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Bifrosting to the Khandian empire...
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: Deku 3
Synopsis: Thor, Diana, and Karen investigate the missing Cap and Tony. They fight many of the natives, win, and get the info to find the right planet. But by the time they get there, Steve and Tony have already left that planet, apparently.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Wonder Woman, Power Girl
Tinyplot: Surviving Infinity

Thor has posed:
This was actually a two part trip for this team...a joint Avengers/Justice League effort to save a pair of Avengers. The first trip, crossing from Earth to Asgard, was rather pleasant, as it was simply a trip back to the 'hub' as it were. A connecting flight, kinda. The second trip, from Asgard to Deku 3...that was rougher. The coordinates had been sent to Thor's team from the other team of Avengers that went off, and they followed them exactly...the Bifrost fairly crashed into the ground, and deposited the team.

And then the fun began, because these coordinates turn out to be...not quite right. There are no Avengers sitting around waiting to be rescued. There is, instead, an energy cage.

The energy cage appears to have sprung up like a venus flytrap around the heroes after the Bifrost left them there, and it appears to have some kind of power dampening field. There are Khundian captors outside.

However, this system has a yellow sun. It also appears to have weather patterns.

The Khundian 'captors' happen to have universal translator devices, and put them to good use. "Ah, more from far away. We have baited our trap well."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, wearing her dark blue and gold Eagle Cloak, over her armor of the same name beneath it, was eager to get this expedition underway. Leaving Earth was not one of her favorite things to do, but when a cause arose that required her to leap to action of THIS nature, then she's more than willing to be there, for her friends and heroic colleagues.

So she's here, now, traveling with Thor and the others and when they arrive... at this final destination, her brown eyed gaze roams around the energy cage, and then to their presumed captors.

"I... do not think this was the most ideal of endings to this trip." Diana says, her eyes now - of course - going to Thor since this was all arranged and conducted by the God of Thunder.

Diana steps forward to try to speak to any of their captors. "I believe we have made a mistake. We need to be set freed, please and thank you." She states calmly and evenly.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl, herself dressed in her typical white costume had travelled inter-stellar before...but the bifrost was something entirely new. Of course, when they are deposited in less-than-perfect accuracy? It wasn't exactly running for favorites.

Adjusting her cape as she too turns her gaze over Thor with a frown, her attention comes back to the would-be captors while the Kryptonian crosses her arms over her chest. "Listen to her," she speaks of Diana, "because she's the one who'll ask nicely."

Thor has posed:
"Agreed." That was not what Thor was anticipating when he followed the directions Wanda gave him. He figures she must've been lied to or gotten a number wrong or something like that. Regardless, it's a conversation he'll have to have with her later, and it can't fix the present.

Meanwhile, one of the guards tried to interrogate the team, even as another calls for backup. Some sort of reading they get on their scanner must've shown them they bit off WAY more than they can chew.

Still, one proud looking Khund who apparently has some rank, says, "On behalf of Commander Mikonia of the Sybalt order, we demand you tell us where the Infinity Stone is! And no we will not let you go!"

Thor recognizes what they're talking about, and equally recognizes they shouldn't have any such thing. On the other hand, he hasn't heard of Mikonia or the Sybalt Order, and says, "...No. And you really should just let us go. It will be better for your entire empire."

"But Commander Mikonia..."

"Will be here shortly because your friend over there called for backup?"

"No, I...look, just tell me where it is so I can get a promotion, okay?"

That makes Thor laugh thunderously. "...No. No promotion for you."

The Khund looks mad, and presses a button, and arcing electrical energy blasts through out the cage, attempting to damage the captured heroes! He seems to expect to pain them into submission. However, using electrical energy on the God of Thunder is a terrible idea. In fact, he even takes Mjolnir out, and attempts to deflect the cage's own energy back at it. It's not enough to take the cage down, but it did seem disruptive.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a sidelong glance to Power Girl, and then over to Thor before she looks to their Captors when they beg for an Infinity Stone. She's heard of them. Ares told her about them some time ago. He'd told her that Thor knew of them as well, but that she'd be contacted should anything come up that would involve her with them...

