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Savage Lands: It's the Pitts
Date of Scene: 08 February 2020
Location: The Savage Lands
Synopsis: The X-men and Blink arrive to save Lorna and Roberto from certain doom.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Blink, Cannonball, Shadowcat, Rogue

Polaris has posed:
The native woman the group had taken captive had understandably been freaked out at being teleported suddenly. She had screamed and tried to run, and it was only with careful communications and gentle questioning that the group got the information from her that they sought. The woman had seen the green haired woman and the man with her. They'd been brought in a few days ago, and had been thrown into 'the pit', which given her description was an actual pit in the ground, near the pyramid.

As to why? Only that their priestess had ordered it.

Who was their Priestess? Who knew. She was their Priestess. She had magical powers, and promised them that their city would become The City. The one to claim the whole Savage Lands.

Some of the natives didn't like this woman, that had come to power in the last few months, but they followed her nonetheless. Some out of fear. Some out of the ambition to get what she promised.

The woman was neither, which explained why she helped them. In the dirt she drew a small outline of the village and told the X-men and Blink where to find the pit and their friends. All that was left was for them to put a plan into action.

Blink has posed:
Blink regrets nothing! Even kidnapping poor native women out of their village for questioning. But in their defense, they were about to be skewered by the villagers sooooo....

When the description is given about the pyramid, and that they were thrown into a pit that makes Clarice's brows shoot up, somewhat worried.

She looks to the others, then back in the direction of where the pyramid is, "Magical powers. Means we are most likely dealing with a mutant. We need to choose whether we will go quietly or barge in.." not that she suggests on a plan just yet. It's never exactly been her knack when she was training with Sabretooth. One-track-mind about killing stuff.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie would have asked if the woman was a local, and for a description of her, and her powers. It is best to know anything they can before going in. He will also ask if anyone else working for her has magical powers.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde made sure the native woman was alright, and offered her some of their food and some juice, though letting others handling the conversation for the moment. After they are making progress, Kitty steps away to get on the comms.

<<Rogue? We found a pyramid the people are worshipping some priestess with powers. They threw Polaris and Sunspot in some prison pit thing according to a helpful village woman. Natives were not all friendly. There were spears. So, how's it going on your end? Have you fended off that amorous stegosaurus from the Blackbird successfully? I'm pretty sure the engine outlet wasn't meant to be used like that. If you are, we could use your help over here. Sending coordinates.>>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't reply over the comms back to Kitty because she's flying in to find them right now!

She swoops in from above and deactivates her flight power, letting herself free fall about 10 feet before her yellow high-boots with the wedge heels just thud onto the ground as she takes another few steps. Her green and gold suit... is battle damaged. She's missing the sleeve on her right arm, but still has a glove on, she's missing most of her left pantleg leaving her thigh there almost completely esxposed up to her hip, and there are tears across her stomach and across her ribs. Yowza, she's been through some stuff.

Her white and brown hair is all a mess, frizzled and poofy because of the humidity and whatever fight she'd just come back from, and in her right gloved hand she carries a long spear with a sharp metal head. She saunters over toward the rest of them.

"This Jungle is crazier than a kitty cat in a room full'a unopened cans'a tuna fish." The Belle declares, not really seemingly even noticing her own state or the torn up condition of her clothing. At Kitty she looks. "That dinosaur is dealt with. Thats all I'm gonna say on that topic." She grins before looking to Blink, then to the temple "Lorna'n Sunspot are in there?" She poitns with the spear's tip.

"Well lets go get'em, I feel like punchin' some damn faces in... more than usual, even. If ya can believe that." She starts to walk toward this pyramid temple thing, and raises the spear up to put it over her shoulder. She's... she's her own kind of crazy.

Polaris has posed:
Sam's questions were answered with a shrug, and translated, the native woman wasn't entirely sure if the Priestess was local. Only that she came to power some months ago and started rebuilding the ruins that made up the pyramid. The village hadn't been so large, they'd been a mixture of other smaller villages that had been 'brought' together under the Priestess' banner as it were.

But she wasn't sure if anyone else under the Priestess had magic. She only knew that the Priestess did, as she performed 'miracles' fairly often. Moving things. Making crops grow. Turning away predators. Things that normal people simply couldn't do.

