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Latest revision as of 02:42, 29 February 2020

Enjoying the Scenery
Date of Scene: 23 February 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Crashlandings, Metal villains and chocolate!
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy

Pixie has posed:
It's a nice day for a hike; Winter is nearing its end and snow is slowly starting g to melt everywhere. Of course it's also a good place for flying, and that's exactly what Megan is doing now, having swapped her Warner winter jacket for a thinner one that allowed her to poke some holes in the back si she can fly more freely, darting and dipping through the steep hills, enjoying the scenery while practicing some flight stunts..

Superboy has posed:
Conner has no reason to come this north of New York, usually. Metropolis is the other way. In fact it was not his idea at all!

There is a blur of blue and black, and a LOUD crashing sound. There will also be a Conner-shaped crater on the ground. With a Conner-person inside by the time Megan gets there. A young, dark-haired man, with leather jacket that is smoking and a big red S in the T-shirt underneath. He is slowly trying to sit up.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, pausing in her leisurely flight to notice the giant crater. Of course she's always been curious to a fault so naturally she flutters to said crater to have a peek...Ooh Wait is that like, a person...? "Ummmm hellooo, are you alright?"

Superboy has posed:
It is not so big a crater, but given it was done by a person, it is fairly impressive. Said person looks up and blinks a few times. "Er... you have butterfly wings," he remarks, showing 'excellent' observation skills.

To say the truth his vision is a little blurry and there might be flashing stars in the periphery of his vision.

"I'm fine," he adds, as response to the question. Trying to stand and falling back to his ass. "I just had a... discussion. You should see the other guy."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and shakes her head, "Dragon fly wings actually, but there pretty and colourful like a butterfly's aren't they!?" she smiles and strikes a pose, wings fluttering quickly. "Here lemme help you up..What happened?" she offers him a hand, trying to pull him to his feet, to support him in f need be. She's not super strong but she'll do her best to help..

Superboy has posed:
Conner is heavy in comparison to Megan, but if she pulls hard, he manages to stand. "Whoa, dizzy," he comments. "And yeah, very nice wings. Not that I am expert in insect wings. But I sure wouldn't want anyone with wasp wings, or those flying cockroaches' wings. So butterfly kind of works but..." he has to stop, because he is blabbering.

"What happened?" He needs to think a second. "Oh, I think I got punched here all the way from Metropolis. Where am I?" He pulls out the shattered remains of a Starkphone from his jacket. That poor device is not going to give a GPS signal ever again, or anything else. "It lasted almost two months," mentions the young man with a sigh.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, doing her best to pull him to his feet, "Wooow you're really heavy, are you okay now?" she smiles and nods, "Well I'd say more fairy than anything else!" especially with the cute pink hair! "At least I'm a cute and harmless looking creature right?" she blinks, "Punched? Eeps, who did that mean thing? Um you're on a hiking trail in Westchester county...You gonna be okay?"

Superboy has posed:
"What no..." protests Conner. "I mean, I am close to two hundred, but that is not heavy," to clarify. He runs a hand through his hair to pull out some dirt. Crashing like that is much messier than it looks in the movies.

"I am fine, I am pretty tough," then he examines Megan with exaggerated attention. "Oh yes. Cute and harmless, or is it mostly harmless?" He grins a bit, "I am Conner, or Superboy if you want the codename." The big red S on his chest was a good clue of his identity, too.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit. "Heey, I'm totally not harmless even if I look that way.." she giggles, wings flutering. Oh yeah, she notices the S shield on his chest, and she knows about Superman. "Ooh, a real-live celebrity on my doorstep? COol! Umm..." she glances around, "What way were you headed? A person can get pretty lost out here..Ooh, by the way, my name is Megan, codenamed Pixie! Nice to meet you, Conner!" she offers him a hand to shake, beaming. Guess she must be a fan!

Superboy has posed:
Conner is famous. Although he was more famous when he was a pop icon of rebel youth and doing tours around the US. Nowadays, he keeps a lower profile, not as interested in being famous and the center of attention.

