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Latest revision as of 04:41, 15 February 2020

Evil Gets Hopping
Date of Scene: 12 February 2020
Location: Two Bridges (Chinatown), Manhattan
Synopsis: Jack Burton and Faora meet a monster hunter and join forces.
Cast of Characters: Jack Burton, Dean Winchester, Superwoman

Jack Burton has posed:
In spite of a lot of the hype, Chinese vampires do not actually "hop." Although some of them have jerky movements, most of the lore is a result of the tall tales spread by Chinese bandits to scare people off the roads while they did their work.
Which is okay by the REAL Chinese vampires, because it allows them to work unimpeded by most people. Mingzhu found this very handy as she moved along the cattle of Chinatown. She was looking for someone in particular.
Lo Pan had promised her much if she added her power to his, and it was through her collection of qi that Lo Pan could achieve his goal centuries in advance. When he was destroyed, she...and the others...had been dealt a serious blow. They may, indeed, never recover their influence.
But Mingzhu had discovered a name, and the picture of the vehicle the man drove. It was unique, and it was easily spotted. She could still smell the qi of Chengdai, the demon who had also been destroyed by this one man.
One man. The very concept offended her to the bone. Well, this one man was going to die a thousand deaths for the slaying of her lover.
She continued on along the alley...looking for the vehicle known as "The Pork-Chop Express."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Vampires. Schmanpiress. Dean Winchester, resident killer of supernatural things (tm), has been hot on her trail. Mingzhu. Yeah she's got it coming, poor girl. Chinese vampire. Hey, Dean's not picky, he'll kill what needs killing....

So he's here, on her trail. He's driving Baby, carefully blending in with traffic. Shades on. Eyes on the road...well one, other eye's on her. Chinese vampires. Does he have to throw hoi sin sauce at her instead of holy water or...no, no, that's too ridiculous for the skeptical hunter. he pulls the Impala over, and gets out of the car locking it. Anyone touches the car. Dean will make them wish they were dead. Unlike the vampiress. Who was already dead. Dean'ss gonna deal with her. His job is to follow an take notes. Several of his hunter network have told him about the Porkchop Express....which isn't hard to miss really. The name of the owner's been passed to Dean. One Jack Burton.

So that' who Dean's looking for. So. he and Minzhu are both after the same guy. But for differnt motives. Dean's a lot less hell bent on homicidal revenge, really.

Jack Burton has posed:
Mingzhu turns the corner and blinks as she stares face-to-HAULIN'-ASS-Grille with the Pork-Chop Express, a massive Freightliner "long-nose" truck. She is caught wondering if this is the last thing Chengdai saw before the loathsome Burton plowed into him.

She collects herself, then actually does hop, clearing the distance to the driver's-side door. She places her hand on it, and the lock disengages.
She can smell him now.
Her lips part, revealing the long, sharp teeth. Her mouth seems to be full of them.
Then there is a sudden roar, and Mingzhu becomes the first Chinese vampire to catch a police-issue "breacher" round in the belly. She is flung back a good twenty feet, landing on the wet street, her long, clawed fingers clutching her belly as she screams in pain.

A man with a bullpup shotgun steps out of the truck, wearing deerhide moccasins, faded jeans, a wife-beater t-shirt with an Oriental design on it.
"That's the LAST thing I'm gonna do, bitch."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean slams on the brakes watching it all. Then he floors it and guns the Impala towards Mingzhu, gripping the wheel tight as he focuses on the shot vampire. Hey, somebody else who appreciates the value of shotguns...

Along with Dean. that is. Who has enough guns in the trunk of Baby for a small African nation that's not named Wachanda. Because they got their own ways of being armed. Dean's got his pistol, and is crouching behind his car, watching, waiting. If he needs to shoot the guy with the boomstick, he will.

