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Latest revision as of 04:07, 20 March 2020

BH: Madri and the Magneto
Date of Scene: 14 January 2020
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Polaris, Multiple Man

Magneto has posed:
     Visit scenic Genosha, where the beaches are beautiful and their resorts are filled with bombs! The incident with Jamie Junior had reached Magneto's ears mere moments before the Princess called for a portal to the Palace.

  The portal had been opened to the throne room of the Genoshan Royal Palace, and amongst three of the Royal Guard was Magneto. He was dressed in light regalia, a suit and purple sash, adorned with medals he'd earned in the revolution. His white hair had been styled sharply, and the King stood fast, facing the portal that Lorna had called.

  Here in the throne room, were the four thrones set for the family. The largest and most opulent was Erik's, of course, which stood center stage, flanked by two on the King's left, and one on the right, a symbol of Lorna's ascent to Heir Apparent.

  "I want status reports from the fire brigade and the police, as soon as they can. And an update on our VIPs at the resort." He commanded an acolyte, handing over a data pad, sending him on his way.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped through the portal, keeping eyes and senses trained behind her before she twisted her attention back around to face her father and the throne room. It would seem her mention of going to Argentina had either been a bluff, or something else had delayed the Princess' intent to leave. She wore her light linen blouse and wide legged trousers. Her sandals clicking lightly with each step. She'd lost her sunhat at some point and her sunglasses sat perched on the crown of her head.

A glance was spared for her father, before her focus returned to Jamie in concern. A hand still held out to help him should he need it. Portal travel had been rough on the man before, and she wasn't about to drop him after he'd just reabsorbed Jamie Junior and collapsed.

"Easy does it Jamie, you're safe here. The throne room is heavily guarded." She murmured softly, and her focus returned to her father. She bowed her head politely, a nod, and straightened.

"There was no fire father, but I felt it was the safest means of clearing the area should anything happen with the explosives I detected. Luckily nothing did, but you'll want to send a bomb squad to dissemble it." She glanced between Jamie and her father again.

Multiple Man has posed:
What a day, right? Visiting tropical islands full of like minded people and... of course, it was not as anticipated. Hell, in Jamie's opinion? It went WAY better than it could have. Not even a speck of blood or property damage. That has to count for somethng, he tells himself before mustering the steel set needed to walk through another portal and into... Magneto's throne room.

Sliding through time and space, it wreaks havoc on his mind and body. He's not used to this. Not after all these years. Stepping through to the oppulent room of thrones, guards and magnetically gifted mutants, Jamie nods a thanks to Lorna before doubling over. Hands on his knees and trying to gather his thoughts. The whirlwind of memories falling into place like tumblers in a lock. "Hooooooooo boy. That sucks." He says with a weak chuckle.

Sloooowly, he straightens out. Jamie Madrox. The Multiple Man. Dressed as he -always- is. Brown overcoat. Emerald, form fitting shirt with an easily recognizeable design. Jeans and skull kicker boots. "I left two Madri behind. Gathering evidence. Taking pictures. They'll be out whisper quiet before anybody notices a thing." Raking both hands tbrough dark hair, he offers the Master of Magnetism a lopsided, weak smile. "Erik. I can explain."

Magneto has posed:
     "Severen!" Magneto calls out to the exiting Acolyte. "Make sure the bomb squad is on hand." He bids, waving off and allowing him his leave.

  Magneto was standing next to his throne, arm draped by its side. He returns the nod, with all the grace and regality as Magneto normally carries himself with. The man was larger than life, and his presence had that air of weight. "By all means, Madrox. Do explain. Because right now, it seems like one of your duplicates has just turned one of our most visited and revered resorts into a bomb-fortified bunker. Of which I am sure that the media will take note of. You just dealt a blow to our tourism trade, Mister Madrox." Yep, the implications of this situation had made Magneto just a tinge bit steamed. Not enough to rip Jamie a new one, but that didn't mean Erik couldn't make it seem like such.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped away from Jamie as he caught himself and stood on his own two feet. Portal travel was hard for those that were unused to it, she'd taken portals so often she barely noticed the passage of space and time around her. It helped to be anchored to the poles as well for reorienting herself. She stepped lightly toward her father, closing the distance to a more conversational level so as to not have to raise her voice to be heard throughout the throne room's cavernous steel structure.

"I'm sure it can be handled well enough to not scare away everyone father. After all, we live on an island where many people have the power of those bombs at the tips of their fingers. No one was harmed, everyone is safe, and with some careful hands everything can be righted." She murmured, her gaze swinging toward Jamie.

"And beyond that Jamie has some troubling news to speak with you in regards to why his dupe did what he did, father."

Multiple Man has posed:
A little pale. A touch of green around the figurative gills but he's making a sterling comeback. He may not be invulnerable but the man could bounce back like a tennis ball. A certain natural tenacity that lends well to his line of gritty work. The memories may be fuzzy. Disconnected but they're his now. "Kill switch behind the picture of Cyclops in clown makeup." Jamie says to the departing Acolyte.

