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Latest revision as of 04:08, 20 March 2020

Hello there!
Date of Scene: 10 January 2020
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cheetah, Wonder Woman

Cheetah has posed:
Barbara-Ann Minerva, the founder and Queen B of Cats Eye Cosmetics, who is being trailed by an impressed entourage, stalks down the corridor of Titan tower -- Metropolis' premiere (and massive) office building - toward the nearest elevator. She is being her usual, "charming" self: barking commands to her toadies while barking separate commands into her cellphone. Arriving before one of the many, many elevator doors, one of Minerva's assistants taps the button. The doors fold open and Minerva stalks in without paying much attention to whoever else might be inside. She /does/ notice that the elevator car is slightly smaller than she's used to "Take the stairs." she growls to her assorted peons as the door closes in front of her nose leaving her motley crew standing in the corridor.

Wonder Woman has posed:
As it so happens Diana has a friend who works in this building, she once tutored a young woman that society cast away, who has now grown into her middle aged years and just so happens to run a business housed in this very tower. Diana had come to have lunch with her on the balcony of her office's floor.

That lunch was over now, obviously, and the Themysciran Princess is standing in the very elevator that Minerva is stepping inside of. Wearing a white blazer with matching white slacks, Diana's hair is tied back into a loose ponytail that dangles down behind her shoulders. Her hands are together over a small white designer bag that she holds in front of her.

Her eyes raise from a display on the elevator's wall up to Minerva when she sweeps into the elevator. She'd heard some of what Minerva had been saying to her underlings and it caused a sly grin to cross her red hued lips.

After the elevator doors shut, and the car starts it downward trip, Diana speaks up, her smoky voice soft, calm and laced with that very non-American accent. "The stairs are a healthier alternative anyway." She tries to make a joke to lighten the mood and break the ice for this elevator trip.

Cheetah has posed:
By now, Minerva has terminated her phone call. The phone has migrated from her ear and is now taking a pummeling from Barbara's staccato strike thumb-typing. If there is a hell for cellphones it probably looks (and feels) something like this.

Already halfway through a particularly salty tirade, the sudden intrusion of Diana's voice gives Minerva a little start. The crimson curtain of Barbara's long, red hair moves to one side as she turns toward the source of the sound. She starts to speak, "You..." her tone is sharp but is followed by a beat of silence as the realization of who she is speaking to dawns in real time, "...You." Barbara would know that face anywhere; she's spent many an hour hating it. "You...are probably right." She quickly averts her gaze to the elevator's control panel. Okay. Be cool. Be cool. Her thumbs have stopped typing.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes remain locked on the face of the other as she begins to look back. As her response starts to formulate, Diana reacts to it with a growing smile upon her red lips. Her slim pointed chin is gently angled downward to show a sense of kindness due to this being a somewhat forced social interaction due to the confined spaces of an elevator car. But, when the other replies to her she raises her chin more confidently.

The Themysciran Princess extends her right hand to her. "I am Diana, Prince." She starts her introduction. "I take it you are the... head of a very stressful, yet hopefully lucrative, business here in this lovely tower?" She asks, a hint of playful joy underlying her words, an attempt to be friendly and sew a good casual core to this little momentary interaction within this presumably short downward ride.

Cheetah has posed:
Fun fact: psychopaths recover quickly. Minerva turns back to Diana this time a warm smile has swept across her face. She takes Diana's hand in hers, "Barbara-Ann Minerva." Like you didn't know. "Stressful is hardly the word!" Barbara peers skyward and playfully tosses up her hand (having retrieved it from that thieving Amazon). "Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed." The cell phone disappears into the pocket of her dark blazer. Who wears white after Labor Day?

Picking up the remaining threads of Diana's greeting, "No, this isn't mine." Barbara makes an offhand gesture around the elevator. "I'm on the other side of town." Yeah, that's right. She has her own tower. A big one. You won't be invited so don't even ask. A quizzical expression settles over Minerva's features, "I feel like we've met somewhere before. Were you one of the girls who interviewed to be my new PA?" Savage burn! Before Diana can reply the elevator gives a little jolt and the lights flicker. Barbara's green eyes peer about, "What was that..?" The elevator car gives a gentle shudder and the ever-present feeling of motion suddenly comes to a halt.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The name of Minerva alone strikes a little bit of a chord within Diana, but she doesn't comment on it as of yet since its flown past on to other subjects from the woman who seems to have opened up a little more now. Diana's chin gently lowers again as she keeps her eyes upon the other whilst listening intently to what she says.

Slowly a smile spread over Diana's lips again. "I do not believe I did, but does it pay well?" She asks, gently tilting her head. "Perhaps I will consider i--" Diana cuts herself off as well when the elevator is halted suddenly. "That is... odd." Diana then states, her eyes sweep around the top of the elevator, then down around its edges as well, looking for answers not just with her eyes but also her ears but she hears nothing outside of the car out of place.

"Lets try the emergency alert." She'd seen it when she'd boarded and rode the elevator up the first time.

So now Diana gives her a chance, an opportunity, she steps forward and places her back to Minerva, the tall Amazonian Princess now standing and facing the control screen on the edge of the Elevator's front wall, beside the doors. She is using her right hand to tap the screen and get to the Alert section to contact the Tower staff. "I am sure they will get to us quickly." Diana says with her back to Barbara.

