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Wild Rose, Hidden Dragon
Date of Scene: 29 January 2020
Location: Brooklyn, Richard Dragon's dojo
Synopsis: Riana seeks to satisfy her curiosity about Richard Dragon's dojo, and finds that the teacher can still become the student.
Cast of Characters: Wild Rose, Dragon

Wild Rose has posed:
     It was early afternoon on one of Riana's days off. Her one-eyed puppy, Jack, had been watered and fed, and was napping away in her living room in her Bushwick apartment. She'd done some research on area dojos, in the hopes of making certain that when the time came for her to start her own, there would be few if any teaching her style. One name in particular stood out to her--Richard Dragon. Really, who took on a name like that?

     It piqued her interest, so she grabs her keys, heads out to her little white Volkswagen beetle with the racing stripes and "53" painted on the hood, and drives out that way. It takes a little time to get there, but when she does, she finds a parking space, and approaches the dojo on foot. At first, she's just peeking through the window, to see if there is a class within. One could often tell much about an instructor that way.

Dragon has posed:
There is, indeed, a class going on! It's not much, just a dozen students practicing. some moves on the large tatami situated in the center of the dojo. The dojo itself is just a large rectangular room at the groundfloor of a quite tall but unassuming building, in a side street, that sort of places where you either happen by chance or because you know of it.
The students are paired up, trying forms of various martial arts styles! On one side, a couple is practicing karate chops, next to them two students are locked in what seems like a serie of sambo grapples, and next to them another two are practicing judo throws. Then comes a pair that are, well, tangled in an exchange that could easily be muai tai and, immediately after them, two students are wielding staves and practicing some bojutsu! And close to a pair practicing wing chun, Richard is standing, nodding in approval at their form "very well done, everyone. It's almost time for the end of the lesson!" the man states, moving in the centre of the tatami as everyone stops. Richard is dressed today in just a black shirt and a pair of pants of the same color, bare feet of course and his hair, red and wild, so in contrast with the controlled and calm aura surrounding him. "soo, you've all been wonderful today, though, next time, I would like you to switch pairs like we've been doing last month, and see if you can impart some knowledge of your chosen style to the one you'll be partnered with... Martial arts are a great thing, eaach style is great and wonderful, but each has strengths and weaknesses. Specialize if you want, but integrate with other styles to be truly something... And, always remember, it's not only the physical aspect of what you do to be important. It's not just a sport, it's not just self defense, and as you know" he pauses "it's not just a way to beat people with style... It's a way of life." he claps twice "ok, line up for the salute!" and they all do, standing in a straight line, and bowing as Richard bows towards them! Then everyone starts to disperse, leaving richard to stand alone, surrounded by the now empty room, the four pillars supporting the ceiling and the wooden racks of wooden weapons aligned on the walls.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Well! Even as a mere guest, it seems Riana has herself become a student once more! A smile plays upon her lips as she listens; it sounded so much like the sensei who had taught her growing up. She had been a bit headstrong and willful, and not always inclined to listen in the moment. But similar teachings came back to her now. Was it, then, perhaps time for her to begin her learning anew, and expand her knowledge beyond her primary chosen style?

     She was without her staff as she slipped through the door, knowing full well she would be visiting someone else's dojo. How could she possibly show the disrespect of coming in armed? She removes her sneakers by the entrance and sets them neatly to the side, keeping her silence and waiting patiently.

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon has his shoulders turned to the door, and as he hears it opening and then closing, he waits a couple of seconds before turning to look at Riana with a polite bow of his head and a welcoming smile "good day!" he salutes, proceeding towards her to stop four metres in front of her. "how can I help?" he inquires, his eyes scanning her with extreme discretion, to assess various details such as level of dangerousness, eventual weapons, some hints about her style if she has any. After all the body can tell much! The flattened eyes of someone that is trained in kendo, the bruised outer knuckles of a puncher or inner fingers of someone trained to grab a GI forcefully, or the slightly deformed tibiae of a muai tai fighter...

