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Monster eats chocolate factory! Oh noes!
Date of Scene: 22 February 2020
Location: LexFoods Chocolate Factory
Synopsis: A yeti from Jotunheim attacks Lex's chocolate factory. Its intense cold is eventually ended, and Lex has a new science project.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Nightingale, Samuel Morgan, Lex Luthor

Thor has posed:
Convergences in the 9 realms happen at the darndest times, in the darndest places. This one opens a portal to Jotunheim, and out steps a mighty abominable snowman type creature, except huge. It roars a mighty roar! And then...curiously, sniffs the air. Something smells good, even to an eldritch ice creature from another reality. It turns to the chocolate factory below...and attempts to just rip the roof off so it can get at the vast vats of chocolate beneath. And, from its point of view, the equally yummy workers. Lex picked a bad day to do a company runthrough, apparently.

Elsewhere, Heimdall, ever on alert for this sort of thing, notifies his King. The King will be here soon...

Nightingale has posed:
     With studies done for the day, there was a little bit of time for two teens to goof off a bit. Now, it was no secret that LexCorp was openly pro-mutant, so there was no need for either teen to hide what they were. Thus, the wings of one were in full evidence as they made their way along with the small tour group, indulging in the sights, sounds, and smells of chocolate everywhere. Shannon's wings fairly ruffled and vibrated with delight at being surrounded by one of her favorite things. The day couldn't get any more perfect, right? Right!

     Famous last words.

     A few very colorful phrases in varied languages escapes the winged teen, who immediately takes to the air with a few powerful downstrokes of her wings. She's fishing about in the little brown leather bag forever at her belt for her Bluetooth earpiece, which is slid onto her left ear. "Techno! Link up, let's try and get these people out of the way!"

     Just what the hell /were/ those things? Were those the Frost Giants that she and Bean had poked fun at just past New Year's?

     They were certainly no laughing matter!

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Vast machines, vast vats and vast vastness of delicious goodness... when it comes to company tours, a chocolate factory is high up on the list of most kids. For Bean it was a good opportunity to get out of the school, join a friend, and be surrounded by large machines. That last bit might be a bit strange, but then he's a technopath, so he was curious what kind of personality these machines would have. Would they be obsequious like the oven? Always rushing about like his computer? Perhaps uptight, like the smoke detector, or happy to see him like the motions sensors by the front gate?

    No, as it turns out, these machines are fairly unique. Were they dwarves, they'd be singing a variation of Hi Ho. They absolutely /love/ their jobs.

    The only drawback that Bean could see to this tour was that he couldn't take Bear with him. He'd asked, of course, but while the company certainly isn't opposed to assistance or guide animals on the tour, if properly protected and monitored, but an assistance dog... well, sir, this /is/ a chocolate factory. Perhaps not the best of ideas?

    "If you could hear..." is as far as the teenager gets, when without any kind of warning whatsoever the roof is peeled back. Peeled! Like they were a candy bar or something! Within moments he has the earpiece in, and is linking up the comms, looking around him to double check that the mental tally he has of the tour group is still correct. "Got it... And never an Asgardian around when you need them."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Sometimes, you need to audit a company in person. Holocalls aren't nearly enough when you need to read their body language. Look them in the eye.

The Limo had just pulled up into the parking lot when the portal had opened. Mercy, up in the drivers seat, immediately brought the Limo to a stop, even as Lex looked out the window as he was on a call...

"I'm going to have to call you back." Lex noted, casually, into the LexPhone, before he replaced it into a pocket in his business suit, without looking away from the huge 'snowman'. He stares at it for just a moment, before he frowns, "I know we don't have any Special Projects here." Lex informs her, "call the truck, have them pull into the parking lot. I might need the suit for this." He glances in Hopes direction, finally, "you and Mercy coordinate with Team Luthor on scene and get our people to safety. Do what you need to minimize losses."

Stepping out of the Limo calmly, Lex adjusts his tie, before he starts to head towards the now speedily approaching truck, hands behind his back as he heads over.

"This is going to be one of those days..."

Thor has posed:
The big snowman creature...is not as slow as it looks, and even high caliber bullets are small to something its size. Most of them don't seem to meaningfullyy penetrate that super shaggy coat of fur, and, at the very least, team Luthor is gonna need to find some bigger guns.

