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Battle of the Bronze
Date of Scene: 30 March 2020
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Trouble is brewing at the Bronze again! But this time, no vampires are involved. And things end nicely?
Cast of Characters: Bakeneko, Buffy Summers

Bakeneko has posed:
Night has fallen over Sunnydale. This is generally foreboding for its residents; the city seems a veritable hotbed of unpleasantry. But the Bronze offers respite from whatever creepy-crawlies may be lurking out and beyond. Noisy respite, but respite nonetheless for the young and energetic. Nevermind that it may have been targeted a time or two in the past for that very reason, it still persists. And that has to count for something.

It certainly does for the vagrant Katsumi Oshiro, aimless and truggling to come to terms with her own newfound strangeness. She's given up on trying to hide her strikingly inhumanly-colored eyes - people can think they're colored contacts as much as they like. But the real issues are those that lie just beneath the surface. Nothing seems permanent in America. As soon as she starts to feel like she can breathe, the world spits psychopaths at her. Or possessed people. Or whatever the Hell it is plaguing the Great States. To think, people call /Japan/ weird.

Wandering about is at least a distraction. She has some funds left - not much, but enough to dull the pain and pressure for a while. And tonight, that yearning for a diversion has lead her here, to a massive warehouse-gone-bohemian. The girl is leaning against the bar counter, a colorful drink set before her, weathering the efforts of a dork on her right trying to get her number. While on the left, she hears something inexcusable.

"Aren't you that wrestler chick? I thought that was for hicks and theater geeks!"

Another chimes, "No, she screwed up and like killed someone during a stunt!"

"Psh, dude, it was fake as Hell."

Katsumi pinches the bridge of her nose between thumb and forefinger. "Where do you want it? Left side or right?"

"Huh?," asks the first guy.

"The glass I'm about to whack ya with. Pick a cheek, or it's going dead center."

"Hahah, this bit-"

Katsumi wasn't lying. The glass is slammed into the young man's nose, along with the remainder of the drink splashing all over him. It happened fast enough that his buddy is left speechlessly staring at him, wallowing stunned on the floor. When he finds his words again, he leads with, "I don't care if you /are/ a girl, I can't let you get away with that!"

"Good." The Japanese girl steps back from the counter and turns to square with him, a small smile daring to tug the corners of her lips.

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late night and Buffy's finished with classes, with work and patrolling. Unfortunately, she still hasn't found a lead on the missing kids, or the vampire cult that continues to abduct them seemingly from right under her nose.

Which is partly the reason why she chose to step into the Bronz again..Ahh, her favorite highschool hangout. One has to wonder if things really changed over half a decade.

At least she is dressed for a hip nightclub, simple yet functional in pink slender pants and a black t-shirt, her black leather jacket pulled over it, hiding the utility belt around her hips, and a mini backpack is stil draped over one shoulder, carrying her various weaponry and other items that make slaying more functional.

She'd only come for a drink and hoped for a time out when the fight started. Eyes narrow, peering towards the amethyst-eyed girl and the punks who picked the fight in the first place. "c'mon you guys, leave the girl alone. Let's not fight.." she says with a tired sigh, stepping towards them but doesn't yet intervene. This girl seems to know what she's about..

Bakeneko has posed:
"Someone's gotta teach her a lesson!," declares the still-standing, still-confident guy.

"Ah?" Katsumi's head turns in Buffy's direction, curious. She expected guys to do the white knight thing, not another gal. Especially one whose tone sounds like she's just /so/ over it all. How many fights happen in this club?

The guy's fist thumps into her turned cheek. "Mnf!," is the girlish squeak that escapes Katsumi, though it's clearly more in surprise than anything. She remains standing, flinched, but nominal. When her gaze turns sharply back to her attacker, she sees he's already been overwhelmed by three other guys who find it wholly unacceptable to hit a girl.

