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Latest revision as of 06:07, 4 March 2020

Colossus of the Gym
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Dinah substitutes for Piotr's sensei and the two have a great judo lesson.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Black Canary

Colossus has posed:
    The Winter night is late, and most people would not take this time of night to train. Outside in the city there is still the faint swirl of snow can be seen, just flakes drifting down, causing the evening to look all the more cold as the temperature drops outside. The white of the overcast clouds high above threaten the storm that's been daring to taunt New York for the last three days but it's only now that the first bits of flakes drift down from on high.
    But within the dojo it's warm, especially as the door closes and the heat of the training hall touches Piotr. He takes the time to make ready properly. To take off his coat and sweater and leave it upon the coatrack there. To take his shoes off and brush the snow from his grey sweat pants. He then walks into the dojo proper, footsteps light and respectful as he casts his gaze around the empty building, the training floor seemingly empty. He's just in those sweats, and a tight black t-shirt that hugs the supple contours of his muscular body and broad shoulders. Stockinged feet whisper upon the tatami mats as he moves, and then he lifts his voice, calling out.
    "Master Wing? Are you here? It is Piotr."

Black Canary has posed:
But what you see is not Master Wing. Instead a dirty-blonde woman is there, about five foot seven, wearing a traditional white gi tied with a black belt. Barefoot. "Master Wing had a family emergency. He's a friend of mine so he asked me to come and cover for him." She smiles as she extends her hand. "I'm Dinah Drake." She takes GREAT cares to keep her Black Canary persona separate - to the point of wearing a platinum blonde wig and modulating her voice. "I am former special forces, and have a black belt in a wide variety of marital arts. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Piotr."

Colossus has posed:
    "Ah, I am... Piotr Rasputin." He corrects gently with just a small smile, though perhaps she is making fun of him. He looks around the room and then back towards her, his head tilting to the side. He's almost a foot taller than her and she can likely see his discomfort, though she might not know it is not due to her gender, nor her height, he knows enough fighters of a wide spectrum. Perhaps more he does not know her himself.
    "A pleasure to meet you as well." And as he says that he advances to offer her his hand in a handshake. "I had just come with the intention of perhaps learning from someone new. If you have the time, then it would be my pleasure to train with you."
    That accent is strong, clearly Russian, but he does his best not to allow it to be too prominent.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "I can defintely help with that. I have two main passions - and they seem extremely contradictory. Flowers and martial arts. And I do my best to excel at both." She smiles as she stretches. "Which martial art are we going to be studying today? Master Wing's note was unclear." Her voice has assumed a slight Russian accent as if trying to make you more comfortable.

Colossus has posed:
    Piotr steps forward onto the mats, watching her calmly as she begins to stretch. He lifts his chin as he continues to examine the room, the decorations, then her again. "I am practiced in Judo, and Jiu-Jitsu, Miss Drake." He swallows and brushes a hand through his hair, taking a moment to consider the snowfall outside and then turns his eyes back to her as he settles on those mats, and awaits her attention.
    "But if that is not your forte, I can come back another day. I would not wish to impose." As he says this he smiles easily, there is something in his bright blue eyes, something calm and controlled, though they do rest upon her for now.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake states, "Judo is my speciality but I know a wide variety. I told you it's a passion of mine. I leave my feminine side for my flower ship Sherwood Florist." She smiles wryly at the punny name. "So - show me some of your moves and I'll see what I teach you."

Colossus has posed:
    A nod is given, then he brushes his shirt a little, as if making sure the snow is clear. He bows to her, sharply, precisely, hands slapping his hips before it is executed. Then he settles into a defensive stance, his hands coming up and open as he turns his hips to the side, right foot advanced a little forward to her. And right away she can see his stance is good, he is as well-trained as he claims to be. He keeps watch of her, gaze tilting one way, then the other as she makes ready.
    "I am ready then, Miss Drake." And as he says that he steps forwards, three quick steps and then turns his body cleanly, leg rising up, chambering, and then firing toward her side as if testing to see how intent she wishes for them to train.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods slowly. "Well. You are highly skilled. Black belt already?" she asks, smiling faintly as she assumes a similar stance, eyebrow raised as she looks over your form. "Don't go easy on me. Even with our size difference, you will find this more than a fair match. I'm very tenacious."

She manages to sidestep your grapple attempt as she deflects you away and seeks a simple leg-sweep to take you down - not telegraphing it at all.