Either way, there was supposed to be some kind of a ceremony tonight. She wasn't sure what, but as the sun started to dip lower in the sky, it was apparent the group only had a limited amount of time before it would start.

Blink has posed:
"And we are the cans o' tuna..." The purple-haired elf murmurs, casting a look about the jungle once again, just in case there is a flying monster diving in... Damn it, definitely bleaching it next time they venture out in a dinosaur-infested land. Because that happens often.

But then her eyes go to the Belle and to the state of her clothing. A small nod at the mention of the dinosaur, she can imagine how that went but then she points to the ground where the drawing is. "We may not have a lot of time to act stealthily..., but do we want to barge in there? The villagers are most likely innocent." she muses. Though she will look the drawing over to find good points of entry.

Belatedly, because remembering manners is hard sometimes, she apologizes to the woman to teleporting her in such a manner.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Rogue's arrival. "I think Blink has the right of that," she agrees about what the cans of tune are in the current situation. "Well, I'm thinking. Went in Rome... dress up like Savage Lands villagers. Or... ok that isn't the saying but you get my drift? What if I ghost in and grab some furs and stuff to cover up with, blend in with the crowd. Go watch the ceremony and see if we can gain some intel?" Kitty suggests.

She leans against a tree and says, "Blink and Rogue you'd need to cover up good. Hair and all. But they looked like a bit of a mix of hair and skin tones so I think we could pull it off. Just don't get involved in conversations. Doug can translate for us over the subvocals?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pauses at the edge of their little gathering when she doesn't see them all rallying up behind her to go just charge in and bang-pow-whammo their way through it all. She plants the butt of her spear down into the soft grass and huffs out an exhale then places her other hand on her flared-out hip just over her leather belt that hangs lopsidedly across her waistline.

She listens to their plan. Her eyes go from one of them to the other as they speak. Then she chimes in.

"I saw a couple'a T-Rex's over yonder." Rogue states, pointing with her spear. "What say I just hang back and wait for ya'll t'give the word, then I pick one of'em up and ya'll tell me where t'air drop'em t'get the maximum effect'a scarin' the berries right outta these natives tail pipes?"

She twirls her spear around in front of her now, then plants it again down into the grass. "Cause I don't know if ya met me? But Stealth ain't my favorite approach. Flyin' dinosaurs? That sounds way more like it'll make all these jungle whack-a-doos go runnin' for the hills." Its possible that she's culturally insensitive in this instance, but her friends lives are on the line.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to them and says "I am not the best at stealth either, but will try the whole sneaking in, will probably need to cover up as well. He will start shedding his costume down to just the pants.

Polaris has posed:
The native woman fell quiet as the group debated what to do, and how to sneak into the village. She kept quiet, lost and not entirely understanding what they were trying to do. But neither was she going to go running off to report them either it seemed. Instead she returned to the food that Kitty had set out for her, picking at the chocolate and sweet drink with some kind of awe.

She sat down, quite content to just let the X-men and Blink handle whatever it was they were doing.

Even as the sun continued to sink lower on the horizon and the sounds of the jungle at night slowly started to trickle into the trees and bushes around them.

Blink has posed:
"I am all for flying dinosaurs.., if there wasn't the danger of them actually eating Lorna and Roberto." Clarice says, perhaps a bit appalled that Rogue would suggest such a thing. Sometimes he doesn't remember just how strong she is.

Then she points to Kitty and nods her head in agreement. "Blending in sounds like the best. Look what's going on, then intervene. I mean, if we get disguises we can just walk in, not even really needing to stealth much, or at all."

Then a faint smile to Samuel. "You don't lose a chance to strip, uh?" but it's a nervous smile, she is worried!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty covers her face at Rogue's suggestion. "Ok, Operation Flying Dinosaur can be our diversion if it's needed. Just, ah, remember those things don't ONLY go after the mean villagers who throw spears. They go after nice ones. And people dressed up as nice ones like us," Kitty says with a wink.

"Ok, back soon with disguises," she says. Kitty takes off then, letting Lockheed scout ahead until she gets near to the village. Then she sinks below ground for the trip in amongst the huts unseen. Peeking her face up to get a breath and check her location, until she can get into some empty huts and extra clothing.

