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Latest revision as of 04:36, 20 March 2020

Take it to the Limit (Of the Solar System)'
Date of Scene: 08 October 2019
Location: Near Jupiter's Orbit
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Fairchild has posed:
A near-derelict spacecraft had been spotted entering the solar system a few days prior. Speed unknown, class or status unknown-- it had not responded to hails, to tightband communications, or any signals.

But the one known aspect was that it was headed for Earth.

"Ladies, this is your shuttle Co-Pilot Caitlin speaking. We're approaching our destination. Please make sure your tray tables and seat backs are in the upright and locked position."

The Asgardian skiff's controls were unfamiliar to Caitlin at first. But she is nothing if not a quick learner, and with Sif deftly mangaging the actually piloting duties, Caitlin could spend time working on studying her movements and learning more about the strange Asgardian design.

She glances over her shoulder at the small crew and flashes a smile at the other women backing up this little operation. "Hope everyone got a good nap in," she adds. "Are we all ready?"

Caitlin gets to her feet as the skiff slows and starts a slow banking pass around the vessel. On the scale of intergalactic spacecraft it's nothing to boast about; room for a complement of half a dozen light fighters, perhaps, and minimal armor and weaponry. Not a battleship, then, or a colony vessel. Resarch, perhaps.

Caitlin reaches into a storage cabinet and starts handing out respirators to people who can't hold their breath indefinitely in space, herself included. The redhead's wearing a long-sleeved emerald-green athletic top that cuts off under her ribcage, and matching green tights that leave her calves bare. A tactical harness is worn over the relatively casual costume and she starts attaching gear to it. "Carol, any make on that ship? I don't recognize it," Caitlin prompts the blonde aviatrix.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda rises from her seat after unstrapping herself from the shoulder harness. Her standard costume has been replaced with something space-worthy, removing the need for her to actively protect herself from vacuum except in emergency. She looks over to Carol, saying, "While not my first time off the planet, this is the first time I can think of I've traveled through space itself."

Wanda glances around at the small Asgardian craft, her expression suggesting the verdict is still out on how she feels about the matter. She does look a little troubled, but does not try to verbalize it.

However, the mission at hand is important, and Wanda takes the respirator that should seal to her suit sufficiently. "How many of these species are capable of translations on the fly? And, would they understand English or other Earth languages?" she inquires. She looks out the craft's canopy, Wanda's fingers moving against each other, twitching as if she'd like to have her magic already at hand, though there is not (yet) a need for it. "With no answers, if there is not a ready way in, are we making our own?" she inquires.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol, thankfully, did not need the benefit of a spacecraft to get around in space. Nevertheless, she has ridden in the skiff - her powers did not allow her to survive indefinitely in the vacuum, and like it or not it was quicker to catch a ride than fly under her own power. Still, once they're within range she is on her feet. She foregoes the breathing equipment, instead letting the mohawked helmet of her Starforce uniform manifest over her head.

"What do you think?" she asks Wanda when she talks of space travel, "Admittedly not as fun as walking through portals or teleporting or whatever. A lot more sitting around watching in-flight movies."

She leans to peer out the viewscreen of the skiff, narrowing her eyes behind the radiant mask of her helmet.

"It's ... Kree, I think," she announces, sounding surprised, "Though it looks old. A recon or a science craft, I think. But before my time. Hell, it might even be from before Mar-Vell's time."

She glances sidelong at Wanda again, "It could be anyone. The Kree aren't perfect, and there are more than a few pirates and mercenaries out there running around with stolen Kree tech. We should try hailing them - failing that? I can go knock on the door."

She reaches down, activating the broadcasting frequencies, and speaks: "Unidentified Kree vessel. This is the Earth ship Stjörnuhrap - we are broadcasting on all hailing frequencies, please respond."

Then she pauses, and repeats the same phrase in flawless Kree.

Fairchild has posed:
There's a few long intervals of nothing happening. Caitlin busies herself with gathering her gear while Carol trys hailing the vessel. The big redhead tends to overpack and has water, food, and all manner of spare odds and ends. At least she won't be encumbered by the backpack; that'd require a literal ton of gear, at a minimum.

The hailing channel burbles a garbled message. It repeats, again, and then the Asgardian vessel recieves a handshake protocol request. It takes a minute to process and then, a docking hatch extends from the side of the vessel.