Straightening his collar, Jamie began the tense walk -toward- Magneto and Lorna. He taps his temple as a free hand fishes out a pack of cigarettes from an inner pocket. "Junior is back where he belongs. So it's kinda like I set it up... I didn't. Gotta be clear about that. But still." He doesn't spark up. Waiting to see if he's chided or yeeted out of the building first. An easy, fluid grace carries the man closer at his own peril. Casual gestures. Eye contact. He's not presenting a soft facade if he can help it. Not here. Not now.

"I truly am sorry about all of this. From the bottom of my heart. I had no idea what he was doing this last year. He's been sending me weird letters and pictures. Careful to cover his tracks. This time? He made it clear. I had to find him. What I found? Well, not too happy about that myself." Lofting a brow beneath that black M for Mutant inked into his face, Jamie shrugs. "It can be sorted. Junior had blackmail material on the owner at the resort. Lean on him and he'll fold. Bad for business if he doesn't. But that's not the big problem... Nah. I really stepped in it and tracked it onto your carpet. I want to fix that."

Magneto has posed:
     Erik remains standing for now, eager to listen to what is going on. Lorna's attempts to assuage Magneto's...proper response, does work though. "Be it as it may, I want to hear from the proverbial horse's mouth."

  The white haired man looks a bit unamused at the concept of the owner having dirt on which to be leaned on. Words shall be had, no doubt. "As long as your duplicate's folly is repairable, then it shall be taken care of. At least those bombs did not go off, that's the last thing we needed, to have a bomb go off and throw everyone into hysterics."

  "To speak with me?" He asks, looking to Lorna. "What exactly is going on?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, wishing that Jamie would just tell her father what he had learned. She knew her father's patience when it came to Genosha's safety was limited. She arched a brow at the remark about the 'dirt' Jamie had on the resort's owner and she shook her head slightly. A look of faint exasperation followed as she crossed her arms around her waist. She glanced around the room at the remaining Acolyte guards and back to Jamie and her father.

"I came here with Jamie because he asked me for help, after he'd tracked down where his dupe was, I came along for not only his safety but also Genosha's. I'm still weak on the details father, so it's best that Jamie explains exactly what's going on with his dupe." And speaks of needing the Brotherhood, that was something she wasn't going to broach.

She waved a hand in Jamie's direction lofting an eyebrow upward.

Multiple Man has posed:
"This horse?" Jamie asks with a hand to his chest, brow arched. Nobody said so much as a peep, so Madrox sparks up his local brand menthol cigarette. A polite distance away from the thrones and finery, of course. He's no savage. "Of course, of course." He says with a flat, accepting tone. The head shake from Lorna gets a playfully bashful shrug. "What? People are still people. Everybody has secrets. It's my job." A soft smile, he mouths a silent apollogy before letting out a heavy, centering sigh.

"It's like this: One of my Dupes went off the Res. Haaaaard. He's been trying to frame me for some weird heists. Successfully, mind you. I thought it was 'Junior'. He'd been screwing with me for well over a year. But Junior was on the case before me. That rogue? He wants to become me. Prime real estate." Taking a long drag, he exhales upward. Already feeling back to his old self and then some. "Junior had the lions share of my paranoia and anger. He was a little off his rocker but he had the facts. That sneaky bastard gets me out of the way? We're talking population explosion."

A flippant hand wave dashes the horrific news away. "He won't. He can't. I'm on it and I'll make sure this is all tied up nice and neat."

Brows furrow low. Smile faded away like so much smoke. "He wanted to use the Brotherhood like a hammer. We both know that would never work... but what he had up here?" He says while tapping his temple. "Is mine now. I see things differently. Erik. No tricks. No lies. No funny business. I want to join the Brotherhood."

Magneto has posed:
     "Yes, that horse. So: Out. With. It." Magneto comments, a little sharp, but he had little patience when it came to things like this, as Lorna very well knew.

  "So you have a duplicate that wants to kill you and become you." He followed along, two fingers pressed up against his brow, approaching his temple. Then the Brotherhood was mentioned, and that got Erik's attention real quick. A quick glance to Lorna before he holds up a hand, looking behind himself to the royal guard. "Leave us, and seal the doors, no one comes in until this business is concluded.

  Magneto had been doing as much as he could to distance the Brotherhood from Genosha proper, often portaling to New York and back. Before Fortress M, the Brotherhood as a whole seemed to have gone underground, and Magnus himself had spoken not a word about it. But the Brotherhood had shown itself back in a big way when Megneto took strike teams to the New York coast, threatening action of the US stood idly by as they did. The Brotherhood would succeed where the X-Men failed, Magneto was sure of that. "This talk does not leave this room."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shifted her weight on her toes, and as Jamie explained some of the details, she pursed her lips together. "You're leaving out the part in the whole, replace you and everyone on the planet with more of him.. you.." She waved vaguely in Jamie's direction. Dupe of Jamie that would still, she assumed, look like him no matter what.

As her father gestured for the guards to leave she glanced toward the doors, running her powers up the walls and the seams therein. She knew her father had started up activities again in the US. To the extent, she wasn't sure. She hadn't exactly been let in on any of her father's plans when it came to the Brotherhood. Unlike Wanda and Pietro in the past... Lorna had never stood with the Brotherhood. Her ties being almost exclusively with Genosha and the public side of things.. Still, here she stood.

