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Latest revision as of 05:51, 6 February 2020

Date of Scene: 05 February 2020
Location: Gotham University, South Point
Synopsis: Tim Drake attends a Bake Sale for the Culture Club, helps stop a Chameleon, and eats cookies with his name on them. Also makes acquaintance of one Phoebe Beacon.
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    on the outskirts of the university in Gotham, there was of all things a bake sale -- but not just any bake sale, oh no. This was a bakesale to benefit the Culture Club, where Karma Chameleon has been playing on repeat on a loudspeaker.

    The fundraiser was intended for the funding of personal defense courses -- not a bad idea in Gotham -- so there are Ninja Bread Men, chocolate cookies that are two-faced with butterscotch and chocolate chips. Someone's made little Superman shield cookies, and there are, of course, cookies with the Bat on them -- wouldn't be Gotham without having something Batman related.

    The sign near the speaker says: "WE WILL KILL THE CHAMELEON ONCE WE REACH 2K!" -- and there is a donation bucket.

    "This was a bad idea, Devon." someone says from underneath the table.

    "No! This was the greatest idea! I mean we got five hundred bucks with Hold Me Now, and this is a MUCH worse earworm!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes walking along the path. He will look around at he comes across the bake sale. Within a few moments, he is already tempted to donate the 2k himself. He will walk along looking over the cookies, and stop looking down at some cookies in the R shape.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Sugar Frosted R's, some with green swirls, some with gold.

    "Interested in a cookie there, buddy? Three dollar donation gets you two cookies!" Devon says. He's a pudgy sort of guy, but looks strong, and generally friendly. "Five dollars will get you three, any three you want."

    "And a dum-dum." the voice from beneath the table states.

    "/And/ a dum-dum." Devon adds on.

    The voice from under the table straightens out all of her 5'6 frame, her dark eyes closed as she turns to Devon. "Battery should be set for another couple of hours, at least. I hot-switched the charger out." she comments, then gives a smile at Tim.

    "We're raising money to have some folks come in and run a four-week self defense course, free to join if you're interested."

    "IF we get the five thousand needed." Devon reminds Phoebe, and Phoebe just looks over and gives a small smile.

    "Have some hope, Mr. 'Pick Culture Club songs, it'll be funnier".

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to the young man, and says "Give me a dozen assorted R, but none of the ones with the swords." As Beacon comes up from under the table, he will nod a greeting to the girl "Who ya looking to get to teach the class if I may ask?" He ponders ways to kill the music but that would not be right.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The dark skinned girl gives a smile, and she grabs gloves and a bag to start bagging the r's up. No swords, just R's and swirls. "I know an aikido master. The money will go to renting out a hall and paying for time of several other teachers and advanced students to help, not to mention insurance on if someone's finger gets broken." she smiles, looking Tim over (and trying to be subtle), and she gives as charming smile as she can.

    "One dozen Robin Cookies will be twenty dollars, but ah... if you use a card, I have to charge an extra dollar to cover processing fees." she explains quietly, looking a little embarrased at Tim.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will pull out 40 bucks and says "20 for the cookies and 20 to the stopping the music fund." He offers a bit of "I have took a bit of self defense I might be able to give you a hand with the classes if you want." He takes the cookies with a smile, his hand brushing hers for a moment and says "I'm Tim by the way."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phobe accepts the cash with one hand, feeling his hand brush against hers as she hands over the bag of cookies.

    Devon then may just realize who he is, and he goes "Beebee. /Beebee/."

    And the girl gives a bright smile to the man, her cheeks darkening just a touch. "Phoebe. And I think between the teachers and the advanced students, we should be pretty well covered, but if you happen to have nights free you're totally invited to come and brush up on skills, Tim."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well, I might be able to find the time it could be interesting." He looks to her, and says "So, have you done much in self defense classes yourself?" He will ask her. As someone else comes up, he will step to the side of the table to continue the talk.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "/Feeebs that is--/ -- HI! Cookies two dollars for one, three for two, five for three!" Devon turns to the new person, but keeps an eye on Tim.

    "Oh, well, I take a martial arts class once a week, sort of to fight the Freshman Fifteen." Phoebe replies modestly. "What about you? Self defense courses or a martial art?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I have taken a few martial arts classes, it is something I enjoy, and I have to say, I do not think the freshmen 15 have made any progress on you." He offers in a compliment. Maybe I can stop in on your classes, and can get an idea of what your planning/"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "What, you don't have your own classes to go to?" Phoebe gives a smile, and then glances to her watch "OH! Deev, text May, she's up next!" she states, and grabs a bag. The bag's a little bit worn.

    "Well, I have to walk accross campus, we can chat that way?" she gives a wry smile to him.