More alien language. Kree-- an ancient dialect, near-incomprehensible. But the ship is reacting to Carol's language, seeing her as an ally if nothing else. Given the dead lights on the hull and the lack of life support on board the ship, it seems like it's running on automatic for now. Pockmarks from stellar debri mar the hull and it looks like it took a few hits from a heavy particle weapon at some point in the past.

Caitlin offers Wanda a portable hand-thruster and a pair of slip-on magnetized boot clamps. "I know you can fly, but just in case of an emergency," Caitlin explains.

Sif brings the ship around with a deft hand and looks over her shoulder at the other women. "I shall remain behind for now and monitor the situation from the bridge. You form a vanguard; keep us informed of your progress and we shall move to aid if need be."

Caitlin beams a grateful smile at her friend. "Thanks, Sif," she bids the princess.

Caitlin opens up one last compartment and hefts a heavy two-handed machine gun onto her hip. Cumbersome as it is, she has to hold it with both hands to keep the barrel balanced.

Cait taps her helmet and a glowing faceshield snaps into place around her features, sealing her features away from the pressure changes.

"I'm ready when you are," Caitlin says, and once everyone's open, she palms the doors to lock them through the docking system into the alien vessel.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gathers her loose hair into a ponytail, tucking it into her suit before donning the helmet. She familiarizes herself with it for a few moments, making sure she knows the controls and then takes up the equipment offered from Caitlin. "Thank you," she says as she readies them and moves back towards the front of the ship to look at the language that has come across.

It is given just a few moments perusal, Wanda rarely coming across languages she doesn't know. She turns back to join them. "Alright, ready," she tells the other women. "Carol, I'm following your lead on this. My knowledge of interstellar races is probably quite lacking compared to yours," she says.

"At least we won't have to make our own way in," the Scarlet Witch says, looking at the docking hatch as it clamps onto the ship.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'll get you out on a spacewalk one day, Wanda," Carol says with a grin, "Avenger. Sorceress. Now we're adding astronaut to your resume. You know, Alpha Flight has an opening."

That said, the blonde doesn't wait for a reply as she turns towards the opening docking hatch. She takes a few steps forward, trying her best to interpret the message being broadcast by the ship but making no apparent headway.

"That's not modern Kree," she explains to the group, "I can recognize a few words, but the syntax is ... archaic. This thing might've been floating around out here for a long, long time."

Carol brazenly takes point, leading the way towards the hatch and glancing over her shoulder at Caitlin, "I know you wouldn't, but don't blast anything that's pink or blue and dressed like me."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's not far behind Carol. The redhead's a slugger like anyone else, but Carol's reflexes are an order of magnitude faster and she's just as tough. Plus, it lets Caitlin hang back enough to cover Wanda with her significantly bulk advantage over Carol's leaner athleticism. The spellcaster's flashed an encouraging grin. "I've only been in space a few times, and the only Kree I've met were a deep space recon team and some merchants," she confesses to Wanda. "So this'll be fun!"

The air pressure vanishes once they enter the Kree ship. 'Old' is an understatement; 'archaic' is a bit more in the ballpark. 'Antidiliuvian' is probably literally correct. It's classic Kree aesthetics, though; lots of colors that human eyes only percieve as blues and purples. Circles and triangles everywhere, bold bas-relief geometric patterns with no discernable purpose.

Caitlin scowls. "Ah, darnit-- I didn't plan on the lack of atmosphere," she mutters. "My drone's no good here." She digs a flashlight out of her pack instead and holds it with her left hand, aiming a powerful beam around the interior of the area. A cargo hold, perhaps? Several containers have been ruptured or spilled over at some point, as if the inertial dampeners had been knocked offline a time or two. "First things first," Caitlin remarks. "We should find Engineering or something. Life support systems are barely holding as it is. I'd like to see if we can get power back on and stabilize navigation. It's coming entirely too close to Earth as it is."

"....So where do they normally put Engineering on a ship like this?" she asks Carol.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda wanders slowly forward, looking around the inside of the ship not just looking for signs of anything they need be concerned about, but taking the moment to view the extra-terrestrial craft for what it is. Extra-dimensional entities and locations are so much more in Wanda's wheelhouse, so the strange craft is definitely an eye-opening experience for her.

After a moment Wanda moves her hand in a circular motion and a red glowing sphere forms in her fingers to drift up and over to a corner of the room. The gesture is repeated until each corner has received its own light, and another pair float in the air a little behind and above Wanda's head.

