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Latest revision as of 04:56, 15 February 2020

Something in the Woods
Date of Scene: 09 February 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Gabby tries to feed Bear a donut. Samuel mistakes her for Laura. Confusion ensues.
Cast of Characters: Honey Badger, Samuel Morgan

Honey Badger has posed:
It was that snowy time of year in New York, and another fresh layer of snow had fallen to smooth out the footprints and snow angels made by students in days prior. It wasn't too much more, but it was fresh, crisp, and mostly unsullied. There's a small copse of trees near the tennis courts which were understandably abandoned this time of year. It looks as if something might have dug into the snow in this area creating a nice little retreat beneath the snow-heavy branches of some bushes. Otherwise the area is pristine and untouched. Perfect for a walk perhaps.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is a particular joy in going for a walk over fresh snow in winter. Surface still fresh, there is the chance of leaving the first tracks and for a moment feeling something close to what Neil Armstrong must have experienced when he left the first human footprint on the dusty regolith of the moon. Dressed warm, Bean meanders away from the mansion towards the fresher snow in the gardens, flanked by a very excited and excitable German Shepherd, both leaving prints in the fresh snow. Side by side, in companionable silence, they enjoy the sights and the solitude, a state of affairs that lasts only as long as it takes for the teenager to reach into a pocket and bring out a well-chewed and much loved tennis ball.

    A throw, a happy 'whurf!', and Bear is off like a shot in chase, leaving deep tracks where he goes, snow spraying in his wake.

Honey Badger has posed:
The throw of the ball brings Bear rather close to that little burrow created by some... thing? Someone? Gabby crouches within nestled on her little makeshift hidey hole lined with blakets, and watches the dog curiously. There's a little squeal at how cute the fluffy goodboy is... But she quiets herself quickly. Instead she searches among her things only to pull out a small round object of her own.

Soon a donut hole is bouncing and rolling along the crisp snow surface toward Bear in offering.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Ballballball! Tongue lolling and tail wagging, Bear jumps and grabs the ball between his jaws before it has a chance to touch the ground. He stands there for a moment, shaking it from side to side, proud as only a happy canine can be with a spherical object. Instantly his eyes swivel towards the movement of something coming towards him, which is followed by his large head and a sniff of his nose. Treat? Good boy treat? Snuffle snuffle snuffle goes the snout, dipped down to the donut. Smell like good boy treat. Bear good boy! Omnom good boy treat!


    From his vantage point, Bean can see his furry friend sniff something and drop the ball to... bite it? Eat it? "Bear, no!" He runs, a flare of immediate concern. There's no food back here, Bear has never shown the least inclination to savage small furry animals, let alone eat them... what if someone has left rat poison back here? What if, what if... A thousand scenarios, each more calamitous than the previous rush through his mind, so that by the time he gets to Bear he's filled with enough concern to be spiritual kin to a certain Jonathan Wick.

    It's a donut. A donut, only a do-

    Donuts do not grow in the wild. And that does not look moldy.

    Instantly, he's scanning the treeline, the branches, the horizon, crouching down next to Bear. For his part, the Shepherd can sense the change in mood and picks up his ball, side stepping to be pressed up close to his human. Not treat? Bear still good boy?

Honey Badger has posed:
The playful dog is watched from her little vantage hidey hole that overlooked a good part of the area. Gabby pillows her arms near the entrance to rest her head atop her forearms watching as Bear catches the ball with gusto, and then goes after her offering of a donut. When he seems excited to go for it, she allows herself a bright smile at the antics. Really this was the highlight of her past few days. Getting to watch Bear play and now enjoy a treat--

Except Sam's calling out and she jerks her head up causing just a little rustle in the bush branches above her. Now she worries at her lower lip watching Sam rush over to ensure poor Bear isn't eating something that would harm him making her feel just a bit guilty for her actions in the first place. She hadn't meant to hurt the dog. Nor had she meant to freak out the owner.

A little huffed sigh breaks her lips, and she hunkers down again mentally chiding herself for such an action. It could easily give away her location. While they *seemed* okay, she didn't know anything about the school or the students here. There were only a few she was keeping an eye out for.

A little whisper comes on the air of, "Sorry."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When there's no immediate danger, when it's clear that the treat eaten contained no chocolate and that Bear seems to be just fine, Bean relaxes and kneels in the snow. Both arms encircle the broad neck of the Shepherd, and Bear excitedly leans himself into the hug, giving a playful nudge that tips his human over just a bit too easily.