So when the talk of a plead for promotion comes up, Diana looks between the Khund and Thor and then sweeps her gaze back as she sees the electrical power suddenly surging toward all of them. Diana's hands fly up out of her robe and she directs one toward each of the arcs of lightning power coming toward her!

Her bracers light up bright as the energy becomes to pour into them and circle around them before she gathers up enough of it to thrust her forearms out and forward to send it BACK the direction from wence it came!

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl? She had -no- idea who this Empire were, their designs or culture. She knew the stones through the briefings, but at this stage? Just trying to keep her prisoner was bad enough. When they try and escalate to torture? That's...not endearing.

That surge of voltage hits her, causing the kryptonian to stumble a little, startled rather than truely in pain... hopefully they couldn't ramp it up to her level, because she couldn't deflect it!

"Son of a...!"

Thor has posed:
The Khund sees that two of the 3 are handling the power rather well, and increases the voltage in hopes of putting the 3rd out of the fight. Unfortunately, this was a foolish decision. While the voltage is indeed increased, it's being reflected by Diana and Thor both...and this time Thor knows to help PG, as he figured she'd have some method of dealing with it he didn't know about the first time.

And the deflected energy, back into the shield, drops the cage. And that's the good news. There is that lovely warm yellow sunlight beaming down...

The bad news? That's about when the reinforcements arrive, and boy howdy do they arrive en masse. There must be close to 100 troops, each with interstellar space weaponry. There's phasers, blasters, phaser cannons, turbo lasers, and assorted other energy weapons.

Overhead, their massive spaceship can be seen in orbit, floating above the atmosphere, and who knows what kind of weaponry it might have.

One of the incoming commanders, also with some kind of command rank, shouts to the 3 to "Surrender!"

But Thor is freed now, and with a, "No", leaps forward into battle!

The troops, lined up in a space phalanx of sorts, fire their weapons. Thor takes several hits, but they cannot stop his descent, and a powerful electrical shockwave emminates from where he lands, knocking several of them onto their collective backsides.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's first reaction once the cage falls is to turn to Power Girl. She reaches a hand out for her shoulder. "Are you all right?" She asks, but there isn't much time for a response when the reinforcements arrive and the Princess' stare shoots out across the madness all sweeping toward them.

She exhales a sharp breath and detaches her cloak from her shoulders, allowing it to fall free to the ground at her booted feet. When Thor lunges to battle, she watches him take the charging lead and slowly she shakes her head side to side. "This is not how I wish to start relations with new cultures." Diana mutters before she too starts to run, then leap. She takes another direction than Thor, aimed at another onslaught of enemies coming toward them...

And as she lands before them she crosses her bracers and slams her forearms together to send a wave of kinetic energy sweeping across this new battlefield! Their enemies here today will get to know the powers of these 3 warriors very well after all of this is said and done...

Power Girl has posed:
"I'm alright," Karen answers, even as that hand pulls away and foes begin to flood in. "And now I'm pi-" she begins, but the rest of her words are drowned out as combat begins.

Thor and Diana unleash themselves on the troops, but Power Girl? She simply lashes out to punch one of their number, hurling him into his companions before she takes flight.

"I'll get the big ship, see if it likes having its guns pulled off!"

Karen wasn't quite the ambassador of peace Diana was after all!

Thor has posed:
"Sorry! I'll make up for it later." But ya know, they were pointing a heck of a lot of weapons at him, and Asgard isn't famous for surrenders. Between Thor's shockwave and Diana's, many of their opponents are on their keisters or faces. Many is not all, however, and there's still a lot of people firing all different varieties of lasers. It's like the Khunds decided the best way to cover all sorts of threats was to have a wide variety of lasers and hope one of them proved more effective than the others.