It harkens back to a more chivalrous time of higher standards and etiquette. And it's also completely counter-productive to what Katsumi wants. "Hey! Get off of'em!," she fusses. One of her protectors gets a kick in the ribs, another bodily shoved into the bar counter. The third is snagged by the collar and given a quick, closed-fisted backhand. "He wants a fight, so c'mon! Let's do it!," she encourages amidst the stunned confusion, now bobbing on her boots.

Two out of three white knights decide she's crazy and bail. One can't abide the betrayal, and winds up prepared to rush her along with the first aggressor he'd just been pounding on.

"HEY! Take it outside!," shouts the bartender.

"What, I thought you people /liked/ live shows!," jeers the Japanese girl.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okaay, this was definitely an unexpected turn of events! Buffy frowns softly as the girl fights off her intended defenders and frowns, shaking her head. "Okaay, that's NOT cool, sis. You want a one-on-one? Fine, but don't dis people who are just trying to help you."

However, Buffy knows how satisfying it is to teach a bully a lesson. She glances at the guy who squares off against amethyst-eye and smirks. "You seriously wanna pick a fight with this girl? After what she did to those other kids?"

And when the bartender has enough, that's when Buffy finally steps in between Katsumi and her contender. "Yeaaah." she sighs, bored or tired. Or both? "Not cool, why dont you kids just chill, okay? Show's over."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is totally ready to go; the adrenaline is flowing, her heart's pounding, and her hands have raised at the ready - not in fists, but fingers splayed, as if ready to grapple. Indeed, that's her wheelhouse. Though she's extremely aware that she's in no danger here, it's the excitement of a fight that has her mojo working. It's exciting. It's rough. It's like jumpercables to a car battery. And when her would-be attackers advance, she leans forward to meet them.

And then there's the party pooper, interposing herself right in the middle of their would-be brawl. Katsumi halts abruptly on toe, eyes widened in surprise. Buffy's words, her tone, all of it earns a nonplussed blink. It then earns a punch for poor, sensible Buffy. "Show's just getting started, dye-job!"

It should be noted that Katsumi is utilizing a fraction of her strength - a fraction. Her striking power on display would be about on par with a healthy adult male. Strong, but not superhuman. And certainly enough, by her estimation, to knock prim and pretty Buffy Summers aside. If Buffy were normal, that is. And yes, she did just directly insinuate Buffy is a bottle-blonde.

The would-be attackers find themselves stunned again at her audacity. The white knight is even moving towards Buffy to see if she's okay.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is nto amused. Nto at all. And she moves quickly, with the trained speed and precision of a martial artist with years of experience behind her. She reaches up to block the punch, then twists her hand around to grab Katsumi's arm, twisting it behind her back to try and keep her off-balance, then attempts to shove her against a nearby wall. Buffy isn't using full strength either, but the position is an awkward one either way.

"I said, 'enough!' There have been too many unecessary punches been thrown in here today. So, you're strong? Fine, no need to prove it to a bunch of punks. Only weak people need to throw their weight around. Oh, and for the record, I'm a natural blonde." she smirks.

Bakeneko has posed:
The white knight has nothing to fear, as Buffy expertly deflects and redirects the punch meant for her! Katsumi gasps in surprise, manipulated around to the wall, and pressed squarely into it. In the process, the two former aggressors have decided this is becoming something more fun to spectate than take part in. Heck, a good number of eyes are now focused on the ladies.

"Eheh.." Katsumi doesn't seem disturbed by this. It's actually even more thrilling to find someone competent. She's not going to use any additional strength, as she's still operating under the belief that Buffy is perfectly normal - just well-trained. But she's extremely familiar with the hammerlock being applied to her. "Oh, come on..." Her fingers wriggle a little, testing the tightness of Buffy's grip along her arm. Seems solid. "Your hair's about as natural as your pants!"

She doesn't even mean that. She likes those pants. They're cute.

Buffy's training hasn't mislead her, at any rate. The hold is an awkward one, meant to confuse the joints and control the recipient. For most, it certainly would've been enough to calm things down. She couldn't be blamed for not knowing Katsumi's storied background as a fighter and grappler. Moreover, her Asian foe sees this as more of a challenge than anything, and knowing eyes are now tracking them adds a certain level of warmth and comfort to the exchange.