First, a giant hand swoops down from above at one of the guys with a bigger gun...maybe it felt that a little bit, and grabs him. Curiously, the monster dips the screaming man in the vat of chocolate, then eats him. The other hand does this to a second Team Luthor gunman. The letter to his family may be difficult to write, as down he goes, chocolate covered, down the creature's gullet.

Why or how this creature knows about chocolate, nobody knows, but it's definitely eating people. At least it didn't think to grab civilians so far. Just the guys firing at it.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon tenses as she witnesses the horrific sight of one of LexCorp's finest being turned into a living chocolate truffle. To be dipped alive into a vat of boiling liquid--never mind that it was one of the grandest confections known to man--was a terrible way to die. And to top it all off, the last thing one hears is their bones snapping, the sound of their own screams dying down to gurgling silence as they are sent on their way down some creature's gullet? Even worse.

     There was no time to mourn, though. No time to hesitate. One soldier had already fallen. There were innocents to be shepherded to safety. But first....

     Shannon taps her headset, her voice grim. "Techno, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She gestures down to the young man on the ground, then towards the vats. "Feel like having a chat?"

     Her attention is turned back to the tour group. As calm in most situations as the tour gide was, this was definitely /not/ most situations. They looked as near to panic as most of the rest of the group. She calls out down below, using the sweep of her wings to guide the group towards the exits. "Let's move it, people! We're going to make it out of here!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    That... that was not expected. Even as Bean is trying to parse the sudden appearance of the monster, the suspiciously yeti-looking monster, people with guns show up. People with guns get eaten, even, covered in chocolate as if they're some kind of... snack?

    As all emotion except red hot rage make for the emergency exit, Bean's eyes start to glow an unnatural shade of blue. Some of his friends might have seen it before. It's the visual equivalent of an air raid siren going off. It's the thing people joke about when they put 'I'm a bomb technician, if you see me running, try to keep up' on the back of their jackets. It's the indicator that this particular technopath had just had his safety switches turned off. "Nightingale, change of plans."

    As quickly as he can, Bean starts to run through the tangle of piping and machinery, towards the vats, towards... the distribution pipes? He snags a roll of fire hose on his way past, barely breaking stride. Have a chat with the thing? More like a heated discussion.

Lex Luthor has posed:
It doesn't take long for the suit to be fitted. Lex has been through this far more than enough to get through the process quickly.

Sure, his warsuit isn't as 'sleek' as Starks, but Lex isn't interested in sleek. He needs power, force, and ability... and a bulky suit makes that possible.

A green and purple suit flies through the air out of nowhere, landing in the edge of the factory rooftop with a loud *THUMP*, and the suit sensors start to do a quick scan of the creature as Lex starts to charge up the chest projector.

Within moments, a bright orange beam of pure energy is shot from it as Lex tries to land the massive repulsor beam at it's head to stagger it back, away from the factory.

This beam is enough to send battle tanks flying. Only one way to find out if that's enough...

Meanwhile, Team Luthor can easily see their weapons are ineffective, with the Captain on site shouting over the commnet, "All units, cease fire, focus on getting the employees out."

Mercy and Hope? They're already in the building, and moving to get people out themselves. Shannon and Samuel can easily see them as they rush by, grabbing frozen employees to evacuate.

Samuel can easily feel the cybernetic arm that Mercy has... a military grade laser within... and he can very easily feel the incredibly hi-tech warsuit up on the rooftop, if he has the range for it.

Thor has posed:
The Creature manages to grab one more choclate treat of a team Luthor before the rest of them manage to run the hell away. It was actually about to pursue to try to eat another one when Lex's suit blasts the hell out of it. Now that it felt, and the creature appears to be bleeding...ice? Snow? slush? Something. Something cold, for sure. Well, that got its attention, and now it wants to grab Lex and dip HIM in chocolate! It attempts to do just that.

Meanwhile, with the creature occupied by Lex, it isn't too difficult to get people out of harm's way, as they really only need to worry about being stepped on as the creature maneuvers around, trying to catch and eat Lex.

Nightingale has posed:
     Whoever that was in the suit, Shannon was intensely grateful for their presence. They might just have bought the time necessary to get people to safety--especially with Bean's eyes glowing. That was never a good sign, and she was very glad that he was a friend and not foe!

