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Just pour me another
Date of Scene: 11 February 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: What starts off as a flirty meeting between a confused dimension hopper and a demon hunter ends up in a fight for their lives against a demon with some added help on their side from The Slayer.
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Dean Winchester, Buffy Summers

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum sits at the bar, looking the worse for wear. Usually, she is all gothed up, her hair and makeup on point and her clothes a study in buckles and lacing. Not today though. Not since she came to this new, or is that old, version of the world. She just watched most of her friends die to fight off a world destroying menace, only to end up here, where none of that happened. And so, she should be happy, right? But how do you tell a friend that the reason you want to hug them so tight and never let go is because you had to watch them die?

You don't. And so, Tatum sits in a black hoodie with the hood up, black jeans with holes in the knees that look like they were earned and not bought that way, and Doc Martens. Okay, so her shoe game is still on point, even if the heels are lacking. She taps the bottom of her glass on the bar to let Harry know she wants a refill. "Don't look at me like that. Just pour," she tells him grumpily. There is no slur to her words, so clearly she isn't so drunk that Harry would stop her, plus he's familiar with just how much this girl drinks. And so, wordlessly, he pours

Dean Winchester has posed:
It's a hard life, demon hunting...

Which explains why Dean Winchester, one half of the Winchester boys, is here, now, smacking his palm into a button on the jukebox. Ah, classic rock. The strains of Poison are firing up as Dean smirks and turns back to the bar, striding over. Sure, he's needing to unwind. Driving from New York to Pennsylvania, kicking demon tail in Philly....Dean is on his way to relax. Here? Just a pit stop.

Sliding onto a seat at the bar, Dean looks to Harry, signalling for a soda. Yes. A. Soda. he's driving, so....

Responsible and Dean do, in fact, go in the same sentence, despite his reputation. Sam's more the one who is a slightly softer touch, in Dean's eyes. He's watching everything with a look of..not quite confusion, but relief. There's the weight and bulge of a gun under his jacket, sure, but Dean's friendly /enough/. And he's got the safety on, too.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum has a look on her face like someone who has seen too much. A veteran maybe? But she's rather young, in her early twenties. Maybe another hunter? She drinks like one. She stares straight ahead, that 100 yard stare, as she takes a swallow of scotch. No rocks, no water. Neat. Nothing to get between her and her booze or to soften the blow. That's for drinking amateurs and this girl looks like she's going pro.

She glances in the mirror at the back of the bar, using it to see all around her. She may have her back to the open, but she is not nearly as vulnerable as that might make her look. Something about Dean causes her to look in his direction and she gets a smile. "Hey! You're that guy! Ummm.... I'm sorry, I always get you two mixed up. Are you Jared or Jensen?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Who?" Dean asks with a confused look to her. "I'm not...." he says sounding puzzled. watching her as he lifts the glass to his lips. Unlike Tatum, Dean has ice in his drink. It's clinking as he sets it down. Soda with ice. Nodding to her Dean is still puzzled, wondering just why anyone would think he's an actor.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate looks puzzled as well. She shakes her head and waggles her finger, perhaps a little too drunk to get the social cues that maybe she should drop the subject and leave the poor guy alone. "Really? Cause you look just like him. You could work as a look alike or something. You know, that show, Supernatural? About the guys.. Not Smith and Wessen... the other gun. Worstershire? No, that's the sauce you put in bloody marys. Anyway, you sure you're not him? Or are you just saying that cause you don't want to be recognized. I can respect that." She nods sagely. "Well, here's to you," she goes to clink at his glass with hers. "WINCHESTER! It was Winchester! And you're the hot one. Dean? Right?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean laughs, "Oh..yeah I'm Dean. So you know who I am, okay" he says sipping his soda with a nod post-clinking. "Winchester. Like that mystery house. I've been meaning to go there but life's taken me all over. And you know what Worcestershire sauce is. Okay, you just got points in my book" Dean nods with a roguish grin. Dean's an odd one.

He tips the soda back and grins signalling for a refill.

"So tell me about this show" he prompts. "Hot guys with my name. What's it about?" he adds with a curious look and a raised eyebrow. Oh he's interested now.

Deadzone has posed:
So this guy is saying he's Dean, not Jensen/Jared. Okay, so he's playing games with a fan. Whatevs. Tatum takes another swallow and smiles at this pleasant distraction, even letting the hood fall down. She gets comfy and chuckles as the actor asks about the show. She had heard that the actors were a silly bunch, always pulling pranks and the like, so it doesn't really come as a shock to her.

"Okay, so I only got to season seven before I ended up on the next... before I moved. And that place didn't get your show. So I don't know what has happened in the last while. But it's about you and your brother, Sam. And you travel the world killing demons and you've been to Hell. And Heaven. And your dad is that Neegan guy from The Walking Dead. Oh! And did you ever bring back Bobby? I liked him! Ijits."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Hmm" Dean says with a slow nod, listening with a polite smile. "So,this show's about me? I dodn't get any money from it" he says sounding genuinely confused. "Give me a minute, okay?" he asks running outside. There's the growl of an engine as he pulls the Impala into a space by the door, and gets back out again, locking Baby, giving a pat on the hood and coming back in. "Had to move my car so it wasn't blocking anyone in" he nods, keys in pocke as he resumes his soda. He's scribbling notes on a little pocket notepad, pencil in one hand. "So just who are you, a big TV fan?" he asks with a smirk. Oh there's trouble in that face.

