Oh, gosh, it was their security.
She raised a hand and waved. "Hi! Uhm...don't mind me! I just...wanted to see the place. I don't mean any harm, really. I promise! My name's Mary Marvel!"
She's making this weird. "Uhm, if you want me to go...I'll go..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The security guard is a man in his mid to late 30s, clean cut with dark skin and a bald head. "Well hey there, Mary. I'm Marcos. Really, I'd like to just have a chat with you, if you don't mind." He says up to her. "Come on down and lets talk for a minute. No harm, no foul."

In truth, Diana was monitoring the audio of the conversation from inside the Embassy. She's working on a project, in her office at the back of the Embassy, but she can hear the guard's chat with Mary over a mic clipped to his shoulder. There's video too from the same device on the guard's shirt, but Diana isn't looking at that right this moment.

"We just like to keep things safe and sound around here, you know? Generally if you want to visit the Embassy we like you to schedule an appointment."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Oh, jeez. She's not in trouble...well, not yet.
She walks towards the edge of the roof and steps off, but gravity for her is less a law than a general guideline. She descends slowly until the golden boots touch the ground.
She runs a hand up along the nape of her neck in a move that is pure Mary Batson, only in a woman who looks eight years older.
"Uhm, yeah, sure, of course. No worries, really!" She gives a bashful smile. "I understand. I don't want to cause any trouble. I just...I just wanted to see the embassy."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Marcos the Security Guard takes a step back as he sees the girl has abilities. His hands go to his hips and he just stands there as she comes down to his level. He offers her a nod and a friendly smile. "Looks like you could get far away from me if you want to, Miss." He states. "So I appreciate you coming down to chat."

Inside, Diana had looked to her monitor just in time to see Mary glide down to the pavement. She reaches over to press the comm switch...

Outside, Marcos pauses as he gets a message through his earpiece. "Uh huh." He says. "Got it."

He lowers his hand down from his radio and motions to the Embassy. "Looks like you've been noticed by more than just security. The head honcho herself has invited you inside to chat with her. Would you like to come inside and meet the Princess herself?" He asks of Mary.

Mary Marvel has posed:
There is a certain poise and discipline that a superheroine of Mary's power level should probably maintain when invited to meet royalty. COMBAT royalty, no less.

Mary manages it...kinda. Her eyes dilate perceptibly as the realization hits. Go in THERE? Meet HER?
For a moment, Mary Marvel seems to be VIBRATING in place, Then she gets herself under control...to some degree...but cannot keep the awe out of her voice. "ME? Meet...HER? Do geese HONK?" Then she realized that might not satisfy the level of decorum required, and she amended quickly, "I mean...yes! Sure! I'd love to!" Her eyes are filled with an almost childlike wonder, and she looks down at herself. She cleaned off the grime from the truck, but still...okay. She looked okay. "Uhm, all right, Mister Marcos. I'll follow you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Marcos shows the young woman a friendly smile and a look of amusement. "Sounds good. Come on then." He'll take her then across the street and up the stairs into the main lobby of the Embassy. Once inside, Mary will be able to see that it is a fancy place, a classic old New York style home retrofitted to be filled with Themysciran art and cultural memorabilia.

Marcos will even answer some questions or give her a little tour as they move through the foyer/lobby, beneath the grand staircase and toward the back of the building before bringing Mary into the office IN FRONT of Diana's office.

Inside this space is a pair of desks that sit beneath windows covered in long white sheer drapes that mute the sunlight from outside. "And here we are." Marcos says as he opens the double doors to Diana's office.