Suddenly, the lithe wrestler dips her hips to the side and twists, smoothly unwinding her arm while naturally reversing the hold onto her blonde 'opponent', tucking herself tight against Buffy's back. The hold gets a little something added, however, with her left arm attempting to snag Ms. Summers beneath the chin to force her into a backwards arch - a reverse facelock, for those in the know. Should she secure that additional leverage, the pressure applied to Buffy's neck will be kept /extremely/ minimal. No choking. No strangling. Nothing but a hold exchange. It isn't that she wouldn't choke someone out, but rather that she doesn't authentically want to hurt the girl. She's gotten a much better handle on controlling her strength, but she doesn't trust herself enough to risk that just yet.

"And the point's not proving I'm strong. The point's /this/. The fight. Can't ya feel that? The blood flowin'? Knowing everyone's watching? Pulling for you? The nice girl who just tried to do the right thing? Come on, admit it. It's kind'a fun," she says, voice kept a little lower for only Buffy's benefit.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers realizes her mistake only a moment too soon. This girl is clearly a lot more skillful than she let on in the first place. A bit too arrogant and eager to fight too though. Buffy narrows her eyes as she reverses the hold on her and sighs.

"Really..Must we do this? I only meant to keep the peace. But clearly you only wanna fight. What's up with that, you got anger issues or something?" she rolls her eyes at the comments. "Great, just what I needed, another Faith wannabe.."

With a swift movement she curls forward, butt and elbows out, an uncomfortable position for Katsumi to maintain the hold at the least. And then she attempts to throw her. Not hard, only enough to throw her off-guard, and to free herself of the grip. Seems Buffy is also testing the strength of this girl in turn.

Bakeneko has posed:
It's almost too perfect. This blonde girl is all about peace, while Katsumi, in very self-aware fashion, is all about disrupting the peace. "Ugh," laments Katsumi, "You're not listening! I don't have anger issues! I'm not mad about anythi-eep!"

The confidence is jolted into the second girlish squeak of the night to escape her, undermining her tough demeanor. Her butt thumping into her forces the Japanes girl to lurch forward, giving Buffy more leverage in the facelock. The elbow helps add some distance between them, ultimately ending in Buffy throwing her off. She hits the warehouse floor solidly, recoiling from the surprise impact, but quickly turning over onto all fours, facing Buffy.

This puts her back to their 'audience'. Katsumi's eyes suddenly widen and her cheeks flash rouge before she shoots a hand behind her to pat down the back of her skirt. She shoots a brief look to the crowd, "I better not see a single ***damn cellphone out!" The eyes narrow suspiciously at the crowd; no upskirts allowed. And then back to Buffy, her wicked confidence back in play with a narrowing of the eyes and a subtle, but predatory smile edging the corner of her lips.

"I dunno who Faith is. But when I'm done with you, you can tell'er she's next!"

Katsumi lunges in again, suddenly upright and attempting to lead in with a swift - albeit greatly restrained - hook punch aimed for Buffy's midsection. A couple more would follow suit, should the first land, looking to take a bit of the momentum in this 'fight'.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes. "You don't have anger issues? Heh, coulda fooled me. Are you saying, you're just in it for the adrenaline rush? You enjoy picking fights that much?" she laughs, shaking her head. "Either way, fights have their place..In the area, not in a place of peace."

And then she's back again, flying punches at her. Buffy frowns, darting back, bringing up her hands to block. "Gotta say, your technique's not bad..If only you'd learn a bit of self control.."

She darts back, a bit too confident perhaps as the last punch connects, and she gasps, staggering back.

Bakeneko has posed:
Bright magenta eyes shift aside momentarily, then back to Buffy. "Uh.. yeah?," she posits, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Katsumi likes fighting. Fighting is familiar for her. Fighting is, bizarrely, comforting. It feels like home. Not super powers, not foreign countries, not ruining everything she'd ever worked for in the blink of an eye due to circumstances she couldn't control - those things make her insides twisty. Fighting is like a warm hug. She can exert some level of control over that, and if nothing else, be sure the /other/ person is safe.