Dean pockets the notebook. Sure, with Baby right outside, grill pointed at the window and the bar, Dean's got competition now. Yeah, his own car. Good job, Winchester. Good job!

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum just laughs and smiles. If she were sober, she'd realize that maybe why this guy doesn't recognize what she's talking about is because this world has a real Dean and Sam. Like that episode where Dean and Sam ended up in a dimension where they were their actors. That was her favourite, being a dimension hopper herself. "No money. Yeah, right. Don't you like own your own bar? Or is that the Sam guy?" Dean leaves and then there is that sound like the roar of tiger, thick and throaty, that causes a chill to run down Tatum's spine and a look to come over her face that is down right indecent!

When Dean comes back in, Tatum is busy craning her neck from where she is sitting to look out the window. "Me? Nah, not really. My friend Marie was a fan a couple of worlds ago. She said I had to watch it. She said if she ever got her hands on you she would... " She clears her throat and takes on a southern drawl. "Ah would lick the sweat ahff that man's sternum," she then says with a giggle. She then stands up, downs the rest of her double scotch in a single swallow and starts walking out the door. "That wasn't actually THE Baby, was it? Like, the one from the show? Can I see it?" She doesn't even finish to see if he says yes before she is out the door. If he follows, and he likely would, he finds her hugging the hood of the car like she is in love.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean just watches with amusement. "Uh...that's....my car" he says slowly. "Why're you hugging my car?" he asks, then he asks a leading question, "You need a ride somewhere?"

Oh he did not. Invite the superfan into Baby. Dean's looking out for her. He did say yes but it was lost in her running out the door and Dean giving Harry a 'wtf' look. So that's how he ended up out here. With her hugging Baby. Normally touching Dean's car is liable to set him off. But he can't be mad at a drunk superfan. He's just, well, not letting her behind the wheel after drinks. Maybe if she sobers up, he'll consider it. "Yeah this is my car.I...I guess it's like the one from the show" he admits. At this rate he's half expecting a squee and fangirling, okay, okay, more fangirling. "But if we're going anywhere, you settled your tab?" he asks, offering a smiile...and....slowly, carefully, a hand. Squee, indeed. Dean. Offering a hand. ohmygosh!

Deadzone has posed:
Luckily for Tatum, Harry knows her and the crew she hangs out with. Apparently he'll just put this on her tab. He shakes his head and continues to polish the glass in his hand.

Yep, hugging the car. Nuzzling the hood with her cheek. "67 Chevy Impala. Built in Janesville, Wisconsin and the original factory issued black. 502 Big Block 550 Horsepower Engine with a reclining front bench seat, factory issued air conditioning, and automatic transmission." She pushes herself off the hood and circles the vehicle. "My god, it's even better looking in person." Dean might start feeling a little jealous, because if he thought she was a superfan of him, then he was sadly very mistaken. Now, the car, on the other hand? Oh yeah, she definitely is a fan.

She waves a hand towards the bar. "Harry will make me pay next time I come in before I can drink anymore. He knows I'm good for it." Then she seems to realize he offered her a ride. In Baby! "A ride? Yeah! Hell yeah!" Sure, she lives walking distance away, but he doesn't need to know that! She climbs in on the drivers side, stroking her hands over the steering wheel in a manner that is reminiscent of any true fan of american muscle. She hasn't even noticed the hand offered to her. Yeah, some superfan. "Honey, you can drive me anywhere you want," she says, but it's not sure if she's talking to Dean or the car.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean nods andd smiles. "Sure, where to?" he adds with a nod. "Hey, hey, don't touch the radio. Driver picks the radio. Shotgun sits backrelaxes" he says with a laugh, digging keys out and grins. "You're right on all counts. 67 Impala, built in Janesville, right on the color, and specs" he nods. Since she didn't take the hand, Dean smiles. "These are rare. Go for twenty grand and up now. My dad bought it in 73. Either that or a VW van. I think" he said watching Tatum. "He made the right call, huh?" he asks, with a grin. Oh he llikes her already. She knows her stuff. "So if you know so much about me, go on. What's Sam like? What am I like on this show then?" he grins, tossing the keys from hand to hand inside Baby.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum scootches over to the passenger side. "I know, I know. I won't touch your precious radio. I know the rules." She snickers and nods. "I know. When you went back in time and talked him into buying this one. Season 4." She makes herself comfortable, fondling the upholstery. The fact that this guy keeps asking her about the show... "Is this some sort of test? Listen, I know I'm not like some of those fans that know every episode off by heart. I mean, you're show is great, but it's not like I've seen it all. I only got up to season 7, remember? And you never did tell me if you bring Bobby back. Which tends to imply you don't. That really sucks balls."