Diana, is already in the process of standing up and walking across her own office to greet them. Wearing a white dress, with a royal blue blazer over it, Diana smiles at the sight of the both of them. "Thank you so much, Marcos." She says to her security chief before she offers a hand to Mary. "Hello there, I am Diana." Her voice is smoky in flavor and toned in a foreign accent. She has a smile on her face for Mary that is welcoming and kind at it's core.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary walks in, and GAPES at the interior. This was like going to the museum during Greek Week, only so much MORE. The statuary looked realistic and ornate and...
Mary's right hand suddenly grasps her left, bringing it close to her chest. Mary Marvel was seeing this stuff, but Mary BATSON was responsible if any of this stuff broke, and she might be paying for it until she was as old as some of this stuff was.
Mary seems enraptured by the entire place, all the little parts robbing her of breath. She listens, but nods to Marcos as he speaks - no sense being rude, he was being polite and talking about his workplace - but she's not doing a very good job at keeping the awe out of her face.

Why can't she relax? Two weeks ago, she flew out to PLUTO. So why can't she keep a grip on it?

When the double doors open, Mary is suddenly glad Diana isn't wearing what she USUALLY wears. She didn't think she would have kept it together if she had been in full armor. Except who wears full armor in an office...you DOPE?

Then the Wonder Woman Princess Diana of Themiscyra Oh Gosh I Can't Even extends her hand, and Mary's ability to maintain what composure she has is in itself proof of her superhuman nature. She steps forward, looking down, then stops and bows slightly. "Your Majesty," she says in the most proper voice she can manage. It's Your Majesty, right? Not Your Highness? Oh, Gosh, she hopes she got it right.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I'll leave you two too it." Marcos says then as he moves to step back out of the office, with a grin.

"Thank you, Marcos." Diana says to him on his way out as he closes the door behind him. What Mary will likely see inside the office though, other than it being spacious and with ceiling that are at least fifteen feet up off of the floor, is that very well known set of armor resting inside of an alcove between the bookshelves and display shelves along the western wall. The Eagle Armor, illuminated from above within the alcove so that it shines brightly on display, with the sword and shield mounted on the wall behind it. Very regal, very fancy!

Diana smiles at Mary's reaction. "Please, I have never been one for titles. Diana is all you need refer to me as." She offers the younger one a smile. "Come come, sit." Diana motions to the seating area, leather furniture set beside a small kitchenette space.

"Would you like a drink? Water and juices are in stock." Diana will move with the girl should she wish to sit. "What brings you to the Embassy today? You looked a bit... shy out there? But also as though you had something on your mind."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Diana might notice Mary is no longer following along as soon as she spots the armor. She is staring at it, awestruck, for a few long seconds.
She does react as Diana speaks, and she looks to Diana, blinking, before comprehension sets in and she giggles nervously. "Oh! Uhm...any juice would be fine. I'm Mary. Mary Marvel." She colors a little. Man, she never realized how ostentatious that name sounded, especially when you are telling it to an Amazon princess.
Okay...gut check. Get it together, Mary. Don't sound like a goob!

"Uhm...well, there was a bank robbery on 151st. They were escaping in an armored truck, one of those fifty-ton things that are like tanks with tires. Well, after I put the truck on its rear, I realized I was near your embassy..."
Her embassy? Steady, Mary...
"...and I wanted to come by, take a look at it. I was just curious. I'd seen it before, but...traveling past it.."
On the school bus...
"And I guess I was hoping I'd spot someone important. I'm...sure you're a busy person, and I didn't want to make a big fuss..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiles when she sees the young woman go to look upon the armor. It is displayed like that for a reason, it is meant to be looked at where it is now. "A bank robbery?" She asks as she moves toward the kitchen area to get them both a glass of apple cider, brought in from upstate New York's apple orchards.

"That sounds like a large amount of danger for you to take on at your age." Diana comments then. "Have you been training your abilities, I take it?" She then inquires. "If you are able to stop a armored truck and put to end an attempted robbery of said truck, well you might have a place on the Justice League's roster waiting for you."