Thor next took aim at some of the bigger gunners in the back with the Turbolasers, and threw Mjolnir at him. The big turbo lasers couldn't really move, and the electrified hammer crushed barrel after barrel as it flew. The last of the turbo lasers got one last shot off before it was crushed, though, and Thor had to brace for it head on. It sent him flying through a couple trees, which crumble like so many toothpicks under the impact.

The ship does seem to notice it has incoming, and starts firing its canons and other assorted weapons. Unfortunately, many of the biggest canons the ship has are meant to fire at other ships about the same size, not speeding kryptonians, which, being human sized, are smaller by far than even personal space fighters.

They're not great at avoiding friendly fire, as one of the big blasts hits a portion of their own troops. Said troops are vaporized by a gun meant for ships. This leads to a problem among enemy ranks as one of them radios up about friendly fire.

Meanwhile, Mjolnir sped along back to Thor, where it returned to his hand.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana could hear Power Girl's claim on the capital ship that she was going to attack over their shared team comms that were at least still functional. She kept tabs on Thor's attacking of the heavier ground hardware too while she focused on the infantrymen. With her kinetic blast having put many back and down, it wasn't enough to win the day yet.

So with shield coming to her left hand and lasso to her right, Diana begins to defend herself from incoming energy weapon fire with the well crafted metals of Paradise Island at her side. The Golden Lasso of Hestia comes to life on the open field of combat now as well!

Shining bright and hot, the lasso begins to sweep its way around targets attempting to assault Wonder Woman. She rams into more with her shield, toppling them and or bashing them across the ground, while her lass snares and trips, pulls and throws others this way and that.

"We are not here for this!" Diana shouts at their attackers in a moment of opportunity!

Power Girl has posed:
Spaceships were generally made to handle extremes of hot and cold, the blaze of Power Girl's heat vission across the barrels of one of the guns was probably less effective than it might have been otherwise...

Even so, the impact of her slamming her fists into the weapons at full speed was probably more hard-hitting.

Thor has posed:
"She's right. We're really not here for this. And while we haven't killed anybody yet, if you continue to attack us, you're going to leave us no choice out here."

"Men have already died!"

"Yeah, by your own spaceship. WE haven't killed anybody yet. If you stand down, we may not have to."

"...If we did that, we'd be executed for cowardice!"

"...I hate commanders like that...Very well. If you must die nobly in battle, I understand."

With Power Girl above the clouds, he need no longer worry about making sure there's a constant stream of yellow sunlight, and instead calls the storm. Dark clouds gather through Mjolnir's might, and Thor, despite having gone through a couple trees, appears to have much more energy to continue battle.

Thor is called the Thunderer, though, and with stormclouds gathering, he just might be able to create a loud enough boom to knock these men out. Assuming they don't get killed by more friendly fire.

Meanwhile, Power Girl does indeed find her fists are more effective in the vaccuum of space, and she's able to disble the cannon by hitting it hard enough. That's one that won't fire anymore, but there's so many more cannons of various sizes. At least she's out in space and most of them aren't firing at the planet, although blasts do still hit the ground.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The conversation that Thor holds with the commanders of this army are observed by Diana, and she hears the lack of negotiations resulting in a peaceful resolution. So she huffs out a groan. "They never just give up." She says with a wealth of experience in this type of situation to back up the weariness that is clear and present upon her soul when she speaks.

So as the Thunderer lights up the sky with his Godly might, Diana lights up her lasso and dives into the fray. Her goal isn't to kill them, though, her goal is to disable their enemies. Her lasso whips about her body, twirling around her as she finds one after another to drop, fling or swirl around in the air.

Through kicks, and shield bashes she does eventually come back to where Thor is located. "This is not our goal. We are waisting time!" She says, her hair wild around her shoulders, the grime and dirt of combat building up across her armored form as well.