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana's bow is deep, and she keeps her eyes down; however, there is something of a wry smile upon her lips at this. Her hands bear some callouses, her movements oddly restrained and not hinting at a particular style. "I must confess, coming here was curiosity. But now I wonder if it was meant to be." She straightens herself, making no move forward, nothing even remotely aggressive or threatening, other than to offer her hand. "Riana Mackenzie. And you are Richard Dragon, yes?" Her flame red hair is pulled back in a simple braid, and she is comfortably dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt, and a puffy black parka which she is unzipping in the warmth of the room.

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon offers his hand too for a handshake, and after that brief but firm one, he smilingly nods "that's who I am, yes..." he states "it's a pleasure to meet you, Riana Mackenzie!" he adds, letting his hands fall down his sides "and was your curiousity satisfied?" he inquires, tilting his head slightly. Casting a glance towards a low table in one of the corners of the dojo he adds "would you want to join me for a cup of tea, Riana?"

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana nods once, her feet barely whispering across the floor as she makes for the low table in the corner of the room. "It'd be a pleasure, thank you." She sinks down slowly to the ground, settling into a cross-legged pose. The soles of her feet--particularly the balls of her feet, and the outer 'knife edge'--bear a fair amount of callouses, as perhaps one accustomed to a style with a great deal of kicking and footwork. Yet, her palms bore the feel of one who was accustomed to holding a weapon, perhaps.

     "Your question is a little difficult to answer. I was intrigued by what style I might find here, and in finding the answer, only come away with more questions. Questions less for you, and more of the sort I have to ask myself."

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon follows Riana towards the low table, and smoothly assumes the same position in front of her. Though, that happens after he briefly disappears behind a door to come with a teapot and two cups, that he places in a symmetrical way on the table! With practiced motions, he fills the two cups with the sweet scented liquid, whose taste is indeed bittersweet but relaxing, in a way! "those are the best questions, because in answering them, we oftentimes find more questions in ourselves. And the discovery of their answers means self discovery"

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana inclines her head slightly in Richard's direction, as she curls her fingers around the delicate wooden cup, so plain and yet so beautiful, with the grain of the wood itself becoming its own decoration. "I began in tang soo do when I was eleven years old. My mother had left my father, my sister and I not too long before, and I had an opportunity through good fortune to try the style. It became something I loved. And something I needed, because that was a dark moment in my life. It was something positive, something that was my own to focus on."

     She takes a sip of the tea, letting the steam from the pleasant, bitter brew bathe her senses with a sense of purity and peace. "I did take a small break when I was thirteen. My father never understood why, and... I never explained to him. It had to be done, though. Within a year or so, I was back at it, and pursued my style." She smiles lightly, perhaps with a touch of pride. "It was good to see my father smile so much when I earned my cho dan, my first degree black belt. But it felt good for myself, too. And it felt even better when I earned my e dan, my second degree, because perhaps I could now give back some of what I was given when I started."

     Riana takes another sip of her tea, looking about her, taking in the rather spartan surroundings, and then glancing back over at Richard. "But now I wonder, is it maybe time to expand beyond that? Am I shortchanging myself somehow, by learning only one style? Worse, would I be shortchanging any students I might one day have?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon listens quietly to what Riana is saying, maintaining a serene expression as he sips some of his own tea, back straight, eyes unmoving from her.
"It is a matter of personal choice, Riana... Both have advantages and disadvantages..." he mentions. "for the regular person, mastering a style takes years and practice, so if you truly want to be the master of your style, to, specialize in it, then I'd say to pour yourself into it... But" he pauses, considering his own words for a moment "but if you want to be more diversified, learning some things about other styles could also be helpful... Each has its advantages and disadvantages..." he sips his tea again, before continuing "If you're a very advanced practitioner of your style, you may know techniques that I don't, so I won't be able to counter them and you'd win. At the same time, if your style has a weakness and I manage to find it, I can easily defeat you using that no matter your level of experience." he smiles "weakness that having another style could cover... Take a style that focuses on kicks. I learn how to counter it, but you know no other way to fight... But what if you could switch to a style focusing on grappling? Or punching? And what if you find a weapon that is different from the one you're used to? But then again, the question would be... What would you want to get from your style? Spiritual attunement, physical perfection, fighting prowess or the pride to consider yourself among the best in a style, unquestioned master of it?"

