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One Buffy, One Murph, one Bronze...and a lotta gossip
Date of Scene: 04 February 2020
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Buffy drinks, Karrin discusses things with her
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Buffy Summers

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The Bronze isn't Murph's typical hangout spot. Instead, she's here because she wants a change of pace. No alcohol. No danger of getting drunk and doing things she'll regret. Plus, she's liking Sunnydale...during the day. it's a little past three in the afternoon...and Murph's here, settled at a table. She's got an orange juice in front of her. And oh yeah. Murph is trouble, to a point. But right now, back from her night in the mountains, and that's one interesting story....Murph's wearing her usual gear and waiting on anyone to come settle at her table.

Buffy Summers has posed:
A change of pace is always nice, plus it lets Buff keep an eye on her little sister, who is even more of a trouble magnet than Murphy. Which is probably why she texted Murph to join her ahead of time. It's really a nice place, and on an early evening it's busy like always. Apparently there's some school formal going on so it's full of a lot of highschool kids.

But that's perfectly fine, it's not like Buff is here to meet anyone special or anything. She steps back from the bar, carrying two drinks; A Vodka spritzer for herself and Karrin, and her usual coffee. which is weird. Because Buff isn't big on coffee, but she doesn't want to get her BFF in trouble if she's on duty and trying to impress Sunnydale's police force.

"Here you go Karrin, so what do you think? Not as flashy as the Blue Lady but..." she sets the drinks down and sighs, watching Dawn dance a little too closely with some teenaged boy from her class. He at least doesn't look like a punk or bad boy like some of the other guys she's dated but Buffy still has her eye square on him..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph sips her coffee, "Skip the OJ htat was on the table when I got here" she smirks. "So what're you up to, Slayer?" she grins, watching Dawn too. Murphy's got her cop attention to detail, watching things. Looking over to Buffy, Karrin smiles. "Remind me not to go to the mountains again" she shrugss and looks relieved she got back here in one piece.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, trying not to watch Dawn and her new boyfriend TOO closely. Hey, she came here to hang out with Murphy and get to know her too, and possibly get some much needed info on Harry as well. "Ooh, are you into hiking? I'd love to go sometime..." as for her questinos, Buffy just shrugs, "Ohh, y'know, the usual..Work..School..Slaying. Nothing much new there. But I'd much rather talk about you and Harry." she narrows her eyes, leaning forward a bit in her seat. "Hmmm, Harry is an interesting person. I mean, what's his deal, he's so...Cynical and totally distrustful of Thomas. What's up with that?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head with a shrug, "He's been through a lot, really" she says cryptically. "He's just cynical and brutal because it keeps him alive" Murph adds with a sigh looking reluctant. "I just wish he wasn't so cyncnical at times, though. He's sweet when he opens up honeestly..." she says looking to Dawn again, shaking her head. Dawn better stay out of trouble. Watching Buffy again, Murph shrugs. "I don't know what's up with Thomas and Harry, really. That's just....I dunno. Not sure what to do with both of them honestly either. Ideas?" she asks sipping her coffee more.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow, "Keeps him alive? Really, is that what he thinks? I dunno.." she shrugs, taking a long sip of her vodka spritzer, "I mean, I understand what it's like, living the life we living, seeing the things we see, but..It just seems like he's really gonna miss out on life. That whole, taking the first step with you though, that's good.." Buffy smiles, "I think you're good for him..Especially after..What happened.."

She pauses, not sure if Murphy knows about Susan, but she most likely does, given that she knows him far better than Buffy. "Hmm, maybe I can invite them both to go patrolling with me or something? Guys like to bond over fighting and physical stuff, usually." she shrugs, "I mean, fighting beasties, not each other..I really wish Harry would get to trust Thomas more and realize that he's a really amazing person, once you get past the facade he puts on.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin sighs and nods, "Yeah, I hear you...but I still think Harry knows what he's doing though, y'know?" she says. "I mean he's lived this long. In his mind why change what works, I guess? So...what" she asks leaning forward, sipping coffeee more. "You been up to anyhow?" she asks, a glint in her eyes. "Pretty sure Mouse likes me though, so....you know he took up half the bed"

There's a not so subtle hinting there. Murph is ot a prudent teenager though....oh no she isn't. She's....well into bow chicka bow wow territory with Harry. Poor, pooor pets having to watch /that/

Murph though shakes her head and grins evilly, curious just what the Slayer's been up to. Also she's ready to leap out of her seat and go over the table to keep Dawn outta trouble.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Heh, I suppose you're right there. Just wish he'd learn to trust people more.." and there's that question again. Buffy blinks, looking only slightly nervous, "Umm, been up to? Me? Err..Nothing much..Like I said, just studying, patroling, working..." she bites her lip, drinking more quickly, glancing over at Dawn and her boyfriend some more. "So anyways, I wanna know more about Harry. Is he an orphan? An only child? Does he even know about his parents much..?" wow she sure is curious about him all of a sudden.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph gives Buffy a /look/ that all but says 'liar'. "So working, patrolling. Working at the Blue Lady huh? You and Thomas were at your party" Karrin observes. Swap the Bronze for an interview room and Murph could be interrogating Buffy. She's not though, and switches the subject to Harry. "Oh no no, his father had an involvemnt with magic" she says.

Murph looks to Buffy again, "I'm not walking you home if ou get drunk here, just saying. I could drive you back to the office to sleep it off" she says with a groan. "Yeah no. Don't need yo upuking in my Saturn. Love the hell outta a Buffy, but damn girl, don't you go puking on my seats, okay?" she asks. Buffy's totally somebody Murph adores. She's like her other little sister. Oh no, if Lisa and Buffy ever met...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks some more, totally feigning innocence. "Whaaat? You think I'm like, pulling a Faith or something?" she laughs some more, a bit nervously, "Heh, no way, I'm just a good, responsible girl, big sister to Dawn, hard working student and, um...." she takes another long sip of vodka. "Hard worker at work too.." oh. Yeah..Ummm the party..Was that a faint blush or just the alcohol in her system. "Yeah, umm so what..? He just bakd me a cake and..Umm..Stuff..."

Hmmm so his dad was involved in magic, huh..She's still grasping at straws, trying to figure out the connection between him and Thomas. How things went astray, why his mom left Thomas. But it's really not her business. She should quit being so nosy and leave it to Harry and Thomas to bond in their own time. Maybe that's best. If only Thomas would quit torturing himself over it.

"Umm, don't worry about me, I have to be responsible for Dawn, so I wont drink too much even though I do tend to get drunk easily..But for her sake, I have to stay sober, make sure she gets home safely..And that guy doesn't try and take advantage of her.." eyes narrow as she peers over at them again, noticing how closely they stand as they dance, the way he smiles at her. Grr..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's shareing the anger. She's got her hand in her jacket, on her holster. Yes. There /is/ a gun in there. Okay, okay, Nerf gun actually. Because Murph was buying it for one of her friends kid. It just fit nicely in her holster. So she looks like trouble. Looking over to Dawn, Karrin whistles waving her over. "Hey, Dawn. Come sit with us. I got you something"

Oh jeez. Giving Dawn a Nerf toy is akin to giving a curious kid pretend plastic weapons. Though....Murph is smart. No darts. Just the nerf gun. It's painted with the orange tip, too. Her real gun? Well that's stashed away safe.

Looking to Buffy, Murph nods. "You need me to call your folks and tell them what' sgoing on, just lemme know" she says gently. "I got my phone right here. But as for Harry.....yeah I wish he'd just open up at times too" she says simply.