She isn't that self-aware. All she knows is, in a world where everything she held onto has been destroyed, a fight makes everything feel okay for just a little bit.

Her fist lands in Buffy's midsection, and she immediately pauses. Okay, adult male strength got that reaction. Blonde girl is still standing. Translation? She can take a hit. A surprisingly good athlete, seems like! Maybe a boxer? MMA person, given her familiarity with holds? She won't be increasing her strength, as she doesn't want to risk injuring her, but she can definitely respect that level of fortitude. Fight's still on, but Buffy gets some points!

"It's not my /self/ I wanna control," Katsumi continues, as if to take advantage of the opening. "It's you!" With that, she makes a brazen grab for Buffy, attempting to hook her behind the legs and at the shoulders. If caught, Miss Summers will find herself hefted, then brought down to an upturned knee in a visually-arresting, picture-perfect backbreaker.

One that would be fake as Hell, Buffy may yet discover. The landing would be stiff across Katsumi's knee, but deceptively so. Cradled more than landed, /excessively/ on guard against hurting the blonde. Buffy may yet notice that. She may also never discover it, should she counter out of the maneuver ahead of time!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes, recovering quickly, heck, maybe she even LET her get in that punch, who knows? Katsumi seems tough though, and fast. "So what, so you love to fight? I get it, all I'm saying it, you need to pick your moments more carefully! I mean, there're tons of boxing circuits, martial arts tournaments that'd love to have you.."

And as Katsumi attempts to grab her by the shoulders and knees, she darts back, kicking out her legs to cover her retreat as she handsprings back several feet to clear space between them.

"Enough already. Rule number one? You DONT get to control others. The only person you have a right to control is yourself!" she stands upright, springing back into a limber defensive stance. "Look, I don't wanna fight you, okay? Combat should be reserved for self defence only. You wanna show off? Show off to someone who cares."

Bakeneko has posed:
Oh wait what? That's a heck of a quick recovery from a blow like that. Katsumi's grapple attempt never had a chance to land there, leaving her to stumble a single step forward. When she recovers, it's to the view of Buffy executing gymnastic handsprings. Those expressive, exotic eyes blink owlishly. "What. Even."

What Buffy says, however, is met with a sudden burst of laughter - not of the cold and mocking variety, but rather genuine humor. Katsumi doubles forward to prop her left hand to her knee, eyes shut and index finger abob as she attempts to breathlessly explain her mirth through the laughter. "You- you can't.. fuss at me for showing off.. when you're.. f***ing /flipping around/!"

Their audience is enjoying it. It's exciting. And the more it goes on, the less vicious it appears.

The bartender is /not/ enjoying it. He's already calling the police.

Laughter dimming back to giggles, Katsumi straightens her posture and delicately brushes the back of her hand beneath her eyes. "Okay, we get it. You're all virtuous'n crap. Ready for round two?," she asks, her hands lifting. That bemused grin just won't leave her face now, though.

"Cops are on the way!," shouts the bartender.

/That/ finally registers. Katsumi pales, and she suddenly grabs for Buffy's wrist. The grip, should it land, would be noticeably firmer than the strength she'd displayed prior. Certainly not the literal tons-of-pressure she's capable of delivering, but she's serious in her effort to seize the blonde battler. "Five-Oh's creepin'! We gotta go!," she implores unironically. There's legitimate worry behind those eyes. And should Buffy assent, Katsumi will be tugging her swiftly out of the Bronze, with the intent to duck into the next alley down.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes, and shrugs, "Oh suure, I'm just gonna stand around while I let you pummel me. Can't help it if I look good doing it!" she smirks and it's clear that she's got a bit of ego herself. Hey, nothing wrong with showing off if it'll get you out of danger, but..

Then ther'es the warning of cops, and Buffy really doesn't want to get involved in that. "Oh sh--Heey!" then she's being grabbed and pulled along, and really she cant complain, afterall there's no use in standing around and getting into more trouble.