    "/Feeeeeeeb/ that's /Tim Dr/-- Cookies! Support getting self defense classes for your classmates!" poor Devon is drowned out, and Phoebe begins to walk.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, a bit, and says "Sure, sounds like a plan." He grins at her, and says "You need to gather your things, I can wait here while you do it. Maybe we can find some place to get milk for the cookies along the way."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I've already packed, but thanks." Phoebe gives a smile as she walks a bit with Tim. "So, you're a student here, right? What's your major?" she questions, that familiar ol' icebreaker coming thorugh.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will leave the cookies for a moment, and has stepped a bit away with her "Electronics and Busisness." He looks down "Oh forgot the cookies, " Be right back." He jogs back and gets his wallet out dropping a wad in the donation jar, and looks to Devon holding a finger to his lips, before grabbing the cookies and jogging back after putting his wallet away.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Sly like a fox, Tim's ruse goes unnoticed, but Devon looks like he is *physically* trying not to yell.

    Phoebe watches quizically for a moment, and then she shakes her head with a slight smile.

    "So, duel major?" she questions, and she gives a slight smile. "Don't forget to add in a good amount of ethics and philosophy -- or maybe geology -- you know, to keep your feet on the ground." she grins. "Being well grounded might be a good thing for an Electronics major."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles, and says "Oh puns are called for are they?" He does chuckle a bit at it though, and says "I actually thought about taking some French history to learn more about le resistance." He will grin at his bad pun and says "So whats your major?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Could take the Popular Culture course. Resistance is futile." Phoebe gives a wry grin, and she gives a soft 'mm'.

    "Well, I'm still a Freshman, I'm undeclared. I'm split between anthropology, archaeology, or maybe biting down and going into pre-med? But it's very stressful. I'm just trying to see whre I'd be the most helpful, kinda." she smiles.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit to this and says "So trying to learn from the past, and keep us from making the same mistakes, or patching us up after we have made them?" He asks with a grin "You from gotham?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, Nantwich. My mom's a history teacher, so history is kind of the family thing." she gives a smile. "What about you? Local boy or from elsewhere, Tim?" Phoebe inquires, taking a left and cutting a little bit through one of the parks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake walks along with her, he does step a bit closer as they come to the park. Not crowding but closer for sure. "Yea lived here pretty much my whole life, except for like a month in Central City, but that did not work out and we moved back here pretty quickly.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Heh, the siren song of the West Coast, huh?" Phoebe gives a small grin, and she gives a laugh. "I can't really comment on that, I've never left Gotham. We're kinda homebodies." she explains, and gives a shrug.

    A couple of girls pass them, and one goes "Oh. My. God. Becky, is that --"

    A couple other folks look to Tim as the two walk.

    "But Gotham's pretty much got it all, world class theaters, libraries, tons of history..." she trails off a moment, giving a small smile. "It could be a really great city, if people looked at things a bit differently, right"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Some folks try to, we have a lot of problems, but we also have some really nice things. But then again maybe we have to to keep people around the city with some of the badder things." He tries to ignore the stares and says "so what do you enjoy doing most?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe laughs. "I didn't realize this was an interview." she jokes as she turns, walking backwards a little bit as she looks up at Tim.

    "And Gotham wouldn't be such a bad place if people didn't just... let it. Holding people responsible for their action -- and inaction. Kinda like how the police really hated The Batman at the beginning of stuff, according to my mom, because he made them look pretty awful to a lot of people... not to mention the corruption issues, rampant politics, oligarchy..." she trails off, and gives a bit of a shrug.

    "The most? Kinda split between meditation, baking, and gardening. How about you? You a thrill seeker or really more Zen?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and will start to say something but then steps in and puts an arm around her pulling her against him, as her foot starts to step in a hole. He holds her close to him letting her get her footing so she does fall. "A little bit of both, maybe some meditating on roller coasters." He jokes looking into her eyes close up.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    She does begin to tilt, but she catches herself, her feet drawing out, steadying her stance -- and then Tim grabs at her, and she's drawn in -- and perhaps it was muscle memory, or Tim just picked the wrong time to be semi romantic, her dark eyes alighting on his blue, her fingers brushing up his arm gently to grasp at his forear, plant her feet, twist his arm slightly to put him into a bowing position, and then flip him over himself so that he lands, if he's not careful, on his butt!

    She might just be one of those 'advanced' Aikido students she was talking about. But Tim wouldn't feel himself get hurt -- matter of fact, some of the wounds he might have gotten the night previous feel a bit better!

    ... maybe it's love?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake does try to move her just a bit to make sure she does not fall when she throws him. He fights his instincts and will land on his back. He will oooffff a moment, and then chuckles a bit "So, seems your classes are pretty good, was trying to make sure ya did not fall in the hole." He will point at it from his upside down position

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ohmigosh I'm so sorry!" Phoebe stammers a moment as she looks over Tim with a wide-eyed expression.

    "-- oh snap, the Wayne kid just got /owned/ by that chick!"

    "Better call Saul, she is sooooo sued."

    "What is /wrong/ with her, he tried to help her and she hit him?!"

    She blinks a moment, straightening up and looking around, and she quickly looks embarrassed, with a little bit of fear before she offers her hand own to Tim.

