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Getting A Guest Lecturer
Date of Scene: 27 February 2020
Location: Jean's Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean meets with Thor and Shannon and discuss an incident in a chocolate factory involving Frost Giants!
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Nightingale, Thor

Phoenix has posed:
Jean has scheduled a meeting with Thor through the Avengers' PR side of thing, and perhaps a word put through Carol Danvers to bypass some bureaucracy. She's dressed in a professional looking pants suit, even though it's likely Thor isn't the one she needs to impress with societal norms.

Nightingale has posed:
     Unaware of a visitor incoming, Shannon is definitely not dressed to the nines. Oh, no. She's chillaxing in bright blue leggings, a long t-shirt emblazoned with Tweety Bird in 1960's hippie gear giving the 'peace' sign, and old but well-loved white sneakers. By the flush of her skin, she's likely been to the gym not all that long before; however, she's had the decency to take a shower before ambling on over to the door of Jean's office. Norms? What are those?

Thor has posed:
The Thunder God had plenty of warning for this one, so he doesn't need to arrive by the Bifrost. Instead, he arrives by hammerflight, and lands outside. Once stowing the hammer, he knocks politely on the door...he may be a welcome guest, but hospitality is a big deal in the Realm Eternal, and he follows the rules.

Once someone lets him, he'll ask for said someone to guide him to Jean's office, whereupon he'll see Shannon there..."I trust you've recovered from the chocolate factory battle?"

Phoenix has posed:
Having expected Thor presently, Jean's office door was left open, so she sees Shannon when she approaches and calls her in. "Shannon, was there anything you wanted to discuss?" She asks, not shooing her away, despite the imminent arrival of the high profile guest. When Thor is shown the way over, Jean arches a brow at the exchange between the Thunder God and her student, "a chocolate factory battle? Shannon, were you involved in something you weren't supposed to be involved in?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Just about to answer Jean's query, whatever words Shannon might have had are cut short by the arrival of the Thunderer. She has the grace to get to her feet as a gesture of respect, sketching something of a bow with a little flick of her wings. "I didn't take the worst of it, sir. There wasn't much for me to recover from--unlike my friend. We were actually both wondering how best to thank you for your timely arrival... and just what -was- that creature?"

     Uh-oh. That tone from Jean did /not/ sound good. She scratches the back of her head, ruffling her wings. "Bean and I took advantage of the opportunity to tour a chocolate factory a few days ago. You'd think it'd be one of the most harmless trips ever." Pinching the bridge of her nose, she shakes her head. "We weren't that lucky. Didn't go looking for trouble but it found us anyways. The factory came under attack by... I'm not even sure /what/ that creature was. Big, mean, fast, and freezing cold. Bean did a heck of a job against the thing, but he wound up in the medbay for a couple days for it. But yes, he is recovering very well."

Thor has posed:
Thor has more information about the creature. "It was one of the great Yeti of Jotunheim, suited for the eternal ice of that realm. It must've arrived through a convergeance of the realms...I don't have proof King Laufey sent it, so I won't blame him just yet. There was another warrior there, wearing technological armor the way Stark typically does. I believe he was called Luthor."

"They acquitted themselves well, but the temperature dropped very low. I would imagine her friend was being treated for being exposed to such severe cold. Such low temperatures are not normally found on Midgard." Not even in Antarctica.

Phoenix has posed:
"I see...so you didn't go out looking for trouble, trouble just found you is what you're saying...?" Jean asks Shannon, giving her every opportunity to be honest. Jean would be the wrong Headmistress to lie to.

She then turns to look at Thor, a bright smile on her face, "and thank you, Mighty Thor, for saving my students if that's the case." She then titls her head, "Luthor...hmmm...and what was he up to?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head. "No ma'am, we didn't go looking for trouble. And to be honest, I'll be glad to not see chocolate again for a while after that." Her expression goes very grim for a moment, some of the flush of her skin fading. "Especially not after seeing two of Luthor's people dipped in one of the vats and eaten like a snack." She had learned long ago not to lie to Jean. "Trust me, we were both /very/ glad for the rule about venturing out in pairs."

     Glancing over at Thor, her expression shifts, relaxing some. "We both owe you a great deal for bringing us back here so Bean could receive timely medical care. Thank you."

Thor has posed:
"I am not certain why Luthor was there...though the building did say LexCorp on it, and Stark has many times told me that means Luthor owns it, so...well, it was his property. He also wanted the corpse, after the battle was done. I am still not certain why." But, Thor hasn't been given all the information on Luthor, so he just Lex have it. He was more worried about getting the two kids home safely anyway.

"I am glad I could be of assistance, Headmistress. I am given to understand you would wish to keep them out of danger insofar as it's possible. But...when convergences happen, nobody is safe, of any age." Thor shounds really regretful about that.

Phoenix has posed:
"So trouble found you..." Jean murmurs as she takes it into consideration, before frowning gravely at what Shannon details, immediately going into a surface scan to check for any signs of trauma in the girl. "Do you need to talk about it at all? I do conduct private therapy sessions when needed, and it's all very discrete, nobody will ever know. It's just...different people handle horrors differently. A student should never be exposed to such sights, I personally failed you." Jean certainly seems to take it to heart, as she sighs, "maybe just pairs isn't enough if we're facing otherworldly threats now." Her emerald eyes turn to Thor, as she asks, "what say you, God of Thunder, is there a war of the gods spilling into Midgard, that means I should be more watchful of my students? They can't be expected to fend off against Ice Giants of Jotunheim.