"You do this kinda thing alot, huh?" she quips as she flees the scene.

Bakeneko has posed:
"Used to! Kind'a!," Katsumi admits as they dash away, as if the two had somehow staged the whole thing.

The guy still laid out and dazed on the floor would argue it was very real.

As they enter the lip of the alleyway, Katsumi releases Buffy's wrist and assumes a more modest stroll for a few paces further in. She tugs the silky straight tresses of her hair over her shoulder to rake through it, attempting to unkink a few tangles. "You're not actually hurt, right? I think I actually hit you /maybe/ once, and you bounced back from that really fast." Turning again to Buffy, the girl's chin dips. "What's your deal? MMA? Judo? That was a good hammerlock you threw out, so you've obviously trained in something."

Despite the clash back at the club, the look on Katsumi's face is simply pleasant. A small, expectant smile, eyes bright and unapologetically curious, posture considerably more relaxed.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, glancing behind her, relaxing only when they've made some considerable distance between the club and themselves. She draws a deep breath, relaxing, slowing down. "Geez, I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.." she sighs, rubbing her temples. Well. Hopefully they wont pin this on her, since she was trying to help.

When Katsumi finally releases her, Buffy glances down at her wrist then back at the other girl, shrugging, "Nah, I don't bruise easily, and I heal pretty quickly." she smirks, "I suppose a little bit of this and that. Mostly Aikido and Jujitsu, with a little bit of Tai Chi and Kung Fu thrown in for good measure." she grins. She couldn't be more than 20 years old, give or take, but it's like she's been fighting for years longer than that.

Buffy is surprised to see that Katsumi isn't full of rage after their little spat however. "Soo...What's the deal with you, anyway? Was that back there just for fun or what?"

Bakeneko has posed:
"No s***?," Katsumi casually swears, regarding Buffy with a little more scrutiny. "You don't really look the type. I've seen the type. I've fought the type. You look more preppy. Is it a power thing? I'd get it if it was." She halts her speculation, as Buffy has presented her with a question. It's a /fair/ question, at that. But the Japanese girl seems to hedge over her answer.

Her right hand lifts to brush along her neck, her gaze falling to the toes of her boots. "Sort of? It's.. complicated. It's easier just to call me a b***." Was that a joke? Her magenta gaze lifts tentatively to Buffy again after having said it, along with a weaker smile. But after a moment, the hand drops and her shoulders sag. "I fight. Fighting comes natural. It's what I wrestle-," she catches herself with a wince, "../wrestled/," past-tense. "The world makes a lot more sense if I'm fighting. Makes everything, this life, suck a little less."

Her head turns faintly aside. "You have no idea who I am, huh?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow. "Ohh, is there a specific 'type' that's into martial arts?" she smirks and shrugs, "What was it, the valley girl look? The lack of muscles? Maybe the fact that I'm not some superimposing giant?" Buffy chuckles, "Well I guess badassery comes in all shapes and sizes.

She blinks slowly at the sagging of the shoulders, something in the other girl's eyes that catches her attention, causes her to regard her with some concern. "Wrestled, past tense? So what, you're a retired wrestler now? I mean, you seem pretty good, why'd you stop?"

She chuckles, shaking her head, "Should I?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro catches an opportunity to self-promote, while at the same time compliment the blonde. In one single, fluid motion, Katsumi has spun on heel to her side, tilting enough to lightly bump shoulders with her. "F*** yeah, they do."

Katsumi is not a girl someone would look at and expect physical prowess, or even her general demeanor. Between her slender build - granted, toned - and delicate, pixie-featured face, she'd likely be seen as too traditionally girly to be a physical threat. She loves that juxtaposition, though.

Alas, the merriment lasts only a moment as the focus seems completely settled on her life's recent upheaval. Slinking back from the Buffster, the Japanese diva folds her arms against her midsection. "I'm Katsumi Oshiro," she replies, specifically structuring her name for her American audience. But a smile is starting to build as she introduces herself. "Punk Princess of the ring. Came here to do a huge, global event, and things went, ah..." The smile falters. "...things went bad. I hit someone," hard enough to launch them out of the ring and right into the emergency room, "..the wrong way.. and long story short, got fired."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks a little, but seems to relax after a bit, echoing the other girl's more relaxed demeanor. Surely she was just having fun and wasn't trying to really *hurt* anyone back there, right?

