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(A failed mugging attempts leads Phantasm to meet Zipp-err, Remo)
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Latest revision as of 03:21, 4 February 2020

Street Meet II: Wow There was a Street Meet I
Date of Scene: 04 February 2020
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: A failed mugging attempts leads Phantasm to meet Zipp-err, Remo
Cast of Characters: Remo Williams, Phantasm (Drago)

Remo Williams has posed:
     His name was Remo and he was out shopping.
     He's heard about the activities in Hell's Kitchen, and figured it might be a good place to check out. He'd walked similar beats back when he was a cop in Newark, but with supers on the scene, it was going to be a bit tricky. He was starting to learn that heroes tend to be a little suspicious about people who don't officially exist. Anywhere.
     He found himself tempering his research with trying not to look like he was trying to encounter other supers. He had to admit, the idea of meeting a superhero had appeal on several levels, personal as well as professional. He even entertained the idea that he might find someone to help fill that need to find someone to have an emotional connection with that wasn't going to die in a week or less.
     *Face it, you need to keep your eyes on the job. Smitty isn't running a dating service, unless he starts thinking a romantic relationship with a female cape might be good for intel. So, just focus on getting the rice and hope the store has some halfway-decent duck or pork.*
     As he walked, two men stepped out in front of him, both pulling Glocks. "Now, don't give us any trouble, just give us your wallet and..."
     And suddenly he was behind them, still walking along.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Over the weekend. Things have been busy. From friends getting attacked at work and friends caught in the crossfire just outside of work and the things friends have conveyed to him, he needs a break from that. So to Nick that means coming to the most friendless place he's ever encountered growing up to, well, work out his issues in a 'constructive' manner.

He's likely not the hero Remo's wanting to run into. Hell, he's probably far from being super. There's no impressive height right now. At 26 inches measuring from the top of the rooftop. He's definitely not a girl, and by appearances, he probably looks like he has more in common with the food that Remo's enjoying.

Which makes it all the more amusing as Remo's walking away, and the gunmen are looking a bit baffled, a purplish black raven swoops down from above, angling the wings to clothesline the pair with the three foot wingspan.

Remo Williams has posed:
Remo stopped, then turned to look at who, or what, just took out the two muggers. Normally, Remo would've just kept on walking, but anyone who was interested in punching lawbreakers just MIGHT be the type of entity he was looking to meet. Normally, ravens avoided people. "So...that just happened? Who are you supposed to be, besides Audobon's Revenge?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The raven doesn't reply immediately, instead hopping over to each of the guns to give them, an extremely strong kick away from the downed muggers. Probably not the most ideal way to remove a weapon, but definitely better than keeping them within reach of those wishing to use them.

"Just your run of the mill phantasm." The large corvid replies, hopping over the downed figures once more before looking to Remo curiously. "You're fast."

Remo Williams has posed:
"Nah. They're just slow. It's all that hamburger they eat. You can smell it on them." Remo leaned back against the wall nearby, but Phantasm could tell he wasn't really resting. His body was poised, ready to move at a moment's notice. But as to how he would move, that was still up in the air. "So, you got a name, because I was going to go with my first choice. However, I think 'Big Bird' is taken."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No. You're fast." The bird declares, looking to the muggers again to make sure they're still down. "Not the fastest. But you're fast."

The bird's head tilts back to Remo, studying the defensive posture. "I'm a phantasm, so just call me Phantasm. Any bird title would be inaccurateany ways."

He prods one of the muggers with a talon, giving a frown "Hmm. Maybe I hit them harder than I thought." He shakes his head, "So, what do I call you? Zippy?"

Remo Williams has posed:
Remo looked at the apparition. "Call me whatever you like...but you're awfully talky for something that doesn't seem to be all there. So what are you? A projection? A ghost? An extra from the Twilight Zone? Work with me, here."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Not all there?" The bird repeats.

Blinking at Remo a few moments the bird considers the words given, "Alright, Zippy it is. A phantasm. A figment of the imagination. An illusion. Dreams. And sometimes, Nightmares."

The bird sighs, "Honestly, I don't know. Those are my best guesses. There was not an orientation for this."

Remo Williams has posed:
Remo nodded. "How long have you been like this?" he asked, "and can other people see you like that?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"A few years." The bird replies, "And, yes, they can if I want them to." A wing lifts gesturing to Remo's posture, tips of the wings acting as fingers to gesture. "Also, can you just relax with the posture? I'm not going to do anything to you."

Remo Williams has posed:
"Don't worry about it. I'm like this all the time...even when I'm asleep. Long story. Look, I need to pick up a few things from the store. Can you come with me so only I can see you?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. Light Sleeper too." The request causes for the phantasm to tilt his head back before shaking it. "I'm either visible or I'm not. So you're either going to look like you're talking to a bird or talking to yourself. If I did tag along. And that's a pretty weird request."

He pauses, looking to the muggers, "Any chance you know how to take a pulse? I kind of have issues with checking that." He holds up his wings.

Remo Williams has posed:
"They're alive. More's the pity." He shook his head. "And I've been thought as worse. Look, do you go to SoHo often?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I've cut through there a few times," The bird admits, hopping over towards the guns to collect them, "Why?"

Remo Williams has posed:
Remo smiled. "Drop by SoHo's south side...we'll talk." He smiled, then waved as he walked towards the market. "I've gotta get some rice, or Little Father will be worried. Take care...Phantasm."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm." The bird shrugs, "Not sure why but what the hell, alright."

"But as for now, I need to get rid of these." Guns in wings they are raised up in display.

"Happy shopping, Zippy."