But for now. he waits. He waits, and watches. That vampiress. She's getting what's coming. And when she says 'bitch', Dean's unlocking the trunk and has a vial of holy water in hand. he hurls it at Mingzhu, and is advancing on the Chinese vampire.

Jack Burton has posed:
Mingzhu looks up at the man, eyes wide, shocked, and unbelieving. Her midsection felt like it was on fire. "What are you?"
"I'm a red-blooded blue-eyed white-trash patriot, honey." He racks back the slide of the KSG-1 shotgun, levering a fresh breacher from the right tube into the breech. "So what say you tell who sent ya, and maybe I make it quick."

Superwoman has posed:
From seemingly nowhere, a figure descends on the perimeter of the scene. A young woman with cropped, shiny black hair, and enough metal armor to look like she's going to a comic book convention. She touches down lightly on the pavement, and looks over the scene. "So...Uh, Jack Burton. What the living hell is going on here?

Dean Winchester has posed:
There's a whistle. Dean's watching the guy with the shotgun. Okay, fine, somebody's going to deal with this, great...and....then this metal woman's here. Dean sighs, folding his arms. "Okay when did metal girl get here?" he asks. "And what're you wanting, me not to pull a magnet out?" he adds, raising an eyebrow. Okay. She's not a demon. Good. If he tosses holy water at her, she'll rust?

Dean's like that. He's on guard with the shotgun around, indeed putting his car between himself and the boomstick....yeah, good idea Dean. Good idea. He's not on the hunt.....yet

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack looks up. "Hey, Faora. This is..." He looks down. Dang. He has NO idea who this is.
"...Okay, what *are* you, anyway?"
Mingzhu gets to her feet, the damage slowly repairing itself, but the cheongsam dress is a total loss. "You DARE?! I am Mingzhu Xhan, Queen of the Dark Places, Ruler of the Hell of the Bloodless Minions, apex vampire of the Ten Kingdoms, Seductress of..."

"Right. Right. Chinese vampire, Miss Exposition. Jesus, you sound like my lawyer." Jack looks to Faora, then to the guy taking cover behind the sweet muscle car. He looks back to Mingzhu. "Well, Ming, you want to explain who sent you before I send you back to the 'home office?'"
Mingzhu bared an impressive amount of daggerlike teeth. "I send you retribution...from the allies of LO PAN."
Jack's eyes show real surprise. He doesn't drop the shotgun, let's not get stupid. "He's DEAD. Deader than disco."
"YES...AND THE ALLIANCE OF SHANNXI HAVE PLEDGED TO DESTROY YOU." Mingzhu grins, and then she comes right at Jack in an eyeblink.

Superwoman has posed:
"Well, it seems you were right, Jack," Faora says with a bemused tone as she moves with superhuman speed to Jack's side. She picks up the hoppity vampire by the scruff of her now ruined outfit and holds her suspended in the air, out to one side. "And here I thought none of them would dare show their face around here. Hmph. Shows what I know." And she turns to Dean. "What's your name, Mr. Brave?" She seems to be in no real hurry. There is time for ripping apart a vampire later.

Dean Winchester has posed:
When Mingzhu moves....Dean pops his head up like a prairie dog outta a hole. Spying the metal clad gal, Dean listens. Being the conman he is, and supernatural hunter, he's seemingly unarmed, bar his words. This isn't his fight. Except this is the US of A. Dean's turf. He nods to them both, narrowing gase on Mingzhu and Superwoman. "Nice" he says to the one holding the vampire off the ground. "You going to march her to the principal's office and call her parents to take her home?" he smarts. Oh it's easy to be a mouthy SOB to a vampire when they're off the ground and held in place.

Dean can knife fight vampires. Instead he looks to both of them. "I know who she is. Who are you both?" he asks, watching them quietly.