She walks over to one of the cargo containers and crouches down to examine it, but avoiding any contents. "Hmm, not weapons fire," she says, examining the breach in one of the containers. At least of any kind I'm aware of," she says of the breaks in the container. She straightens again to turns back, ready to follow Carol's lead deeper into the ship.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Pride of place," Carol explains to Caitlin, looking around the ship with a pensive and brow-furrowed frown, "The engine is the heart of the ship. It's technology, just as the Supreme Intelligence is. Kree design principles usually put it on the main deck for that reason - everything else is kind of built around it."

Carol doesn't move swiftly, taking her time as she explores the layout. She pays less attention to broken items, instead focusing on the way the vessel is partitioned. She clicks her tongue thoughtfully against her teeth, trailing a gloved hand over the bas relief in the wall - the red glow catching against the silvery sheen of the Amazonian bracers she now wears.

"I think I have an idea where we can find it," she offers, trailing her hand away and walking off purposefully down one of the corridors, "Keep an eye out, though. I'm getting the feeling we aren't going to find any friendlies here, if we find anything still alive at all."

Fairchild has posed:
"Huh. Neat trick," Caitlin murmurs at Wanda. "You need to teach me that one," she adds, with an admiring tone.

The three women proceed into the bowels of the ship. It's unnervingly quiet due to the low atmosphere; enough not to cause decompression, but nowhere near enough for a human to breaathe. Periodic airwaves and rumblings through the soles of their feet indicate the ships' struggling to keep any power going through key systems at all.

Caitlin's light abruptly whirls and paints a hallway to their left. She freezes for half a second and skitters back behind the cover of the hallway. Wanda's nudged back as well behind the mobile cover Caitlin provides.

"Did you see that?" she whispers. It's a pointless affectation; the helmets have built-in communicators. "Something was moving. Fast. Looked... I don't know," she admits. "I just saw it out the corner of my eye." Fingers curl on the grips of her hip-slung rifle, finger near the trigger but not quite resting on it.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda moves with the others down the hallway, the pair of lights floating overhead to provide illumination in the area around them. Every so often she conjures another, peeling it off to hang near the ceiling. Scarlet breadcrumbs to guide the way back to the airlock that they came through.

The Transian woman moves back with a quick step as Caitlin nudges her that way. The space suit, though thin, is an unaccustomed thing, but does not seem to be affecting the woman's chaos magic as she gathers more about her hands to ready herself.

"I did not see it," Wanda says, taking a moment to focus her senses on the mystical, but finding nothing magic. Indeed, so far from the planets, there is such a lack of magic from anything but Carol's Amazonian bracers.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"If this turns into Alien," Carol begins, her own tone low and wary, "I reserve the right to blow a hole in the side of this tub and let whatever no-eyed, shiny-headed bug creature we find get sucked out."

Her memories of that particular movie on VHS are potent indeed. The joy of older brothers. But nevertheless, she's not one to shy away from danger and she quickly moves over to where Caitlin is standing and then ventures a little further down the hall - seeking out the source of whatever it is she might have spotted.

"Caitlin," she says quietly, "Stick close to Wanda." She may trust the Scarlet Witch to defend herself, but behind the magic she is still a human being in a space suit.

That said, Carol begins to glow - emitting a shining, white light from her very body like a walking flashlight.

"Here, kitty kitty kitty."

Fairchild has posed:
"Is that another one of those classic movies? It's like super old, right-- from the eighties?"

The dark hallway beckons, the classical Kree architecture quite foreboding to the humans. Carol's Kree senses might percieve it a bit differently. "Oh, this is smart," Caitlin mumbles under her breath. "Let's go walk down the hallway calling for the weird alien space monster."

But she hefts her weaponry and starts down the corridor in Carol's wake. She stays off to the side, enough to get a clean shot down the hall if need be.

A hand is vaguely waved at Wanda. Caitlin glances at her friend, then grimaces. "Sorry. Meant, 'stay behind me'," she says, and repeats the hand signal. "Anything short of a phased anti-ship cannon, I'll survive. You just watch our backs and make sure nothing's sneaking up on us," she advises the witch.

Down the corridor they go, then around the corner. The passages branch out in multiple directions, any one of which the creature could have taken. Dark organic material has been plastered on the walls. It seems the creatures have taken up nesting in the ship.

