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Valhalla Cometh!
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Valhalla
Synopsis: Lois with Thor's help reaches out to a disembodied spirit, and help Kal El find his way home once more.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lois Lane, Superman
Tinyplot: Rebirth of Superman

Thor has posed:
Lots of things happening in Asgard today. First, a powerful spirit was found by a Valkyrie, but it was in a deep sleep and she couldn't wake it. When she brought Thor to take a look, he couldn't wake it either, and went looking for guidance, The Norns told him only a spirit powerfully connected to the spirit could wake it, and such a spirit existed in a female Herald of the Planet.

Later intepretation figured out Herald meant reporter...and of course the Daily Planet's #1 reporter...is pretty obvious. And so it is Asgard's King has come to a news building, of all things.

Lois Lane has posed:
Of course the Daily Planet is abuzz in the wake of Superman's death, and while it's been a few weeks since his passing, things never really went back to normal. Clark Kent had been among the missing in the wake of the rampage that had killed Superman, but Lois was still here, doing double duty, trying to cover more stories, following up whatever lead she could find. Of course crime rates were even higher, many old villains crawling out of the woodwork without Superman there to stop em.

Perhaps it was better this way, at least keeping busy made it harder for her to stop, to think to much...To feel, to cry..To hurt..

So here she is on the patio rooftop, taking a lunch break, looking over her notes, keeping busy, attempting to squeeze in a sandwich bite in here and there..

Thor has posed:
When a being in a cape shows up on the roof of the daily planet...it's not the one Lois would be praying to see. No, it's a guy in otherworldly armor, with a hammer at his side. He spun his hammer to get up there, and while people are surely wondering what a King and Avenger is doing flying around, Thor isn't stopping for questions today.

"...You are the reporter they call Lane, are you not?" Thor only seems to have gotten half the story. Likely because he never watches the news and only heard her referred to second hand at best.

Superman has posed:
It was a strange sensation. This disembodied feeling of...air. Freedom. There was a feeling of weightlessness, yes, although he has felt that before as he flew amongst the stars, and the birds of his adopted home planet. This was different. There was a thump. A beat. Was it his heart? A feeling of connection that happens once every hundred seconds...or minutes. It was hard to tell.

There was also another presence. Was that Rao? A shriek of eagles. The warmth of the sun. A dread...a deep darkness, at the farthest reaches of his consciousness. Was that death?

It would be so easy to just let go. Be with his family. Father...Mother...it was like he could hear his mother's voice...so musical and beautiful, her golden hair shimmering in the warmth of Rao's blessing.

Was that another voice...another presence....something bound him here. Lois...and another...Thor.

Lois Lane has posed:
Most people might be taken aback at the appearance of a superhero. Maybe frightened or squealing like a fangirl. Not Lois, she's used to taking things in stride, and walking with superheroes. May even with gods..

She arches a brow, peering over her laptop as the red caped superhero lands on the rooftop. For a second, her heart skips a beat but no, this is...Someone else. She climbs to her feet, drawing a breath as she approaches him. "That's right.." she smirks, "Nice to know I'm well known around these parts, not like I'm surprised. I get around.." she shrugs, "It's Thor, isn't it? I think I saw you...At the memorial.." if the memory brings back painful feelings, she is working hard to hide it.

"What brings you here, today?"

Thor has posed:
"Yes. One of my Valkyries has found a sleeping spirit between worlds. It's...not supposed to be there. It is unable to go to its eternal reward...or to its home, or anywhere else. It's an unusual circumstance. However...the Norns have informed a spirit powerfully connected to the spirit may wake it...and I was told a female Herald of the Planet would be such a spirit." Thor's not the best thinker around, but...still. This is Metropolis. The city of a fallen hero. Could it be?

Superman has posed:
Voices call to him. Of her. That voice. It was distinct but distant. Kal El shouldn't even be able to hear it, but he did. It was her...Lois. The reporter. It was like he could hear her across time and space, spiritual distances too far to travel. She was there. Electricity. She kept him grounded, even as a reporter.