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack smiles wryly, lowering the shotgun. He does look impressed when Faora grabs Mingzhu. He was actually getting worried for a second, there.
He glances to Dean as Mingzhu devolves into some extremely nasty Chinese, then says, "My name's Jack Burton. This here's Faora. She's even more awesome than I am." He gives her a cockeyed smile, then looks back to Dean. "And who the Hell are you? I take it you're not with the vampire with the noisy hole in her head."

Superwoman has posed:
Faora is looking at the loquacious vampire flailing in her hand. "Well, I sort of figured maybe I cold get a little better idea from Jack about how to deal with this thing."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean laughs. "I'm just some guy who kicks vampire ass" he says, eyes flicking from Jack to Mingzhu to the metal wearing woman. "So you're Jack. As in, Mr. Porkchop ExpressJack?" he asks with a look to Jack, then both women. Well, one woman. One vampire. "Name's Dino" he says with a nod. "Was out driving and came across this mess" he offers with a smile, watching them. "So. Who are you both?" he asks the two non-vampires.

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack tilts his head. He JUST introduced themselves. Maybe he means who do they represent?
"I'm an independent trucker. She's a superheroine. We met up and we don't drive each other crazy..."
He looks to the vampiress, who seems to realize that she is powerless, which seems to be an entirely new thing for her. She is spending her time...apparently trying to make Jack's head explode with her mind.
"Hey, Dino, do you know anything about making vampires talk? Ever since I saved the universe, I find I am extremly lacking in the whole fighting-monsters thing." He looked to Faora. "Any ideas?"

Superwoman has posed:
"I was just planning on ripping her to pieces, and tossing them in a fire. But I am admittedly lacking in imagination," Faora offers.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Nah" Dino says. "Not in the least. I just think the best vampire's a dead vampire. Hack her to shreds" he nods and looks to the vampiress. "You deal with her. I hate getting blood on my hands" Dino sighs shaking his hands like flicking water off of them. Dino looks with disdain to the vampiress, and backs away slowly towards his car. He's not wanting a part of this. If anything he wants to get away. Not his fight, if anything, he'll lose a fight with the Porkchop Express. Tractor trailer is bigger than the car he's in. On the other hand. Dino's quicker with a car at getting where he wants to be. So it's even.

Either way, Dino's opened the door and is waiting.

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack nods, then looks at Mingzhu. "Honey, I don't know who you are working with, but you backed the wrong horse." Jack steps back, then looks at Faora. Sometimes you find yourself with a bunch of options and none of them are good.
But Jack is not a cruel man.
"Make it quick, Faora. She may be a monster, but I'm not."

He looked to Dean, then back to Faora. He looks troubled for the first time.

Superwoman has posed:
Faora nods and tens away from Jack. There is a loud cracking noise, and Faora drops the corpse of the vampire at their feet. "Consider inventory one vampire lighter, Jack Burton.

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack looks at the broken body of the vampire, which begins to rapidly decay. Within seconds, the corpse has decayed to dust.
"Well...I thought I was done with all of this craziness. Guess I was wrong." He looked to Faora. "You run into this a lot?"

Superwoman has posed:
"I have never seen a ceature which even resembles that," Faora replies, eyeing the dust suspiciously. "And from what I have seen, I certainly do not trust them."

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack nodded. "I think I...uhm, WE...are going to need to find a professional. Someone local. Egg Chen, the sorcerer from San Fran, said I could find someone local. That might be the best place to start." He leaned against the front of the truck, looking to Faora. "You want in on this crazy ride? I won't lie...we're both going to be 'insulted,' as Wang once told me."

Superwoman has posed:
I was already insulted," Faora replies with a slight shrug. "I feel at this point I have no option but to see this through. You're mine to protect. I found you fair and square, as she saying goes."

Jack Burton has posed:
Jack blinks at that. Unusual wording, but he thinks he's got the gist of it. And besides...there's something about her that seems like she needs something. Something he might be able to give her.
"Well, let's hope I can bring something to the table. In the meantime, let's start looking for a wizard, or sorcerer, or whatever."