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Latest revision as of 04:05, 18 March 2020

Devilish Dreams
Date of Scene: 31 January 2020
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Lucifer

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't hard to get into Club Lux for Carrie, even as a civilian. The bouncer at the door seemed more intersted in making sure the people that got in weren't armed than caring whether or not their ID matched or they were old enough. Which was fine enough for her--She couldn't very well show up looking for Lucifer dressed as Kestrel tonight even if that's her main purpose for showing up. The club was too crowded, and she didn't know the layout of the interior or where he would be. Later she would know. For now? She's just a young woman in a dark blue almost black bodycon dress that went to mid-thigh with a strappy purse slung over her shoulder, and her ginger hair done up with those fashionable loose curls that could be acheived with a flat iron twisted just right.

Being short was, as always, somewhat of a difficulty as she makes her way through the crowd rising up onto the toes of her flats to occasionally try and get a better glimpse of the club and it's interior through the crowd. She manages to make her way to one of the railings that overlooks the bar area, as well as that piano that he sometimes played. Pausing there she considers only a moment, before stepping up onto the rung of the railing to boost her height for a better vantage point.

Lucifer has posed:
"No, that's it," Lucifer is laughing at the immediate crowd near the piano. "No need to explode the feeble human minds with another go." He had, in fact, been playing, and there had been a hush over the club during the somewhat surreal performance, but he has since ended, and there's general chatter as the music from a different performance begins. There will be some dancers: dancers that had taken a little break to observe the dynamic Lucifer do his song.

There's a sense of something odd in the air; the breath that is released after the devil manipulated the crowd. Not in an extreme way, but he did do it. It's an ambiance thing. He scoops up a drink from a waitress, still reclined at the piano.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
That made things so much easier. Carrie steps down from her impromptu perch having caught only the tail end of that performance. Enough that she knew he could paly the piano now to say the least. There was a press of people as they shifted away from the center of attention to instead move to dance or refill their drinks, but she manages to wend her way through. It's only a short few moments before she comes up behind the seated Lucifer.

"Nice to see you've got more skills besides driving. Because that could use some work," she offers teasingly even though she knows he might not recognize her. Maybe he would recall her voice at least before turning around... Maybe not.

Lucifer has posed:
"Did I double park you in?" Lucifer asks in amusement, turning on the piano stool to look at Carrie. There's a brilliant smile in his eyes as well as on his face: Lucifer ramps emotions up to eleven ALL. THE. TIME. He doesn't show recognition, though, but pleasant? Yes.

"I have the strangest feeling that we've met. Something exciting happened. I was incredible," Lucifer says, with a squint of eyes, as if trying to pierce through her to the truth. There's nothing supernatural about it: he's not wielding any wrath of any god at her. Just trying to remember.

"Did we have sex? Was that it?" Lucifer asks. It's a shameless, open-ended question, not a flirtation. He honestly does not remember specifically, and that would be a logical guess based on the rest of what he was thinking was associated with her. He doesn't worry though, he shrugs suddenly with a brilliant smile, eyes flaring wide. "No worries; I'm sure it'll come to me. Or you'll tell me," Lucifer laughs. The driving thing wasn't enough, it seems.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sex? That was not expected in spite of his prior flirting the night they'd been out fighting in Gotham. Then again most of that charismatic personality was aimed at Stephanie at the time and not her. It was easy to forget that he seemed to do that for quite a few people, and so she blurts out, "Oh god no!" A single eyebrow raises as she brings her fist to her mouth coughing into it with a bemused smile. "No, we didn't have sex, though I do recall you threatened to kiss me." Should she out and out say it? It was a busy club. It was loud enough in other areas likely no one would overhear... Then again he didn't seem super subtle about things either.

Lowering her hand she offers it out for a shake as she re-introduces herself, "Just call me 'Kes'. I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time though, if you can pull yourself away from being the center of attention for a bit."

Lucifer has posed:
"God definitely would not have been involved in whatever we did," Lucifer says, cheeky and playful, with only a brief roll of eyes skyward, and a click of tongue against the inside of his teeth. He can never pass up an opportunity when people refer to God to say something. It's like a tick. "And I suspect you'd react a lot more positively overall," teases Lucifer. He stands elegantly from the piano bench, offering her his elbow in an entirely gentlemanly fashion. Despite his words that hit like a truck, he isn't physically doing any leering or anything of the sort. His verbiage doesn't entirely match the body language: the language of it is simply open to casual anything, but has no sense of being pushy about it. He's free and available, but doesn't inflict it. Choice matters.

"Absolutely, private time granted, Miss Kes. Come with me upstairs," Lucifer says, with a clear view towards naughty with what he might think she's actually asking for. Still, he'll just lead the way up the staircase towards the private suites up on the upper landing.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It's almost a relief when there seems to be no leering pressure in regards to his flirting. It almost makes it bearable even if she feels entirely out of place with such flirtations. That was a thought and matter for another time though. Her arm slides through his resting her hand lightly on his elbow as if she were at least familiar with this particular gesture. It wasn't the first time she'd been led by a taller guy in a suit with such a gesture.

