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(Airports are hell.)
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Latest revision as of 02:26, 22 February 2020

Making a Connection
Date of Scene: 19 February 2020
Location: Vancouver International Airport
Synopsis: Airports are hell.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Question

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Oh God, why. Nick is not in the best of moods at the moment. He was supposed to be home already but some unforseen delays with the initial flight leading to Vancouver was just all sorts of special. For one the pilot was late. For two... Well. He was the only pilot so, tough cookies there, buddy. Yay for quasi-remote locations.

And so, we find a short-haired, semi-bearded Nick Drago seated at the crowded airport bar with a nice, tall glass of beer, giving a blank stare to the various bottles of liquor backlit on the display shelf before him. He doesn't even grumble as the person next to him accidentally elbows him on their way out. It's just... Damn.

Question has posed:
Taking the newly vacated seat, Vic Sage plops down next to Nick and raps on the bar to try and get the busy bartender's attention. "Hey! When you get a chance, what kind of tea do you have? Or at the very least just bring me a hot water. Thanks!"

He turns to Nick, nods. "Hell of a day. I hate airports."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh man you can say that again." Nick grumbles, as he lifts up the glass, "Missed the first connection, so I'm waiting for the next. I'm half expecting everything to go bust when its time to head back. And I got a booking tomorrow so, hopefully I can get some sleep before that."

Question has posed:
"Hell of a day. I hate airports." grins Vic. "You know, someone once told me sleep if for the weak." says Vic with a grin on his lips, starting to prep what looks to be some loose leaf tea into a metal tea ball. "I'm not sure I believe them, or I am weak...but if I don't get my beauty rest I am just a hell of a guy the next day."

Vic offers a hand over, "Vic Sage, may your next flight be easier than the first. Where ya headed?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well then, if that statement is true, considering my eternal state of fatigue, I'm the strongest man I know." Nick quips back, giving a slight chuckle.

He turns, setting the glass down before taking the offered hand, the coolness of the beer transfering over to the contact. "Thanks. Nick Drago. Heading back to New York for a bit. And you?"

Question has posed:
Shaking the hand, Vic nods. "Same, actually. I was just in Vancouver for a couple of days for business. Heading back now, though I wish I could stay a few more days. It's quieter here." Vic says with a chuckle. "Sometimes New York and Gotham get so busy you can barely hear yourself think, and in my line of work I have to think a lot."

His hot water arriving, Vic smiles and dumps the tea ball in to seep. "So, booking... I take it you are an entertainer of sorts?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, "Yeah. It is a busy place. I pretty much spent my whole childhood either in Gotham or Hell's Kitchen and it was not-" He pauses, considering his choice of words, "-slow. Very busy. Always something." He looks to the glass, "Yeah. Bit of music. Bit of acting."

Curious eyes look over to Vic, "And you? Researcher?"

Question has posed:
"Worse. Reporter." grins Vic, "Investigative journalist to be precise. I tend to dive into stories of corruption, politics and the like...so don't worry. I'm not the paparazzi or anything looking for some candid exclusive or anything." Vic dabs his little tea ball in his mug for a bit before removing it and taking a testing sip, sighing with content. "Nothing like a good black tea to get you back in sync with yourself."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, that's still research. Just, probably with less pay than a scientific one." Nick assesses, looking to the tea, "I usually get the same thing after vocal coaching. Actually, probably should-" He pauses, looking back to his beer. "-Eh, I'll get one later. If I ever make it back."

"So, are you primarily New York and Gotham based or more of an international news level reporter?"

Question has posed:
"I'm based out of Gotham, I just traveled up here to talk to someone." Vic says as he sips at his tea. "I've been working on a series about Arkham and how its inmates always seem to find their way out. I'll give you a hint...they aren't getting better."

Vic looks to the beer, "I may have to get myself one of those also. That looks rather refreshing...and if the flights are as bad as you say they are maybe passing out on the trip isn't such a bad idea."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Sounds like it's a good thing I didn't get a therapist until after I got shipped to New York." Nick muses, voice a bit chipper despite the topic, "And therapy takes awhile depending on how messed up you are."

As the intercom blares a gate change, Nick mutters a curse. "Other side. They must've overbooked" Picking up the glass, he tilts his head back to down the rest of the contents.

Question has posed:
Vic Sage looks up as the speaker blares to life and nods, "Most likely. They always do. They have statistics on the amount of people that tend to miss their flight, and so overbook in expectation of so many people not making it. Of course, it screws everything up when everyone does actually show up."

He tosses a few bills on the table and picks up his tea ball, wrapping it into a napkin and placing it in his pocket. "I suppose we should go see what new hell awaits us, but if they are offering vouchers and hotels I may just take them up on it."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I don't have that option." Nick replies, tossing his own money on the counter for the beer as he gets up from the chair. "Concert's tomorrow. And I bet they're going to change the gate back the moment we get over there."