She makes the trip as quick as she can, back before hopefully it gets too much darker. "Right, they might be gathering, there weren't too many people in their huts," she says. She begins stripping out of her X-man uniform and donning furs. "I feel like I'm going to a fraternity caveman toga party," she says.

Kitty takes a moment after she's dressed up to go to the native woman. She asks Doug to tell her, "We're going to try to get our friends back, hopefully without any fuss. Thank you for helping us. If you'll stay here until we return, we have some gifts we can give you. Things that can help make your life easier here." She'll look to everyone then, ready to head in.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a glance to the big pyramid as Kitty zooms off to go get native clothing. She's left to just wander the perimeter of their little gathering then. Her eyes are on the tall grass as she walks along through it, the spear turning at her side as she goes.


The Belle stabs the spear down into the grass and pulls it back up only to have a giant snake on the end of it that had been slithering its way toward the others. "No no no, Squirmy." Rogue tells the snake as it thrashes around a bit on the end of the spear. The spear gets twirled and the snake gets launched off toward the distant treeline, a long gliding arch that lets it fall somewhere deep into the far jungle again.

When Kitty arrives back, Rogue walks toward her and leans on the spear, then looks over the clothing gathered. "Kitty?" Rogue asks. "Why did ya get me less clothin' than I already have on? You're messin' with me, right?" She asks, but with a smirk she picks it all up and walks off to a secluded area to put it all on, then off they can go... on their wild adventure rescue time.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at what kitty brought him, and says "I think the towel I wore to recruit Doug covered more." He sighs a bit and will step to the side, and strip down to his boxer briefs, putting on the loin cloth over them. He does tuck the legs of the undewear up to hide it under the loincloth.

Polaris has posed:
As the group changes, and makes plans to depart the sun finally dips behind the mountains and trees. Finally casting the gathering and the village in the shadow of night. The jungle around them comes alive with the sounds of nocturnal animals and dinosaurs. Strange calls sound out from all around them. As the village comes into sight, the sound of drums could be heard. A deep bass, that thumped in a steady beat and called the villagers to the side of the pyramid the gaggle of heroes hadn't seen before.

Torch light could be seen lining the edges of the levels of the pyramid, and in a ring around a clear space beneath. The villagers had gathered on the edges of the ring in such a cluster it would take some pushing to get to the front. However, the view to the pyramid's upper levels was clear. From that side it was clear there was a separate door high above, and space for someone to stand and look out at the crowd below. More torches burned up top, with enough light to see by. There men stood in plain white robes, so obviously different than the other villagers, that it was impossible to miss them.

Blink has posed:
Now that they are accordingly dressed, and Blink got a little hood to cover her hair, at least partially, there she goes along with the rest of them. Squinting she looks up at the white robed ones, trying to discern faces but then just frowning a bit suspiciously.

She looks about at the rest of the villagers to check if they are being noticed but she seems pretty quiet and stealthy. Nothing to see here. Skinny elf passing through.

Shadowcat has posed:
Savage Lands Villager Kitty approaches the gathering, avoiding drawing attention to herself. Lockheed is in the trees nearby keeping an eye on things. The drum beat is a nice touch, and she finds herself considering maybe they should have something like that indicating there's ten seconds left for students to be in their classrooms.

She makes her way slowly into the crowd. Avoiding any pushing but doing her best to find a spot she can look between people at least and be able to see what is going on. She studies those up on the pyramid, looking for any signs of technology or other not-Savage Lands attire, but not spotting any.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Kitty and says as they head in, want me to head to the pit. Ah figure someone is going to need to get them out, and there has to be something odd keeping them down there.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the trees with Lockheed keeping an eye on things. She's crouched on a branch beside him and as she watches the others, she is also reaching for berries from a hanging branch. She plucks some of them off of the tree branch and offers one to Lockheed and then looks back to where she'd last seen them.

"They're gonna get caught." She whispers to Lockheed. "I mean, I love all of'em, but they're definitely gonna get caught." She tries to scan the horizon and will move to another branch with the flying dragon if needs be. "Where are they keepin' the two anyhow." She grumblemutters. "Lorna, how is it that you managed t'get yourself caught and captured in a place that hasn't invented metal yet, seriously?"