"Yeah, good to meet you," he replies, shaking her hand carefully. "You know. Mostly harmless? Douglas Adams joke? Nevermind." It was Tim's fault he read that book, anyway.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks and makes a face. "Heeey, I'm totally a force to be reckonned with. These wings arent just for show, y'know!" she does flutter off the ground a bit to show him, her wings are occasionally giving off a glittery substance, but not nearly as much as when she's actively spewing spores everywhere. "Heey, wanna go for a flight? Maybe check up and see what happened to whoever it was who punched you into the ground like that? That might be funn.." she grins.

Superboy has posed:
Conner sighs, "I really should get back to Metro. I think that thrash metal dude that punched me is going to be gone by now, though," he hovers up a few feet, to match Megan's height. "Guy wasn't very fun, anyway. But I should check for it. About how fast can you fly?" Since Metropolis is almost a hundred miles away. That was some punch.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, biting her lip. Could she really keep up with Superboy at full speed, heck, even half-speed? Probably not, but she can always try! "Me? Huh, I can just about keep up with a car at full speed, but I can teleport too, in an instant. Metropolis? I can get us there in an instant, but it's waaay more fun to fly!" Although probably would take her at least an hour at her speed.

Superboy has posed:
"I can be there in a minute," states Conner. Well, usually. Giving he is still seeing spots every time he closes his eyes, it will likely take two or three minutes to him. Teleporting might be better. "You know how to get to New Troy?" He asks the winged girl. "We can fly around later, I will even buy you a chocolate mug or whatever fairies like to drink."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, closing her eyes for a moment or two. "..New Troy huh. Think I travelled there once, on a fieldtrip." she nods and smiles. "Ooh, that sounds fun! I LOVE sugary treats!" she giggles as she reaches out her hands, "Here, take my hands and close your eyes. It can make you a bit dizzy at first, if you're not used to teleporting.." And then, assuming he takes her hands, she will furrow her brow in concentration, uttering alien words: "Sihal novarum chinoth!" instantly, a glowing pink circular platform appears at their feet, surrounding them in a column of light as it rises upwards in a flash. The teleportation only takes a second or two and when Conner opens his eyes again, he will instantly find himself in Metropolis.

Superboy has posed:
"No, I am used to teleporting," mentions Conner, just as Megan calls her magic. Of course it had to be magic. Magic makes him dizzy. It is a Kryptonian problem, the teleportation part is okay.

So excuse him if he falls on his ass on the ground. "Umph... it wasn't that bad," he points out, standing up quickly. "Now lets see. Metal guy should be just next block that way," he points. And sure, there are police cars and wreckage on the street. But not large metal supervillains.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, stepping forward to try and catch him before he falls. But she's a second too late. "Oof, are you okay? I'm sorry!" she pouts a little. But hey, he seems pretty tough at least? But Megan doesn't have time to worry about such thing, peering down the street and frowns, "Metal guy, huh?" the 'metal' part causes her to shiver a bit. "What are we talking about exactly..A cyborg? Machine?" honestly, metal kinda makes her nervous for whatever reason.

Superboy has posed:
"More like a big pile of scrap metal in humanoid form, about ten feet tall," Conner is looking around, trying to find him (it?). Something so weird and big shouldn't be able to vanish in the ten minutes he was away. But looks like it did.

"But it is gone now, I guess we can get the chocolate now," he offers. "I'll go talk to the cops later."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, glancing at the police cars, shrugging, "Huh, that's too bad. I mean...Metal and fairies don't really mix.." Even if she's not *really* a fairy, not fully anyway. Megan doesn't exactly explain what she means by that but shrugs and giggles, "Oh, that's okay, maybe the police handled it or...?" or maybe he got away..Not something they can do anything about right now though. "Chocolate huh? So do you know any good stores that sell lots of sweet things?" Megan giggles again, always eager for sweets. Must take a lot of energy to run on those fairy wings of hers.

Superboy has posed:
"Girl, I know all the good places for chocolate of the East Coast," boast Conner. Which is only a slight exaggeration. He does like his sweets, and he gets bored often when he is patrolling over the cities.

So yes, Megan will get enough energy for the wings. And then some. Don't tell the X-Men it was his fault they have to deal with chocolate-high fairies later.