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Latest revision as of 06:44, 31 January 2020

Titles are for Little People!
Date of Scene: 29 January 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Jessica meets Colossus briefly in the woods.
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Cruz), Colossus

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz is wearing camo and is hunting. She is trying to be as 'normal' as possible. One of her many rifles, ammo, the works. Scent-blocking clothing and the like used. She is vaguely aware of some buildigns in the distance as she is stalking a deer. She carefully aims and fires with a somewhat loud bang and she missed. It's been a while as the deer runs off as she shakes her head, tsking.

Colossus has posed:
    Throughout the more rural parts of Westchester there are paths, trails that wend their way through the woods and into the forest. It's just far enough North that the hint of civilization is far enough off that one might imagine they're alone with nature. Especially as the way the deer seem so at ease and so calm as they move as their desire to forage takes them.
    But then that calm is broken and they run. Rushing off deeper into he woods as the crack of the gunshot echoes through the forest. The sound is partially muffled by the snowfall upon the ground, but it still carries and she likely spooked most of the animals nearby.
    Though she might well catch sight of something else walking in the woods, seemingly not harried by the sound of gunfire. A bright red jacket is seen, zipped tight over the large torso of a tall dark haired man in blue jeans and work boots. He is walking the path, perhaps unawares he's slipped onto hunting grounds. Yet whatever reason for his being there, he seems to be headed her way.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz hears a ping from her right hand. She glances down. "Report," she muses softly. "One male human approaching from the southest, J-Bird," comes the quiet voice. "Correction. One male human mutant. Sorry." "It's fine. I'm out of practice. I haven't used this rifle since... it happened. And that was a long time ago." She then stands the rifle up so it's up on its butt. "Normally I'm a crack shot but... maybe I damaged the scope in my haste." She shakes her head, hearing hte rustling of a man as she turns to face the one arriving....

Colossus has posed:
    It's likely the path she took herself, and as he gets closer she can make him out more clearly. Tall. Actually very tall, a good foot taller than her and with a steady gait as he walks. He extends a hand to try and catch an errant branch or so that threatens to thwap into him as he moves past some brush, leaving the trail in her direction.
    Then she'll likely espy him as he catches sight of her. He lifts a hand in a small wave of greeting, accompanied with a smile though his gaze will flick to the rifle as if making sure that things are safe. Nothing conscious, just a recognition of the thing.
    A few more strides and he closes the distance but pauses to stand next to one of the old oaks that are so prominent in this part of the forest.
    "Hello, good hunting?" He asks of her, though sees no trophy nor carcass.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "Not so much - it's late in the season - I hauled out one of my favorites from my rifle closet and... I... apparently haven't calibrated it in a while. I missed by several feet and pretty sure not much else is going to happen." She smiles as she shrugs. "And... I mostly just wanted to come out to be in nature. My work takes me so far away sometimes that just visiting my old stomping grounds seems a rarity."

Colossus has posed:
    The tall man listens to her, blue eyes meeting her gaze and following along with an occasional nod tinged with a hint of a smile. He looks toward the rifle in question as she speaks of it and his eyebrows climb with perhaps understanding. There's a squint sidelong off in the distance, the direction the deer ran off to before he returns his gaze to her.
    "It is good to return to what you know, at times." There is an instant where he frowns to himself and hen looks at her weapon, then back to her. "This is going to be a strange question..."
    His voice is strong, rich with an accent that she likely has heard before if she's a fan of old movies or cartoons starring a moose and squirrel. "But have you been seeing a hairy grumpy man. Standing about this high." He holds an arm out palm flat as he indicates a height perhaps even a little shorter than herself. "Perhaps smoking a cigar?"
    At first he offers naught in the way of explanation, but then he looks away again. "If he spoke to you he likely would have perhaps been rude?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "I love the Russian accent," she muses softly. "Regardless, you're the first person I've seen today. I like it that way." She hmmmmms softly. "Who is this guy? I could try to search?"

Colossus has posed:
    Crinkling his nose, Piotr shakes his head as he declines. One hand lifts as if to stay her as he murmurs, "Nyet," His lip curls a little as he lets the word slip into the conversation as if to please her before he adds, "I was thinking to try and find him. I thought..." There's a pause, eyes distancing before he looks back to her, bright blue gaze meeting hers. "I thought perhaps I had seen him, but it is likely I did not."
    His arms fold across his broad chest as he looks aside, then back. "And, to be fair, if he is not wishing to be found then who am I to intrude, yes?" That having been said he then blinks twice as if just now remembering.
    "Forgive me, I am being rude." The last word pronounced with a roll of the 'r'. "My name is Piotr. Piotr Rasputin. I come from..." He gestures behind him, "Well, there is a school quite a ways back that I teach at. Sometimes I walk the trails."
    And they led him here.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Oh. That's what that building is. I thought I saw it as I was pulling up." She does hope you don't ask how she got here. That'd be an awkard conversation. "What's this person's name? So I could be on the lookout. Is he dangerous?" she asks, smiling faintly as she decides to just field-strip the rifle and start to pack it away.

Colossus has posed:
    The reply she is given is one word, "Logan," Just a single name, and apparently that's enough. "You will likely know him if you see him. He is..." Words fail him for a moment as Piotr looks to the distance, then looks back at her with a faint smile. "A character."
    That said he gives her a small wave. The 'Is he dangerous' question, he perhaps lets that one lie for now, not elaborating the possible ways that Logan could be considered dangerous. He steps back onto his back foot and tilts his head to the side.
    "Forgive my intrusion, I will make my way back." That said he backs up a step and begins to turn to depart.