"Heh, you got that right. People like to underestimate girly girls, as if we can't kick ass too. That's their loss I suppose." she grins, though the name offered still doesn't ring a bell. Probably doesn't watch alot of wrestling herself.

"Wow, so you were a professional, huh?" she sighs, "But that's too bad, I guess they're pretty strict." Aha that would explain the frustration, "Well..You know, why not joing a martial arts group or..I dunno, beat up baddies? I'm sure there are other ways to use your skills constructively?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Were. Every hit of the past-tense is a little more damaging. She doesn't fault Buffy for it. There's no way she could know how painful it's been. She won't make it her problem. That'll be her way of showing her appreciation for Buffy's ability and willingness to take her head-on in the club. It might be weird to be appreciative of that, but no one has ever accused Katsumi of being normal.

"I.. was. Yeah." She swallows. "They have to be. I know you've heard the whole 'fakery' bulls***, and cards on the table, there's some truth to it. 'Kay? But the moves you learn to do, they're real. Most of'em, anyway. And they're dangerous as Hell. If I throw someone down the wrong way, bam. Paralyzed for life. If I hit the wrong spot with a low dropkick, I could shatter a kneecap. If I squeeze a little too tight in a triangle choke, they may not wake up again. Loose'n relaxed is for the indies." She blinks. "The independents. The local shows. You hit the bigtime, you've got people's lives in your hands. They /have/ to be strict."

Her arms fold a little more tightly against herself.

"No one who watched me would believe it, and it sounds like such crap coming from me, but I trained /so hard/ to be safe. You can't do the really cool, amazing things if you're gonna land people in the hospital. But that's exactly what happened. There wasn't anything I could do about it, I- I /promise/ you that, but the f*** were they gonna say? 'Freak accident, you're off the hook'? Nah. Legal teams got involved, they had to do something. It-..."

She cuts herself off.

"Hey. I'm sorry." Her gaze, now sullen, settles on Buffy again. "I dragged you into my baggage, and now I'm hitting you with a sob story. Lame. So.. sorry." Her narrow shoulders hunch a bit. She is /not/ used to apologizing. "A-anyway, I started street fighting."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shivers, "Wow, that's...Really intense. I mean.." Well, it's not like that hazsn't been a real danger for Buffy fighting vamps in the real world, although she doesn't have to worry about killing them. All the same.

"I guess I get that though, you're dealing with real, living breathing human beings. It's not a game and it's not just for show." she nods, "I get it, you have good technique, but you were holding back. You could have caused more damage than you did and I appreciate that."

She reaches out, pats her lightly on the shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, maybe I underestimated you, back there, I mean..You're really not like my friend at all. Heck, she accidently *killed* an innocent person and she barely blinked.." she may be saying more than she should here, but Buffy feels like she can trust this girl. "Well that's cool that you started something else, are the rules less relaxed in street fighting at least?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro doesn't shy back from the hand. Human contact is something you become /very/ accustomed to in professional wrestling. It's not a sport that caters to people with stringent personal bubbles. But she's been having a considerable lack of that for the past month. She's not a sappy sort, but human contact has a certain comforting effect. "Yeah. You do get it," she says, her voice lowering a notch. She's not used to people understanding the world she comes from; at least not quite so easily. "'Course I was holding back. I was never gonna hurt ya for real. Maybe rough ya up, and someone had to /lose/, but you were in good hands!" She offers up a cheeky grin, but it's short-lived. After all, the next question is a bit of a loaded one.

"Eheh, yeah.. there are a lot less rules. Fight until the other person gives up or can't. No pulled punches. I mean, from them. I'm pulling my punches still." In more ways than one. "It's not strictly legal, and did you just say your friend /killed someone/!?"

