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Latest revision as of 20:18, 5 February 2020

Welcome to Hellmouth
Date of Scene: 02 February 2020
Location: Sunnydale, Avalon
Synopsis: Buffy welcomes Karrin into the wonders that are Bludhaven.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Karrin Murphy

Buffy Summers has posed:
The sun is just starting to set and what a beautiful sight it is. Here in Sunnydale, home of weirdness and monsters under the bed, Buffy sits on a swing in a local park, watching the sun thoughtfully, waiting for things that go bump in the night to make their appearance. she's got a backpack over her shoulder with the usual supplies and her favourite new Tonga weapons strapped to her legs, folded up nicely and compactly. She hums a little tune, looking all innocent and helpless and delicious to eat.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's out here, touristing it up. That is a word. That so is a word! She's got her jacket on, her sidearm in a holster under the jacket and she's dressed casually. At five feet tall, Murph is short and fierce. She's strolling down the sidewalk and spies her BFF, Buffy.

"Hey Buffy" she calls over, jogging toward the slayer now. "What're you doing out here?" she asks and grins, looking pleased, watching the Slayer as Murph talks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, staring up at the ribbons of violet gold that illuminate the sky in a tinge of twilight blue hues. If it weren't so beautiful out here at night, she'd probably have felt more l sly doing the whole solo gig as a Slayer. Then Murphy's suddenly there and she smiles, swinging a bit more on the swing. "Hey Karrin, hows it shaking? Me? I'm just hanging in an abandoned park in the middle of the night, waiting to get bitten by vamps." she shrugs and grins, "yknow, the usual stuff...So how are you liking Sunnydale so far?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I'm out here doing the touristy thing" Murph says with a laugh, watching Buffy swing. Ah the simple pleasures in life. She looks to Buffy with a grin. "So same old, same old?" she asks with a nod. "I'm looking into transferring to Bloodhaven" she nods looking serious. "I mean, NYC is okay and all but look, there's a lot more weird shit in Bloodhaven, right?" Murph asks, glancing up to the sky then Buffy again. "Just feel like I'm needed here, really. Not exactly a pen pusher. I'd rather be useful" Karrin says with a smirk.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Relocating here, as an official part of the police force?" she grins, "Hey that would be awesome! I mean..Maybe you could put in a good word or two for me, just between the two of us? They're like, totally suspicious of me for some reason.." she shrugs, "Guess it could have been because I'm always found at the scene of the crime, or maybe because I killed my moms boyfriend by hurling him down the stairs, but t hey, he turned out to be a robot anyways, and besides he hit me first! she makes a face, "And don't even get me started on Faith and the many times I took the fall for her.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"What's her deal anyway?" Murph asks. "Hey if I do I'll let you know, okay?" she nods wondering just what Faith's deal /is/, though she looksto the skies againn. "It's all the paperwork and all the red tape, honestly" Karrin sighs watching the sunset for a moment, then back to Buffy. "You know I wouldn't arrest you for anything, right? I'd hire you as a consultant and bring you with me to crime scenes. Speaking of, got jumped by vamps the other night outside the Big Belly Burger joint, no idea why or who or how" she shrugs. "This tall ginger girl saved me, and this chimp was doing a dragon impersonation helping fight the vamps off" Murphy sighs shaking her head.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Yea just keep an eye on the police chief, he really doesn't like me.." she shrugs and sighs, "Yeah, Faith is trouble..Always trying to steal my boyfriends among other things.." good thing she hasn't seen her around lately, "Wow Karrin, you are such a trouble magnet, gives my sister a run for her money. Ooh that reminds me, I wanted to give you something.." she picks up her backpack, searching through it for a moment or two, before producing a large wooden stake which has clearly been treated and glazed to give it extra strength. A bronze handle has been screwed onto the end so that the weapon more resembles a wooden dagger, tough, light weight and probably even stronger than steel given the burn treatment on it. "If you're living in Bludhaven and looking for trouble, it's essential that you carry around a wooden stake for vamps and other nasties.." she stares down at the stake thoughtfully, almost reverently, "This is a special stake, it was a gift from a dear friend and fellow Slayer..His.name is Mister Pointy and he served both Kendra and myself well over the years..." she seems a bit sad as she recalls Kendra, the other Slayer.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods, "I'll just walk around Bloodhaven with you then, you got tonfas and stakes. I got guns, think I can shoot a vamp in the heart from fifty feet?" she wonders aloud, looking to Buffy with a grin. "Hey, thanks" she says and looks to the stake. "Now where do I put this under my jacket?" she adds and looks thoughtful. "Okay, see, I need a holster for my new bit of sharp, pointy wood" she nods looking pleased, then to Buffy again. "See. Did I mention you're awesome for this?" she asks looking over the stake again, Karrin running fingers down it.

