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It's a slice ...of life
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Dominos Pizza - Manhattan
Synopsis: Mercy and Winters meet for (some questionably ordered) pizza over lunch. Drake gets Mercy aiming on a new project.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Mercy Thompson

Slipstream has posed:
Life is weird for Drake now. He lives in space on a Cruiser filled with superheroes from the future, despite the fact he's born and raised in current times. As one of the youngest members, he gets sent out on the most dangerous of missions. Today? It's lunch.

As he nudges the door open and heads inside, the young hero is wearing a black Overwatch bomber jacket, a solid black shirt and torn jeans and sneakers. He doesn't stand out too much, as he doesn't portray the muscled spandex type of hero. He can easily pass as any young 20 something. As he approaches the counter, he takes out a list and starts to read off about fifteen different pie types. The cashier doesn't look particularly happy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's waiting in line dressed in coveralls, work boots and with a wrench in her pocket. As in, a literal wrench. Ah the joys of being asked to fix a car in the lot. The joys of being a known mechanic too. With her complexion it's easy to mistake her for Hispanic, when in fact she is Native American, well, half Indian at least if she was to voice it. She's waiting, irritated at the family at the front of the line taking forever to order. "Is pizza vegan?" Mercy mutters in disbelief. "Is it vegan? it's got tomatoes and cheese on it...what do you think"

Oh the angry coyote lady is sassy alright, and shakes her head. Stepping forward, Mercy is glad they ordered and sat down. That's like five steps closer to the food. She does spot the bomber jacket wearing guy and gives a sympathetic smile as iff quietly saying 'food will be a while' and something something people.

Slipstream has posed:
"Yes, that's two plain cheese, one all meat, one all veggies, one all meat and veggies, one pineapples and sardines, one pineapples with mushrooms, one sausage and bacon, two plain, no cheese... only sauce.." Drake trails off as he reads the list off with a long sigh, rocking on his feet. Once he swipes his credit card, he takes out what appears to be a super sci-fi data pad and taps away at it. "Hey guys. Lunch is ordered. Yes, I got the sardines for Brainy. I wanted to puke just reading it out."

As he taps the device off, he looks exasperated as he heads to a table to flop down heavily with a thud. He has a twitch about him, his foot tapping away quickly on the floor, his hands wringing about. Technology addiction. He's trying not to touch his phone. He passes a smile to Mercy as well in return, one of those quick, half-guarded polite ones.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Sardines. Pizza. There's a shudder from Mercy as she listens and sighs looking amused. Go figure, enhanced hearing, ugh...

Mercy does though, go for less out there. pizzas. Just the normal, compared to that order, normal pizzas. Cheese and tomato pizza with chicken too. Mostly because coyotes chase small fuzzy things. Once ordered, Mercy heads for a table herself to wait and picks one next to Winters. She glances over. "Hey, yu okay?" she asks carefully noting the twitches. She's guessing he's a junkie in need of a fix.

Slipstream has posed:
As he drums his fingers lightly on the table in a rapid pattern, at times his hand will blur and skip as he does. "Huh? Yeah. I'm okay. Today is my no touchy my phone day. It's driving me nuts. I'm sorta a techno-addict so I have one day a week where I just disconnect from the computer and the phone and I try and get fresh air. I'm just used to having someting in my hands all day." Drake pauses, then flashes a grin, then cools it away just as quick.

"So, I have a laundry list of things to do that won't involve playing video games and puzting about on apps. It's healthy. Just the first few hours are agonizing." He laughs softly. "Sorry if I'm freaking you out."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs looking understanding. "I hear you" she says and looks relaxed. "Ah so you're trying to break away from your phone and computer? See, smart" Mercy nods looking pleased. "You're doing good" she adds and looks relieved. "So" she says

"What's with your pizza order? I mean most of it was good. But I just....ew...sardines" she says looking a little worried. "Just.....I agree with most of it, but..." she shrugs.