It was a delayed revelation, but she's pretty sure Buffy just said her friend murdered a person! She leans back from her, eyes widened and concerned.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and shrugs. "It's okay, no need to hold back on my account. I'm used to getting thrown around. I'm not a professional wrestler or anything, but.." Well, how does she explain this in a way that doesn't give away her secret identity and all?

"Guess you could say I've er...Done a little street fighting of my own."

Oh. Oh right, maybe she shouldn't have mentionned that about Faith, but. "Um..Yeaah, long story, it's not like she *meant* to do it, it was an accident, didn't realize her own strength. We were..We were running away from va--err a gang, crazy gang of punks, she was trying to protect me, save my life when one of them stabbed me, and another came charging at me.."

She shrugs, "It's okay, I'm sure she served her time..I hear she's changed since then.." Oh that's right, she didn't introduce herself yet. "Oh hey, my name is Buffy. Nice to meet you, Katsumi!"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is stuck in a stunned sort of silence, waiting to hear the details of her murderous friend. And the more she hears, the more Katsumi pales.

She behaved like Faith?
Faith didn't know her own strength.
She killed an innocent person.

That could've been her. That could've been her /so/ easily if she hadn't started taking precautions. Maybe it's thanks to her sensibilities as a wrestler that learning /not/ to hurt people was so important, and in a very real way, it's kept her death toll down to zero. "M-my God," says Katsumi in an uncharacteristically small voice. "I-I, uh.. wow. God." She's rattled. She came so close to living that experience, to being thrown in jail for an accident. The worst she got was fired. It's poor succor for how her life has turned out, but it's a more than significant difference.

She tries to refocus, casting her gaze briefly to her boots. Inhale. Exhale. Work it out. Her eyes lift again. "Buffy?" She repeats the name again, this time with incredulity, "Wait, /Buffy/? Nah, come on, that's like what you'd name a pet!" A grin tugs at the corners of her lips, and she moves a little closer to the blonde, a playfully confrontational proximity. "I'd still have to hold back a little," she assures. "But if you're offerin' yourself as a stress reliever, we could hit a gym. Maybe find a ring."

A less serious and consequence-free tangle? That does sound pretty great. Therapeutic, even. She doesn't even care if it's during the day and the odds are much more even, winning isn't the point.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods again slowly, thinking of Faith with a grim smile, "Heh, good times. I sometimes wonder where she is these days? Still running from the law I suppose..She was a good kid, but somewhere along the line she made a bad decision, and she continued to make worse ones after that.."

Buffy shrugs as she continues walking along, and chuckles, "Heh, well...I used to be a cheerleader, miss popular..I had everything once, and I was your typical, shallow blonde..Then...Well, let's just say I had a life-changing experience. And now? I am as you see."

She grins, "Hey, it works for me, totally catches people off-guard. They never know what hit 'em when they see a cute and harmless looking blonde like me rushing at 'em." Another shrug and smile,

"Heey, if you ever wanna practice, or just relieve stress? Just hit me up. And if you're ever looking for me, I have a friend who works at the Magic Box, it's in town, got a sweet lil' training ring in the back room. I'm also a bouncer at the Blue Lady. Nice place, guess people usually get caught off-guard when they see me coming at them though. Lots of fun."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro gives a tentative giggle when Buffy brings up Faith again. It's an uncomfortable subject, a little too close to home for her. But the subject shifting more onto Buffy and her stereotypical charmed life is somehow better. She's not jealous of such popularity, though she might've been once. Fame helps to dull that resentment. "A ring? You'n me? I'm definitely gonna be there," she assures. "The people there won't freak if I'm beating up on their friend, will they?"

The playful bravado is punctuated with another shouldernudge, now walking with Buffy as opposed to dragging her around.

"The Blue Lady sounds weird. Is it like a hostess club? Does America do those? Oh my god, are you a hostess!? Is that why you take so much self-defense!?," she titters. Eyes sparkling, her left hand raises to her lips in coquettish shock. "Oh my god, you hussy!"