     One child completely froze in fear at the sight of the ice giant devouring someone alive. It seemed likely that, in that instant, a scar had been formed on the child's mind--and others present as well--that would last them a lifetime. Shannon swooped down as low as she could fly, using her wings to shield the fleeing employees and members of the public from the sights of battle. "Come on," she calls down to the young one, who was a lanky lad of maybe seven or eight with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. "You're going to be okay. Just take a deep breath, and head for the exit. You can do it!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A laser? Mercy gets a very quick glance as Bean rushes by, so intent on his destination that he's saving little thought for anything else. Debris? Dodge. A huge creature's foot? Go around. Tangle of pipes? Accelerate, drop, skid underneath. Catching this Bean to use as a chocolate treat is going to be pretty hard.

    But once he gets to his destination, he can sense the other signature. Now he frowns, even as he uncoils the hose and opens the check valve in the distribution pipe. He should be sprayed with boiling chocolate, except, well, he's reversing the pumps nearby. Nothing but warm air in that pipe now, no difficulty whatsoever to thread on the firehose. He knows that signature, doesn't he? Of course he does, but where? Ah yes... The cemetery. Or, more accurately, that tunnel into the crypt.

    Almost immediately, a comm request pings up for Lex, if he has time to acknowledge it.

    "Nightingale." Bean's voice is nearly mechanic now, flat and devoid of inflection. "Are the non coms clear?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
The direct cyberpathic interface to his suit makes the ping show up directly in his visual HUD as 'unknown caller'. The only people with a direct line to the comm system onboard are Hope, Mercy, and the secret design team that is constantly working with Lex to improve the suit based on field testing.

To say the least, the ping request is a huge surprise for Lex. It's enough to make him stop just short watching it with confusion for the monster to grab him... but he does answer it even as he mentally reinforces the structural integrity field to compensate for the grip. Still, getting dipped in chocolate isn't even remotely an issue with the armor itself, so he allows the grip.

All the better to get inside of it to destroy it from within, since that skin seems to be hard to penetrate.

A synthetic voice answers Samuel, obviously manufactured on the suits end, "I don't know who you are or how you can interface with my comm network, but I'm busy." Lex flatly states as he monitors his status.

Thor has posed:
The monster...doesn't know any better, and thinks it won! So, it dips Lex and his armor in chocolate...and eats him! The teeth crash into the armor, of course, but an armor designed to take hits from Superman isn't going to be dented by that, so the creature chips a tooth. Still, Lex manages to get swallowed anyway. Going down the creature's gullet is still not a wonderful experience...particularly when he gets as far as the stomach and sees the horrifying corpses of Team Luthor agents in the creature's belly. Of course, there's also elemental energies down here...the stomach acid any creature would have, and the biting cold. The super duper biting cold. The cold is probably the real threat for a super suit, as it's COLD in this thing. If there's a temperature monitor on that suit, it's about 100 degrees...Kelvin. Gasses themselves freeze inside this thing.

Now that it's eaten Lex, it looks around for other creatures it might be able to dip in chocolate and eat. It lumbers forward, still rather quickly, relying on its tough fur to deal with annoyances such as bullets.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Confirmed, Techno. Non coms clear. Let's hope there's some help on the way." However, going by the flat monotone of her bestie's voice in her earpiece, he had something up his sleeve. If she could only stay out of the thing's reach, perhaps she could distract it long enough for Bean to do whatever it was he was going to do. Zipping about at top speeds in an enclosed, if large space, full of factory equipment was far from ideal--for most, that is.

     But she'd trained for similar situations before. Every obstacle course she'd ever run in the Danger Room now snapped to the forefront of her mind. Oh yes. There were gaps between the pipes and vats, places that would be hard for the creature to reach without ripping them up and getting a blast of heat right in the mivonks.

     It was risky, but she had to try it.

     Tapping her earpiece, she calls into it. "Techno, I'll try to keep this thing distracted for a few moments. But hurry, this beastie is /fast/."

     With that, she is off on her improvised obstacle course, dipping and swooping, soaring high then diving low, weaving a byzantine course through the facility. "HEY PEA-BRAIN! YEAH, YOU!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Seeing Lex get eaten is a bit of a moment of worry. Except Bean is somewhat busy, and he can't detect any system failures, so... Well, at least he knows Lex Luthor is still alive, and from the feel of it, not very happy about his current accommodations. He keeps his messages with the suit brief. "Enemy is susceptible to heat. Preparing improvised high pressure, high heat attack."