    "Sorry, I used to run in rough neighborhoods." she explains sheepishly, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake takes her hand and will come up pretty easy, and smiles "Na, I am good," He sees the people and a few people have taken pictures He sighs a bit and says "First off, am totally ok, not mad, impressed with your reactions even, but your probably gonna be a meemee on lexbook for the next couple days." He looks apologetic on this one "Wish I could stop it, but it is probably gonna happen."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Could be worse. Ever see those ridiculous shows where she falls over and he catches her and then everyone thinks they're dating?" Phoebe gives a releived sigh, and rubs the back of her head as she pulls him up. "I can live with being a meme for a couple days. My claim to fame." she jokes, and relaxes.

    "So... you're him, huh?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "You picked up on that huh? " He grins and says "Yea, Tim Drake Wayne." he will tell her as they start walking again. Hope that does nor ruin my chance of asking for your number." He will smile at her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "For some reason I thought you were blonde." Phoebe admits, and she purses her lips a moment. "Must have been thinking about someone els--" she pauses, brain catching up with her ears as she turns to Tim Drake, /that/ Tim Drake, Tim Drake Wayne, and she gives him an appraising look.

    "Dunno. Guy who can take a flip without breaking his stride? Might be a little intimidating. Not to mention won't a handler get mad if you start hanging out with normal people?" she smiles, brushing her elbow against his arm.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "The handlers have their hands busy with my brothers, I am the boring one." He jokes a bit, as they walk a bit closer, and says "So, I should ask before I put my arm around you again, I take it." He is smiling a bit more, and looks down at his cookies, and pulls a piece out "Half a cookie?""

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh man, now I feel bad, those took forever to decorate!" Phoebe laughs, and she accepts a broken R cookie. "The boring one, huh? Can't say I actually keep track, don't... be upset with that, I tend to know way more about people of the past than I do of the present." she winces slightly, "Which sounds less creepy than 'I know more about dead people than the living'." she gives a smile.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins at her and says "How about I study dead people" He says in the I see dead people whisper." He grins a bit and says "Pretty sure they still taste good." He says and nibbles one and says "And have more sides for milk to soak in on them." He does not seem put off at all.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "There you go, thinking logically, taking things to your advantage." Phoebe replies as she walks, and goes to open the door to one of the GU buildings. "This is a secret Beacon Family recipie. Passed on by Beacons for generations."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "A beacon of truth?" Yea he made the bad pun with her name, and moves to hold the door for her. Tim is trying to be a gentleman.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And this time, she doesn't throw him. "Thank you, Tim." she states, and she slips into the building.

    "Well, I don't know if it's truth or 'Truth'. Hope maybe? Always was told I was a shining light of hope." she replies, and she holds up a bit of cookie. "Beacon of good taste, at least."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will smile and says "Well, Miss Beacon I must say, good taste, hope and beauty all work if you ask me." He grins over at her giving her a charming smile. So your living here on Campus? I considered it for a bit but decided agaisnt it.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh my god, you're a dork." Phoebe says, and she shakes her head as she walks a bit more, looking at the gentleman.

    "N-no, ah... that would add a bunch to my tuition, so I still live at home --" she gives an embarrassed laugh. "But I have a lot of freedom. I don't know if I could stand living on campus."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks at her and says "Aint no reason to be embarrassed about living at home. It makes sense on a lot of fronts, to be honest." He offers her a smile, and says "And you have no idea on my level of dorkness." He smiles and says ""Join me on the Dork side?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You merely adopted the Dorkness. I was born to it, molded by it. I hadn't seen the light of cool until I was already a maaa---" she trails off, and gives a laugh. "I can't even say that with a straight face. Is that a secondary pick-up line to get my number?" Phoebe gives a wry smile as she looks at Tim, pausing a moment to raise her eyebrows.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "Well if it is working, if no, not at all." He will tell her. " He does pull his phone out in hope that this means she is willing to give him the number.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    She grins, and then she pulls out her own phone.

    "How much do you trust a stranger?" Phoebe asks, ready to enter a new contact.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her and says "Normal one, about 30-40 percent, you I think at least a good 60 percent, if you were trying to kiss up to me for fame and fortune you would not have tossed me across the quad."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Unless," she states, holding up a finger, "it was some sort of weird reverse-psychology powerplay, or you're /really/ into strong women." Phoebe jokes, and clicks 'Add Contact'.

    "I promise, I'm not going to hit you up at like, four AM with sob stories." she states, "What's your digits?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will give her, his number, and says "Long as there is no drunk dialing, complaining about your boy friend, I think we will be ok with that, if it is that needs to be before 2:30 am." he grins at her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well, that's easy -- I don't drink, aaand I don't have a boyfriend." Phoebe grins, and she goes to open the door of her next classroom. "Thanks to walking me to my class, Tim, I feel so much safer." she jokes, and gives him a bright smile before she goes grab a seat.

    And a few minutes later, Tim would in fact get a text.

    "Wait, 2:30 AM? Night owl much? :D"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will offer her a quick hug before she heads to class, just quick, and seeing if he can get one without the toss. He heads on out, and replys to the text. <Sometimes, but it is also one of the best times for cheesey movies.>

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    She had given him a quick side-on hug before she abandoned him to his own devices.

    But he would get an answer back:

    <Especially 90's movies. Noodles @ Thai Mai Shu sometime?>

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says <Sure, give me a time and I will be there. and get my slurp on."