Mercy ponders for a moment. "So you're a techie, huh?" she wonders aloud. Mercy's not a techie. She's a mechanic after all, the wrench is a giveaway as she pulls it out and adjusts it.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Just my teammates. I have a big group of people that I work with and this was their order. I'm the Gopher today. I'm more into the all meats pizza. I'm not into sardines." Drake chuckles as he runs a hand back through his shaggy hair.

"I am a techie, yeah. I went to school for video game design. I'm a Pro Overwatch League player for the New York Static team. We're three time champions. I'm on the Team USA World Cup also. I've been playing competitive games for .. half my life I think at this rate." He taps the Overwatch symbol on his jacket. "I go by Dynamite. I was on a few billboards last year. Was super weird."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Points for normality, Mercy thinks. "Seee. I pictured you nerds as obsessed with computers. No offense" Mercy explains with a wry laugh. "That's me and cars, so I'm a car nerd, honestly. YOu're getting paid to play games? See. I think that's great, you get paid for things you're good at" Mercy adds enthusiastically then looks to the line. "I think we dodged a bullet, the line's got longer" Mercy stage whispers with a wary look to everyoone queuing to buy pizza...and things.

Slipstream has posed:
"You like cars? So do I. I have a last year Tesla but I rarely ever drive it. I just like walking and taking the bus too much, but I figured I'd need a car for unique situations. I'm a big fan of the old cars though from the sixties and seventies. You know, the muscle cars? The movies make them look so amazing. I 've seen a few in a couple of museums." Drake says as he props his chin up in the palm of his hand.

"I do get paid to play video games. I'm also .. or really was, one of the top streamers on the Internet. I'd pull in about fifty thousand people at a time watching me. To be honest, until I met my current group of friends, that was my entire life. Spending sixteen hours a day in front of a computer, smiling at a camera, playing video games, being a total shut in." He hums thoughtfully at the line. "Sucks to be them. What's your favorite car?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy dives into her favorite car question. "Not strictly a car. But a Vanagon. I have a Synchro I use for hauling stuff around" she nods. "Then there's the Rabbit. You need an old car? I could sell you one of my projects if you know how to turn a wrench, or could pay me to finish up the last few details" she says. "I can sell you a Bug for $850, but with work. I got a Ghia for $1200 but that's completely buttoned down and ready to go" Mercy explains. "So your friends are important. Smart. that's like me and my family back in Montana, really. I know I can lean on them for support but they expect the same from me"

Finally getting her pizza, Mercy lets it sit there. The discussion is way more interesting. "So why're you into cars from the 60s or 70s?" she asks then looks pleased. "Oh, I can source you an Opel GT that looks like a 71 'Vette. I got one in my shop that's got a LS1 motor in it. Just one problem with it. It goes fifteen forward, one eighty in reverse if you use all the gears" she says with a nod. "Guy who soldd it to me, refitted it, transmission's backwards"

Slipstream has posed:
"I was thinking more of a 68' GT Ford Mustang." Drake says with a grin. "It's literally a boner on four wheels and solid steel. It's an iconic old school muscle car." Drake says with a chuckle. "I don't know where I'd even find one these days, and I can't turn a wrench to save my life. I can do screw drivers and put in mobos and processors, but I'd be lost in a car." He admits.

"And I just like the way they look, how they sound on the vids. They are handsome cars. I don't know.. I don't like all the flashy cars and sleek designs of today. I think there is something about those old cars that just speak to me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head. "Did you just..." she asks, munching a slice of pizza. "Did you just say a 68 Mustang's a boner on wheels? Okay, not heard that before" she says looking highly amused. "Bullitt? Am I talking to Steve McQueen?" she wonders. Oh she knows her films. Bad Movie Night's a tradition with her. Bullitt's not on the list, well, not....yet

You want to find a 68 GT Mustang? Okay, that I can help with" Mercy offers between bites. "How much you want to spend?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, that's the one. The Bullit. I saw that movie once when my stream voted for it during throw back Friday films. I had no clue who Steve McQueen was. But that movie just knocked me off my feet." Drake says with a boyish grin.