    Part of that attack? With what is almost a grin, the technopath takes a firm hold of the fire hose, aims it at the creature, and reverses the flow from the storage vats. What follows is a jet of near-boiling liquid, with the additional hazard that it contains sugars... it sticks quite horribly to everything it touches. Behind him, the vats are starting to practically glow as the heat rises, and with is the pressure. Undoubtedly, this is going to annoy the creature... but is that his big plan?

    "Understood Nightingale. Need a little more time. Try to stay clear of the vats and the roasting tanks. Things are about to get a bit messy."

Lex Luthor has posed:
The suit field can handle it for now, but Lex doesn't have any time to field stress test the abilities of this suit. That'll have to be in the lab.

Instead, Lex focuses as the sensors give him a rundown on the interior, including potential weakpoints inside... and his right arm comes up as the gauntlet plasma blade ignites... then, he activates the strength amplifier in the suit to maximum capacity, sixty tons of pressure suddenly crash into a wall as Lex starts to hack his way around inside the stomach with the blade. He's using a lot of power for this attack, running through the capacitor. It recharges quickly, but at this level of power output, something is going to glitch in the dynamic system flux he's forcing on the firmware, he knows it.

Time to take it apart from within. His people will love dissecting this creature.

Thor has posed:
Well. The first thing that happens is, the plasma blade is a very hot thing inside a place colder than any naturally occuring place on earth. That gives the creature gas, so it farts out a literal blizzard at everything that happened to be behind it. The temperature in the room drops a solid 50 degrees on the spot...

Which does not stop the boiling hot chocolate being firehosed at the creature. Karma, perhaps, for dipping people in chococlate and eating them. The high heat burns the creature from the outside...

While that Plasma blade starts slicing a hole into...and through, its stomach. It's durable, but not 60 tons of plasma durable, and it doesn't take long till Lex can see daylight.

Of course, this lets the super cold air inside the thing out into the air of the ambient area, and the temperature of the area drops another 50 degrees. It's arctic in winter levels outside right now, with the only real heat source being whatever's left of boiling chocolate.

The creature screams in pain and tries to pull whatever's cutting it apart from the inside outside. As before, its blood is some sort of icy substance as it sprays everywhere. It is sufficiently hurt that it doesn't have time to try to grab at Shannon, although it would surely dip her in chocolate if it could.

Nightingale has posed:
     Holy hell. Shannon almost felt sorry for the creature. Almost. That was not a way she would have chosen to go. And it got cold, fast. It made her wish that she was back home, in a nice, warm bath instead of...

     Unfortunately, her zig-zag course took her right behind the creature at the wrong moment. Her wings catch the brunt of the blizzard, the force of the snow, ice, and winds sending her careening away from the creature--and not entirely by choice.

     Dipped in chocolate, or caught in a back-end blowout of a blizzard? Yeah. For the moment, the blizzard was preferable.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's not every day you see a Yeti give birth to a Lex in power armor. Honestly, Bean would even see the almost funny side of this if he hadn't just seen his best friend get thrown about by a blizzard. "Nightingale! Come in!"

    There are, however, bigger fish to fry. With about as much power as the technopath can muster, he forces the boiling chocolate through the roasting vats and then through the distribution pipe, making sure it's coming out at a temperature that could start etching concrete. But despite this, despite standing in a zone of almost constant heat so much that he's sweating in his hoodie, the frost creeps up on him.

    He turns the hose onto the biggest visible weak point, screaming as the cold freezes the skin of his hands to the hose itself, aiming the torrent of chocolate at the gaping hole... and Lex. He imagines some heat will be welcome right about now.

    Which is roughly the time the escaping gases freeze the area around him. Hopefully he can get some of them to expand inside the Yeti, but as it stands, the vapor turns the very moisture in the air to crystals.

    His clothes freeze, his skin barely protects him from such an arctic blast, and the teen's core temperature begins to plummet. Almost entirely a frozen statue himself now, he nevertheless keeps a hold of the hose, now frozen solid to his hands, keeping up the only means of defense he has against this monstrosity.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Well, Samuel /was/ aiming at Lex, but Lex has his sensor suite running real time right now for the area, scanning temperature and life signs for those closest and in the most dire need. The creature is stunned, but the people need to be dealt with.