"This is very ominous sounding, Thor, there might be scientific reason behind it, but with an unscrupulous man like Luthor, there's no telling of real motives. Did you let him have his wish?" A concerned Jean asks, not sounding too happy.

Nightingale has posed:
     "It probably couldn't hurt, ma'am." The sound of utter defeat in Jean's voice catches Shannon completely by surprise, the winged teen peering curiously at the Headmistress. "This may sound odd coming from a student, but you mustn't blame yourself for what happened. If anything, it's lessons that we've learned here that not only helped us keep our heads in a rough situation, but let us help guide innocents out of the area as well. So for that, thank you. Please don't discount what you've taught us." She smiles a little bit, dipping her head a bit towards Jean. "I get it. You're looking after us all here. It's what you do. Feeling like you've failed someone is probably one of the least pleasant things in the world. But you neither failed yourself, nor did you fail us."

     The young healer in training frowns a little bit, crossing her arms slightly. "So that person in the flying suit, that was Luthor? Huh. Haven't heard the greatest stories of him, but... well, he threw me clear of that Yeti, so now I'm not sure what to think of him."

Thor has posed:
"I didn't see a reason to refuse him...and your other student was suffering greatly from the cold. It would not be the first time one of Midgard died from such cold. I deemed the danger he was in to be of greater of importance...you are making it sound, however, as if letting him have the body is a thing I will regret." Perhaps he'll have to do something about that later...but he had to deal with immediate needs then.

"There have been more convergences lately. But there has not yet been declared any divine war. Perhaps I shall consult with Dr. Strange on why the extra convergences are happening. It was only a couple months ago when one of the great dragons of Muspelheim managed to enter Midgard, trying to burn everything alive." And to Thor, a couple months ago might as well be yesterday.

Phoenix has posed:
"Then I'll be sure to schedule one, dear," Jean mentions to Shannon as she types away on her keyboard to leave a memo about fitting such a session. "Suppose the God of Thunder wasn't there, Shannon? It's absolutely my fault. I allow students to leave in pairs, when it's not sufficient protection. I'll need to amend that ruling, I don't want to hold a funeral at the school," Jean sounds quite adamant about that last bit. "Professor Xavier would disagree with you, Shannon, I wasn't brought up to put my students at risk. If anything I was taught the opposite, out of my own experiences," Jean offers a perspective to Shannon that might differ from her boundless optimism.

"We never base our opinion of a person on the grounds of a single interaction, nor do we buy in to what one would tell of themselves. If a person is truly good, you will hear of it from others."

"I think we'll need to discuss the dangers of allowing Midgardian access to anything of Asgardian nature, by which I mean the realms of the gods. There is every bit evil as there is good in it." She shrugs as Thor questions her concern, "maybe you will, maybe you won't, I'm just saying you empowered a Midgardian with knowledge not meant for our kind."

Nightingale has posed:
     Smiling some, Shannon ruffles her wings. "I get it about funerals, and the young going before their time. Those are the ones that always tear my dad up the worst." She takes a deep breath, considering what to say. "You can work on all the protection in the world, but sooner or later, bad things happen. We got lucky this time. I do think, though, that you are doing your utmost, and really do wish you weren't so hard on yourself about it. You won't do any of us any good tying yourself up in knots over something that was, unfortunately, completely out of your control. All we can do is learn from this and move forward." She falls silent to listen to the exchange between Thor and Jean, glancing towards the door pointedly--should she be here for this part?

Phoenix has posed:
"Bad things happening is a thug tried to rob you on the subway, Shannon, your teachers being irresponsible, is letting you out and about when Frost Giants from a Divine Realm want to destroy our world," Jean makes the very distinct difference more relatable to Shannon, as she girl seems to be in a bit of a fantasy land about her outlook.

"I'll discuss it with other faculty member," she the turns to look at Thor, "speaking of which, I asked you here to see if you'd be willing to talk to the students, explain the dangers of the world perhaps, so they know to back off a Frost Giant and call backup?" She looks sharply at Shannon, but at this point, she might just be trying to tease the girl.

Thor has posed:
Now Thor gets the point. "...Oh. Yes. I hadn't thought of all the knowledge that could be gained from a dead body. Now I see your point." He's kinda regretting his decision already...although, with a life on the line..."...Well. I'll deal with that as it comes. Knowledge man was not meant to have is easier to correct than a lost life. But yes, I'll have to get on that very soon." Thor looks grim, now that it's been reframed in that context. He knows well the danger of letting cats out of bags.

"It's...both funny and sad. My father, had he been alive, would've been quite cross with me for saying that. He probably would've preferred I remove the corpse to saving a life. But that's not the way I choose to rule."

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, so much for trying to get the Headmistress to not be so hard on herself. Shannon shrugs and just lets the matter drop. Jean's outlook was certainly understandable, true, but how were any of them to know that Frost Giants and Yeti were going to show up? Let Jean think what she would. She would still try at every given opportunity to remind her to not be so hard on herself.

     The sharp look was met with a lopsided half-smile, and a shrug accompanied by the ruffling of her wings. Sometimes it was hard to get a read on the Headmistress, but this time, there certainly didn't seem to be any real anger or malice--just concern, tinged with a bit of good humor.

Phoenix has posed:
"I would imagine so," Jean concurs with Thor, before adding, "I would have liked to have known your father...if only for how surreal the experience would have been, assuming mortals can even withstand his presence..." one has to wonder. There are countless stories of how the presence of a god might be lethal to humans. Thor could easily be an exception. "Well, I think we should all go for some tea and snacks, any takers?" Jean offers with a warm smile.