    They both end up in the snow, rolling and seemingly having a very good time just goofing off and not doing anything close to resembling being responsible. A lick to his human's face, and then Bear's sensitive ears prick up at the new voice. Sniff. Scent. Human near?

    Bean is in mid-hug when his ears too pick up the apology. Not one to believe in faeries (despite knowing one), elves (despite knowing one) or wood spirits (although he's been reliably informed at least one major god has visited these woods more than once), that leaves only the more prosaic explanation. His ears don't swivel, but his head does.

    Which is how he comes to look straight into that burrow that, until now, he had imagined to be a very large rabbit warren. Rabbits famously don't speak... except, so the younger students once informed him, during Easter, when they lay eggs.

    "Whatever is about to happen need not involve my dog..."

Honey Badger has posed:
Oops again. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything at all. Gabby blinks when Samuel makes a remark that has her sitting there rather confused. Whatever was about to happen? Frowning she debates answering at all. No, maybe she should now that she's been spotted in a way. She'd have to find somewhere else to hunker down after this, but at least he wouldn't be worrying about his dog.

"I was just giving him a treat," she states simply with a hint of confusion to her voice... Though she still doesn't come out of the 'burrow' she'd created. "Not trying to start anything. Relax." There's a pause before she adds, "I'm just keeping an eye out for those goblin things from the other day." The ones Illyana had fought.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Now there's a voice Bean hadn't expected to hear. It's familiar, certainly, but at the same time he's not relaxing. Quite the contrary. Was this a test? They'd done things like this before... But the actual message just doesn't seem to indicate any attempt at initiating a spontaneous sparring session. "Laura?"

    Dusting himself off, Bean stands and looks into the burrow, keeping a cautious distance. Behind him, Bear has decided that his ball is a more interesting object for his attention and flings it into the snow with a mighty shake of his head, then running after it.

    "What Goblins? And weren't you supposed to be taking a break from the school? What's going on?"

Honey Badger has posed:
Within that hole was a nest of blankets all tucked up nearly to ensure that this little burrow actually was fairly cozy. Cozy enough for the current inhabitant crouched within. A familiar pale skinned face, with green eyes and dark black hair, is seen in the shadows. Maybe the scars on her face wouldn't be quite so visible this way. There's also a donut box and a pile of burger joint bags tucked next to her from whenever she'd gotten them. At least it explains the mystery of the donut.

"Uh. This isn't the school. It's outside." See? Yes, completely believable! Though now at least she has some information that her waiting for Laura here is in vain. Perhaps she ought to head back to the city where she was more familiar with hiding than in the woods. This wasn't an area she was overly trained in.

"Nevermind about the goblins. They appeared and attacked in a portal the other day. The Russian dealt with them."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Mister Rasputin?" there are several Russians in the school, so this needed some clarification. "Or Illyana? I haven't heard anything about goblins." But then again, if they were attracted to innocence, there is practically zero chance they'd have gone anywhere near Bean.

    "Is this some kind of elaborate training exercise for winter survival, Laura? You were pretty clear you didn't want to be anywhere near the school for a while." Squinting into the burrow, Bean sits down. He's soon joined by Bear, who urgently drops the tennis ball by his feet. A quick fuss behind the ears and the ball is launched in a shallow arc, the Shepherd tearing off after it. "I was getting concerned, given what we agreed a few months ago."

Honey Badger has posed:
Shit. Cornered in her own fabrication of lies! Or sort of lies. She'd never claimed to be Laura. For a moment her eyes dart to the side to the secondary retreat exit she'd made into the burrow. Granted it wasn't much but it never hurt to have more than one way out of a hidey hole. "Yes," is her only response with a curt nod. Yes this is training or yes it was the Russian's named? Hard to tell. She fidgets some and adds, "You weren't supposed to find me. I was foolish. You should go back inside before you catch cold."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yes Ma'am."

    It's a short, obviously nigh automatic answer. But Bean had been given clear instructions to follow Laura's advice, and this advice just short of an order shunts his brain back into what some people have referred to as his 'drill sergeant' mode. The rules were clearly explained, the rules had to be followed. This was not a rule to break lightly... Not when it involved disobeying Laura.

    So he stands up straight, comes to attention and nods to the burrow, before turning on his heel and marching away, giving a whistle for Bear to follow.

    With a final glance over his shoulder, the Shepherd breaks off his play and trots obediently by Bean's side, back to the mansion.

Honey Badger has posed:
Well. That... That worked. Gabby would have to remember that. For now though she starts to gather her things up. Time to find a new hidey hole.