Diana walks toward where Mary is now and she offers her a glass of said cider. "That is no small feat after all. I am eager to hear about your abilities now. How did you come to acquire them and there-in learn how to utilize them in such heroic ways?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
For a moment, Mary's breath catches. Did she KNOW?
<Relax,> she told herself. <She's centuries old. You may look 25 to most people, but maybe everyone looks very young to her. Yank it back.>

She is about to speak when Diana mentions being on the JUSTICE LEAGUE? The ever-loving JUSTICE LEAGUE? HER?

She coughs suddenly, then blinks at Diana. "Uhm...uhm..." <Lovely, Mary. Why don't you break wind and finish the Looking Stupid hat trick?>
Mary takes a deep breath. "I'm...look. I am not trained, per se. I took some self-defense courses when I was younger, but I'm not a warrior like you. A few months ago, I was...chosen. By a powerful wizard. I was told I was worthy, that I could call on him. I did, and..." She indicates herself, from flowing brown waves of hair to gleaming boots. "Well...this. I can fly...I mean, REALLY fast...I'm very strong, I mean, I really don't know how strong I can get. I'm very fast. Almost Flash-fast. But...well, I've only been doing this a few months. I'm kinda learning as I go. I just...help when I can, where I can, because I can. But there's nothing really impressive about me without these powers."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I see." Diana replies calmly to that rundown of information. She shows a brief hint of a smile to the young woman. "That is a lot for you to take on. Do you happen to have the name of this Wizard?" She then asks, unknowing of any side effects that might come with uttering the name in passing.

"You know... having powers like that are a wonderful thing, a thing that you can put to use to truly better this planet. To cease harm to others, to do as you seemingly did today. But... now that you have them, you do have a responsibility to train with them and to train in a way that not only lets you work well with others who have similar abilities, but also lets you work with local law enforcement so that you are an aide and a boon to them, rather than inadvertently create more issues for them to have to deal with. Such as with colatoral damages to the city around you that may accidentally occur while you are..." Diana shows another smile then. "Trying to stop the terrible bank robbers."

She levels her chin then. "You should come to the Hall of Justice in Metropolis and join our Public Defenders training courses. Where we bring in those in the public who have special abilities and we train with them to help them know precisely what to do in these types of situations, like which you seemingly faced today."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Okay. Chalk it up to being nervous around Diana. And being distracted. And a few other things.

"Well, his name is Shazam-"
She did intend to keep going, but her eyes widen a fraction of a second before she realizes what she's done.
A lightning bolt seems to arc down through the ceiling, striking Mary Marvel in a brilliant flash of light. And scorching the carpet in a one-foot radius.
When the light dissipates, Mary Marvel is gone. An awkward-looking, completely average high-schooler is standing where the superheroine used to be. She is wearing ripped jeans over LuLaRoe leggings, a red t-shirt with a hand-drawn black Spider-Man symbol on it (thank you, Sharpie), tennis shoes that have seen better days, and a long pea coat. Hanging from her shoulders is a Jansport backpack fresh from Goodwill.

She looks down at herself, then uses the strongest profanity she has in her lexicon. "...Well, FATRAT..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, of course, has the reaction time to see the lightning coming and though part of her desires to get Mary out of the way of it's strike another part of her knows that this is... part of the girl's repertoire of abilities. She's seen things similar to this before. Especially within the magic realm.

"Well then." Diana says after she sees the effect of it upon the floor of her office and then the eyes of the much different girl standing before her. "Hello there." She says to Mary with a small smile.

"I guess there is a lot more to you than meets the eye, yes?" She gives another glance up to the ceiling of her Embassy and then down to the girl again. "Let us... perhaps not do that again though, unless we moved out to the yard." She shows the hint of a good humored grin though.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary Batson looks down. Well, she just trashed Diana's carpet in her embassy. That's gotta be an international incident, AT LEAST. Way to go, Mary.
She looks up at Diana, her face crestfallen. "A lot more?" She chuckles sadly. "A lot LESS to me, you mean. I'm not 25. I'm going to be 17...in three months." She looks back to the carpet. "Uhm...I should pay for that. Just...send me the bill. I should be able to do enough babysitting jobs to pay for it."
Yeah...a LOT of them. How expensive is Themiscyra carpet?