She relaxes and closes her eyes, her speech slowing down as the scotch catches up to her. "Okay, so Sam. Crowley calls him Moose. His abs are fucking amazing, no offence. He got tortured in Hell and spent a year following you when he got back out. The show is little formulaic, if you don't mind my saying so. One brother gets lost at the end of the last season. Next season spend some time with the other brother trying to cope without brother. They get reunited. They don't communicate properly about what happened and stifle their feelings so as not to hurt the other brother. This ends up biting them in the ass and the other brother ends up being whisked away somewhere in order to save the world. You know, every time I hear Carry On My Wayward Son, I think crap, shit just got real. We're all gonna die."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Three guesses what song's on the radio when Dean fires up Baby. He laughs. "Shit just got real then" he says cranking the radio up a tiny bit. Ah, the strains of Kansas coming from the radio. He nods at her words but doesn't answer, instead focusing on the road. "Aren't most shows formulaic though?" he poses that question as he slips the car into drive. Once /that/ song ends, AC/DC comes on, as Dean turns the radio back down again. "I mean, my show's formulaic, yes." he says playing along. "But isn't most TV. Good guys win, bad guys get their asses kicked back to wherever they come from, ya know?" he nods,"You're a smart woman, you're knowledgeable, articulate...and you got a thing for nuzzling and hugging Chevys" he adds. Is he flirting with her? Yes. Yes he is. "It's fun" he admits wih a nod. "Oh yeah you're right. Sam's built like a moose, but he's the softer touch. I'll just whip out a gun and start shooting, bang, bang, bang,yy'know. Sam will reason and figure it out. But" he says. "We both got our good and bad points" he says. he doesn't want to break her heart so he's going with it. Besides. She's smart, pretty, funny, and knows who he is. That's a plus. Crap, if he'd read up on this actor guy...

"Though" he says, stopping at a red light. "I don't ever think they'll kill my show, really. You know that term jumping the shark. Ever seen a show that's jumped back over it twice and then gone fuck it, let's jump backwards over a shark riding an inflatible unicorn with red, white and blue streamers coming out of its ass to Hail to the Chief" he says, seeking refuge with how audacious that last remark was. "Not that my show's done that. yet" he speculates.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum laughs her ass off. "Well, either it's the beginning of the season and you are looking for Sam, or it's the end of the season and we're about to go save the world. Again." She is having fun with Jensen/Jared now, with this whole pretending he doesn't know about the show, acting like he's the genuine article. There is a moment of lucidity in her scotch addled brain. What if this IS the real Dean Winchester. After all, she's been to a few different dimensions now, including one where MoJo made her a star on MoJoWorld. Fat assed freak. Nah, it's probably some look alike that is using his looks and a Chevy Impala that has been made to look like the real Baby to get chicks. Still, she thinks, her brow lifting a moment as she ponders, can she blame him?

"I know you got your softer side too. Like, as much as you flirt with anything in a skirt, you are actually pretty honorable and are more bark than bite." She reaches over and starts to caress his shoulder as he drives. After all, why not? Then she stops. "Wait... aren't you like married or something? To one of the actresses on the show?" She smirks then and punches his arm. "I knew you were just a look alike! You almost had me going there though." She leans back, smiling like the cat that ate the canary for figuring it out. "So, we going to your place? Or are you gonna take me to some cheap motel to make it more authentic? And I told ya, I only saw up to season 7! Your show wasn't on the last dimension or this one." She then suddenly shuts up, her eyes wide. "I shouldn'a said that," she mutters.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean is quiet for a moment, but that laugh is music to his ears. Then the mood whiplash hits him. "Am I married? No" he says with a look, taking his left hand off the wheel to show no ring. "See. Not married" he protests, though he gives her a look. "I'm not" he starts. "Driving you somewhere to just to bang you in my car unless that's what you really want" he says gently. Door's still open for sex. But only if they both want it.

Glancing to the road, the shoulder caressing draws a smile. "I'm honorable, but I'm a rogue hearted bastard too, you know that" he muses, laughing softly. Normally it's Sam riding shotgun. He pulls over and smiles. "You want to drive her?" he asks. "And yes. I could kiss you right now" he says. "See. I'm not married, I'm single, free as a Dean in a car" he explains, with a nod. Again the hand's off the wheel, but to put the parking brake on, if she wants to go for his hand, it's right there. Like, right /there/ though.

Deadzone has posed:
Banging IN the Impala? The look Tatum gives Dean as he suggests that makes it pretty clear that she's totally game. Sure, she has only one true love, but it's been three years since she and Hank McCoy have done anything, mostly because her Hank was on another world and the last three Hanks were just good friends. Hell, on the last world, he was as queer as a three dollar bill.

