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(Nick comes by asking about Strange's school. Strange takes a break from ... something else to answer.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:18, 28 March 2020

Date of Scene: 23 March 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Nick comes by asking about Strange's school. Strange takes a break from ... something else to answer.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Phantasm (Drago)

Doctor Strange has posed:
It was a nice day outside. Just like yesterday. The sun was shining, the temperature was in the teens, and the smell of spring was in the air. The world was coming out of and it was a nice, bright, warm day for everyone. The city was busy, the streets were busy, and the Sanctum Sanctorum was...busy.

Doctor Strange's "manservant", Wong, was busy in the front of the Sanctum, with the main entrance door wide open. He was humming an ancient Chinese tune, a tune long forgotten, and sung only to very "special" children by their mother

The song had a strange kind of mystical quality, that seems to bring new life to the flower buds just starting to peek out of the snow and mud in the gardens that, until now, had not been there before.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's been a few weeks since Nick had run into Strange and what a busy few weeks it has been. Twice he's had to participate in a rescue operation, both of which were at the same location. He's had to help take the nightmares away temporarily from one person so they could finally sleep, and he's just started learning how to work with Escrima Sticks. Busy busy busy.

And now with things calming down with only a film shoot to consider at the moment, Nick has time to think back to what Strange said at Cafe Polychrome. And perhaps, that's why on his current walk his feet has led him back to the Sanctum. He doesn't know why, he just has a knack for doing that.

The knitcapped man's attire is not very star like. It is pretty simple, secondhand, solid colors. Nothing very interesting about it. No patterns. Just, bland. However, the presence of a backpack slung on his shoulder does break up the symmetry a little bit.

The musician pauses ouside of the Sanctum, looking over to Wong. Who, while Nick has heard of him, has never met him before. But based on what was going on with the flower buds, he definitely belongs here. "Morning." He greets.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Looking up from his gardening, Wong bows slightly, and puts the tools into his pouch at his belt. With a tug first left, then right, he removes his gloves from his hands, and they also disappear into his pouch at his belt. "Ah, Master Nick. Morning. The Master is expecting you. I hope this bright day finds you well. Follow me."

Wong walks up the stairs, not waiting to see if Nick was following him. Walking inside, Wong turns slightly, and says, "Is there anything I can get you? Refreshments, tea perhaps?" Wong waits for Nick to walk through the door, and into the cool interior of the Sanctum. "Doctor Strange will be with you shortly. Please, make yourself at home."

A strange thumping sound seems to be coming from a room somewhere up the stairs in front of Nick. A long, central staircase in the middle of the room, directly opposite to the door, goes up, left and right, branching out to hallways leading to seperate doors.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks as he's called 'Master' anything. But, perhaps it's a cultural thing? "It is a pleasant day." He agrees, looking to the man curiously as he follows up the steps. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure to meet before."

He turns to look to the man after he makes his way inside, briefly glancing up to the sound of the thumping brow arching for a moment before returning his attention to the one he is speaking to, "Would you be Wong?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Suddenly, there is a loud *BANG* as a door slams. Next, the sounds of heavy footfalls follow. Finally, Doctor Stephen Strange walks around the corner, sweat gleaming off his forehead, and obviously out of breath. Pausing for a moment, Strange wipes his brow with his left hand, and walks down the steps towards the main floor with a certain calm speed.

"Well. That was not any fun at all." Strange tosses a look at Wong, and says, "Iced Tea my old friend. Long Island if possible."

Wong shakes his head, sighs and bows. "As you wish. Master Nick is here to see you Doctor." Looking over at Nick with a slight smile, Wong nods once in his direction, and disappears, into a side room.

"Well Nick. It is good to see you again. I hope you are well. What brings you to my humble abode all the way here, in New York? I thought you were heading way north to find your destiny." Strange inhales deeply, and catches his breath quickly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a smile to Wong before the man leaves into another room. He turns looking over to Strange, smile still present as he gives a nod to the Sorceror Supreme.

"Things are starting to settle down. And if you're talking about the series shoot, there were a series of weather delays." Nick answers, "My flight back there isn't until later this week."

His head tilts curiously to Strange taking note of the sorceror's tired state. "So what was it this time? Trouble in another dimension?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Ah I understand. Well, it is good to see you well then. As you probably already gathered, there is no rest for the wicked around here." Responding to Nick's query, Strange clears his throat, and continues.