Letting him lead the way she remains otherwise silent for now, just glancing on occasion at some decor or another as they pass. "This is really quite the place you've got here. Very... Lively," she has to admit. "And colorful."

Lucifer has posed:
"Kind of you to observe," Lucifer answers serenely, his dark eyes moving over the club. "I like it here, myself. Far cry from hell," Lucifer grins, lifting his whiskey glass a little towards the club as a whole, and then downing the whole contents of the glass. There's no flinch: it's more like he's having something he finds delicious. At the top of the stairs he flags down one of the wait staff, hands them the glass with a gesture that definitely means 'refill this', and looks at Carrie. There's a quick appraise of her, possibly for age.

"Drink order?" prompts the waiter, looking at Carrie. Meanwhile, Lucifer has moved to open the second door on the upper floor, which opens into a private room of couches and a low table: clearly for private meetings, or 'meetings'. It shuts out lots of the noise of music from the club but not all of it: just enough to make talking comfortable without shouting.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
When the waiter looks her over annd asks for a drink there's no hesitation as to what she orders. It's short, simple, sweet, and rolls off her tongue as if it were a muscle memory, knee jerk reaction to such a question. "Redbull, please."

With that she flashes the waiter a smile, and turns to follow after Lucifer into the much quieter area that he had led her to. A single breath is exhaled in a relieved sigh as she steps into the quieter area. "I'm really not used to music that loud, though I have to admit you do keep it quieter than a few other clubs I've been in." Smiling still she pauses to swing her purse forward. It's held in one hand while the other dips inside.

"Now that I have you alone, I just have a few questions for you." And out she pulls... a photograph. Who the hell uses photos these days?

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer doesn't question or judge her drink at the moment. He might later when she's sipping on it, but he doesn't actually care much about what she chose, so long as she did choose something. She's free to get the thing she wanted. However, Lucifer does wander into the room and plop down on the white leather couch. There's a box of chocolates in a decadent wrapper on the table, and he picks it up, selecting one to pop into his mouth while gesturing for her to be wherever she chooses, it seems. Any of the seating.

"Oh dear. I didn't know I was coming in here to be interviewed," Lucifer says, making a bit of a face, but his curiosity fans his expression from getting too dismal. He extends a hand to have her hand over her photograph. "If I'm feeling nice, I might even answer them," Lucifer teases.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finds a seat near Lucifer but not really NEXT to him. It's just enough for her to twist toward him to keep him in her sight as she offers the picture over. A wry smirk tugs at her lips at his mention of answering questions. "You got to drive my car and shoot people with flame throwers. I think a few questions aren't going to kill you," she points out as she finally, hopefully, gives him enough information to figure out who he is. "Besides I thought you would enjoy the potential excitement of getting involved in something again."

The photograph is of a bald headed man covered in tattos but otherwise dressed rather nicely. He's Asian in descent, obviously, but tall and built. "You haven't happened to see this man around, by chance? We've got reports that he's come into Gotham and begun looking for a new base of operations to set up a kidnapping ring. He likes to work out of clubs. Since you hear more about the..." Carrie considers the wording. "'Fun' side of the local night life, I thought you might have heard something."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer figures out who she is, finally, with the latest hint. It isn't every day he drives a Batmobile. "/Ohhhhh/," Lucifer laughs, snapping his fingers, as he chews the overly rich chocolate. "Now I know what you're from. Fast and the Furious. Of course," Lucifer says, with a enormous grin, his eyes widening, reflective of more than just the amiant light in the room: he's sometimes like having an icepick drilled into your forehead, with the intensity his gaze is capable of reaching.

"You should have said so sooner. Of course I'll look at your pics, but I do hope for some tit in them," Lucifer says, no filter, and playful, but there isn't any pressure about it, again. He's just being honest. He does hope.

"Mmmmmm. Kidnapping ring. Well, I do have some police connections about this particular case. Personally, hasn't wandered across my desk yet. Should he, do you have a contact, other than shining a bright light into the sky?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Fast and the... Of course he was teasing. For just a moment though Carrie's expression turns into that more somber, serious one she likely wore a good portion of that night. She'd already slipped slightly into 'business mode' given the information she was seeking so it wasn't a hard thing to do. The last part however earns a good natured roll of her eyes along with a chuckle. "That's the Boss, not me," she has to attest with a little shake of her head. Dipping her fingers into her purse again she pulls out a business card with a number. Simple, sweet, nothing else identifying about it. "*I* have a cellphone. You can call or text this any time if you have information or something comes up that might be up my alley." There's a pause and she adds, "Metaphorical alley. I know I hang out in them a lot but it's part of the job."