"Yep, the lovable rogue with a heart of gold. I think that's why you are so popular with all the fans. Everyone thinks Dean is super dreamy." She starts to lean in closer. She's about to kiss him. She has definite intentions on her mind. But then he goes and offers to let her drive. Eyes go wide and kissing Dean Winchester is the last thing on her mind. "OH HELL YEAH! Pull over and give me the keys. I need to see what this girl is capable of."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean grins, and kills the engine, sliding the keys out with a nod. Getting out he smirks, setting the keys on the hood. Tatum's already nuzzled it once. So keys go exactly there. Oh he's got intentions on his own mind to see what Tatum is capable of. But first...she gets to drive. Even the radio. Driver picks the radio, after all. So Dean comes around and grins. "Keys on the hood" he says waiting for her to get out, so he can slide into the passenger seat and observe, like some....some....Winchester demon hunting driver's ed teacher.

"See what that girl can do" he winks. He knows she means the car. Dean, meantime...has his eyes on Tatum. That girl. See what she can do. In driving and using a stick shift, so to speak.

Deadzone has posed:
The goth... is she really a goth if she's only wearing black clothes and has black hair? Where's the makeup? Wheres the leather and the buckles and the style? Okay, so she's an out of practice goth. She spent a year in a warzone without the luxury of warm meals or makeup. She's going to need time to get back to her old ways of looking utterly amazing and jaw dropping gorgeous. She watches Dean as he steps out of the car and leaves the keys on the hood, licking her teeth slowly at him as they keep their eyes on each other. Oh yes, these two definitely have plans for each other.

She gets out of the car, standing slowly and sliding her body against his as she does so. Well, at least, that's what she tries to do. She stumbles a bit in her attempt to be sexy from the vast amounts of scotch she had earlier. She catches herself on Dean and giggles. "That's okay, occifer! I'm not as think as you drunk I am," she says and then giggles again as she makes the old joke.

Making her way to the hood of the car, she snatches up the keys and tosses them in the air to catch them and then gets behind the wheel. In a moment, the Impala is roaring to life and the look on Tatum's face is almost orgasmic. "Oh yeah. You can feel those horses just rumbling through your very being." She looks through the cassetes and finds the smart phone linked one that Sam got when it was Dean's turn to be dead. "No offense, but I need something I know you don't got." She plugs her phone into the cord from the "cassette" and hits a couple buttons. As she peels off down the road, the music starts. AC/DC! Thunderstruck! ... played on cellos? WTF?!

Dean Winchester has posed:
Somehow, from the passenger seat, Dean is liking this. Despite how odd it feels. He's a little freaked out he's not in control, really, and he is waiting on Tatum to pull over. "You got your own car?" he asks. There's a hint of 'if not you ride with me if you like' to it, though he eyes the ipod. "What..." he just says looking amused. "What is that. I mean, it's good, but...." he says simply watching Tatum quietly with a smile. Looking over to the radio, he looks pleased, and keeps an eye on Tatum's driving. "So where are you heading?" he asks. He'ss a little worried, but he's hiding it well.

Mostly since he's not a fan of not being in control. But he's trusting her to drive well. She was, come on, hugging and nuzzling Baby. So it's only fair she gets to drive!

Deadzone has posed:
Despite being five sheets to the wind, Tatum is a remarkably good driver. She drives with the same passion that she fights or she plays her cello. Okay, she has a bit of a lead foot, but then again who doesn't with american muscle and good hard rock playing on the radio? Okay, it's hard rock on cellos, but that still counts... right? Is she making Dean listen to classical? And have him liking it? Don't let Sam know, he'd never let Dean live this down. The next track is Enter the Sandman and then Highway to Hell, all on cellos! "It's me. Not my arrangements, that's Two Cellos and Apocolyptica, but I couldn't resist trying it myself cause. Well, dayum, right?"

She drives along the highway as if it is a highway to hell, looking straight ahead with a smile that is almost predatory. Baby is eating up the road like she was born for this. It seems that the two girls get along. "Nah, I never did get a car to replace my Charger. Never really had the time. It was always one disaster after another. Saving the world doesn't really give you much time for car shopping. And where are we going? I don't know. She's in control and telling me where to go. You never drive like that? My brother called it Zen Driving."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean is....indeed, liking classical cello rock. Reputation's at stake here, kid...

Or maybe he can get Sam to like it, too. It's good! It's actually, honestly, good. Now if they did classic cello rock, yes that's more his thing. He smiles. "No, no" he says "Never have driven like that. usually know where I'm going, and why I'm going there" he grins, waiting for the right moment to kiss her. Because that was the idea, along with letting her drive. Oh and other things, too. Involving back seats.

See. Dean's good like that.

Deadzone has posed:
The next song Dean might not like so much. Well, it starts off okay. Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones. And then... Opera? Where did she get this playlist. Oh, that's right, she said she made it herself with her playing the cello. "This isn't me singing. I ain't nearly that good. It's me on the guitar, but the pipes are a girl I went to Juilliard with." She pauses a moment and frowns. "I wonder what happened to her. I wonder if she's the same person on this world," she says wiYouthout thinking. Abort! Abort! her brain starts to tell her. You are blabbing things from other dimensions! The thing you aren't supposed to EVER do!! Are you trying to destroy this world by giving away secrets?!

