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Early morning Joe with Drake and Kitty
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Drake and Kitty bump into each other at coffee and trade digits.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Shadowcat

Slipstream has posed:
Settled at a table with four large empty cups of coffee is Drake, who is sitting in front of a sleek, black laptop with a glowing green icon on the back of the lid in the shape of a cockroach. The Overwatch champion and popular Twitch streamer is currently tapping quickly away at the keyboard as his eyes dart about the multitude of windows open. He's not streaming today, but he's definitely researching something. Reaching for a fifth cup, he brings it to his lips for a sip. One foot beneath the table is -tapping rapidly on the floor.

Today Drake is wearing an oversized Overwatch hoodie with a black shirt and a pair of distressed jeans and worn down Addidas sneakers. He looks comfortable and cozy in his apparel. At times, the phone next to him will chime with some type of alert that he barely glances over at.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty, by contrast has her own laptop out but no collection of coffee cups. Instead, just one, a pocket sized laptop as she's tapping and typing away at it too. She's not researching, well, not researching anything pertinant yet. Instead, earphones are in, she's doing her best to wake up, It's early, and the mutant looks around the coffee shop stifling a yawn. Tired Kitty puts a damper on her cheery upbeat attitude.

Kitty being too cheerful before coffee is scary. Then again, Kitty not being cheerful is also scary too.

Slipstream has posed:
As his fingers pound away along the keys quickly with presice strikes, Drake is humming to himself once his coffee cup is returned at his side. He is full of jitters as he practically bounces in his seat. Taking out a sleek datapad from his jacket, he puts it down on the table, then swipes his fingers across it towards his laptop, which causes a loud ding to be heard. File transfer complete.

"Hooookay.. let's see.. killer robots that turn into cars." He mutters to himself as he taps taps taps away. "We need a better name than Cybertronians or whatever they call themselves." His eyes glance about the text on his screen. "Fuck it, I'm calling 'em Transformers. Way cooler."

Shadowcat has posed:
Meantime, all five feet six of Kitty is huddled over her own laptop, earphones in. She's poring over a stream that looks suspiciously like one of Drake's. Earphones in, Kitty is watching, well, that's one half of the tiny screen. The other half? That's drawing up specifications for her latest pet project. She wants to build herself a computer fit for....a buncha stuff. Files? Yes. Doing complex things? Yep. Bringing it with her? Yes.

So she types, and types some more, the keys clicking neatly as Kitty pulls an earbud out and looks up to the counter....then buries her head again, typing quicker this time.

See, Kitty doesn't wanna wait on coffee. All it takes is a little finesse with the system here...

Slipstream has posed:
"Maybe I can call them Talking Toasters. Transforming Toasters. " Drake drawls out to himself as he flicks his fingers along the keyboard again, highlights a passage, then taps his datapad again. As he talks outloud, it's just all part of the creative process.

Leaning back to take in a deep breath, he gives a long stretch of his body, then finally looks around the rest of the cafe. Kitty is finally spotted, or at least her computer is. His brows lift upwards some and calls out. "Hey, what kinda rig you got there?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"I could make you a computing toaster" Kitty offers. Looking over Drake, Kitty pats her laptop. "I'm looking at what I need for a new system, this pocket one's tiding me over till then" she says happily

while watching Drake, she's typing away, then looks intently back to Drake again, then back too the laptop.

Type type type, Kitty finishes up and closes her tiny laptop having finished what she's working on, and slides it into her pocket, she looks thoughtful. "So, you involved with computers?

Slipstream has posed:
"I think the toaster I have access to can already do computations and higher level math." Brainy probably did something to the one on the ship. It does everything but make toast. It's probably not a toaster and Drake has been using it wrong. "You looking to make a desktop? I am sponored by ROG and nVidia so I have access to some discounts if you are looking for parts. I can getcha a discount code or something. It's like 10 percent off. Not amazing but it's like tax and a few extras."

Shadowcat has posed:
"You know" Kitty says amusedly. "It's not a shock. I mean, toasters, computers, all that. Everything has a computer" she says as coffee's set in front of her. "Thanks" Kitty nods.

"They found my order got mixed up so free coffee" Kitty nods. Nice lie, Pride. Nice job.

Still though, Kitty smiles. "Oh no no, I was more meeaning a laptop honestly.If I get a pile of parts. I can just build it myself

More to the point she can completely and utterly take it from a bare pile of parts...and make it her own.

Watching Drake, Kitty grins. "I'll take you up on that offer, If I put an Nvidia card in, it'll work better" she adds sipping her coffee.

Slipstream has posed:
"Just remember to pair it with an Intel processor and mobo. The drivers go better than an AMD. They're designed to be married to each other." Drake says as he closes the lid of his laptop and slides it into his Level 3 backpack. He zips it up and applies a lock to it. "Building laptops is fun if you got the patience for it." As his eyes track the refill of coffee, he tilts his head curiously for a moment. "I'm Drake by the way."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I'm Kitty" Kitty says and nods. "Oh I know. I'm a computer savant. I can make hardware and software do what I want" she says with a look that dares him to try it. Still, Kittyy nods.

"What about you, you know your brands" she says brightly. Okay, one coffee's enough to perk her up. Oh no...

Kitty's awake and absolutely awake. She looks to Drake again, then back to her coffee, then back to Drake.

Brown eyes sparkle with amusement and mischief. See, Kitty would love to get her hands on Drake's laptop and go over it.