"Carol, how can these things still be alive? This ship's been derelict for... years. Longer, maybe," Caitlin mutters. The barrel of her weapon dips so she can reach out and touch the wall with her fingers. It's sniffed and prodded, and then for good measure she takes a sample of it in a small hardsided specimen container and tucks it in her pack for later analysis.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The Scarlet Witch drifts back behind Caitlin, and after a moment she moves her arms in a sinuous way and a barrier rises to seal off the hallway behind them, preventing anything from sneaking up from behind.

She continues to check behind them though as they move slowly forward. Wanda pauses beside some of the detritus, eyeing it and holding her glowing hand over it, but not touching it. She shakes her head and turns back forward, an eyebrow raised as she looks down the hall.

In her soft, Eastern European accent, Wanda says, "Sometimes I am glad to have not been raised on these movies. I am suspecting I would probably not your Aliens, Carol," she says softly over the suit's comms system. "If the engines are not functioning, they must have been adrift for some time to make it into the solar system," she muses quietly.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Not everything out here breathes air and eats food," Carol explains simply, "Whatever it is, it might have everything it needs to survive right here. Could be silicon-based - plenty of things in a Kree ship to chew on, even one this old. Or it could be that it only just moved in. Whatever it is? I don't think it's Kree."

"Oh, the movies aren't so bad," Carol continues as she moves further down the corridor, still glowing with an almost otherworldly light and casting her gaze this way and that, "We didn't have a whole lot to do as kids. It was mostly movies and video games - sometimes sailing. You guys like sailing?"

She keeps up the chatter, but everything about her look and her movements suggest military awareness. Eyes focused. Reflexes coiled like steel springs, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Fairchild has posed:
Carol's offhand comment about sailing is punctuated by a mass slamming into her shoulders from above. It's a few hundred pounds of scale and fangs and claws, a mis-shapen and predatory looking beast with chitnous armor and heavy fur tufts.

The creature roars, the sound loud even in the near-airless depths, and rakes savagely at Carol with a kick of hindlegs clearly intended to eviscerate its prey. Whatever the creature is, there's no mistaking it for a hunter.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I haven't really been," Wanda says of sailing, carrying on the conversation calmly as if they were not in an alien ship infested with alien... aliens. "In fact, I don't think I've ever been aboard a ship that used sails now that I think about-"

Wanda's nautical history is interrupted by the attack on Carol. The Scarlet Witch's hands move like an old Western gunslinger, darting forward to aim towards the creature and a bolt of chaos energy zaps forth, the crimson streak striking the creature and a whole section of chitinous plate disintegrating like it were aging before their eyes. "Incoming!" she calls out.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:

Okay, so Captain Marvel may be an idol to millions and a beacon of hope and justice but even she can be guilty of letting the occasional bad language slip. She's only clad Steve isn't here to admonish her for it. When one's childhood fears suddenly manifest, you can be forgiven for cussing.

Carol goes to the ground as the weight of the creature pushes her there, not so much because she lacks the strength to support it but merely due to her body's reaction - trying to move away from the creature as it drops down from on high. The kick raises a pain sensation, but ultra-durable skin does not break and only serves to rend the fabric of her red and blue uniform.

"Shoot! Shoot the monster, Caitlin!" she cries urgently from beneath the hunter beast, rearing back a fist to drive it across the creature's slavering jaw. She winces, her face cast in a red glow as that beam of magic from Wanda strikes the creatures and begins to wither it.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin recovers fast. Not as fast as Carol, or as fast as Wanda's near-instinctive magic. But she's quicker than most humans thanks to her enhanced neurology and musculature. The creature's head snaps back at the blow to the mandibles from Carol's mighty fist. Caitlin rushes into the creature and hits it with a knee strike, delivering a terrific blow and driving it off of Carol. Her own momentum is barely checked and the redhead charges forward to slam the muzzle of her gun into the bare spot created by Wanda's spell, and depresses the trigger. There's a flickering surge of magnetic force and the gauss gun starts firing at ludicrous speeds to slam a dozen ferrite bullets into the monster's body. The impacts lift it off the ground and rip it apart as they bounce around inside its anatomy.

"Ewww!" Caitlin yelps, and dances back from the yellow gore erupting from the bullet wounds. She quickly wipes it from her bare arm and shoulder, then examines her gun.

"Well, it's not acid," she informs the others. The thoroughly dead creature is given a nudge with her toe. "It's got some sort of organic ceramic plating, I think," she muses. "Hard stuff. Everyone OK?"