Sadly, between the driving and the scotch, Tatum isn't really hearing the voice of reason in her head. If Baby is the one that is telling Tatum where to go, then apparently Baby wants to go somewhere really out of the way. Turning off the highway and onto a side road that later turns into a gravel road, Dean can hear the tires chewing through the gravel just as well as it did the tarmac. Finally, Tatum stops the car and turns off the engine. She looks to Dean, her skin flushed with excitement and alcohol. She smirks and reaches behind her. Remember how she said that the bucket seat was fully reclinable? Yeah, well, she happens to know where the lever is and that's exactly what she does. She's prepared for it though, so doesn't end up laying down. Instead, she climbs onto Dean's lap. "Enough with the foreplay. I'm gonna ride you till dawn and make the windows rattle in New Jersey," she tells him as she pulls off her hoodie and the shirt underneath it. Topless, she leans down, her arms on either sides of his head. "I'm going to kiss you now, Dean Winchester," she tells him and then leans in closer and closer and then.... passes out.

Dean Winchester has posed:
@emit ....Great. Cock blocked by her passing out. Great. Dean's left just holding her atop him. Still he smiles, the kiss was good. She is though, atop a Winchester. Great. Topless, atop a Winchester as arms lock around her and he smiles, nuzzling her cheek. "Gonna ride me till dawn, huh. Then you pass the fuck out atop me. Great. You're sound asleep aintcha" Dean nods looking up at her. First the music. Now...oh yeah, Tatum atop him. This is going to need explaining to Sam and anyone else. Great....

That's when the whoop of sirens is heard, well, by Dean mostly since he's awake. Then again, Tatum's not your average girl. Great. Cops going past...great. Keep driving, officers. Keep driving...

Deadzone has posed:
Not only is Tatum asleep, but she snores. Okay, it's cute little feminine snores that are more endearing than upsetting, but still. She groans softly and cuddles Dean affectionately in her sleep. Well, this isn't helping at all. Then he realizes, the half naked woman on top of him never did give him her name. She already knew his, so introductions were never made!

Officers rushing by, with sirens and lights blazing, on a gravel road this far out of town? Sure, it passes right by, but that very fact should set alarms off in Dean's head. Tatum sleeps through it all. She even sleeps through the second and even the third police car that speed right on passed the Impala.

Dean Winchester has posed:
It's setting off alarm bells. Dean's not about to grab any ID and/or get a feel. That's not his style. Instead he's just waiting, alarm bells in his head. He gets into odd situations. This one's the oddest in a while, really. He has to admit that from this vantage point. She's cute.

Oh great. He's thinking she's cute. Which to be fair she is. Wriggling a little, Dean nuzzles her cheek again. "Wake up" he whispers. Nice try, Dean. Nice try. He looks amused for a moment, wriggling a little more. though he keeps his arms around her and smiles. This is oddly romantic, by Dean's standards.

Deadzone has posed:
Well, at least the cops aren't stopping for him. He may later find out that some Cthulian horror ripped its way out of the ground and started armaggedon, but the cops aren't stopping for him so we'll take that as a win.

The nuzzling of her cheek and genle whispers to try and wake her are met only with groans of protest. She's not fully asleep, but neither is she going to be to wake up; in that in and out, dazed and confused "sleep" of the alcohol induced comatose. She rolls off of Dean to get more comfortable, wriggling her back to him. And yeah, for Dean this *is* oddly romantic. She did say that he was a scoundrel wit a heart of gold after all. How did she know all that stuff. Show? Other worlds? Ends of the world?

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean reaches out a hand and smiles. "You know. You nevr gave me your name" he admits. Sure, cops flying past are a win if they're not for /them/ then. Good

Heart of gold, or, gold foil wrapped chocolate anyhow, or, or....something. So, Something like that.

Dean smiles, reaching a hand out, watching Tatum. "You comfortable huh?" he asks,keys stashed away. Good thing. Dean is watching her with a dreamy smile on his face, wondering how she knows it all though? Dean watches her for a moment. Questions are best served for when she's awake, but he looks pleased, even if the whole 'going to screw Dean Winchester' idea kind of got interrupted by falling asleep on top of him. Even if she is comfortable. He wonders if he's comfortable, too.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum whimpers in her sleep as Dean talks to her. She shakes her head, her brow furrowing, as she can't discern between the dreams and the reality. She flits in and out of sleep, neither really here nor there. She at one point reaches behind her to grab his arm and pulling it around her, cuddling it like a teddy bear. She mutters something that sounds like 'I love you, Frank'. Or maybe it was Hank? She likes cars enough, maybe it was Tank?