Cheetah has posed:
Barbara totally saw that emergency alert thing-y when she got on the elevator, too. In fact, she was /just/ about to use it herself until Diana cut in. "Yes. Yes, I'm sure they will." Barbara replies to Diana's attempt at reassurance. Her voice has an odd, dreamy quality to it like a cat mesmerized by a staring at a caged canary. "How quickly do you suppose?" Behind Diana, in the space between the two women, Barbara's hands start to creep up, claw-like, almost of their own accord. Unseen by the Amazon, an awful, terrible, no-good leer starts to infiltrate Barbara's otherwise friendly smile. For a moment, for a second, it looks like she just might....

With herculean effort, Minerva forces her hands to clasp together near her chest in damsel-like repose and a look of concern replaces the near-inhuman expression of malice that had previously been there. "I'm glad I'm not stuck in here...alone."

Wonder Woman has posed:
One thing that might dissuade the back attack is that the panel on the wall of the elevator comes to life with the face of a Security Officer at the desk in the lobby. He may get a good look at Barbara if she were to lunge at the Princess, oh no!

When his face does come up, he's primarily greeted with the face of Diana Prince who offers the man a smile. An exchange is held between the two, Diana explains the situation and the man says he'd already gotten the alert on it and that they were dispatching a team to work on the issue. He goes on to say that that elevator had been serviced last week and they'd cut ties with the company that did the work because they hadn't had a good experience with them, he profusely apologies for the inconvenience and then proceeds to ask Diana if she would sign an autograph for him once the situation was resolved.

Diana politely plays along, she even seems utterly happy and pleased to interact with this man and shares not one but TWO jokes with him that make them both laugh before the conversation comes to an end and the screen flips back to the status of the team coming to assist.

Diana turns around then and places her back to the wall of the elevator and she looks to Barbara gain. "Very kind people here." She says to the other woman sharing in this oh-so-harrowing moment with her. "It seems we are to bare one another's company a little longer. I hope that I am not an utter annoyance for you." She exhales sharply, playfully and glances skyward. "So what is it that you do, MIss Minerva? I love that name by the way. It makes me want to ask if you have a pet owl... if you get the reference, of course."

Cheetah has posed:
Ugggh! Minerva's eyes roll back in her head as Diana and that sad sap on the other end of the video feed banter on. Out of sight, she wobbles her head back and forth and works her mouth wordlessly in Mean Girl style mockery. Her countenance seamlessly returns to "concerned" just as Diana spins 'round to find nothing out of place. "An owl? No, I have a pair of che...canaries. I have two darling canaries. I love birds." At a technical level that is not a lie. Diana's next cut is the deepest.

"What do I do..?" Barbara's conniving grinds to a halt for half a second while she tries to determine if Diana is insulting her. What? She's Barbara-Ann Minerva. *THE* Barbara-Ann Minerva! In the end she decides that Diana is merely a simpleton. "I...have my own business." She (skillfully) feigns humility, "I'm sure you've never heard of it. We do a great deal of charitable work -- women's issues, mostly. It's all very low key." Yeah. Low key. Like that two-page spread in the Daily Bugle touting Cats Eye's initiatives. Minerva shifts gears, "Sorry, did I hear that /charming/ gentleman ask for your autograph?" She leans in conspiratorially, "Are you a celebrity?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's hands remain in front of her as she leans back against the silver wlal of the elevator's side. Her brown eyes remain on Barbara and she has a soft and casual smile upon her lips as she listens to her. "Oh really?" She perks up some when she hears the nature of the other's business. "That sounds precisely like something I would be interested in helping with." She relays, before she shows a hint of a grin to the woman, they mutually seemingly not knowing one another.

"I do not know if I would use the word 'celebrity' but... Public figure? Yes." She states then. "I am with the Justice League here in Metropolis, and I am the ambassador to my people, the island nation of Themyscira. I represent their interests within the United Nations in Manhattan. 'Wonder Woman' is the name that the media has given me over the years." Its entirely possible for someone to not know her, she accepts this and kind of likes it really.

"I would be more than happy to learn more about your endeavors and offer ways that we might be able to cross benefit one another? Charities toward the betterment of women are a key element of what I do, after all."

Cheetah has posed:
Suffering Sappho! It's like the two women are sisters! They believe in the same thing: the betterment of women. Granted, Minerva has the betterment of one particular woman foremost in mind but, po-tay-to/po-tah-to.

Barbara-Ann positively purrs in her stately British accent, "The Justice League you say? How marvelous!" Marvelous is not the usual descriptor Minerva employs when referring to the League but, when in Greece; "I think our efforts might complement each other splendidly." Just then the elevator hums back to life. "Ah! That's more like it." The car deftly sinks to the 13th floor -- Minerva's lucky number. "I believe this is my stop!" It isn't actually, but Barbara-Ann was never one to miss an opportunity.

"If it's all the same to you, I think I'll take the stairs from here on out." She offers Diana a coy wink as a gilded business card appears in Barbara's hand as if by magic. Minerva offers the card to Diana. This is followed by a little show, "Please don't feel obliged", some deference-laden body language is provided, "however, if you'd like to speak at length about our initiatives, I'd be happy to discuss them with you." An invisible lightbulb 'suddenly' ignites next to Minerva's head, "Oh! We could do brunch." Yes. Brunch. There's this charming little spot down the street that serves canary...