Polaris has posed:
Suddenly the drums stopped, and cheers echoed through the crowd. A tall figure dressed in a tight fitting green outfit exited from within the pyramid. The priests in robes parted, and knelt. The woman was curvy, wearing heels, and a dark black cloak, that matched the curls about her face. Her eyes purple and dark in the torch light. A silvery looking crown on her head and a staff of some kind in her hands, it pulsed with a purple light and as the crowd saw her raise her hand with staff included, they fell silent.

This must be the Priestess. And like a ripple through the water, a great many bowed their heads in respect.

"My people! The time has come at last! This night, we have long prepared. This night, we have sacrificed for. Planned for. Lived for. Tonight, I will ascend to a higher power, a power that is mine by rights. A power that was stolen from me long ago!" No one said anything in the crowd, they waited in awe, with bated breath.

"Tonight, my power is your power! And we are made greater for it!" A cheer rose up amongst the crowd and the woman lifted her hands into the air again. "Bring out the woman that stole my throne! Bring out the woman that stole my birthright! Bring out the prisoner!" She boomed, and from within the pyramid came two more muscle bound villagers, dragging a figure bound up in ropes, though it was clear they weren't necessary. It was Lorna, and she wasn't walking under her own power. Her clothes were ripped, her shoes were missing, and judging by the two natives that carried her, she wasn't coherent enough to be a threat.

The crowd went wild, and the woman stood before the green haired Princess who was dropped at her feet. She started to chant, and purple light blasted through the night air, encircling Lorna. The green haired woman screamed, and before much more could be done... She passed out on the ground. Knocked out cold from whatever it was that the Priestess had done to her. The drums started up again and the guards made to chuck the fallen woman off the side of the pyramid... down.. down to the dark, and muddied ground that rolled into a deeply dug pit. The pit that all the villagers had surrounded. The pit, that quickly became apparent was something more as woven mats that covered it were pulled back to expose the contents beneath..

Blink has posed:
"Bit of a pretencious outfit...." Crown, staff!!! Blink murmurs quietly to herself, letting out a tsk. She does look around wearily though, listening to the words. But it's when Lorna comes into sight that Clarice's eyes open up wider, the woman perking up and taking a step forward. Then the bolt and the scream.

It makes her grit her teeth, her eyes gaining a rather dangerous, intent look to them. She is ready for violence.

She takes a step forward, lifting one hand to begin opening up a portal up there to get Lorna out of danger and somewhere safe. "Lorna!" she shouts. There goes her stealth.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde had been doing the bowed head thing and blending in with the other villagers. As she hears Blink cry out though, Kitty starts to move, around the edges of the crowd if need be to get herself nearer to the pyramid.

"Can you teleport her away?" Kitty murmurs through the subvocal mike. She works her way closer, aiming for the part of the pyramid that they brought Lorna out of. "If you can get her away I can go looking for Sunspot," Kitty adds quietly, coughing softly after to help cover should anyone have heard unfamiliar words.

She eyes the pyramid, in her head measuring out distances so if the pyramid is more solid than expected, she knows where to aim for to be able to come up for air inside rather than having to duck back out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will make his way to the edge of the whole keep his head down but trying to get his look into the pit, and seeing whats going on down there, if he is going to be dropping into it himself.

Rogue has posed:
"Showtime." Rogue says to the purple dragon as she sees Lorna and then Blink's reaction to it. Things are going to likely get crazy fast so she needs to be ready. The Belle launches from the trees, and with little more than a little rustle of leaves she's out into the night sky and sweeping up high to get a good bird's eye view of it all. She sweeps south, then comes back up north to watch it all unfolding. "I see Princess Pretty Hair, but no sign of Sunny Delight." Rogue says over her communicator to the others. "Give me targets and I'll start swooping down and eliminating." Rogue says to whomever is likely going to give orders o nthis outing.

Polaris has posed:
Blink's portaling save the otherwise unconscious, green haired princess from rolling all the way into the pit below. Which, cause quite the stir among the locals. Shouts and chaos follow as people elbow and push to try to figure out what was going on. The Priestess up on top of the pyramid looks too consumed with whatever she was doing to immediately notice, though her followers up there seem to pick up on what's going on.