Power Girl has posed:
Kryptonian hearing was enough to track the discussions, to hear the voices of Thor and Diana both as they tried to convince the troopers of surrender and found no luck there. She might not really be visible, a streak of white weaving between blasts aimed for her, but she was certainly able to hear them all. That and...well, this was why they had com units! As another cannon ruptures under her fists, Karen zips higher, taking a sizeable chunk of barrel and hurling it into the barrel of the next before rushing onwards. Without words offered, Thor and Diana could still likely guess she was trying to draw the cannons after her and away from the melee on the ground. She could take it...


Thor has posed:
Well, in theory, the massive cannons of the ship could hit Power Girl. In theory. In practice, they'd have as much luck shooting blind as they would actually trying to hit her, because the massive guns can't actually track something that fast. Still, they could get lucky, and ship destroying cannons still pack a whallop if she zigs instead of zagging.

"I know. And that's why the storm is here!" Thor starts wielding the weather, and the weather starts getting worse by the second. First it was dark storm clouds, then it was rain, then it was hard, driving rain, then the wind was blowing into the faces of the enemy troops, who were still valiantly trying to fire at Thor and Diana at least. The boom of Thunder echoed VERY loudly as lightning struck the ground. And it did, in fact, strike just the ground. But thunder at point blank range is going to deafen more than a few enemy troops, and a deafened troop can't hear orders.

Diana's knocking people over right and left, and many of them fall on their butts again. They're even less able to fight back than they were now, and a particularly empathic soul might note they would probably give up if it weren't for that whole 'cowardice=death' thing, and thus they rather pathetically try to take more shots, because, well, they don't wanna die.

"We're gonna need to take their commander out if they're to survive laying arms down, and he's probably on the ship. Let's go help up there." Up where Power Girl is.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Even through the powerful thunderstorm, some of the larger and more menacing of the army that they're facing off against can manage to keep moving, keep fighting. They aim for Diana with their alien weaponry and launch shot after shot at her. Her shield absorbs many of the blasts, its metal sizzling to a degree that makes it glow from center to edge. Wonder Woman sweeps the shield around her and hooks it to the back of her harness again as she now sweeps her bracers up and begins to block and absorb the blasts with them, or outright dodge them as she moves forward and then slams them together again to send another kinetic blast of energy across the battlefield while she crouches down to one knee outstretched to her right, while her other is bent forward, her muscular legs holding her upright with her fists held tight and her forearms crossed.

When Thor indicates its time to go skyward though, Diana's eyes shoot up to the ship high above where Power Girl is. She doesn't skip a beat, Diana's strong legs now thrust her body up as she shoots into the sky with blinding speed!

Power Girl has posed:
"Commander, got it!"

Power Girl's voice comes over the commlink, still close enough to an atmosphere to carry faint sound the distance from her mouth it seems. Dodging all the fire wasn't exactly effortless, the red cape behind her sported its own share of new burns and marks from close-calls and some of the lesser point weapons had knocked her around a bit, but Karen was nothing if not stubborn. "If I was some evil general-type directing this, where would I be?"

The musing as she skimmed the surface of the ship came to an obvious answer, but she couldn't immediately go bursting onto the bridge unless she wanted to suck out everyone close enough to the breech inside...then again, they were still in enough of an atmosphere that they'd survive as long as someone caught them...she thinks. Kryptonian senses tuned, she's left scanning between maneuvers for a section that looks decidedly 'command bridge' enough!

Thor has posed:
Thor said, "Soon as we find the bridge, we should be able to end this quickly enough." Taking the engines out would do the same, but that'd also crash the ship, which is gonna be a lot of deaths...or maybe not. Between the 3 of them, maybe they could ease it into the atmosphere slowly enough to take the ship out of the sky for good without mass deaths. But it's a massive ship, and Thor isn't particularly built to find a needle in a haystack this size.

Diana knocks a few more of the bigger guys on their butts before taking to the sky herself...