Luckily for Lex, his suit thrusters are pretty fast, and so Lex starts going for the nearest dot on the real time model in his mind; Shannon.

Within moments, Shannon can feel something grab her by the waist... and she's suddenly tossed /really/ far, with Lex trying to get her out of range of the blizzard itself. With sixty tons of muscle behind that and one of the keenest minds on the planet? It's easy to tell how fast to go without breaking her... and still get her to relative safety.

Then, he immediately turns around and starts to fly right for the head of the creature, both hands extended as he all on rams right into it's face... and tries to start pushing it at maximum speed away from people.

He can't stop everyone from freezing, but he can at least keep it from getting worse so he can come back and start getting everyone out quickly. These are LexCorp employees, after all.

Thor has posed:
THERE it goes. The Rainbow Bridge...resplendent in colors, and out steps the Thunder God. "...Feels like Jotunheim here, and..." And he quickly determines mortals cannot withstand this kind of temperature. The thunder god, also a weather god, first twirls Mjolnir and heads up into the sky. He's gotta get the blizzard under control first, and then bring the temperature back up to normal Midgard levels. The temperature may be rising rapidly, but it's still gonna take Thor time to get this under control...and all he can do is hope the mortals live long enough. Already the temperature is up about 30 degrees as he forces every warm thermal of air he can find into the area, altering weather patterns rather drastically. But it's still gonna take time.

Thor has one other tool at his disposal...specifically, the lightning, which he aims at the hole in the creature's belly to quell the biggest source of the cold. Still, lightning isn't the best tool for cauterizing a wound, and that's what's needed now, so it might take him longer than is desired. But wait, he sees someone with a plasma blade below. "Seal that wound! You have to cut off the cold!"

Thor has posed:
The yeti, meanwhile, has a big hole in its stomach that's sending Jotunheim levels of cold into the atmosphere, and it also has something uncomfortably hot, if also rapidly cooling, aimed at it. It stumbles out of the way, looking for something to grab. It tries to grab Shannon, but Lex has thrown her too far away too quickly for the creature to grab her. Still, the only moving creature it can see is Lex, so it tries to grab for him again.

Nightingale has posed:
     The Bifrost. For a moment, as she is thrown clear by someone in a power suit she has only glimpsed once before, Shannon is sure she is about to meet her Maker. She had just seen her best friend freezing in the inhumanly cold conditions, in the moments before being flung end-over-end through the air. As she is sent into warmer weather, some measure of function returns to her wings, and she is at least able to beat them enough to remain aloft. Dazed, she stares for a moment, stunned at the sight of the Thunderer and the mysterious suited being making short work of the Frost Giant.

     But then she looked towards another figure, who stood frozen in place, valiantly defending Midgard with a stream of hot gas and chocolate. "BEAN!! TECHNO, REPORT!!!" Her voice was a bit hoarse with the cold and... the connection was dead. But could he hear her physical shout?


     This did not look good....

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's an unfortunate reality of consumer electronics these days that they're not designed to last long in adverse conditions. 'Depth of the arctic during a really cold snap in winter' absolutely classifies as adverse conditions. It's hard to tell what destroyed his headset first, the moisture inside of it turning to crystal and expanding, or the extreme cold attacking the very polymers of its construction. It's... probably best not to think what's happening to Bean himself at the moment either. His eyes still glow, dimmed through the ice that coats them, making it impossible to blink. His skin has turned as blue as a Jotunheim native, but it alas is not bestowing a similar level of protection.

    The only source of heat still readable inside that statue continuously pumping tepid chocolate at the Yeti, appears to be in a pocket, where Bean is forcing complex calculations through the processor of his phone, knowing that the case itself acts as a heatsink. But it's less than 60 watts of power trying to melt solid ice.

    The Bean does not respond. Behind him, the vats begin to cool and the stream of chocolate drips to a stop.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Going maximum speed, Lex can easily avoid the hand... but the /cold/ is the-What was that?

Oh, it's just the otherworldly creature that thinks he's a god.

A glance is given in Thor's direction, before Lex switches directions and suddenly flies downwards. Lex is quite capable of complicated surgery if he needs to... so doing a rough cauterizing is easily done as he brings the plasma blade along the wound at the correct angles and pressure.

Thor has posed:
Thor is far too busy with the weather patterns to worry about what anyone else thinks of him right now. This kind of cold really shouldn't exist outside of Jotunheim...the weather patterns funnel more warmer air into the area, and the blizzard is starting to die down, and the temperature continues to rise another 30 degrees...