Her gaze swung to her father and she waved her hands, metal growing up from the floor to create a chair that wasn't a throne, but something far simpler. Something that could easily be returned to the metal structure of the palace at will again when she was done using it.

"You better get right to the point of it Jamie.." She warned softly.

Multiple Man has posed:
Truth be told, not many people found Jamie genuinely funny. He was a smart ass. Sarcastic. At times caustic in his judgement and those jokes? Well, they tend to fall flat in serious situations such as this. One hand left to lazily sweep and gesture as he talks, cigarette between his knuckles trailing minty grey smoke. "Tip of the iceberg but yeah. Pretty much nailed it in one, Erik."

Pretty casual in his name use, Jamie closes more of that distance between them. The way he sees it, after a man tries to kill another man with a thrown ambulance? They're on a first name basis for life. "See, that's the thing, Lorna. Junior was a little unhinged. He wasn't wrong but his theory made some pretty strong leaps. Could he do it? Theoretically, yes. This Dupe has close ties to Hydra. He's well funded. Has my memories and talents. But he can only make one copy at a time. He cuts out the middle man? Yeah, it's gonna get messy." Jamie Prime frowns some then. "He wants to replace us all with -me-. Him. Humans. Mutants. All Jamie Madrox. But I'm thinking kind of a jerk too."

When Magneto demands privacy, Jamie goes quiet. Watching the guards leave, he doesn't say a word until silence follows fading footsteps. "This M on my face doesn't stand for Madrox. It stands for Mutant. Ask Bishop about his home timeline. It was a dumpster fire with rabies full of used needles. I -see- it all clearly. I know what you've done here. We both know that Charles's dream is a beautiful thing but let's be honest. It's just that. A dream. I... I owe that man my life. So many times over. But I can't and won't just watch kids get killed when something needs to be done."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto's ice blue eyes look Jamie directly in the face as he explains himself. "Then you understand what I am trying to do. And what needs to be done." He looks to Lorna. "The Brotherhood as it stands now is not the Brotherhood that was. And it will not be. We are to ensure mutant rights are secured. Where diplomacy fails, we ensure the safety of mutants around the globe. I don't want to kill humans. But I will hold those responsible for our persecution accountable."

  The comment to the both of them clearly shows the charter of this incarnation of the Brotherhood.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hesitated, and glanced briefly toward her father and then back to Jamie, her arms crossed once more. "Whatever it is your dupe is planning, I hope just hope we can stop it. I like you as Jamie, thank you very much." She smiled softly, forcing some lightness into her tone. It was easier to make a joke about it than to try to figure out what to do going forward. How to be certain that the Jamie in front of her was the Jamie she'd run into later? After all, from a distance, a dupe was more or less the same.

Still, she held her tongue as her father and Jamie moved the conversation onward. She knew the old arguments from her father. Even if they were built on a new twist. She didn't argue Jamie's words, she understood them, and agreed with much of it. She'd been warned by Cable. Been warned by Sebastian's presence from the future.. and well, it was a bleak outlook. And she did love the Professor. He was practically a second father and mentor to her..

But she still argued with her birth father and his beliefs all the time too.

As Magneto glanced her way, she pursed her lips and looked down, shifting in her seat.

"You know my thoughts father on all of this. I don't necessarily disagree with you, it's why I'm here after all. I simply put Genosha first and foremost... and you know I worry over the international reactions to whatever is attributed to the royal house as a result." She rolled her shoulders back, and exhaled roughly. "I need to speak with you in private when you're done here. Jamie, I think you and my father have details to discuss that I might be better off not knowing. As my father has said before.. Plausible deniability and all." She got up, waving and returning the metal chair to the floor.

Then she nodded to Jamie, moved to give her father's arm a gentle touch, and made to depart.

Multiple Man has posed:
There is no looking away when the Master of Magnetism locks that cold, sky blue stare on him. This isn't the first time they've met but this may very well be tbe first time they see eye to eye. "Better than I have before. Absorbing Junior opened my eyes wider than ever. I see it, Erik. What's more is I've seen the future and it's not one I can allow to happen."

A final drag off his cigarette and Jamie licks thumb and index finger. Pinching out the smoldering cherry with a sizzle. Smooshed butt stuffed into a pocket. "I don't -want- to kill humans. I don't want to kill anybody, to be honest. I do, however, want to stomp on the face of anybody who would do something like this," He says while pointing to that unmistakeable M stabbed into his skin. "To a child just because they are different. I can't live with those kind of people getting away with a slow burn genocide."

Bowing his head with a light chuckle, Jamie nods in agreement and appreciation of Lorna's lightening of the rooms vibe. "I'm very inclined to agree with you, Lorna." Both hands in his pockets now, Multiple Man lifts his head with a curiously arched eyebrow. "I don't mean to put you on the spot, Lorna. What we do at the school? It's important. End of the day? So is what Erik wants to do. You understand better than most." A lopsided smirk dares twist the corner of his mouth. "Thank you. For not letting me get blown up."