"It was the Dream Realm this time. Some strange entity has gotten lose, with Lord Dream himself missing from his throne...I expect it was a play by Nightmare, but there is no proof...yet. Thank you for asking."

Strange tries a smile, fails, and retains his frown after a few moments. "So, Nick, you had something you wanted to ask me I believe? I am all ears, and have some time to spare. Please, fill me in on what you would like me to help you with."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Dream realm?" Nick repeats, frowning, "Well, I'll be sure to let you know if I spot anything really abnormal next time I'm hopping through dreams. Other than- well, regular dreams. I haven't had to use Raphael's flask much recently except for once. But that's not Nightmare related. Well, technically nightmares, yes, but not NIGHTMARE nightmare related."

He pauses, stopping the ramble as he regroups. "I'd been meaning to talk to you earlier but a lot of stuff was going on and I hadn't had much time to think about it but, you said something about you making a Mystic Academy?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I would appreciate that Nick. Dreams can be powerful if manipulated by the wrong entity. Believe me." Strange nods once, not kidding at all, and listening as he describes Raphael's flask. Not commenting, he walks over to where Wong arrives with some refreshments, placing the tray on a table. Without dismissal, he leaves as fast as he arrives.

Picking up the glass which was the Iced Tea Strange had ordered, Strange then waves to the refreshments, letting Nick know that, if he wanted anything, it was there to have.

"Oh! Yes! The Mystic Academy. I plan on recruiting people from all walks of Sorcery to assist in teaching the youth of today into being more purdent and disciplined with their use of magic. You are of course, welcome if you are at all interested in that line of work? I would have thought your aspirations were..elsewhere."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I would like to help you, " Nick admits, "But I think we've pretty much established I'm not teacher material. I'm more of a reactionary type than a planning type." He shakes his head, chuckling, "I can just imagine the lecture topic now. 'Congrats! You can do a thing! Now stop doing it.' "

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange allows himself a laugh. "Right. I get it. You can always help out though. As a guide for the more musically inclined magicians. I expect that many will challenge different ways to access magic. They just need to be guided to understand that there is always a cost to using any kind of magic. For every action..." Strange trails off.

"I also think you have a unique perspective on magic. So, even if you aren't a teacher, you would make a unique mentor for the young students. Think about it and get back to me. We can discuss it further then. After all, this is just in the initial stages so no rush."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Listening to the doctor's incomplete sentence, he gives nod to the unsaid words. Everything has a cost. Even magic. And it varies by the person and what was done.

"Ok. Mentoring. Maybe. Although, I only got two spells that actually involved songs at some point. I kind of stopped messing with writing songs that mentioned religious figures when I realized they could do stuff."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Yes. Songs and music can have a prfound affect on these young people nowadays. Those ones in particular, Nick." Strange stops drinking for a moment, regarding Nick thoughtfully. "If this is to be an Academy, we would need a school for musical magic. There are certain artifacts and spells that require music to open their power."

Strange turns, as if that was it then. "Excellent. Think about it Nick." The door upstairs starts banging once more. Looking up at it, Strange pauses, puts down the chalice with the Iced Tea, and sighs. "However, I need to get back to dreams. We will talk further, anon my friend."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, even if I can't help with the casting maybe I can make sure it's not murder on the ears during the process." Nick muses, giving a chuckle.

He glances up to the banging door frowning, "Need any help with that or is it a solo thing?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Looking up at the banging, then back at Nick, Strange sighs, and says, "Solo I'm afraid. Thanks Nick. I appreciate that." With that Strange starts to ascend the stairs. "Thanks for the offer. I'll see you soon I am sure. Take care!" With that, Strange heads for the room once more after catching his second wind.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Alright." Nick replies back, not arguing with the response, "We'll talk after I'm done with filming unless something else pops up."

The musician is quiet, watching Strange head up to the room quietly. Upon the door closing behind the Sorceror, the watch ends and Nick steps one foot back, shifting his weight as he does a 180 degree turn around. One foot already set in the position of the first step.

He turns his head in the direction Wong disappeared to earlier, "Nice meeting you, Wong!" He calls out before heading out of the Sanctum.