Colossus has posed:
    On his back heel he steps away, narrowly avoiding that leg sweep as he hunkers down low. It's harder to get an initial grip on someone smaller, faster, especially one such as her as she's so damned quick. But he moves in again, turning to try and fire an open-handed strike to her brow, holding back at the last second so as to not truly strike. Then he tries to move in to try and take hold of her gi's lapels, to try and draw her closer and then bring her across his hip if he can, seeking to take her down to the tatami mats and try and gain some measure of control. A very clean judo movement... and likely one she has seen many times before.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles as she watches your movements - and decides to let you have this one. She lets you grab her, and barely resists as you drop her and pin her, and she barely makes an 'oof' on impact with the mats. "That was some very good movements. I'd have to use some rather unorthodox and painful means to counter, so... I let you have that one. There is honestly little I can teach you - you seem to know your stuff. All I could really show you is how to do it faster and with less telegraphiing." She just lays there, eyebrow raised, waiting for you to get up.

Colossus has posed:
    "That is kind of you to say, thank you." He then rises up, helping her to stand with a hand upon her forearm, gently executed to bring her up and level with him. "But I am welcome for the simple testing of my skills. Though I understand if you would not wish to do so." He takes a small step back, smiling as he looks to the side, and then back at her. Some hint of disappointment there, as if knowing that he should focus more, but has not been able to for some time.
    "In any case, thank you, Miss Drake." That said he offers another bow.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods as she takes your hand and quickly gets to her feet, dusting herself off. "Indeed. Let me show you something." She moves to you, and begins to fake doing the same move you pulled on her - but shifts at the last moment and changes it to a leg sweep again from the other side and quick as lightning, and before you're even down, she grabs you from behind and you have her arm around your throat in a choke hold - not too tight though. "If this was for real... you'd be out in about ten seconds...." She grins as she decides to hold you like this for the moment, wondering if you'd struggle - for if you do, she has contingency plans.

Colossus has posed:
    There's that rush of movement, then she slices her leg against the backs of his knees and slips around to grab his throat with one arm, pulling his broad shoulders against her chest, and tightening that grip. She can feel him bring one hand to her forearm, as if making ready to hold her fro locking in that hold. But as she speaks he turns his head to the side so he can see her, smiling a little.
    "You are very quick, Miss Drake." His foot slides along the mats as he starts to gain leverage. But then she'll feel his shoulders tense the moment before he locks his hand on her arm and tries to twist the side against her arm to try and uncurl it while /pulling/ hard, attempting to bring her over his shoulder and to the mats. _Hard_.
    But then again she might have other plans.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake just watches you, nodding slowly, tensing her arm around your throat, sensing you're going to try something - but your move is unorthodox and surprising as you somehow yank her from behind you - and you seem to be aiming to throw her over your shoulder and drop her hard to the mat. But she reacted immediately and as she pases over you - her legs clamp down on your neck and as she goes down, she uses her leg muscles to take you down with her and rolls on top of you, pinning your shoulders. "Sometimes speed beats strength," she muses softly, trying to hold you down. "That was a clever move. A man of lesser strength couldn't have pulled it off... but I was half-expecting it..."

Colossus has posed:
    The world had twisted again with that sharp jolt, causing him to follow through in a roll with his back hitting the mats, wincing sharply. She's almost instantly off him, those long legs sliding sinuously free as she flips and then lands with her knees on his shoulders and her hands ready for a follow up technique if needed. It was a strong position and his counter would have to be quick lest she could strike and strike hard. So for now... he does not and instead says, "I would hate to see what would happen if you were fully expecting it."
    Then he'll lift a hand to her leg and tap twice lightly, as if signaling that that point was hers, and perhaps expecting her to let him up.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods as she smiles, as she rolls off of you and rise to her feet, and extends her hand down to offer a hand up as you did to her earlier. "That was some smooth moves," she muses. "Honestly that last position sitting on you was rather stupid. I can tell that you're strong enough to bench-press me and you could've simply picked me up." She heads over and grabs two towels and two cup sof water, tossing a towel to you. "I think I could work with you if you want to learn some. You would make a good student, and maybe you could even teach me a thing or two."

Colossus has posed:
    "If you wish, Miss Drake." Piotr says as he accepts the towel sent his way, resting it on his shoulders and then using it to dab at his brow. He lets it rest there afterwards and then murmurs, "I could have, but I expected you to twist me into a juji-gatame if I tried to grab and manipulate you so." Which would have been viable, depending on how vicious or painful she was intending to be. He steps over to her and nods then looks again to the outside and the snow that's still falling.
    "But I appreciate the offer, if you wish to continue at another time. Certainly." He nods once.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods as she nads you a buisness card. "Here's my card. I travel a lot - I have a business in Starling so use the Zetaport a lot. I am SO regretting taking my Harley to this appointment. I might just stay the night here. I brought a duffel bag just in case." There was an antique Harley outside that you might've noticed. "That was a lovely session. I look forward to grappling with you again." She winks.

Colossus has posed:
    A small chuckle comes from him as he gives her a nod and accepts the card. The tall Russian considers it and then places it in his pocket. "Thank you again, Miss Drake." That said he offers her hand and should she accept it he'll give hers a firm handshake, before he turns and begins to move back toward that front door. And once he gathers his things, he'll be on his way.