But it's Power Girl who finds the bridge first with X Ray vision. There is, indeed, a commander in there, and many of his command officers manning various stations. Notably, one guy is yelling into a comlink to the troops on the ground, but since all he can hear is booming thunder, it doesn't work too well. The bridge is fairly secured, under reinforced armor hull. It is designed to be one of the most protected places on the ship. They'll have to break through somehow...

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana comes to shoot up above the nose of the capital ship and then swoop in toward where she sees Power Girl standing ahead. Power Girl will have reinforcements arrive in the form of Diana (and the Thunder God). Diana settles down not too far behind Karen's left side, though she does pause to run over to a weapon emplacement rising up out of the ship's hull to give it a swift kick with an armored right boot. It bends the emplacement over and makes it slam into the ship's hull, then Diana reacts by grasping onto it and ripping it out of the ship entirely before she throws it off to the starboard side of the vessel where it clangs and rolls across the hull.

With that out of the way, the Princess of a very far away little tiny island, walks with a purpose and an intent, to backup her friend and League member. "Time to stop this foolishness." She utters to both her companions on this trip.

Power Girl has posed:
"About...here!" Karen calls, indicating the space of the ship's hull where the command deck lurks below. It was shielded from damage perhaps, but not her vision thankfully! Of course, burrowing through earth was likely going to be a fair bit easier than bludgeoning through a ship hull, but the Kryptonian woman didn't really have any better ideas. "Big guy in a big chair yelling orders, lets go say hello!" With that, she begins to slam her hands into the plating, trying to smash and tear her way in. Not exactly elegant, but hopefully it would do the trick.

Thor has posed:
With the 3 of them working together...it takes some time, but they're tearing metal out right and left, mostly under Power Girl's direction, since she's the only one who can actually see where they're going. They eventually tear into one of the hallways of the ship...which immediately exposes that hallway to the vacuum of space, and the air in the room is sucked out powerfully. Not enough to bother the incoming warriors, but any Khunds that enter this hall will effectively by sucked out an airlock.

"Any of their number who enter this area will surely perish." The hole they made is actually slightly getting bigger, as the vacuum sends what is now scrap metal into space. "If we enter the hull without sealing that, we will not be able to question anyone. They won't be able to breathe."

Getting a vaccuum tight seal is difficult, though, whether Thor uses Mjolnir, his hands, or even lightning, the hull is shredded a little to badly to easily patch.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the issue of the ruptured hull is brought up, Diana returns her gear to her harness and starts to move through the interior of the ship to gather up the largest items she can find. "We can place these tables against the hull and perhaps Power Girl can use her heat vision to properly secure them over the gap." The Princess suggests. Easily able to gather up two huge metal tables she starts to carry them through the ship's corridor to the damaged section.

As she gets the tables into position she'll turn to Power Girl. "I am no ship engineer, however." She shows the faintest hints of a grin. "Maybe this won't work at all. Other suggestions are welcomed!"

Power Girl has posed:
It's an idea, one worth trying? Still, Power Girl's eyes glow deep red with her heat vision as she glances down the hallway. "Maybe we can force them to drop into the atmosphere rather than risk it with enough damage. Space isn't going to hurt us half as bad as them after all..." Another shrug of her shoulders, she turns to look towards the direction of the bridge.

Thor has posed:
Thor looks around, and grins, "Big as it is, I think we can take this ship out of the sky entirely. I doubt it was built for atmospheres, and if we crash it on the planet, it's likely to be a lost ship. We'll just have to minimize the loss of life when it crashes."

As it turns out, the two tables do not form an effective seal against the vaccuum...There's cracks and holes, though at least it'll keep anyone who walks in from being shunted out an airlock. They still can't breathe though. "I like forcing them to land..."

By this point, this section of the ship is depressurized. There's just no more air in here.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Well... That is something." Diana says as the tables are placed. She turns then and starts back toward the depths of the ship. "We should hurry then." She states as she starts to move at a more rapid pace. "I will admit, however, I know not where the main control room of this vessel is located!" She'll shout back to the others.