It's peaceful now on the gravel road and the how long they have been there can be gleaned from the first inclings of that start to lighten the night sky. Suddenly, gunshots can be heard in the woods that surround the road. Tatum is up like a shot. It seems, like any sort of veteran, that there are some noises that will always break through, no matter how tired or drunk you are. She looks around, wide eyed, trying to figure out where she is, what woke her. She looks down and sees Dean. And that she's topless. She pauses, looking confused. She's not quite certain what to do. "Uhhh... hi! Did we.... Do I... know you?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean listens, and recounts just how they got here. To this exact spot, cuddled into her. he smiles and nods. "And that's how we got here" he adds. "All revved up. Nowhere to go" he nods and leans in for a kiss, watching her. "You know you're beautiful like that, all peaceful and sleepy. You were snoring, so were you sleeping?"

Yes. Yes. Dean did just ask that question. He totally did. Like there weren't enough clues. Somewhere, Blue is getting ready to bitch slap Dean for being so damn oblivious!

Where's Sam when you need him. Oh right, Sam would never, ever let him live it down. Sonofabitch. Sam's good, but. but...he's also a Winchester too. Hearing the gunshots he's out and opening the trunk, lifting the false bottom and grabbing a pistol. They wanna start shooting....they'll have to get through Dean first. For all he knows...could be demons. Gotta protect his new friend after all!

Deadzone has posed:
The first set of gunshots that woke her up were too distant to really deal with, so Dean chose to ignore them in favour of spending more quality time with the half naked woman in his arms. Tatum laughs softly and looks sheepish. "I'm really sorry. I was pretty drunk. Still kinda am. Could really use some water."

She lays back down, facing Dean and propping her head up on her elbow. "You make a really convincing Dean. You got that sexy growl in his voice down pat. So, do you make much as a look alike?" She's fishing now, hoping like hell that this isn't the genuine article and she just did the one thing a dimension hopper like her is not supposed to do.

The conversation is brought to a halt though when another volley of gunshots is heard, this time closer, much closer. Dean gets out of the car and Tatum is pulling on her t-shirt that says 'Cellists like big wood between their thighs'. She leaves the hoodie in the car. As she comes out of the car, she pulls out a pair of collapsable batons from out of her boots. With a flick of the wrist, they are ready to go. She looks at the guy that is still trying to impress her with his Dean act. "Stay here. I got this. I already think you're cool. You don't need to keep up with the Dean act. Just get in the car, and lock yourself in."

From the woods, there is a crashing as if something very large is approaching. Something very, very large. "Cain, if that's you, I'm going to wear your guts for garters!," she calls out to the woods

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean sighs. "Oh no no. I can handle a gun" Dean says, loading the pistol with silver rounds in case it is a werewolf.He slings a shotgun across his back, and looks to Tatum. "Can you handle a gun? If so, grab one and stay close" he says, and cracks a smirk at the t-shirt. "I bet you do" he winks to her with a smirk. Checking his weapons, he looks off in the direction of the gunfire. Great. Gunfire. Not his favorite thing in the world. Instead, he isn't a fan of that...far from it. So, he looks around, then to Tatum. "That t-shirt. I could show you hot to use wood between your legs" he winks to her, then looks toward the wood again. One Winchester. On Tatum fixated on the idea Dean is his actorr.....so....

Deadzone has posed:
Looking over to the guns, Tatum shakes her head. "I can, but I won't. Not again. It's too easy to take a life that way. It's... you can't change your mind once you've pulled the trigger." There is a regret in her tones that once again gives that impression that perhaps she's a veteran. That she has seen and done too much.

Though Dean can't feel it, Tatum pushes her nullification field to its largest size that she can without having to concentrate on it and nothing else. If whatever is coming at them is mutant or metahuman, it's about to get caught in her Deadzone. She looks to the woods and gets a steely look in her eyes, her batons held at her sides and ready for action. She laughs at Dean's lewd comment about wood. "I somehow doubt you're bigger than MY Baby," she teases back. Pre-battle banter! Good times.

The huge beast that bursts out of the woods at the side of the road is not something that Tate has had to deal with in a long time. She can't even remember the last time she saw a Limbo demon. How did it get out?! Illyana? Bellasco? One of the several other people that had taken over Limbo over the years and dimensions. It stops to look at the pair and licks its lips with a forked tongue. It sniffs at the air, it's amber eyes looking from one target to the other.

"Dinner AND dessssssert," it tells the pair. "I will enjoy picking you out of my teeeeeth." While it manages to speak english, there is something about it that just sounds wrong. As if it's mouth was not made for human speech. "Man, I hate demons," Tatum mutters under her breath before charging at it full tilt with a warrior's rage.

Buffy Summers has posed:
So yeah, she's not sure why exactly she's out here in the middle of nowhere, except that Buffy totally heard that gunshot. Was it a vamp or....Eyes narrow, peeling her senses, scanning her surroundings for sign of demons or other. "Ugh, what a pain. I got up for an early morning patrol and now I'm gonna be late for work." she yawns as she heads down the dirt road..And spots a car up ahead. And people. "Ooh, what's this, a little camping trip?" wait one of the guys looks familiar and she narrows her eyes on Dean as she comes closer.