"See, I just need to use this right" she nods looking thoughtful. "Want to teach me?" Murph asks watching the Slayer with a knowing nod.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, climbing to her feet, "Heh, you may have fancy guns but the only thing that will kill a vamp is a wooden stake through the heart.." she holds a fist to her chest, right where her heart would be. "Right about here..Either that or decapitation would do it. But that would require a big blade and a lot of strength behind it. Even then, vamps, depending on their age can be pretty tough. And strong. Best to kill em when they're fresh out if the ground."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I noticed" Murph says with a nod looking to Buffy and taking notes. "So stake, heart. Got it" Murph says with a grin. "So you've had experience with vampires being tough hmm? I mean, slayer and all " she adds with a shrug. Open mouth, definitiely insert foot, Murphy...

She wonders if she can just strap the stake to her P90 and use that, or...no no, bad idea...as Murph looks thoughtful. "Okay so" Murphy says with a laugh, "Anything else to know on vampires?" she adds.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Heh, I e fought some really powerful and ancient vamps. Angel, Spike, The Master...I even met Dracula once, or someone who claimed to be him. He was pretty tough but I eventually sent him packing." Yeah she can be a bit cocky at times. "Well let's see..The younger ones will burn up in sunlight so they're strictly nocturnal. But some of the older vamps can last in the sun at least a bit longer. I hear there are different breeds of vamp though, that's where it can get complicated. Vamps like this Susan girl are only partially turned until they make their furs kill..Kinda like...Um.." she swallows, trying not to think if certain other vamps, "Anyways, most of em, once they're turned, it's like a demon possessing a human body. They're allergic to holy water to an extent, and crosses too but those alone aren't enough to defeat them."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murphy laughs, "So you kick vampire butt. Got it" she nods. In a way she's like, well, the one doing CYA for Buffy, or covering her ass when the police start poking around. Instead, Murph nods, "Okay so, gotta figure out which is which and how to kill them. Okay. Makes sense, sorta" she admits shaking her head a little. She figured vampires were vampires. Not so fast, Karrin...

She's got a lot to learn. Good thing she's on the Slayer's good side. Score one for Murph being good! Looking to Buffy, Karrin's got questions in her eyes.

"So....is there an easy way to find out which vampire is which?" she asks cautiously.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "What, like who is food and who is not..Or who is more powerful?" she shrugs, "a Hard to tell either way, except that older vamps tend to be more confident, less likely to rush in. Your average vamp is still gonna be strong but.." she shrugs, "Guess it's really just a trial and error thing. As for good vamps? The only good vamps I've ever known include Angel who due to a gypsy curse still has his soul, and Spike who has a chip in his head. Oh and Thomas, who..." well she's still figuring out his angle. "Umm oh yeah I guess there are white court vamps too but they're way more covert and won't just come out in the open like that."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Second one. I don't like eating vampires" she offers with a shrug but Murph listens. "Yeah I like Thomas, he's got a nice place at the Blu Lady" she nods. "So tell me about Angel and Spike?" she says looking genuinely curious as she sighs, curiosity getting the better of her. Yeesh.

Karrin can't wrap her head around 'good vampires'. Whatever that is to her, really. Unlike Buffy, Murph only knows Thomas, however.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Heh, they're both complicated, but then again my love life's always been.." she sighs, "Angel? He used to be Superbad, a 400 year old vamp who did really evil things. Used to spread chaos and fear across Europe along with Spike, Drusilla and Darla. Until he pissed off some gypsies by attacking one if their own. They cursed him by giving back his soul, along with the memory of all the evils he had committed. He tried to be a good person, but there was one catch. If he were to achieve even a moment of pure happiness he would lose his soul..Which thanks to me he did. Now we can never be together again, like ever.." Buffy bites her lip, climbing. back in the swing. Doesn't look like there will be many vamps out tonight. "Spike? He's only 200 or so, was also a big bad until the Initiative captured him and put a chip in his brain. Prevents him from hurting any non demons, I guess after he helped me out a few times we grew close but I could never fully trust him. All he needed was for that chip to malfunction..."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods to Buffy with a sigh. "See, you've not been married and divorced right?" she asks looking over to the taller Slayer. Shaking her head Murph stands by the swing, looking over it as she settles in the one by Buffy. "It sucks. Really. it sucks. I was stupid, and thought I knew what I wanted. i didn't. it didn't work out" Murph says gently. "See, you dodged a bullet, don't ever commit to things before you know what you're getting into" she says simply.

Murph pushes the swing with her feet and sighs. "I don't want you to make the same mistakes I've made" Karrin says gently, looking over to Buffy after looking up to the skies for a few moments.