With shield and weapons upon her back, Diana moves at a jogging pace, her eyes scan around the ship's interior, her advanced hearing listens for voices, sounds of movement or crew indications of where to go and this is what primarily leads her onward in search of the ship's bridge!

Power Girl has posed:
Thankfully, Karen -had- scouted out the location prior to the breach thanks to her 'X-ray' vision. Between that and Dianna's senses, it wouldn't take them too long to narrow things down. While they made their way down the corridors, Karen's gaze swept left and right for signs of internal monitoring, but otherwise? They were really just going to have to 'knock'.

"If we break enough stuff on the way, they'll probably get the idea, right? They've got to know they've sprung a leak and by now they know it's going to hurt them a lot more than it's going to hurt us."

Thor has posed:
Hmmmm. "Well, we could just keep going through the hull, but that'll let the vacuum in. We shall then walk through the halls, and...as you say, knock loudly when we find the door. They will seal the bridge, I'm sure. It will not be sealed long."

With Power Girl and her vision leading the way, it actually doesn't take long to find the bridge. There are soldiers along the way, but in these narrow confines, their numbers aren't particularly helpful and they're dispatched easily enough...nonlethally, even, unless they get caught in the no air zones.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is able to hear the guards coming and is prepared for them. With the help of her bracers she deflects any attacks they're able to get off before she'll move to pummel and suppress them, leaving them crumpled on the floors of the ship's corridors.

Ultimately she lets Power Girl - with her X-Ray Vision - lead the way through the ship and when they come to the bridge's doors she sidles up to one of the two and reaches for its edges to start to try to pull it open when it doesn't simply pull apart and open for their arrival!

"I do not think they are happy to see us." She gasps out softly while tugging and pulling on the door to rip it open!

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl doesn't actually move to start ripping the door open, strange enough in itself, instead the other two are left to do the same as she begins to speak as loudly as she can over the alarms and sounds of destruction. "Hey Ugly and In charge! We're going to come through this door in about ten seconds or less. It's up to you if you want to be landed, or if you want to try taking a walk in space! We don't mind much!"

Hopefully they understood her, but the ground forces managed it, right? Of course, they didn't -really- want to kill anyone if they could avoid it, but the crew didn't know that and the Kryptonian hadn't exactly been gentle with their vessel.

Thor has posed:
No response.

So Thor helps Diana force the door open, and really, it's overkill with Diana alone. With both, it goes flying off the hinges, and there in the bridge sits the command crew. Fortunately, they do have those universal translators the ground troops had, so they can talk. Thor just says, "We'll accept your surrender." The bridge crew pulls guns, but with the way Thor is looking with disdain and a lack of worry at them, they get the feeling they're outmatched.

"Alright, what do you all want? My science officer assessed the damage, and he's pretty sure you 3 could rip this ship apart seam from seam and effectively shoot us all out an airlock."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana takes a step back after the doors were pulled apart and she glances to Power Girl, then to Thor and then steps into the bridge area to stare upon the command crew within it. She keeps her shield and weapons upon her back, but she is certainly ready and waiting for them should they dare fire upon them with their drawn weapons.

Another glance is given toward Thor before Diana's eyes go then to the one who speaks to them.

"Firstly, for your own safety, this vessel needs to descend into the atmosphere until repairs can be conducted upon its hull. Secondly... we are not here to fight any of you. We are peaceful people by nature... we are searching for our friends. Two of our friends have gone missing in this region of space and we are in need of aid in locating them. Time is of the essence, their safety is at stake. They are... strong and capable. But..." She glances toward Thor and Karen, then back to the 'Captain'?

"They are not as capable as we are." Good thing Cap and Tony aren't here to hear that.

Power Girl has posed:
Once more, the Princess was clearly the better diplomat than Power Girl was. Instead, she was left to stand a step behind Diana and cross her arms at her chest. Even for her, the thrill of adrenaline still tugged at her muscles. If these guys started shooting at the trio in here, it was only going to end in disaster for themselves from ricochet alone, never mind when lighting or heat vision started getting thrown around. Exhaling a breath, her gaze moves over each of the alien crew in turn.