...And that's when the demon comes charging through the woods. Eyes narrow, pulling out her prized tonfa, the ends tipped in silver sharpenned blades. She too, utters a war cry as she leaps at the demon, attempting to cut into it before it can reach the two people by the car.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean waits. He waits for a good angle, and squeezes the trigger.

Bang. Silver bullet, fired. He fires at the demon, thing, and moves to keep Tatum and Buffy covered too. Dean knows how to use a gun, and slamming the false bottom on the trunk closed, (after grabbing the hand grenade that is), and the trunk, and locking it, he rejoins the fight. So. Dean's got a pistol, shotgun and grenade. Dean snaps off another hsot toward the demon. And he's getting ready to throw the 'nade at it. Because why not. Instead of....idea.

He runs back and gets holy water from the trunk, pocketing it. /Now/ he's ready to fight. So, he's on the offensive, firing, moving, firing, moving, keeping one eye on the demon, the other on Buffy and Tatum.

Deadzone has posed:
The demon seems to relish the fact that Tatum is running straight for it. Its bottom four limbs are braced for the impact, it's upper to welcoming her to it like a lover. Only the demon is then side swiped by ANOTHER little piece of flesh. It hisses as the silver pierces it's flesh, snapping at Buffy with jaws that could easily eat her head in one bite if it could catch her. "And an appetizer too!"

Tatum can't believe the day she is having, and her without her communication device to call the other X'ers. And civilians with a hero complex and a death wish! Yep, this sounds like her life. Why did she think this world woud be any different then the last five? She tries to clambor onto the back of the beast in order to get to its head from behind, using her own batons... is that blond chick also using batons? What the hell? Get your own schtick lady! Get it? Schtick? Cause their both using... forget it.

Tatum manages to straddle the demon's shoulders (man, she has a thing for having things between her legs, huh?) and tries to figure out if the pressure points she knows even work on a demon.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Oooh fiesty, I like that!" she quips with an over-confident grin, darting back as it snaps at her with jaws that are waay too big..But for a second, Buff nearly stumbles - is she off her game? It's enough at least, for the creature to barely graze her shoulder and she lets out a yell of pain, staggering back. "What the...?" She doesn't have much time to think though. Looks like some potentially foolhardy woman jumped on the thing's shoulders..? And she darts out of the way of Dean's guns and explody thingies, instead focusing on taking a swipe or two at one of the demon's legs, trying to knock it off-balance or something. "Okaay. Not a werewolf, def. not a vamp. Let's see..What kinda demon are you? Bucking Bronco? Hah. That's a good one."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Shooting again, Dean pulls the vial of holy water and......just fucking yeets the botttle of holy water at the demon. That's right. Dean /yeets/ the holy water at the demon. Somewhere. Road Runner is jealous at the speed that bottle got. Which is, as hard as Dean can hurl it.

With that out of the way, pistol in his belt, he's got the shotgun in hands and takes careful aim. Thump. Okay. One shot. Thump. Make that two, and then two more. Shotgun on back again, Dean has his Bowie knives in his hands. All else fails, stab a demon!

Deadzone has posed:
The demon (Thrasfyr by name, not that anyone really cares to make introductions at this moment) roars angrily and starts talking in its own language instead. It is trying to get at the petite, little blonde. She smells delicious. So potent and rich with power! He must have a taste! He snaps at her again and again, not quite able to get at her because it keeps being shot at.

It's about to turn its attention on the little flea with the silver bullets when Dean throws holy water at it instead. It rears back, nearly tossing Tatum off of it. She manages to grasp her arms about one of its horns and is dangling from that, a little too close to its mouth for her liking. "This day just gets better and better," the goth mutters.

Just when Deadzone is pulling back her nullification field, since the threat is demonic and she doesn't want to bother wasting her energy on something her field can't affect anyway, the five cops that had been chasing the beast in the woods come bursting through with their rifles and are trying to shoot at the beast while simultaeniously yelling at the three 'civilians' to "get away from the bear"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes, "Ohh, suure go after the pretty one why dontcha.." she darts back, handspringing backwards out of the way. Okay. Looks like it's too tough to fall so easily if she tries to cut it down like a tree..Instead, she pulls out one of her good old fashionned stakes, and making sure the tip is nice and sharp, she hurls it with point dead accuracy at the bugger's eye, hoping to blind it. Hopefully that'll slow it down at least.

And then come the cops and she freezes, glancing over her shoulder. "Oh greeat...Seriously guys, leave it to the professionals.." But hey, they might be of help with their fancy guns and she darts back, readying another stake once she can get in a clear shot..

Deadzone has posed:
Thrasfyr thrashes its head back and forth. It is now being attacked on another side! He knew his mission to kill one of the Winchesters was going to be hard enough. But his intel was that the stupid one was alone and distracted. This should not have been this hard. But then it turns out that the women on this plane of existence are surprisingly resilient! Wait... women? "Slayers!" it hisses angrily, having realized just why these two bits of fluff must be troubling him so and smelling so tasty.