Particularly as Sam takes off into the air to see that's below. There he would see, as the woven mats are pulled back, where Roberto was kept. The pit was actually a network of them, deep and muddied rooms with large stones in the corners. All carved with something runic looking. On one end was Roberto, closest to the pyramid and covered in mud, shoeless and holding a large stick. On the other end... a handful of sabertooth tigers. As the wooden barriers were removed at the same time as the 'ceremony' up top happened, the hungry felines darted toward Sunspot, with a roar. And it was suddenly clear what had been meant to happen--Lorna and Roberto were about to be fed to the prehistoric cats. And for some reason.. Roberto wasn't using his powers to escape.

Finally, the Priestess noticed the chaos as shouts followed, "Seize them! Stop them!" She shouted, waving her staff high in the air.

Blink has posed:
"I got her." Clarice murmurs through the communicator just as she is jumping through the portal to intercept the princess before she rolls all the way down. It's a tricksy one, appearing near her, then portalling away... And lets not count the stress. But she manages, and noone gets cut in half, which is a bonus. Of course there are those 'blink' 'blink' sounds as her portals appear and disappear.

She brings the unconscious Lorna to a spot not too far from where the others are fighting but behind them, somewhat away from the main fray that may be about to burst, leaning her against a tree. "She's safe. I can't see Roberto." she murmurs into the comms.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is working her way to the edge of the pyramid to the side of the crowd, and is just about to go inside when she hears the animal roar coming from the pit. She had her eyes on Lorna and Blink, plus hears Blink confirm they are safely away.

"What's in the pit? Anyone with eyes on Roberto?" Kitty asks, trying to talk quietly despite the rush of adrenaline. She makes her way forward, pushing through people but pushing them to the side so she doesn't accidentally knock someone into the pit if they are all the way up near to the edge to see down into it.

Rogue has posed:
"I got him." Rogue says about Roberto. "I see him. He's goin' full Captain Kirk against some tigers. Big o' tigers." The southern girl sweeps across the side of the pyramid, barely making a sound at all in the sky as she soars down toward where Sunspot is.

One moment there's a loose Sabretooth tiger looking at Roberto like he's a living Cheez-It and the next second....


Rogue slaps down into the mud and slides across the ground to land at Roberto's feet. "Ow." She says in the mud's embrace. Covered almost completely in the wet sloppy filth for the 2nd time in under a month, though this time its very much not by choice.

Rogue raises her haead up, mud and goop dripping off of her. "They've got some kinda mutation deactivation goin' on down here." She says as she tries to get herself up onto hands and knees and hopefully to stand entirely.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will start to head towards the pit, but seeing rogue heading that way, he will head to start playing bowling for thugs knocking the flunkies back and away from the pit. As he heards Rogues words, he will fly by some vines jerking it loose, and with concntration he will hover above the pit with the vine hanging down into it "All Aboard." He says down to those below.

Polaris has posed:
Roberto kept his stick up and bravely charged the sabertooth tiger, swinging with a shout and knocking the first of them back with the large stick. Even as Rogue came flying into the pit, surprising him and splattering mud everywhere. He grunted, shaking off the mud, and as he looked ready to speak, a second tiger came barreling through the mud at the two, biting at the stick in Roberto's grip as he held it up to block the second sabertooth tiger's lunge for him.

A paw swung, and clawed away part of his shirt, leaving a line of mud behind and tattered fabric.

The feline was physically stronger than Roberto in this circumstance, and in the midst of the struggle, sent Roberto flying backward. He tumbled, slipped in the mud and fell backward, cracking his head on one of the runic rocks in the corner, knocking him out.. but also damaging whatever carvings were on the stone that prevented mutant powers from working to their full extent.. Still, there were three other stones and Rogue's powers, nor Robertos would return to full effect.

Which made it all the better that Sam had tossed down some vines to help them.

From above, Zala Dane, high Priestess, shouted curses, and discarding the staff and throwing her hands out before her. "You will regret this!" She screamed, and from her hands came concentrated blasts of green... magnetic power.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty manages to get to where she can see into the pit just in time to see Rogue dive into the mud. "It's not your birthday," she murmurs into the comms. Followed by, "Lockheed, flame on."