When Thor speaks, it was like someone hits the side of the television, making the picture clearer. He was a lightning rod, letting him hear them. Better. Kal El was still asleep though, drifting. In a dream. Were they talking about him?

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches a curious brow. "Valkyrie.." she narrows her eyes, oh, she's never met one before but she's done her reading, and she nods, "Messengers who accompany fallen warriors to the other world..But that means.." that gives her pause as she quickly puts two and two together. She doesn't want to be too hopeful, goodness knows she's followed way too many false leads but.."A sleeping spirit...Connected to me? Is it..Could it possibly be...Him..?" eyes widen hopefully, but she's afraid to ask. She steps nearer, eyes desperate, "Tell me..Where is he? How can I help?"

Thor has posed:
"...Come with me." Thor steps closer to Lois, and then, "Heimdall! Bifrost!" And the Rainbow Bridge, massive, swoops down from the heavens, and escorts god and reporter out of there. And now there's going to be a seal of Asgard on top of the building. Thor never thinks about that though. The rainbow bridge twists through space, living up to its name with the scintillating colors. The Rainbow bridge is as much a journey as a destination...but instead of going to a realm it goes to the space between realms. The magic of the Rainbow Bridge is providing air out here, and since the spirit is caught between realms, it's technically part way through. Like stopping in Portland between Los Angeles and Seattle.

The Valkyrie Thor left there stands guard, and equally stands at attention. Also there is the glowing ball of spirit. "...That is the one. If the Norns are right, you can wake it."

Superman has posed:
Now that was a feeling he had never had before. Being transported an incalculable distance to Asgard via the strength and spirit of an incredible woman...all the way to Asgard. His feelings were ephereal and floating in the vast expanse. This was all like a dream. Something...something...

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods wordlessly as Thor leads her over the literal 'rainbow bridge.' oh, this is gonna be quite the story, isn't it? Although he'll probably wipe her mind or something. isn't that usually what these superhero types insist on doing?

Its quite a rush though, flying through time and space on the way to...Asgard was it? She closes her eyes, trying not to feel dizzy. And when she opens her eyes again, she frowns softly, peering around. "And where exactly are we, now?" she's trying to act casual, like she does this on a regular basis but really, she shivers a little. Wow..

Annnd..There's the spirit. She peers at it, or is it him? Uncertain if she can even walk or float or whatever in this..In between realm. "Is..lIs that him? Superman...?" she's almost afraid to ask.

Thor has posed:
Thor...can't actually help with this part. The connection between two people...this is a job for emotions and hearts. He can send the Valkyrie to do quite a bit, once the spirit is awake. But till then? The god of thunder finds himself standing and watching while a Midgardian does all the work.

Superman has posed:
Superman was there. Kal El. The man she knew, even if she didn't truly know him. She could /feel/ him. His spirit was disembodied somehow.

Superman could see the Rainbow Bridge. Feel Thor, and Lois. But then, he was back, in darkness, surrounded by steel, and cold, and emptiness...Bthump. Was that his heart? One beat in a thousand seconds. It brought him back to Earth, as his floating ball of light flickered, was gone...and was back.

"Lois." Kal El tries to speak. Can she hear him in her heart and soul and mind? "I am still alive! Lois! Hear me! I am trapped. A symbol...a symbol...chevron...arrows..." Argus. If he could only send that to her....Bthump. Gone. And back. Fading...and distant...

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane draws a deep breath, stepping closer to him. Of course, this is up to her now. No one else can answer that question. And it only takes a moment or two for her to resonate with his spirit. "Omigish...It really is you.." she smiles softly, reaching out to touch him...And then he's gone. Her eyes widen in anguish. "Kal El...Where did he...?" no she can still sense him, th he's somewhere else. "Thor, can you take me to his body..?"