"Sif, we're OK. Got ambushed by some kind of .. creepy crawlie. About two meters long, maybe two hundred and fifty kilos," Caitlin hazards. "It's dead though. But there might be more of them."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"And were we expecting acid?" the not familiar with the Alien movie Wanda Maximoff asks in a voice that might be slightly comical were they not actually fighting aliens with nasty sharp pointy claws.

She checks behind them again, dropping her previous barrier and erecting a new one closer to them. She spins back around, moving like some kind of dancer as she summons more lights and sends them skimming down the ceiling and floor, illuminating any hiding areas such as the one used to ambush Carol from above.

"Carol, is the species familiar to you?" she asks as she moves forward to help her friend back to her feet.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Next time, Caity," Carol says as she picks herself up off the floor, more floating to her feet than actually pushing off the floor plate, "We make sure the blood isn't acid before we go drenching ourselves in it. I know you're tough and all, but I don't want to carry my friend around in a glass jar."

The creature dead, Carol moves towards it now to examine the corpse. Given the number Caitlin did on it, there's not a great deal she can make out from it. She lifts the head, now gruesomely detached, up with one hand and holds it in front of her face like some grotesque Edgar Bergen.

"Brood?" she says out loud, mostly to herself, in answer to Wanda's question, "There's definitely a similarity. Maybe a genetic offshoot? Something similar we haven't seen."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin shudders. "Golly. I hate to think of what these things might be. Primeval Brood. Maybe some ... genetic offshoot?" she hazards. "Anyway, they're fast and strong." She clucks her tongue. "But space adapted. I bet they don't worry much about moving quietly, if they're used to hunting in a vacuum. Whichc is all the more reason to hustle to Engineering," she suggests. The strap for her weapon is pulled a bit higher on her shoulder. "Let's hustle over there and see if we can get life support online. If the sensors aren't damaged we might even by able to pick them up on internal scanners."

She starts on their path again and her face twists suddeny. "Golly. Guess we know what happened to the crew," she says, sadly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda frowns as they mention the alien race. "From what I understand, they merge their genetics with those they hatch within. So it very well could be, just hatched from some unfamiliar race? Or... well, this was a Kree ship. Do we even know what they would look like, from a Kree?" she asks.

Wanda moves over, toeing the dead body for a moment before nodding and continuing on with the others. She keeps an eye out, and sends balls of light out ahead of them. While it might alert the enemy to their presence, at least it will prevent the kind of ambush that just happened before.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I don't think these came from Kree," Carol answers, tossing the head back down into the pile of goop, "At least, not any Kree I ever saw. They may consider themselves the most advanced race in the universe, but the Kree still need air just like anyone else. They don't live in a vacuum."

A better idea of the layout now, Carol begins to walk pointedly down the corridor. Her eyes constantly turned up, watching out for more hunter-beasts on the ceiling. Slowly she leads the way to engineering, located towards the center of the vessel just as she suggested it might be - almost a temple devote to the engine more than anything else.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin whistles low once they're in Engineering. "Wow. Okay. This is pretty neat," she admits. Indeed, it's laid out much like Carol described. The heart of the ship is the engine core, the generator that allows the vessel to achieve hyperspace velocity. And the engine room is laid out to support it, all bulkheads and panels set so technicians would constantly be watching what was surely a great spectacle.

But the glowing core, a floating mass of indigo-blue energy, is near-dormant. Instead of a sharp orb with radiating rings of power gyroscoping around it, it's barely a flickering, spent light.

"Okay, let's see..." Caitlin sets her rifle aside and starts touching the control panel. "Well, nothing here seems totally out of order. I can't speak much Kree but I've got a translation program going in my AI assistant. Let's see..."

She pokes at the panel. "Propulsion... offline. Shields offline... weapons offline. Life support offline-- but there are backup generators," she says, tracing a diagram with her fingertip in midair.

"So... reboot the generators?"

The ship shudders underfoot and then *hums* as the machinery comes back online. The lights slowly come up to full power and there's a hiss of a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere being vented into the rooms.

"I don't want to mess with the drives or anything," Caitlin says. "But at least we know it's not a total derelict."

She starts looking around. "Let's see if we can find a navigation terminal. If we know what the ship's course is, we can figure out why it's homing to Earth."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda slowly circles the room, illuminating it and keeping an eye out while Caitlin is working the console. Technological matters are not her forte. As the air floods the room and the sound of the generators can begin to be heard through the atmosphere, there is a comforting sense to the sound. As if the ship, so dead and adrift, were somehow healthier for a bit of its heartbeat restored.