Kitty is turning then and stepping into one of the stones that makes up the pyramid. She starts angling her way upwards, just traveling through stone if need be, though on the alert for any kind of worthwhile rooms or passages inside. Mainly she's working on getting herself up to where she can pop out of the pyramid near the 'priestess'.

Lockheed meanwhile darts overtop of the pit and wings over. He plummets down from above towards Roberto and Rogue, then pops his wings to slow and lets go a blast of fiery breath is issued towards the sabretooth cats. Back and forth he directs it like a hose to try to force them back from the two X-men.

Blink has posed:
Eeep, blasts of magnetic power! Clarice jumps out of the way of one that lands way too close. Perhaps getting Her Highness to a spot so close to the fight wasn't the best of ideas... But the others are still in danger, though she also doesn't want to leave Lorna unattended.

She moves out of the way of a villager that strayed close in their rush to find the intruders, kicking him in the belly and then punching him unconscious.

"I am but a few meters north of our previous position. Gather everyone here and I will blink us all out." She murmurs to the intercoms.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is back up onto her feet and wiggling her hands around to toss the mud and filth off of them. She sees the vines drop down from above and sees Samuel up high. She has to look away again though because the Tigers are getting close...

Lockheed to the rescue! "Yeah!" Rogue shouts triumphantly. "Get'em, Nurple!" She cheers the dragon on, because she was rather certain even if she hit one of the vines and started climbing as fast as she could she'd never make it half way up without being tiger food.

But now...

Wait, Sunspot was knocked out. "Shit." But this causes the Belle to see the runes. She'd played that Tomb Raider game a few months ago on her XBox and, well, obviously they must be the cause of this mysterious mutation nullifying thing. "Keep'em busy, Lockheed!" Rogue shouts as she grabs Roberto's spear and then rushes over to the runic rock structures and starts to smash them, one after another! "I can't lift Roberto outta this pit unless I get my strength back!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie calls down "Tie one of the vines around his waist and I can lift ya both out. He wobbles a bit in the air, as his field protects him, but trying to keep steadily hovering is not a simple thing for him. Sam is much more a jet than a helicopter when it comes to flying.

Polaris has posed:
Lockheed is decidedly the VIP hero of the mud pits, as the Sabertooth tigers flee in the face of the fires he summons. Hungry the cats were, but neither were they interested in fighting that much for a meal. They tooth off to the other side of the pit, intent on avoiding the flames that came between them and their easy meals.

Rogue manages to at least scrape against the rock with the wooden stick. The stone hard enough to not split out right without her super strength, and she manages to at least disturb the inscription enough that slowly.. more and more of her powers return. Two more stones to go..

The villagers up top have long since scattered in screams and panic. A few have gone running for spears back in the village proper, others have simply run for their lives. Those too slow, are caught in Zala Dane's magnetic blasts, and they fall into the pit below or are horribly maimed as a result. The villagers for the most part run past Blink on the way back to the village, if they go her way at all. Few try to stop her after their companion is kicked and knocked out soundly.

Zala Dane lifted herself up into the air, flying on the magnetic currents with her arms outstretched. Just as Kitty found the main platform where the Priestess had stood.. and where her followers dressed in white still lingered. They were clearly not from the Savage Lands either. Beneath the white robes were clearly signs of modern clothes. Though they pulled out weapons that looked more appropriate for the place: blow darts. Likely the same ones that Blink had discovered in Argentina.

Blink has posed:
Yea, nothing like a spanking to get the others in line. Clarice knows how it is. She seems relieved when the rest of the villagers avoid their position, continuing to observe with some tension on her shoulders. But noticing the darts that come out from those priests she says louder through the mics. "Careful with those darts. They can knock you out if they hit."

But she stubbornly remains near Lorna now, just in case a stray bolt of magnetic power comes their way. There are priorities in her life. And Royals are one of them.

Shadowcat has posed:
With the sabretooth cats retreating, Lockheed sets a last, long fiery blast at them and then flies over to Roberto. The little dragon grasps Roberto's shoulder and flaps hard, lifting him into the air and flying them both up and out of the pit. It's not a light load, people have seen him fly Kitty about, but the bulk of Roberto's body isn't phased to make it easy on him. But he's able to carry a fully grown man, heading for the safety of the forest once he's out.