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie seems to consider this for a moment, swirling her tea lightly around in the cup, and smiling lightly at the way it catches the light. For a little bit, it seems as if she might not answer, but she finally speaks. "Peace. Learning my style brought me peace when I needed it the most. I want to give that back, to give it to someone else who might need it the same way I did. But I can't ask students to be open to learning new things, if I'm not myself."

There is an even longer pause, though, and she looks intently at Richard over the edge of her cup. Did she dare to tell him? Could she trust him that far? "There was a reason I had to take a break when I did." She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and steeling herself to speak the words. "It turned out I'm a mutant. I wound up with strength, and very sensitive hearing. I didn't know how to control that strenth, and didn't want to risk hurting others in class until I could. I never told my family, and haven't to this day. The world isn't kind to mutants, and I don't want to see them become targets." She shrugs, sipping her tea. "Had to figure things out on my own, and didn't go back until I had enough control where I could trust myself not to hurt someone else by accident."

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon again listens quietly, and if the notion she's a mutant hit him, his expression doesn't show it at all! He still seems serene as always, taking a longer sip of tea to bring the content of the cup to half. "if it's peace you seek, then you have the answer in yourself, if specializing or diversifying... You could even do both!" he states, smiling slightly. "as for your, secret, I'm glad you managed to control it. And I agree, the world is less kind with you mutants than you truly deserve." and by his light smile, relaxed posture and warm gaze, one thing is sure, the secret is as safe as it can be. "why though are you telling me this? Trusting a stranger with a secret not even your family knows?"

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Because I've got a funny feeling this won't be my last visit here. And if I can find the courage to tell you, maybe one day I can also tell them." Riana smiles lightly, her brows arching above that be-freckled face. "I don't think I'd like it very much if we remained strangers."

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon smiles in understanding and nods his head, taking a small sip of tea and then placing the cup down "you are welcome in here whenever you want. I will do my best to help you train, if you want, in whichever style you want to train in, yours included" he says "or, just to speak, if it is a friend you need! I'll still be here." he offers.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie smiles warmly now, exhaling on a sigh to let go of tension she hadn't realized she'd been holding on to. She traces one fingertip along the grain of the wood, admiring the soft gleam of the simple, smooth surface in the light. "It might be time for me to diversify, but I'm not sure which style to learn next. Which one would you recommend?" Had Richard wound up with a new student somehow?

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon hmms considering "well it really depends from what you feel to be good in... I'd say something unarmed, just in case you find yourself without your staff, hm?" he says with a grin "and, maybe, something focusing on arms, maybe throws... Something that doesn't require much footwork, so should anything happen there, you'll be covered" he says, widening a bit his smile. Apparently he's been observant!

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie raises her eyebrows and laughs. "Not sure how you figured out just which weapon I used, but you got it right. And yes, there's a lot of footwork. Some punches, some throws. I remember my sensei telling me to follow a punch or a kick with a block, and vice-versa. It was usually very effective, but I think his main idea was to get me thinking one or two steps ahead."

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon chuckles and grins "I know your style, Riana, and examining how someone moves and acts is oftentimes a good way to determine what that person knows to do in a fight!" he states, smiling. "and yes it's a good technique, punching and kicking opens your defense, so following that with a block is a very good method indeed..."

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie smiles a little more, and nods. "And following a block with an attack as well." Bringing the cup to her lips, she tips it back one last time, finishing the last bit of tea held within. "When do you usually have classes? If there's room for another student, I wouldn't mind joining in."

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon nods again "true, even if in some cases that's an expected move" he says with a wink, finishing his cup of tea "when there are students! I don't have a true schedule... And there's always room for one more person. But that also depends if you wanat to be added to a group to learn general techniques of a style, or if you want to study yours more in depth, in the latter case I'll see you alone..."

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Is it so wrong I wouldn't mind both? Of course I'd want to study my style more in depth, but taking part in classes would do some good as well." Riana smiles and sets the cup down on the table, getting to her feet. "I should be getting back home. Here." A small card is drawn from her pocket, a simple calling card with her name and number on it. She gives this to Richard, and bows out of respect. "Thank you for the willingness to take me on. I'll do my best to learn."