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The Big Man of Harlem
Date of Scene: 11 March 2020
Location: Central Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: Witchblade investigates a murder of a Matador member and is on the trail of the mysterious Big Man of Harlem
Cast of Characters: Tombstone, Witchblade

Tombstone has posed:
As a homicide detective, you have seen many brutal murders. But, the murder of one Francisco Diaz of the Matadores was one of the most brutal you have ever seen. It started after a group of children in Spanish Harlem discovered the mangled body of the victim all torn up by what looked like uzi fire and, finished off with what looked like a broken neck. The bizzare part of the broken neck was the fact that the snap was so effective that it nearly decapitated the victim, hinting that the murderer had a frightening level of strength.

After a bit of investigation, you learned that the Matadores were in a drug war with "The $yndicate" a street gang in Harlem and, according to the boys in Vice, part of a drug network ran by the mysterious "Big Man of Harlem". This is how you found yourself in Central Harlem, approaching a pool hall. You have received rumors that this "big man" was spotted in the room, playing pool with members of The Sons of the Dragon, a Chinatown based gang. While there was no proof, you suspected that this "Big Man" was involved in Diaz's murder, and you intended on "interrogating" this man, and hopefully, get a lead, or even better, a confession.

Witchblade has posed:
Pool hall? Check. Sara's striding toward it with a determined expression. Right now, she's in homicide cop mode. If anything, though, a closed case is a closed case, and once the Witchblade gets out to play...Sara's not got a lot of control on things. If anything...she's hoping they surrender. The Witchblade however? Not hoping for that. It wants the walls red with blood and the screams of the dying and maimed.One big man, sure, but Sara's gotta rein in the Witchblade. Easier said than done. Putting a hand on the door, Sara pauses, the Witchblade already snaking tendrils down her arm.

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone says, "The Pool Hall is full of the "less reputable" sort that hangs around Harlem. The group that catches your attention however, are a group of men, three Asians and two Caucasians wearing rea and gold, the Sons' main colors. They were gathered around a pool table conversing and chatting with each other. You failed to notice any "big man" hanging with them. Perhaps he is somewhere else in the bar, or maybe he didn't show up at all. Either way, it is your duty to find out."

Witchblade has posed:
Sliding into the pool hall, Sara watches it and looks around and shakes her head and feels the tendrils creeping along her wrists and hands. There's armor covering her from hair to toes as she's careful;y stepping closer. The Witchblade is in control. Looking over the pool hall, Sara's not a happy detective. The clinking of blades, a tail of sorts is heard. It's a tail made of interlinking sharp blades however, and her fingers are clawed and sharp, blades on their own. Sara's expecting the Witchblade to go charging in, however...mostly because Sara's ceded control...for now.

Tombstone has posed:
As you get closer, the conversing gangsters voices seem to get louder and louder. They appear to be talking about a street race that is happening tonight and how "Johnny Wu" is sure to win tonight. Suddenly, your path is blocked by a tall, fat, and bald Dragon member wearing a red and gold t-shirt with a Dragon on it. He looks down and says in a voice with a Chinese accent," What do you want?"

Witchblade has posed:
Even Sara's teeth are pointed and razor sharp. She's like the xenomorph from Aliens....if it had swords, and could spew flames. Sara speaks two words. "Big man" she says and watches the gangster blocking her path silently after she speaks. There's the scratching of claws as she moves. Oh she could just stab the fat guy. But that'd be a waste of a blade, really...plus she's not a trained butcher. Nor, realy, is the Witchblade either. See, Sara's wanting a confession. "I'm wanting to know who killed Fransisco Diaz of the Matadors" Sara says, sharp, pointy teeth clicking as she speaks, the click of metal on metal.

Tombstone has posed:
The fat guy now looks throughly intimidated by you as he suddenly notices your teeth. The fat man was about to say something when suddenly, another voice objects,

"Don't tell her shit Chang."

The voice came from one of the Caucasian gang members, who was obviously from the Jersey Shore from his accent. He grins at you, exposing a gold tooth as he takes off his aviator sunglasses. He is obvously oblivious to your transfromation as he says," We don't know any big man b... Besides, if we did, we wouldn't tell you." He then lets out an obnoxious laugh.