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has another smile appear on her red painted lips and she reaches a hand out to pat Mary's right shoulder. "Do not be silly. I asked you to speak the name of a Wizard. I brought that lightning down upon myself, so to speak. The costs will be taken care of."

Diana then motions to the seating area. "Would you like to sit? I would love to know more about where you came from, whether you live here in the city and what your hopes and dreams are with these powers... but also with yourself. As in, career, education, and so on? Unless you have some place to be of course, special Wizard meetings and all that." She adds a playful grin there at the end as her hands come together in front of her.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary rolls her eyes. "Your High...uhm, Miss Diana..." She suddenly feels the need to sit. Or at the very least, to get away from the scorch mark she left.
She relaxes slightly once she sits on the couch. "Look...I'm not like anyone in the Justice League. I'm an orphan living in a foster home. I live in Brooklyn. And these powers? They're not even mine. Someone gave them to me because they thought I wouldn't abuse them. There's the temptation...but I haven't. I use them to help people. It's not doing great things like the League does. It's...stopping thugs and balancing fifty-ton trucks on their backs. And...well, I have *school.* I have *homework.* I'm sure no one else in the Justice League needs to write a ten-page essay for next Monday..."

What is it about Diana that causes her to barf up every little insecurity she has? Maybe because Diana's perfect, and Mary is...well, anything but.

Wonder Woman has posed:
As Mary talks, Diana's dark brown eyes search the girl's face, watching her expressions and how the muscles twitch beneath her skin to form them. Diana's dark and finely crafted eyebrows raise up then at the end of what Mary replies with and she slowly lowers her slim pointed chin.

The Princess shakes her head slowly from right to left. "You are under no obligation to take me up on my offers, Mary. I only offer them incase you desire to take them. Many people who come across powers such as you have... they... they struggle with them. Be it meta humans, or Mutants. They do not know how to incorporate those powers into their every day lives. Let alone use them to try to better society around them. This is one thing we try to help people do in the League. But, if you feel you are on top of your situation..."

Diana smiles again then and looks more satisfied. "Then we can just be happy new friends I hope, yes?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary nods, then opens her backpack. "Uhm...could I have your autograph? I collect signatures from real superheroes, and I hope I'm not imposing."
She suddenly looks inspired. "Listen...I MIGHT know someone who's...well, like you. She's also a princess, she's also a warrior, and she's from another PLANET, to boot. When I first met her, I thought she was an Amazon, but she comes from a place called, get this, Gemworld."

This could work out great! Amethyst could be with heroic people, she's probably got awesome fighting skills like Diana, and the Justice League could DEFINITELY offer her accomodations more suitable for a princess than the spare room in a foster home. She is most definitely a better candidate for the Justice League.

Maybe Mary could form her own group. Call it the Bush League.

"If you want, I could talk to her, see if she wants to do it, then set you both up for a meet-and-greet."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana will show a small smile then as she accepts whatever Mary wants her to sign (presumably from the backpack). "Of course." She adds. "It is no problem, my schedule is a bit open for the moment and that is why when I saw you outside I thought it best to bring you in and get to know a little bit more about you." As she moves to the desk to get a pen to write with she comes back with a small notecard for Mary. "Here, our contact information is on this, keep it and use it if you feel a need to get a hold of me."