"And we don't take kindly to traps, 'well baited' or otherwise."

Thor has posed:
Thor has an idea, and, "Pull up a list, with pictures, of all the captives you've taken through these portals of yours. You will not know the ones we're looking for, because I doubt you asked for names. But we will know the pictures of who we are looking for if we see them."

Thor would REALLY like to rescue everyone, but it's hard to guess how feasible that would be.

The captain sighs. "This ship would not survive a trip into an atmosphere. It was never built to. It would also inflict fatal damage on the world it lands on. You 3 might be able to lower it, but the ship will be decommissioned regardless."

He sighs, and waves a hand at his communications officer to pull up the prisoner list...

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana listens to Karen and Thor's words and she moves to step around the perimeter of the bridge, her eyes sweeping over the other members of the crew as they stare back. She then takes a moment to look out of the bridge's viewports to the planet's atmosphere that it is in lower orbit of.

"Decommissioned?" She asks as she looks back to the Captain while the pictures are searched through. "We barely even damaged it. Surely you have some manner of repair crew or drones that you can put to work upon our entry point." She starts to walk then toward where Thor and these images are being displayed.

Power Girl has posed:
"'Course, if we're made to break it more? It's gonna get past 'recoverable' and into royally screwed pretty quick," Karen chimes in from where she stands, remaining near the door for the time being rather than pacing around or asking questions. For the moment, she was happy just being 'scary' when others were more skilled at this than she was. "So I'd do what they say. Then you can run to escape pods or whatever you have if need be."

Thor has posed:
"You'll see when you take into the atomosphere. We can't actually land this thing on our own. Instead, we have to hope we can make it to a stardock, and we equally have to repair the hull breach before we can even touch hyperspace. And all the stardocks are a hyperspace away."

Meanwhile, the various pictures...hey, there they are! They were actually on a different planet...evidently, this team picked the wrong one.

The captain notes the planet, and, "...Ah. They're probably dead. That planet's known for everything being poisonous to most biological creatures. Sure, it's a forested area, but without the proper filters, they're probably done for. Even if they didn't drink the water, thirst would be getting to them any moment now. Must've been a malfunction that sent 'em there. We have no use for dead prisoners."

"Do you have the coordinates for this planet? We can get there VERY fast."

"Sure, they're...23525.32642436.542, but unless you're poison proof in addition to vacuum proof, you won't do much better."

"We shall endure fine. Thank you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
There is a measure of hope in Diana that flourishes upon seeing Stark and Cap's pictures come up but when the information is relayed to them she exhales softly then and turns away while the coordinates are rattled off.

The Princess looks back to the Captain then as she places her hands upon her hips. "Do you need us to stay here and help you with your vessel before we go and find our friends?" She wants to leave immediately, but she also does not want to doom an entire ship of lives to danger and death. "Do you have any emergency escape vehicles that can get your crew to safety should your capital vessel become too unsafe to travel in?"

She glances to Thor and Karen. This hadn't been what they'd needed to run into on their attempted rescue mission of their lost friends, but responsibilities are as they are. Safety for others, make a good name for Earth and its people by being a positive representative there-in.

Thor has posed:
To actually LAND this thing, the Captain does require assistance. The heroes lower the ship through the atmosphere, and get it safely on the ground. However, as it was lowered, many extraneous parts of the ship fell off of it, including the engines. It's clearly beyond repair. But the bridge is safe, and so are the people on board. They'll have to wait on Deku 3 for another ship to pick them all up.

Meanwhile, the team Bifrosts to the new coordinates...and after searching, Cap and Tony are nowhere to be found. However, the super vision of Karen reveals that a ship landed on this planet hours ago, and the lack of corpses is a good sign. That's when they get a call to reunite with the rest of the Avengers, and off they go!