Thor has posed:
That was only a moment...but it was enough. He nods to the Valkyrie. "Take the spirit back to the body. Follow the tether. This is the spirit of one of the mighty Sun Warriors of Krypton. Once he is whole...things will change back on Midgard."

She salutes, and gets right on that, that spirit like a glowball being tugged along by the Asgardian warrior on a winged horse.

Then, he turns to the brave woman that followed him out to a place Midgardians never go. "...It took great courage to come here. It seems it will lead you to someone long lost to you."

"...Not directly. And the Valkyries use paths I can't. But...if we deduce where he is held by the clues given to us, then yes, I could take you there."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches a curious brow at the Valkyrie as she takes Kal El's spirit. Oh, she'd love to get an exclusive interview with a Valkyrie warrior, or The god of thunder while she's at it. But hey, beggars can't be choosers right?

"I understand...How can I help?"she's all business there, fueled by determination. "Clues, okay, where are these clues?" and Lois glances around wondering where to even start..

Thor has posed:
"...You must determine where he is. The Rainbow Bridge can go anywhere, but wherever his body may be, Heimdall's eyes have not seen it. And very few things block his sight. He's the Watchman of Asgard for a reason." Hmmm. "I could not hear his voice. But the spirit was definitely awake, and I can only guess he tried to speak to you. What did he tell you?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane frowns, "Wait..Is his body no longer in the crypt beneath the memorial statue? Are you saying it's..been moved?" she sighs and nods, closing her eyes, trying to focus. This is so weird, how can she possibly...No wait, there it was, a feeling..A voice, his voice in her head.."Kal El...Trapped..In a place with a symbol.Chevron..Arrows...,Argus?" she blinks, "Somewhere cold and dark, surrounded in steel.."

Thor has posed:
"He is a warrior of the sun. It is likely they were trying to deprive him of it by keeping him locked away. If he is truly locked in such a space, it will require effort to return him to the sun's rays. Once there, he'll be alright." Argus? "I know not of Argus, except that he was once an Olympian with 100 eyes who used to watch over animals. He was killed when he was lulled to sleep."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane frowns, "Sooo a potential enemy of his wants to keep him complacent..What, so they can control him? Or maybe keep him from being revived?" she frowns, slamming one fist into her open palm "We can't let that happen! Only.." Lois sighs, wishing she had brought her laptop with her. "Argus Argus...Sounds like symbolism from what they're planning, huh?" she smirks, "Name sounds familiar though. We need to return to earth, I need to do research..."

Thor has posed:
"Very well. Back to Midgard is simple enough." And The Rainbow bridge now flows back in the other direction. When they reach the destination...it will put them right back on top of the Daily Planet, where Lois started this affair. The difference, of course, is that seal of Asgard on the roof, proof this all actually happened. "When you have found what happened to him, reach out to me through the Avengers. I and the rest will do what is necessary. We didn't know he was alive."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane blinks a couple of times, finding herself back on solid ground and nods, drawing a deep breath of cool, earth air. "Phew that was quite the ride. It almost felt like a dream..." she sighs, stretching. If she didn't feel like s so imperative, so urgent to find Kal El before..Argus..Can snuff him out completely, she might actually ask Thor for an interview. Some other time perhaps.

"Alright.." she sighs, cracking her knuckles as she walks back towards her laptop. And her half-eaten lunch. "I'll do what I can as quickly as I can. I fear his time may be limited. And.." she bows her head respectfully to him, "Thank you, Thor..You don't know how much this means to me.." or maybe he does..

Superman has posed:
With that, he was gone from Asgard, gone from Thor and Lois, and back...back...somewhere on Earth. Deep beneath the Earth. Somewhere cold, and dark, and...metallic. A deep inhalation...a breath! Then blackness as the Man of Steel loses consciousness. That was the start...Lois and Thor have brought him back. Now, the first steps were done. The next steps were to find him, and release him so he can feel the sun once more!