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Latest revision as of 04:03, 6 March 2020

Hitting the Books
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Willow and Karrin meet. Doilies are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Karrin Murphy

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been pretty exhausted lately, what with all the chaos going on around her. But hey, she was still a student, a bad student who kept missing classes and turning in late papers, so now she's really having to cram on her homework, all her books and papers spread out on the coffee table in front of the sofa. At least the tv is off, because she really can't do with anymore distractions right now.

"Uggh..." she groans, rubbing her temples, drinking tons of coffee. "Just need to get through this one semester, then I'm almost doone!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Home sweet home.

Willow exits her room in her pjs. "I was putting on the kettle for a hot chocolate. Should I put water in for you?" A space. "And now that I am back I could help you out?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly as she glances over at Willow, "Hey! Good to see you again. I know you've been busy, studying abroad in England was it? I'm just glad to have you back again..You wont believe the insanity that's happened since you left." she licks her lips at the idea of hot chocolate. Probably a lot better for calming her down than coffee. "Ooh, hot chocolate sounds great! And I'd love your help in studying Wills, but do you need to acclimatize first? All that jet lag and what not?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"England. Scotland. Ireland..." She gives a long sigh. "But I really miss the gang."

The kettle is put on.

"How about you catch my up, and I help you with yuor courses?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "Sounds like an exciting trip! Did you bring back pics? I'd love to see!" still, she yawns and sighs, stretching a bit, glancing towards her anthropology books, "Um sure! Sounds like a good trade..Just studying for a midterm, y'know, the similarities of chimps and humans, how they differ from other animals with the use of tools, etc etc blah blah blah...."

"I really missed you too, Willow.." she smiles faintly. As for catching up on her side of things, she just shrugs, "Hmm where do I start..I offered Fred a chance to stay here while you were gone, but I guess you came back sooner than I thought. But then Angel suddenly returned too so I think she'll be okay there. You've met Fred before, I think? Once or twice.."

She bites her lip, chewing her pen as she ponders what other bombs to drop. "Oz left town again, back on tour I suppose, umm...Haven't seen Constantine in a long while, but been working on some cases with Harry Dresden, Lieutenant Karrin and um..Thomas.." she pauses thoughtfully on that last one, apparently some history there perhaps?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks. "Uhm.. I was so busy.." Her cheeks pinken. "I am so sorry.. I know! we'll go together." Nevermind the cost..

She fixes hot chocolate for both of them a listens it whole spiel. "What? Angel is back, but Oz is gone?" Willow looks slightly saddened.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and shrugs, "Hey, it happens. I understand. Your studies come first. You're incredibly intelligent and super talented, you shouldn't blame yourself for wanting to study abroad." as for Oz, she just shrugs some more. "He's a good kid, but I guess he had his work, y'know, playing in various venues has him travelling a lot. I'm sure he'll be back again?" She smiles a little and nods, playing with the ring she once again wears around her neck, along with the crucifix. "Yeah..Angel's back, and he's not so cold as before. I...I still feel strongly towards him. I just wish there was a way to break the curse." she laughs, shaking her head, "Of course, even we DID find a way..I guess my love life's a bit more complicated than that.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh I didnt.." Willows cheeks pinken. "I do care about him and.. I was.. I think.." She takes a seat. "I dont want him, just like have him. I know."

She looks ashamed.

"You still have the huh? I have no clue where John went. I hope he is alright."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, nodding slowly, "I know..It's complicated, isn't it? I mean..I still care a lot about Angel, but see, I'm kinda..Seeing someone else, and I know we could never have a real relationship, given his curse and all. But I still like being around him, having him around. I mean, lately, he's so...Kind and sweet, not like how it's been in the past several years since he left Sunnydale."

Buffy reaches out to rest a reassuring hand on Willow's shoulder, "So don't worry so much, okay? Nothing to be ashamed of. Love is kinda, complicated that way, i think." As for Constantine, Buffy just shrugs, "To be fair, I never really knew him that well, I'm sure he's around somewhere.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Life is so complicted." She drinks some hot choclate. "This isnt too bad." Typical Willow.

"I really really want the best for him. I have to let him go." It was she wanted him.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, "Hah, tell me about it. I swear I'm a worse demon magnet lately, than even Xander. I mean.." she shrugs and draws a deep breath. "I'm sure Oz is happy, wherever he is right now. Doesn't mean you two cant be friends though, does it?" she tilts her head, watching her curiously, "I mean..I guess it's hard though..I still love Angel, and maybe I should just let him go but I just...I still remember all that we had, and it IS hard, really hard. It's a bit easier, knowing he's not in the same town, but still..I feel so bad for him. Willow, is it not possible to break his curse? I mean, you're so much stronger now.." she shouldn't be asking this but..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There's a knock at the door as Karrin's outside with cookies, chocolate and what she terms a 'pick me up box'. Alright she got it for herself. Mostly since she was getting emotional over her dead hussband but...but....she figured she'd drop by Buffy's apartment.

So knocking on the door, all that's missing is the 'Police, open up!' after the knock. Murph's not that mean though. She'll just knock and wait. This isn't a raid. Maybe if Bufffy had chocolate she'd bring the SWAT team to secure the treats? Total good use of city resources, that. So, Murph waits.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I can look up the curse?" Willow doesnt tell about to John's place, wlth it's vast library. And then is *raprap* on the door. "Are you expecting someone else?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances towards the door and smiles, "Ooh, Karrin's here! And sounds like she's got good food" she climbs to her feet, openning the door, grins and hugs Karrin, careful not to squish her box of food. "Oooh and you brought treats! Come on in, have you met my room mate and other BFF Willow yet?" glancing towards Willow she smiles, "Willow, meet Karrin, Karrin, this is Willow."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Buffy gets a hug in return as Murph comes in. "Hey Willow" Murph nods, "Any friend of Buffy's is a friend of mine. I'm Karrin Murphy. Just call me Murph" she says digging through the box. Donuts, beer, chocolate (get the SWAT team Murph?), movies, blankets, and baking supplis. All in a box. "So what's going on?" Karrin asks and peeks around for a spot to sit. "I like your apartment. You need more doilys mind" she says with a sage, knowing nod and a glint in her eye.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Cheeks pinkens. "Oh! Karrin. Oh doilies?" Willow looks intrigued. Or maybe she it is changing topics.