What really helps is Lex sealing the wound, though. It cuts off the hellish cold inside the thing and leaves it inside. Unfortunately, that makes the creature healthy, but that adds a solid 50 degrees to the temperature, as the unnatural source of cold is cut off. It's actually currently warmer outside than it was when the fight started. That won't fix hypothermia though.

The Creature...actually doesn't grab for Lex, as it seems to understand its being healed. On the other hand, it turns its attention to the Thunder God. It knows Asgardians. It hates Asgardians. And...it can't reach this one, because he's flying too high. It looks around for something to throw at him...the nearest thing is a now cooled and hardened vat of chocolate, which it hurls up into the sky after Thor.

Nightingale has posed:
     If Shannon didn't see chocolate again it would be too soon. Let the Thunderer and the mysterious suited man deal with the creature. She had to get to Bean. She wasn't going to just hover in the air, watching helplessly.

     You do -not- leave a teammate and best friend behind. It was just that simple.

     With the creature distracted, she dives down from the sky, backwinging to a landing right next to her best friend. She has only herself and her wings with which to stave off hypothermia, and these she uses to hopefully good effect, by virtue of a simple... wing-hug. She wraps arms and wings alike around her best friend in a feathery cocoon of warmth, hopefully enough to help keep him alive. "Hang in there, Bean. You're gonna get through this, do you hear me? Just hang on...."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The temperature rises to a point where ice can actually start to melt. It fair drips from the Bean-sicle, and the hose thumps to the ground, finally freed from the ice that froze it to fingers that have lost all feeling... and quite a bit of skin, still attached to the hose as it fell. There is breath, and where there's breath there's life, but one thing is very obviously no longer there is consciousness. With a core temperature below a critical minimum, even raw stoicism wasn't enough. His frozen legs keep him standing, but as the ice melts, Bean begins to slowly slump, limply, to the floor, encased in a cocoon of arms and warm feathers.

    This? This is going to take some explaining later.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Right, weather dealt with. Now... to get a creature to dissect.

While Thor is busy with the weather and the vat, Lex turns his attention /finally/ on the brain... and Lex flies around and over it.

Within moments, that plasma blade is being driven down into it, as he works his way into the skull of the creature to put it down.

Thor has posed:
And that did it. Thankfully, there wasn't a cold generator in the thing's skull, so Lex is able to render the critter dead without further adieu. Thor, meanwhile, sees the cold has been dispelled, and...the temperature here is actually still rising. Went up another 10 degrees Kelvin. Thor channeled pretty much all the warm weather patterns into one area, which is gonna create a very unseasonal heat wave, at least till they go back to normal. "It is slain. Well done..."

Thor's attention turns to Sam and Shannon. "...Will you be able to take care of him? I can take you both back home, if need be."

Nightingale has posed:
     Finally disentangling herself from Bean, Shannon scoots back, having been dragged to the ground as her best friend slumped over, unconscious. "Please, sir, if you would? The sooner he's in the medbay, the better. Thank you so much." A wan smile is offered to the Asgardian King, and she stays close, more than ready for the trip home. The loss of two lives was regrettable, but that the majority of the people present that day escaped to tell the tale? Well, now that was a miracle worth celebrating.

     Even if it had to be done from the medbay....

Lex Luthor has posed:
Next up, the people. The majority were gone, but medical services were needed here immediately.

As the creature fell outside of the factory, the armored figure hovered in midair, upright. He was watching Thor intently as he sent out text messages to LexCorp resources around the city, as well as governmental services to bring to bear. Lex had no medical equipment on the suit... but he could at least ferry the critical cases to hospitals.

With an area scan for said cases, Lex flies down and starts to grab people into one of the empty vats, the suits mobility being demonstrated very well at this point for onlookers.

A synthetic voice rings out as Lex flies around, "I'll take care of this, you can go."

Thor has posed:
"Very well." In response to both Lex and Shannon. A quick Bifrost trip later, and the Xmen will receive two of their own, plus an Asgardian visitor, who thankfully is usually welcome there.

The yeti's corpse remains to be disected by Lexcorp's scientific minds, and its amazing cold generating properties will probably find new uses somewhere, either in weaponized form or the field of refridgeration. Or both.