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Latest revision as of 03:53, 20 March 2020

The Witch And The Steak Sandwich
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Willow and Nick have really good sandwiches.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Willow Rosenberg

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is a pleasant day and with pleasant days, the need to leave the home during your free time is strong. And so, although a bit tired from a certain spell cast to benefit a certain Slayer, Nick is out! And He's a bit peckish. So why not get one of those awesome steak sandwiches Karrin's introduced the musician to?

Can't think of a reason? Neither can Nick.

And so! It is lunchtime, there is a lunchtime crowd and a happy little Nick seated at a table eating away at a generously sliced steak sandwich with a half full glass of Mac's home brew. YUM!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow hasn't been her before the trip to England. Of course he would pick there! It lunch time, it can't be to bad. Or can it?

Before she can chance her mind, she enters, and looks around for Nick. Spotting him, she makes her way, and without a how do you do, sits.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Willow sits down, Nick looks over to her, giving a nod of greeting as he finishes chewing the bite of food he has in his mouth currently.

"Hi Willow." He verbally adds in for greeting upon the food being swallowed. "Get here okay?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Her cheeks flame pink. "How did you know?" Darnit! She thought she was being sneaky.


"Do you mind if I ate?" Since she was here after all.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Peripheral vision." Nick replies, matter of factly. "Very helpful when on stage with other people." Hearing the rumble he grins, "Not at all. Actually one second..."

Grabbing one of the spare napkins, he sets it down in front of Willow and then rotates his plate so the half sandwich he hasn't touched yet is within Willow's reach. "I'll go put in an order for another one and just take one of the halves from that." He says, getting up. "Help yourself." He pauses, "Lemonade, right?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Yes please!" She helps herself the one half sandwich. "How did you know?"


"Oh, I guess she talks about of me," Willow nods to herself. "How did you come to meet her?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chuckles, moving back to the bar to place in the order. The Lemonade comes out sooner to which Nick retrieves for the redhead. Setting it down next to the plate.

"I guessed." Nick admits, glancing towards the bar to monitor the status of the other sandwich. "I met her through kind of a combination between Karrin and The Blue Lady," he answers, "Kind of an in passing thing though."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"And you don't think it weird I prefer lemonade?" She takes an overlarge swallow. "Thank you. But who is Karrin, and we'll a guess The Blue Lady kinda racy bar - I not oblivious. I mean I know the are things out there. I just want to pretend? "

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Considering I've tasted the lemonade and know how Karrin just downs those like crazy, no. Not weird at all." Nick replies back.

Karrin's an old family friend of mine. Who is friends with Buffy. Annnd The Blue Lady is a jazz club that I sometimes play piano at and Buffy has, or had, a job there."

He's not entirely sure on Buffy's working status. But it would be very weird to continue working for a boss you're having relationship problems with.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"So not as much I think. Hrm. Would you tell me not to go, or?" Willow gets a half curious look, wondering. "I went over to England and I return to this. Maybe I was stupid. Am I?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick sees the sandwich being set out, "One second."

He gets up quickly, moving to the bar to retrieve the food and is soon back at the nearby table, setting the plate down. "Ok. Lift up the half you're working on annnd-"

He slides the older plate away, moves half of the sandwich from the new plate over to it and then moves that plate in front of Willow.

"If you were traveling, it's very understandable not to have noticed some things. I miss stuff a lot too."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I guess? But it more that that. I guess I just thought I were never ever ever to change. Only that was stupid. I mean I did. Bummer."

She takes second sandwich with thanks. "I am stupid. At least when non-graded are concerned. Mathematics? Science? Astrophysics? But real life, blah."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Now back with a sandwich half for himself, Nick picks up his portion. Smiling to it before hearing Willow's comments. The sandwich lowers, setting back onto the plate as he turns his attention to the younger woman.

"People have their strengths and weaknesses." The musician points out, "And our shortcomings make us interesting. If peope were perfect, they'd get boring pretty quick. So what if you're more book smarts than street smarts? There are people with the opposite issue. And Math and Science, those are some heavy hitters when it comes to making some pretty damn good improvements to the world."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Yea, but but..." Willlow puts her sandwich down. "This is the first time I realized maybe she doesnt need me anymore." The sandwich is pushed away from her.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ok. You're way off there." Nick replies, shaking his head, "If anything about the rescue and yesterday tells me anything its that she REALLY could use a friend that she can trust and talk to."

He casts a side look to Willow, "Someone, not vampiric, not male, and known her a sizable chunk of her life."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's voice crackles as she asks for reassurance, "You arent just saying that, are you?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No." Nick says matter of factly, "She needs someone who knows what she's like to call her on her bull. Someone who can just as easily make up with her without the extra drama. And I can't think of anything better than 'like siblings'. "

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There is a short, sharp breath from Willow. And Nick is covered is with Willow's arms, "Thank you! Even if you are telling me just to make me happy." There are another squish of arms, and a peck on cheeks.