The princess will then go on to sweep and stroke her name down and offer the autograph signature back to Mary. "As for your friend, please do refer her to us. She sounds like a unique one, to be sure and if she needs assistance here then... well.. that is precisely why we are here. The Justice League was formed to help people, after all. Whether it by through... lifting armored cars and stopping bank robbers, or simply be offering a helping hand to someone in more commonplace needs."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary takes the card, then takes the autograph book back. "Great! This'll be perfect. If she wants to do this, I'm sure she's got a lot to offer the League."
Because this sounds like the kind of epic stuff the Justice League does all the time.
She stashes both in her backpack. "All right! Thanks!" She pauses, then says, "Uhm...my name...my REAL name...is Mary Batson." She colors slightly. "So, uhm...I'm real sorry about the carpet. I guess I was just flustered. Imagine if I WAS with the Justice League and got flustered like that while stopping an alien invasion or one of the other epic things you all do."

She can't help it. She's a supers fan, she has access to the Internet, and she sees all the stuff the media has featuring the Justice League. She just can't see WONDER WOMAN stopping a bodega robbery, or the Flash stopping a bunch of misguided animal activists. Mary doesn't even have a NEMESIS.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has to softly laugh at the carpet being brought up again and her eyes going back down in front of it. It happened directly in front of her armor display which just makes her grin a little. "Do not worry about it, Mary." She replies. "Just getting to see a bit of what you are capable of was worth it. Besides, I saw power in you and I invited you inside, then I asked you to... yes, say a Wizard's name. I truly 'asked for it'. As they say."

Another grin is shown from the Princess. "I truly do look forward to hearing what good it is you do with those powers, if this wizard with the Shocking Name saw the quality in you to bestow them upon you. It sounds like it must mean that you have big things on the horizon!"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles wryly to Diana. Diana is just so awe-inspiring, Mary almost believes it. And she's just so...
A flush comes quickly to Mary's cheeks. "Uhm...I should probably get going. Dad's making meatloaf tonight."
What is going on with her? What is it about Diana that is making her feel so strangely? First Katsumi, now Diana. What is wrong with her?
She stands up, then looks around. "I should...probably find a place where I'm not going to scorch the floor again. It's gonna look odd if Mary Marvel comes into a building and Mary BATSON walks out..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a sly grin and a little nod. "Come along." She tells the other as she moves toward her office doors. Once they're pulled open she steps out into the first room before her office and then out into the hallway. "There is a lovely small central courtyard here within the embassy."

And indeed there is, Diana leads Mary around a corner down the hallway and to a set of French doors that open up onto a courtyard filled with Greek Mythological statues and artwork, as well as a lovely fountain in the center. But better yet there is green space and stone pathways to stroll the courtyard.

"Here." diana motions to the clear spot of grass. "I believe your will be fine to do your magic here, but before you go. Thank you for coming by. It has been a treat to get to meet you."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary grins. "Well, it's REALLY been a treat for me. Not often I get to meet one of the A-listers in the superhero community."

She looks around. Just grass. No electronics nearby, which is good. When she did this in the sound booth, the feedback was weapons-grade all by itself.
She looks back to Diana, smiling still. "Thanks...but it's not mine. It never was. It's on me, but not IN me, if you get my meaning."
She closes her eyes, then says, "SHAZAM."

The lightning bolt lances down from the clear night sky. When it fades, the foster kid from Brooklyn is gone. Mary Marvel has returned.

Mary Marvel smiles and waves to Diana. "Thanks for the juice...and not having Marcos shoo me off. He's a decent guy/

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary grins. "Well, it's REALLY been a treat for me. Not often I get to meet one of the A-listers in the superhero community."

She looks around. Just grass. No electronics nearby, which is good. When she did this in the sound booth, the feedback was weapons-grade all by itself.
She looks back to Diana, smiling still. "Thanks...but it's not mine. It never was. It's on me, but not IN me, if you get my meaning."
She closes her eyes, then says, "SHAZAM."

The lightning bolt lances down from the clear night sky. When it fades, the foster kid from Brooklyn is gone. Mary Marvel has returned.

Mary Marvel smiles and waves to Diana. "Thanks for the juice...and not having Marcos shoo me off. He's a decent guy."
And with that, in comparative silence, Mary soars upwards into the night sky and is soon gone from view.