"Yeah! You just wait, Thrasfyr, you Limbo sucking piece of shite! I'll slay you all the way back to Bellasco where you belong!" yells the chick in the black on black on black ensemble as she holds on desperately to its horn and tries to regain her grip with her legs about its neck. "You just wait till I...." Tatum pauses as she manages to get back on the demon's shoulders and looks down at Buffy from her high perch. "What tha hell do you mean YOU'RE the pretty one?" Really? Now? We're going to have an arguement of who is the prettier badass right now? Besides, we all know that the prettiest badass is Sam Winchester and he's not here right now.

Between more gunshots to it's back and now a stake sticking out of its eye, the large bear/serpent/bull thing is really wishing it brought back up. It deals with the cops with a swipe of it's long, firey tail, setting some of the woods ablaze behind it.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean looks to the five cops and shakes his head. Fake badge in hand, Dean sighs. it's one of those alphabet soup agencies, that deal with things like this. They say it's a bear....Dean can certainly drop back. it's one of his stash of fake IDs and badges. He's got one ofr every occasion. Even demon attacks.

"Thrasfyr" Dean says, throwing a second vial of holy water at demon. "Get out. One. You're fugly. 2. Did you brush those teeth this morning. Three" he calls, taunting the demon. "Biting's foreplay. You gotta buy them drinks and a dinner first. I call dibs on her" he says pointing to Tatum. "So you back off, lardass. This is what happens when yu don't stay in school, kids" Dean chides. "You become big fatass like him. When was that last time he saw a veggie?" Dean asks. He's so tempted to give it a lettuce, just for curiosity's sake. He doesn't want it puking over him, though.h...but he does whistle at the argument over who is pretty. "I'm ove here, ladies!" he shouts. Oh no, the woods are on fire. Crap. What's the hedge spell to summon Smokey Bear again? A nine, a one and a one?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes, peering up at goth girl, "Umm seriously? Another goth girl? Please don't tell me you're a vamp.." But of course that's not possible. She would have put on a game face by now and she's fighting a demon so..Just some annoying girl. "You should really get down from there, it's not safe.." she mutters, flipping out of the way of another attempted slash at her feet as the demon wails and curses.

It looks like she didn't quite manage to take out its eye, so she hurls the second stake at the same eye, in hopes of shoving it in deeper. Surely that's gotta hurt. And while Dean's busy tossing more holy water on it, she continues to tirelessly dance with it, slashing at its legs again, putting some incredible force behind each slash although she doesn't seem to be at her top game today for some reason..Even so, hopefully she'll cause it to at least stagger or something..

Deadzone has posed:
The demon is furious. One knew its name! And spoke it aloud! Now the Winchester knows it too! It roars with rage, dropping to all six legs. Tatum is never going to win the prize for bronco bull riding if she keeps falling off though. She lands on the ground with a WHUMP! the air being knocked out of her lungs. That's the second time this month! Those ribs had just knit back together! She lays there on the ground and manages to look at the blonde on the other side of the behemoth and flips her the bird. Just another goth girl? Bitch please! She is the goth girl that all other goth girls dream to become. No... wait.... that's Illyana. Okay, she's the goth girl that all other goth girls dream to become if they can't become Illyana.

The second stake sinks true and Thrasfyr takes another snapping bite at Buffy. It then starts to charge at Dean. It will succeed at this mission. It has to. Because if it doesn't....

Suddenly a vortex of purple opens up under the demon.

A giant hand reaches up out of the vortex and grabs the demon by the waist, the hand large enough to hold the giant demon in its hand like a small toy. The moments ago ferocious and fearsome beast suddenly starts scraping at the ground to try and get free, yelping like a frightened puppy.

The three can only watch on helplessly as the demon, now frothing at the mouth with terror is pulled down into the abyss with the vortex shutting with a loud clap of thunder.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to dance with the demon because that's what she does best, constantly side stepping as others come in to launch their own attacks, but she's back again, hacking and slashing tirelessly, searching for a soft spot or weakness as she slices easily into its skin with her sharp and powerful blows..

When got girl falls off, she blinks, darting towards her, helping her to her feet, "You should get out of here, this is no place for civilians.." she mutters with a mild eyeroll before turning back to the demon...

Who abruptly gets yanked out of this world by a giant..Hand..? "What the heck, so now some random bigger bad decides to spoil me of my fun? SO unfair.." she glances around, "Everyone alright?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean flips off the demon as it's dragged down. "And stay there" he shouts, looking to the others. "Okay. Hey. You're Buffy" he says. "I heard about you. What're you going to do, stab me with wood if I tick you off, isn't that kinda turn on for you?" he jibes, flicking eyes back to Tatum. "You okay?" he asks, watching her while beating a hasty retreat to Baby. With that said he motions for her to follow. With a turn of key, the engine starts up, and Dean's waiting. Destination? Some dirt cheap motel. Maybe now Tatum will learn how to drive a stick shift. That remains to be seen...the demon's gone, the good guys and girls won. Dean made a new friend. Everybody came out on top. Well, bar Dean literally.