As far as the cost goes? "Eh. Whatever. Money isn't an issue for me." He says honestly as he blows his bangs away from his face again. "Can I get one in black with the white pin stripes?" He asks with his brows raised upwards.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks a little shocked. "You...you don't know who Steve McQueen is? Legendary actor" she explains looking thoughtful. "Could you gett one in black with pinstripes? Yes. You could get a cheap running one...get it resprayed and done. So" Mercy shrugs, illustrating her point with a slice of pizza.

The 'money no object' comment gets her to raise an eyebrow. Does playing games pay that much really? I'm slaving away turning wrenches, I'm in the wrong career" she smirks. Obviously she's joking, her PC is used for business things truthfully.

Slipstream has posed:
Nodding his head, Drake says, "Yeah, um.. I was averaging about.. four million a year at one point.. and I don't spend money because all I do is play video games. I am a champion of champions. Kinda was the face of the franchise. I was very lucky in life. Then I became an Avenger." Drake says with a laugh. "So you know.. I had a paycheck there.."

He drums his fingers a bit quicker on the table a few times. "But no, I didn't know who Steve McQueen was. I really suck at the whole .. um... celebrity thing. I just play video games. I don't watch TV, or get to movies often, or read magazines. I like.. will know names of most actors but I couldn't pick 'em out in a lineup." He waves a hand in the air a bit.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I bet if you wanted to spalsh the cash...you could pay somebody for a replicaa Bullitt car" Mercy offers. "You know those places that store TV and movie cars? I'e a hunch if you dangled enough cash at them, they'd jump at the idea. Mostly since it's big money, right? See, you're smart, and you got a good head on your shoulders. Your fans got good choices in movies since I usually use awful films as therapy" Mercy offers chewing on the pizza crust for a moment. "I'd give you the movies I've watched to put on yor stream if you wanted to have a bad movie marathon" she shrugs looking entertained. "Though how Kung Fu Panda got on there I don't know. It's cute" Mercy shrugs again.

Slipstream has posed:
"What's Kung Fu Panda?" Drake says obliviously as he tilts his head to the side, his grin tugging along his lips. "I don't know if I want a replica. I sorta want the real deal. I want to have one rebuilt. Original engines, interior, even the radio. They used these things called casettes. It's crazy! They're like old game cartridges that you can put music on. I want that." He tilts his head over at the sound of his name being called.

"Oh. Hey. Pizza is ready. It was nice meeting you." He says as he takes a card out and slides it over to her. It's a card for the Legion of Superheroes with his name on it. Drake Winters. Slipstream. Along with an email. "Hit me up there when you want to work on this with me?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Problem" Mercy says. "Is parts are hard to come by now. You can get new parts built with authentic tools, but I'll detail this in an email to you. Tell you what. I got a shop in West Harlem, drop by my garage with the car if you beat me to finding one, and we can go over it together?" she offers with a grin

Slipstream has posed:
"Sure thing. I'll see what I can find online." Drake says as he gives a frown at the fifteen boxes of pizza. How is he going to get out of here with them? He puts them one by one on a table next to him, then gives a grin, followed by a salute. "Cheers." With that, he puts his hands around the boxes and there's a streak of blue light as he is teleported out after using his fingers to find the right button on his datapad.

The cashier behind the counter is just staring, slack jawed. ".. I still can't believe..he got pineapples and sardines."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's heading to the cashier to pay for her own pizza. "Nor can I" she says tugging out her phone. "Gary. You seriously gonna leave this on voicemail. Some guy got me to get him a Mustang. Oh it gets better. He wants sardines on....now you pick up. Sardines. Pineapple. Pizza" Mercy says while walking. Hang on" she says and looks to the cashier. "Sorry how much is the pizza? And please, for the love of God, don't ever try to sell me sardines and pineapple pizza. Please" she asks sliding a $20 over the counter. With that she waits for her change. "Oh no no Gary. I'm....what do you take me for. You're half a country away. You go back to breaking in horses will ya? Alright, fine. hey, tell my mom I can't make it for Easter, I got a big project coming up" Mercy offers and hangs up. "Sorry that was my half brother" she explains.