Slipstream has posed:
"You are, huh? Cool. Don't need any of my advice then." Drake chuckles as he shrugs. "Me? I'm just a Twitch streamer. I play a lot of Overwatch." He says as he gives her the short version. "I got a lot of followers so it's how I have the sponsors."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head with a smile. "Well. You're a streamer. Good" she nods looking pleased. Taking another sip of coffee, Kitty stretches.

"Good coffee here" she nods with a gentle smile, Kitty looks a little out of place, sort of.

Slipstream has posed:
"I am. You can follow me on Twitch. My name is Dynamite Rave." Drake says with a chuckle. "I don't stream as much as I used to now that I got a new job, but I do pop in there a few times a week to say Hi to my followers." He takes another sip of his coffee, then rattles the empty cup. "You want me to get you a refill?" He asks. "Can join me also if you want."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Sure!" Kitty offers. Well, sure to both even. Yes to joining, yes to coffee. Sure she did a bit of comuter finessing to get her first free coffee. If she's being bought coffee? Why not?

So sliding herself over (no way she'll phase in public, nuh uh), she joins Drake.

"Heeey, I know who you are. I just met somebody I watch on Twitch" Kitty says way too happily for an early morning. Oh no. Oh no....does she need more coffee? Well if it's offered she'll take it.

Slipstream has posed:
"Ha. You actually know me,? That's cool. I'm pretty much a one trick pony though playing Overwatch and Counter Strike these days. Still surprised after all this time it's still very popular." Drake says as he gives a long stretch of his body to pop a few joints.

"So, what are you drinking, Kitty? You a all black kinda girl or are you rocking a cappuccino of some sorts? I'm just doing iced coffee myself." And about ten shots of french vanilla.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs. "I could take a lokok at those games, and make changes to them" Kitty muses, then her eyes sparkle at the whole what's she drinking question. "WHatever will keep me away through work. Tough job" she admits. "So caffeine and vanilla and a cup and that's all I ask"

Kitty's totally not fngirling in the least. Nope. Not Kitty! Okay maybe a little...

"So, want me to look at both games and see if I can take bits and make one for you to play on Twitch?" she giggles. Oh no. Coffee and Kitty being excited. She's opened her mouth and she's not even joking.g. Kitty's trying not to drop herself in it

Slipstream has posed:
There's a blink of Drake's eyes. "What? Oh, no, you don't need to make any changes." He says with a laugh. "The games are great as they are, and I don't even play professionally anymore. Are you a game designer also? I went to school for it. Got my undergrand in it. I was hoping to work for Riot or Blizzard one day." He takes her empty cup and gives her a grin.

"But honestly, I'm trying to spend less time on the computer and more time in the real world, getting fresh air, meeting friends." He admits. "I've spent so long on the computer burning my eyes out that it's time for me to experience more real life. Buuuut, if you had any games you already made, I'd give 'em a shot."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs. "I should, but they are at home" she says simply with a smile, looking pleased. "But I can bring them over to you" she nods looking impressed.

"I do software and hardwware...things" Kitty grins and watches Drake. "So let's see, if I was going to deliver you software, where would I drop it off?" Kitty asks looking genuienly curious.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, just DM me on Twitter and send me a link to the installer. I'll have one of my Mods check it out." Drake says with a grin. "Once they give me the okay, I'll install it and maybe even stream it. "

Nudging her cup, he chuckles. "So, what are you drinking?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Closest thing I can get to caffeine and flavoring" Kitty says with a laugh. "I got a long day at work, so I need to stay awake really. Won't do if I fall asleep at my desk huh?" she adds rattling the cup as she goes to hand it over to Drake.

Kitty does have a long day. Yay for her work. Both X-Men and Xavier's work, because why not...she's a go getter who is prepping for a nice, long day at her desk and...and things.

Slipstream has posed:
"Okay, I"ll get you a double shot espressor." Drake chuckles as he blows some hair away from his face. Once he takes her cup over, along with his, he gets a pair of refills for them. His iced and her espresso.

Upon return, he slides it in front of her, then flops down into his seat again bonelessly. "So what is it that you do for work? You into IT or something? Engineer?" He hazard a guess.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks so relieved when her coffee is brought back. "Hey thanks" she says with a relieved nod and all but shoves her nose and mouth into it.

"Oh no no I'm actually involved in education" Kitty admits. Vague enough to avoid questions. "It's challenging but rewarding, you know?" Kitty nods sipping her coffee with a nod, raising her coffee and sipping it.

Slipstream has posed:
"So you're a teacher then? Counselor? College loan advisor?" Drake asks as he takes a sip of his coffee, then props his chin up in the palm of his hand. "Tutor?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh you're good. Second one" Kitty says. "Guidance counselor, so now you know why I need the coffee" she says with a nod at her own joke. "Though don't get me wrong, it's rewarding but insanely challenging. So..." Kitty trails off, punctuating each word with a sip.

"I'd never be a loan advisor. That's just mean. Teachers do great work but I'm more cut out for advising and helping, not teaching" she says with a shrug.

Slipstream has posed:
"That's cool. I'm sure that it's fun, listening to everyone's teenage problems. I don't miss those days." Drake laughs softly, then tilts his head as his phone starts to chime over and over again in a specific ring tone. "Oh. That's my boss calling me. I gotta get going and finish up a project for him. It was great meeting you, Kitty." He says as he climbs to his feet and gives her a grin. "Hit up in a DM though later if you want to hang out again or play games or something. I'd be down." Shrugging his bag over his shoulder, he lifts a hand to wave in departure as he heads for the door.