Kitty meanwhile, pops out of the stone of the Pyramid. She sees the men on top of the pyramid with their blow guns. Kitty dumps her comms earbud, removing the last of her metal. "Bah, blow guns!?" she yells at them to get their attention even as she's running towards Zala Dane. "Should have brought some guns that might actually do something," Kitty taunts them before launching herself at the flying mutant. If Zala is too high Kitty air-runs up to her. Either way, Kitty tries to grapple on to Zala with her back towards the blowgun wielders as a tempting target, before phasing everything but her hands for hanging on.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue rushes over to meet Lockheed and Roberto, she makes sure the Dragon has him before she then tosses the spear into the mud and runs at one of the vines to lunge and grasp onto it. She starts to climb up it using mostly just her arms and upper body strength. As she hears the chaos around the pit, she looks up again and shouts out. "I'm seein' WAY more of you than I expected to on this mission, Guthrie!" She chides the man who'd dropped the vines, wearing his loin cloth above the pits.

With Roberto and the Dragon flying past her up above her, Rogue reaches the top of the vines and leaps for the edge of the pit, landing on her hands and knees in a crouch she rises up again and as someone charges her with a spear she steps to the side and lets him thrust past her, then she grabs the spear and pulls him / throws him down into the pit, then twirls his spear around. "Mine." She says.

The Belle starts to jog off now, looking for the rest of her friends.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie may blush a bit and looks down to Rogue, "Must be something about southerners and birthdays." He will say to her as once they are up and out of the pit he will lower himself to where lockheed is to offer to carry Berto out and let the dragon go to help Kitty.

Polaris has posed:
A few villagers had returned with spears by now and were actively trying to chase off Sam and Rogue at the lip of the pit. But they weren't getting too close. Not with Zala Dane, their Priestess high in the air above them throwing out magnetic blasts all around. She was still learning, or so it seemed; and so Sam and Rogue were missed immediately.

Meanwhile all the white robed men started to try to dart Kitty... with absolutely no success as she phased out and the darts uselessly sailed through where she should've been. A few darts falling to tumble to the ground below the pyramid. Their shouts alerted Zala Dane of Kitty's approach, and the flying woman twisted about in the air. And Kitty's hands found purchase on the edge of Zala's cloak, partly ripping the fabric and jerking the flying woman off balance. The two tumbled in the air for a moment, Zala still unused to flying at all. And the darts that Kitty had hoped would hit the Priestess missed by mere inches.

The black haired Zala Dane cursed, shouting and flinging her arms out around her as the two steadied in the air. A scream of frustration, and the woman released a magnetic blast all around her, putting up a protective barrier and hopefully shaking Kitty off in the process.

Blink has posed:
There is one big portal forming on the north side of where they were. Really, it can't be missed! Clarice opens it wide. "Portal up and ready. Go through as you can." she says, even as she prepares one of her javelins to teleport Lorna out as well when everyone goes. It saves her from having to attempt and pick up the princess. It would be embarassing if she wasn't strong enough for it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie wil head towards the portal with Berto, to meet up, and gather their forces for their next encounter.

Shadowcat has posed:
The magnetic blast and the struggling is enough to knock Kitty free. She lets herself fall towards the pyramid since her fall is taking Kitty towards what she wants. She reaches the ground, grapping the staff and phasing it with her as she holds her breath and sinks into the pyramid's stone.

Once below ground, Kitty begins to make good on her escape, heading down towards the ground level and popping out a side where she can hoof it back to meet with the others.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue used to hang out with someone who was pretty good in a stick fight, she learned a thing or two from him. So when two of the villagers come at her with spears she squares off against them and whirls her's around to take a quick butt-thrust of the spear in her hand and crack the first man in the ankle, then raise it up hard with her strength to knock his spear out of his hand. The second one gets a quick twirling sweep and Rogue hits him square in the back of his knees and drops him to the ground.

"Later, boys." She tells them both as they're down on the ground and she shoots up into the sky, leaving her own spear behind between the both of them. Shedding more mud and dirt as she goes, Rogue hears Blink's words and searches, then spots the bright portal and heads for it!

Flying at full speed she responds over comms. "I like it here. Maybe I'll come back some time. This place is just crawlin' with fun." Which is said all while she zips right past the Prydeful one hoofing it ont he ground!