Witchblade has posed:
Game on. The Witchblade seems to be coated in flames. Oh sure the symbiote can control them. Problem? Everything else can't. Well aside from trained firefighters in here that is. There's a clawed hand raised to point at the Caucasian gang member. "Start. Talking"

Two words. And Sara's covered in flames. Only takes one 'accidental' gesture to set things alight, right now the flames are dampened to the point of being like a hot radiator...not enough to set anything ablaze yet. Flaing, fiery Witchblade? Check that off the list of things to crap pants to.

Tombstone has posed:
The Gangsters let out surprised swears when you suddenly light yourself on fire. They all turn to the second Caucasain gang member, a shorter, thinner man wearing a piar of prescription glasses and a red t-shirt and gold track pants. The fat man then says to him," C'mon Specs, just spill it, you saw Him do it."

Specs looks terrified as he suddenly lets out a swear and bolts from the table towards the fire exit. As he runs he shouts out," I ain't telling ya shit, the Big Man will kill me!"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's chasing, a trail of fire. Problem? Everything she runs past is on fire. Geat. Not her problem. She's focused on her prey. Or, accurately, the Witchblade is focused in ot its prey. Sara's just along for the ride and watching. There's the crackle of flames as they find new things to set fire to. Good job, Witchblade, burn down a pool hall in Harlem. Good job...

Sara's tall, and has long strides and the Witchblade is using that to close in on Specs. "Give it up and you'll get a deal" Sara calls, as she's speculating. But she could take it up the chain...or not. Sara's trouble, and the Witchblade doubly so. They are both covering ground, the Witchblade using Sara for that....as the firey Witchblade gets into a sprint. Sprinting mass of fire, sure, that's safe.

Tombstone has posed:
As the pool hall burns in the background, Specs lets out another swear as he turns around and sees you coming closer. He suddenly rushes into an alleyway and, in a surpising show of athleticism, manges to grab onto a ladder for a fire escape and starts to climb it,obviously trying to get into the apartment building it was connected to

Witchblade has posed:
Simple answer....throw a jet of flame above Specs head. Did somebody just unleash a flamethrower? Well, the Witchblade's got pyrokinesis...and is using this majorly...and tearing the ladder away from the wall, bottom of it first. Specs, can he hang on to a swinging ladder? Hmm....good question, Witchblade. There's the shriek of metal being torn from metal, yowch, that sound, that's just....nails on a chalkboard level of irritation.

Tombstone has posed:
The combination of the flame above his head and tearing down the ladder causes Specs to lose his grip. He lets out a startled scream as he falls from the ladder and lands with a heavy thud on the ground below. He starts trying to get up on his feet, leaving himself vulnerable

Witchblade has posed:
The Witchblade uses Sara to stalk over. "Start talking and you get to live"

At this moment...this exact moent, the Witchblade is absolutely in control as Sara's fighting it internally for who gets to deal with Specs. A clawed hand points a finger at Specs. "You run, you die" it says. "You live, you go home"

Sara's at least got that little control really...mostly since, well, Pez is trouble, yet....yet she's got that tiny bit of control!

Tombstone has posed:
The man looks at you in fear and he is visably trembling at you at this point. Suddenly, he says in a fearful voice," Ok, ok. It was some of those $yndicate boys, they did a hit on the bastard to send a message to The Matadors. Stay out of The Big Man's turf." While he told you who shot Diaz, he failed to tell who the Big Man was.

Witchblade has posed:
"Names" Sara growls and looks over Specs. "You said it was a hit. I want names, addresses" she snaps and points a clawed finger at him. If she wanted to she could just....well, reach in and probably hook out a rib or two. Sara's not that cruel. The Witchblade however? Is, though Sara's wresting control back...

"Work with me. You live" she says not caring about the pool hall. She's assuming that people already called 9-1-1 to report it. Sara hasn't

Tombstone has posed:
"Alright, the $yndicate guys involved were Rodney Fields, Jeffrey Andrews, Elisha Dawns, and Philip Fields. I don't know where they live, i run with the Sons, not them." He looks absolutley terrified. Yet, he has still avoided incriminating the Big Man behind the hit.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara pulls out her phone calling it in. She's captured one of the Matador's gang members. And a pool hall got torched so....so.....good work, Sara. Oh she wants to 'talk' to him about this, but proceedue's an annoying thing. Still though, sirens are heard as Sara's called in units to help, and the wail of the fire department's siren and fighting the blaze the Witchblade started. Yeah, oops. Still it's inadvertently taken care of a criminal hangout. Just...yeah, Witchblade's more direct than Sara is. The idea of the Witchblade with a badge is sort of terrifying