""Thank God for Harry" Murph says. "I just hope you find somebody who has your back. Okay yes it's weird how we even met, but...it works" Karrin says with a nod. "Though please tell me you're not running off to get married to somebody only to see it implode?" she asks quietly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "Married? nah, that's taking a big step. It would have been nice, me and Angel but there's that curse..Me and Brian? Well he was sweet but...He's barely around, didn't even come to my birthday. Then there's Thomas and.." she draws a deep breath, "I'm afraid to even go there. Don't know if he's just using me or if there's something more there. If he's even capable of feeling anything other than lust and I'm just totally under his thrall.." she smiles faintly at Karrin as she mentions Harry. "Harry seems nice, I think you two could be happy together, but why's he so uptight all the time?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph sighs. "Yeah I got married at what...17. Guy was older than me" she admits with a shrug. "Didn't work. He died though, I regret not saying goodbye. I found his obituary in the paper. Never even told me he was suffering any" Karrin says softly, shaking her head. "My other husband, well.....it....didn't work out either. We tried, buffy, we tried. Didn't end well" she says gently, looking worried, "Though, I seem to have the worst love life out of the two of us huh? Okay, I'm not involved with Thomas, thank God. But." she shrugs, "Not my type" she says gently, looking to the skies as if looking for inspiration. "See, that's the thing. I regret what I've done but I wouldn't ever take it back, ya know?" she nods, "It's who I am. Okay, you got close to this Spike guy but didn't trust him. I understand that" Karrin nods gently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, reaching out to pat Murphy on the shoulder, "Geez I'm sorry, that's got to suck. I guess you never know when someone's gonna pass, but hey, at least you weren't the one who killed him. See, when Angel and I got too close, he lost his soul and became evil again, performed a ritual to a hell dimension which would have destroyed the world or at least Sunnydale.." she sighs, "Only way I was able to save everyone was by sacrificing him when the portal opened. Because of me he spent a hundred years in hell and went mad." she glances curiously at Karrin, "Hmm, you don't regret it? I dunno if I do or not..I had good times with Angel but..I dunno.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well, I mean,I regret marrying, but....honestly. If I'd have killed either of them" Murphy says gently. "I'd at least have closure and live with what I've done. Imagine seeing Brian's obit in the paper tomorrow morning andd finding out he was fighting cancer and never had the guts to tell you" she says, accepting Buffy's shoulder pat. "Yeah it sucks. Sucks worse I only found out reading the paper" she admits with a shrug. "Honestly, if Brian's not around too much, Cut your losses. Find somebody who is truly worth it and won't bail on you Buffy" she says gently, shaking her head. "Want me to have a chat with him?" she adds, a certain look in her eyes, the look of cops who want to have a 'nice talk' with somebody. The sort of look she gives people in interview rooms, that is.

She sighs, "You had good times, yeah...but..." Murph points out. "You don't know where you stand with Thomas, though. What if things get serious with you two? I mean, Thomas is easy to find, and he's not bailing on you" Murph shrugs. "Now if he could learn to dress casually...."

Yeah, that'd be a first.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "I just need to hold out a little longer, he's been so sweet to me, but.." she sighs, "How long is too long? Haven't seen him since Christmas..As for Thomas.." Buffy smirks a bit, "Honestly I can see he's a good person underneath the flirty, lusty exterior but.." she sighs, "What if he just wants me to feed on? He knows he can feed on me as much as he wants and I'll heal unlike a normal human. And I do really want to help him, I just don't want it to be for the wrong reasons."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods. "That's the question, though. I don't have an answer for you" she says gently. "Just follow your heart and do what you think is right" she adds with a look over to Buffy, kicking her legs out and pushing the swing. "Just follow your heart, that's all I can tell you" she says. "But hey, if you need me to have a talk with people who are screwing you around, just let me know" Murph grins, looking pleased.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, shaking her head, "Just follow my heart? Is that it? I mean it's not like my heart has ever led me down the right path before. And honestly, is there really such a thing as True Love? Do you think it can really exist or is it just a joke, a fairytale to. make people feel there's hope out there?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"No clue" Murph sighs, "No clue at all. I mean it must exist, like pure true hate, right, but....no idea on where to even find it" she says gently, watching Buffy. "Okay, fine. Follow your heart when you find somebody worth it who isn't about to up and vanish on ya" Karrin shrugs "Better advice?" she adds looking off in the distance

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and smiles, "I guess so except you c@n never really tell how long a persons gonna stick around. But thanks for trying. I really hope you and Harry have better luck though. Do you think you guys might get married some day?

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shrugs and gets up, "Oh, you got my cell number right? You need anything, call" she says with a grin, getting up and heading for the entrance to head out and see what she can get up to in Sunnydale. Stakes and all