Lucifer has posed:
"Come now, I'll just put you into my contacts. Save a fucking tree, and all that," Lucifer suggests, his language use intended to directly counteract the suggestion that he cares about trees at all. He does whip out his mobile phone, winking at her brazenly, and lazily uses his thumb to navigate to new contacts.

"Kes, as I recall," Lucifer says, accepting her card just to key the digits into it, and then offers the card back between two slender fingers, extended almost lazily.

"Do send Red back to see me, won't you? It's been a while, and he was on edge the last time. I don't like to /prod/, you see, but I might be curious if he's had a meltdown," Lucifer says cheerfully, though his brows do drop a little, an expression that he might give a shit.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Well that works too. Carrie takes the card back with a little chuckle tucking it back into her purse for now. Whatever else may be in there is impossible to see, really and she's quite happy to keep it that way. It's nudge to the side to rest on the couch beside her rather than on her lap. "Right, Kes works. And Red is..." She glances to the side with a twinge of guilt at the thought.

"Having girl issues. Again. The blonde, remember? They finally got together..."

"Why am I telling you this?" She blurts out with a sigh. "I'll let him know next time I see him. Whenever he finally surfaces again at least."

Lucifer has posed:
"I just have one of those faces," the Devil answers calmly with a flex of hand back towards his visage, and then flicks the hand up and back with a toss of his head as if he were a diva tossing his hair back. It's overwhelmingly fabulous, particularly on this particular individual, as he grins and laments, "We all have our /crosses/ to bear. Incidentally, I embrace mine, and I'm happy to listen if you'd like to talk about it."

Lucifer smiles smoothly, resting back on the couch, one arm draped over the back as his othed hand undoes his jacket button to improve his comfort, or show more of bright red shirt underneath the jackt - either way.

"I do recall the blonde, certainly. But she's not here."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
That causes Carrie to pause as she glances away just slightly. Trying to be serious or not, trying to be here for The Job or not, she had much weighing on her mind lately. For just a moment she allows herself to feel tired when he offers to listen. It was a tempting offer.

"If I went on about my issues, I'd ruin my mascara. I've had a... pardon the phrase... Hell of a time lately," she offers back with an almost stubborn smile that barely managed to hide the hurt she felt creeping up inside. "Just feel like I've lost one of my best friends at a time I could use him most."

"That whole incident the other month with the city being over run... Lot of people died that night. Had a lot on my mind."

More than just on her mind. She leans her head forward to run her hand over her face quickly before blurting out, "If you're really the devil, can you tell who's gone to where?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Hell is, absolutely, terrifying beyond your current comprehension, and absolutely should be used as an extreme example of something awful," Lucifer grants her evenly, giving the assurance she seems to want about it, and no pardon.

"Indeed, abandoed by your confidant? Ugh. I mostly do distractions here, not actually dealing with deep issues." Lucifer is being cheeky, but not unsympathetic.

"Who's gone to where? If I choose. I'm on vacation now, and I don't carry around a giant Santa's list of who is naughty and who is nice, so if you have someone specific -- well. I'm not in the business of being an information farm, particularly if it means I have to go to Hell." Lucifer scoots down a little on hte couch, putting his heels on his coffee table, as if to suggest he's comfortable. "Besides, while I am behind asking questions -- always -- I would say quite honestly: you don't need the answer."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Yes, that's pretty much it." He'd summed the situation up nicely. Carrie shifts, sitting up again and taking a swipe at her eyes with the heel of her thumb almost angrily. They were betraying her well enough with a little bit of dampness there. "And you're probably right. I probably don't need to know. Just a thought."

She seems quite ready to move on with the matter, and clears her throat. Yet again, only to blurt out what was on her mind. "My parents were in the rooftop garden massacre."

The incident of which she speaks was likely well reported on. Over 30 people slashed to death by a madman. Only a few survived by hiding in the restaurant's walk-in freezer until the Bats had arrived on scene.

Carrie claps her hands down against her thighs with a firm nod. "Distractions? I could probably use one of those myself."

Lucifer has posed:
The Red Bull she ordered is brought in by the waiter, who drops it off as well as Lucifer's whiskey, and departs quickly. There was only a brief glance at Lucifer, but the fact that his boss was ignoring him was quite a significant hint about what was expected.

"I see," Lucifer says, tone immediately swining dark, and a frown melts through Lucifer's generally overly cheerful visage. The vacation was partially gone for a moment, and the serious downturn is possibly pretty chilling: Lucifer's emotions, in all directions, are powerful things, with a lot of visual fanfare to them.

"Has that villain been found?" Lucifer asks. "If not, I'm willing to step in, and lend some justice to this matter," he says, in a way that suggests there might be anal scorpions applied to the slasher, should Lucifer get him.