"Can you... what would Tony say in a moment like this anyway... lock them out with the... protocols and security... parameters and... " Wanda says before trailing off. "Basically this is the moment I'd say, JARVIS, make sure the aliens can't control the ship now we're powering it back up," Wanda summarizes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Modern Kree vessels have solar collectors," Carol explains, bending slightly at the waist to exam a control panel, "Usually they run on internal reactors, but the solar collectors can be activated if something happens to them. Might be a way to get more power through the ship, once we've got all the vital systems back online."

The blonde cannot help but smile, patting Wanda on the shoulder as she passes her, "I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most of what Tony says goes over my head, too. I just have the benefit of having been blasted full of just about everything I need to know about Kree technology. I don't know how it works so much as how it is meant to work."

A pause, and then she leans down to mutter in the sorceress' ear: "We're just lucky we've got Caity here to actually, you know, understand things."

Carol turns now to Caitlin, "Navigation will probably be in the cockpit - ships this size don't usually have their own cartography suite. The cockpit ought to be ... up." She points directly at the ceiling.

Fairchild has posed:
"Mr. Stark would say something very sensible and a lot more intelligent than me, I'm sure," Caitlin says almost primly. Must defend the boss' honor! "He's a really talented engineer, y'know. Probably the best in the world."

There's a very pregnant pause. "That said... I just lifted the emergency lockdowns on the life support system. The ship sealed off the hull breaches, and then it... opened all the doors and service hatches," Caitlin coughs.

"No pressure, I'm pretty sure we're safe in here for now, but we should probably move," she agrees. The machine gun's re-slung. "Okay, 'up' it goes. Do these ships have elevators, or...?" She falls into step behind Carol, unconsciously trying to hurry things along by increasing her walking pace to a low jog for a few steps.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda falls into step with the others, though before they leave the engine room she seals off the entry way with another barrier. "Should keep them out for awhile," she comments, before picking up her pace to follow at the jog.

"So we have alien creatures on board. Seemingly hostile. Possibly Brood. What is the plan then. Try to sweep the ship?" the Transian woman asks softly. "Destroy it? I don't like the thought of potentially bringing Brood back to Earth. I don't know what it takes for them to spread their numbers. But we cannot risk an infestation," she says.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Elevators? Kind of," Carol cannot help but grin a little as she moves once more out into the corridor and follows the power conduits that would invariably lead to the 'elevators', "If their systems are online, you're in for a bit of a treat."

What they find around the corner look like hollow tubes that disappear upwards into darkness. The floors glow a pale red, until Carol steps into one and the light ring suddenly turns green.

"If we can get to the command bridge," she explains from within the elevator, waiting for them to follow her, "We can probably tack any lifeforms on the vessel and extricate them. It'd be a shame to let a ship like this go to waste - it looks like it might be older than all of human civilization."

Once they're in, a knowing grin crosses her features and she calls out a command in Kree.

Immediately, gravity gives way and they are conveyed upwards with invisible purpose. Floating on nothing but air.

Fairchild has posed:
"Goodness," Caitlin murmurs, at the archaeological implications. "Yeah, I definitely don't want to total this ship. But it has to be quarantined. The last thing we need is a xenomorph invasion of Earth." Her head wags agreement with Wanda's suggestion.

The tall redhead gets in the tube and gives Carol a curious look. Before she can speak, up they go! Caitlin loses a giggling peal of laughter at the sudden acceleration and smooth halt, and they're disgorged onto a higher level.

"Okay, those are fun. We need to do that again," Caitlin tells Carol.

They round the corner into the command bridge and come face to face with the reason the ship is derelict: Brood eggs. A *lot* of them. The bridge is completely packed with the things, dozens and dozens of incubating baby Broodlings in dormant states in the eggs.

Caitlin comes up short and holds her breath with a sharp inhalation.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda drifts up with the others, seemingly floating up the tube to the upper level. "I will leave it to you to handle the systems," Wanda is saying over the comms. She's kept her helmet on despite there being atmosphere now. "When-" she says and then her voice trails off.

Wanda's eyes widen as the sight of the broodlings and adults. She doesn't say anything, just nods over to Carol and Caitlin. Wanda steps to the side of them and she begins whirling her arms in slow, precise movements. Looking like some kind of dancer, each movement intricate and precise. Scarlet energy gathers, flowing together into a ball that grows brighter with each passing second.

It just keeps building for now, not being released yet. Though when it is? It looks like it's going to be big.