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Latest revision as of 02:12, 1 February 2020

Shopping for Magic
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: A special customer comes to the magic shop..
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Flash

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had returned to the Magic Shop for some much needed training in the back room on an otherwise quiet evening at The Magic Box. The store was probably open for another hour or two and Giles was starting to wind down, not expecting many more customers to drop by this late at night. Buffy was also ready to head back home and lingered impatiently at the big oak table in the middle of the store, waiting for Giles to hurry up and wrap up so she could get a free ride.

Flash has posed:
The door chimed and the Flash walked in, fully in costume. He did it at a normal pace, not wanting to show off or disturb any papers. He was trying to look out for a staff member, but Giles was actually in the loo at the time, having asked Buffy to mind the store for him during.

Seeing a petite blonde girl sitting at the central oak table, the Flash considered that she might be an employee. No name tag. Didn't look like the type. But looks could be deceiving. So he began to walk around. Usually a superhero, a member of the Justice League, would spark some kind of a reaction, though he could just be a really good cosplayer...

until he moved to the opposite side of the store to pick up a statue, looking at it. Yeah, he just superspeed over there. So much for the cosplayer angle.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers yawns and stretches, glancing towards the door as the bell rings. She has to take a double take when she realizes who it is, and at first she does think it might be a cosplayer. To be fair, she's seen a variety of colourful customers step into the store. "Hello! Welcome to the Magic Box! If you need help finding anything let me know!" she greets cheerfully, rising to her feet. And then he dashes to the other side of the room and the smile freezes on her face. Wow he's the real deal, isn't he? "Err...You aren't a cosplayer...Are you?"

Flash has posed:
"Yeah, I have a friend whose birthday is coming up, and they're into this sort of stuff." He moved again at high speed, dropping off the statue he had picked up, so that he was closer to her now, "But, what do you get for the witch or wizard? I heard Harry Potter like everyone else, but it didn't exactly prepare me for working alongside one. Uh, no, not a cosplayer." He stuck out a gloved hand, "I'm the Flash. Any recommendations miss?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers beams. Wow, he's the real thing! It's the Flash! She smiles widely, shaking the offered hand, "Wow, nice to meet you, Flash! Welcome to my humble store!" Okay so she hasn't met a lot of celebrities, or famous superheroes so she needs to make a good impression right? "A gift for a Wizard, huh..Well spellbooks Are always good, I know a witch who always gets excited over new spells. Scrying balls are always popular if they're into that sort if thing, they can be pretty useful, and crystals are pretty and useful for amplifying magical properties too! Or they may want a new wand or staff..Gosg. the list is endless!" she chuckles, "What type of wizard are they, do they have any preferred magic or hobbies?"

Flash has posed:
The Flash nods his head, "your store," at which point Giles can be heard in the back making a bit of a clearing of his throat, but allowing Buffy to try her luck. The Flash was a superhero, so more her world than his, and she did need to learn to help out around there if she was going to periodically mind the store. It was good practice for her all things considered.

"Well, erm, I don't actually know, but a spellbook, that seems like a good idea." Then he sort of quietly whispered, "just how much are these things anyway?" There hadn't been prices on things, which usually meant they were hidden and expensive.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okaaay, so maybe it wasn't technically HER store, but Giles was briefly nit there and...."Oh! HahahiGiles! This is Giles, the store owner, what I meant to say is...I was just minding the store in his...Very temporary...Absence..." awkward grimace...She clears her throat. "Umm, well we have entry level hooks starting at $15-$30, intermediate books from $40 to $60 and more advanced are pricier from $65 and up..Of course the pricier the book, the more powerful the spells.." she glances briefly towards the restricted section but doesn't even mention those. "Feel free to browse and see what kind of spells might interest your friend."

Flash has posed:
Okay, this girl was seriously adorkable. Reminded him of himself. He smirked and gave a soft wave to the owner, before returning his attention to Buffy, "she's probably in the more advanced class I think. Doesn't seem to be too much that she can't do. I just hope she keeps doing it responsibly. Big magic... kind of worries me. And... that's kind of it, I don't actually know a lot about this. Ask me to about science sure, but magic, it's all Greek to me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and grins, "Yeahh, I have a friend like that, she's a pretty talented witch. Me? I'm not really talented at all in magic, at least in practice, although seems I'm constantly reading tons of magic theory and de--Err other stuff.." she shrugs helplessly but motions towards a particular table by the til with a big red '50 percent off!' sign, "Well there are some intermediate and advanced books in clearance here, these are pretty popular and we were overstocked so are trying to get rid of them. You might find a good deal in here.."

Flash has posed:
The Flash decides to ask, "which one do you think your friend might like? I figured if the friend of a Magic Box employee likes it, my friend probably will too, right?" He was a pretty trusting person, or he just had no clue where to start with this. The closest he knew about magic was making a pencil appear to be made out of rubber. He'd been to Penn and Teller in Las Vegas. And he'd seen some pretty damn impressive lightshows, though none of it made any sense to him except that it had been described as magic.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmmm, "Well let's see.." She shuffles through the book bin, pondering. "Well, Wil's really more an intermediate witch, but she has a lot of potential and she's extremely talented..Sounds like your friend is probably more advanced so..I'd recommend either of these two.." she holds up two intermediate to advanced books. "There are some handy and flashy spells in here although many are a lot trickier than most intermediate spells. This one in particular I think your friend might enjoy..And 50 percent discount is a great deal for this very popular book!"

Flash has posed:
The Flash stroked his chin through the costume, "you know what, I'll take them both. It's way early, but I know a couple of magic users. One for each." And then he reached into a compartment on his belt. He was wearing one today since he planned to make a purchase. This had cash in it. He would pay for them, and say, "thanks miss. Great place." And to Giles, the owner over in the corner, "this one deserves a raise." And then he was gone, quite literally and ironically, in a Flash.