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Shopping with the Summers
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Red Hook Shopping Mall, Red Hook
Synopsis: Thomas takes the Summers girls shopping.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers

Thomas Raith has posed:
Family. It's a big deal to Thomas, mostly because as large as his family is, the Raith family sucks. So when Buffy invited him to basically play chauffer for her and her sister to have a shopping trip. He said yes without thinking. "Okay, so that's the image this poor woman walks in on. You have two naked collage kids, and Mouse harry's Dogasaurus Rex all sitting in a magic circle. Harry is desperately giving mouth to mouth to a 16 year old girl whose shirt was burned off by acid, and please believe this girl looked like she was trying to smuggle canalopes. There is a PVC pipe bomb looking thing pouring smoke bomb smoke. The house looks like it just survived a catagory 5 hurricane because of the werewolves that were chasing the cat and being chased by the dog. Enter Harry's girlfriend /and/ boss... He looks up and says 'It's not what it looks like."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as she listens to Thomas' story and smirks. "Wow...I mean, I'd say keep it rated PG13 for the kiddies, but is that REALLY how it went?" she rubs her eyes, shaking her head. "Geez, Thomas, you and Harry and Murph get up to the craziest stuff. And I thought my life was weird.." She taps her finger on the windshield, peering out at the trees that rapidly rush by.

With their mom currently sick but thankfully out of the hospital, she needed to buy some groceries and other knick knacks, which was a lot easier when they had a set of wheels.

"Thanks for doing this for us, Thomas. I really appreciate it. Dawn, you doing okay back there?" As always, she's over protective, over worried about Dawn all the time. Crazy paranoid big sis.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Back seat riding. Does it get any better? Dawn didn't care, she was out of the house and going shopping, at least that is what her sister had told her. Now what type of shopping...that was not clarified and in her mind it was to buy her more cute outfits. The story went unheard, the teen was in the back seat with a pair ogf headphones in, however when Buffy turns she pulls one of them out, revealing some music perhaps unfit for her ears. "Huh?" A feigned smile and a thumbs up follow her words.

The music is turned off and the headphones are pulled out, as the young girl adjusts herself in the backseat, pulling out some chapstick and moving to apply it. "So what's my spending limit? I mean I don't need to go all out mind you, but I do need to up my school cred." She raises a brow expecting an answer, but there is some hint of saercasm in her words.

Her attention then shifts to Thomas, tilting her head ot the side, her pony-tail falling to one shoulder. "So. You must really like her to drag the /two/ of us out shopping. This little excursion is going to include lunch right?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit, "As long as the words "Vegan, Wonder, Miricle, or Impossible are in now way associated with whatever meat product is served, I'm happy to spring for whatever you guys want for lunch." He says a bit amused at the teen girl. He smiles at Buffy in a bit of a puppy dof smile, tilting his head. "Happy to do it." He promises. Since they were going shopping, he brought the Hummer... in case Buffy's idea of buying potatoes is to take home the entire state of Idaho. "And i do like her, quite a bit." He promises Dawn. "She speaks rather highly of you, if your curious."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Dawn, clicking her tongue disapprovingly, "Dawn, what on earth are you listenning to? Did Riven give you that music? I told you to quit listenning to that garbage.." she rolls her eyes but doesn't exactly pull it away. Honestly, it's like she's her 'mom' or something, especially with Joyce sick a lot lately.

"I'm sure Thomas is just trying to help out the family. Heck he's more of less part of the family, far as I'm concerned. Besides." she smiles, "This is WAY better than lugging heavy bags on the bus, don't you think?"

She just smiles at Thomas, expression softening a bit. "I'll try not to weigh down your car too much. Dawn is such a heavy eater though.. And of course I do. Even if she's a pain in the butt sometimes, she's my sister, and I love her to death."

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn leans back into her seat once more, staring out the window a distant glance seemingly at nothing. Her legs are pulled up to her and she sits criss-cross. "Sounds good to me. I always say, if it didn't walk at time, it aint going past these lips." A small smirk comes to her lips, "An no, Riven did not give me this music...his friend did. He's in a band: Slut Mongers. You wouldn't understand."

The smirk grows wider as she tries to keep her composure. "It's clean I promise...mostly."

She exhales softly and pushes herself forward an elbow on either headrest of the two front seat passengers, her head between them now. "Yeah you should have seen our last shopping trip. I told her, take the cart...they have plenty, at least to the bus stop. Nope. There we are lugging bags down the street to the bus stop. And just as we get on the bus, a bag breaks right in front of this totally hot guy." She pauses, "Don't worry Buffy didn't look at him...all me. I swear. Anyways, out spill the oranges and the tampons right at his feet. I mean who bags oranges with tampons?" She shrugs and smiles over to her sister. "And I love you too sis. Chapstick?" Her hand extends to her sister, a thing of chapstick seemingly appearing out of thin air."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith doesn't laugh. He doesn't! It takes a supreme effort of will but he manages to keep his reaction just to a slightly upturned smirk of his lips and a glance at Buffy as if in amusement. he glances in the mirror to look at Dawn, "Oh that's okay. Buffy is free to look at any man she wants to. She's human, and it's in human nature to appreciate things we find appealing. Or, to quote my dear sweet 65 year old maid, I really don't care where she gets he appetite, as long as she comes home for dinner." He doesn't comment on Dawn's music since he' got a pretty eclectic taste in music himself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at Dawn, "What the heck..Did you just say...? Dawn? Seriously, you need to hang out with a better crowd of people. They're a really bad influence on you.." she sighs, "Somehow with a name like that, I doubt it.."

And then she goes and tries to embarrass her and Buffy laughs, shaking her head. "Heey, I totally didn't scope him out.." still, she glancing at Thomas, frowning a bit. "Can't you at least pretend to be a bit jealous once in a while?" that last part does make her blush a little though, looking away, falling silent for a moment.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn does not lean back just yet, she wants to be up close and part of the action. The hummer just earned an extra wheel..a third wheel. "You have a maid? Whoa. We need to get one of those Buffy. I mean think of the time it would free up for me to hang with Riven if my chores were already done." Oh she knows how to tease her sister. SHe looks over to Buffy and rests her head on her shoulder speaking softly and all cute like. "I am kidding sis. You know I would rather spend my time with you."

Her head raises and she stares straight aheads at the road before her. Then she speaks, apparently directed to Thomas. "Let me let you in on a little secret. Girl's love to feel wanted. Now, don't get me wrong, I am sure you want my sister." She pauses and lets out a small. "Eeeeew." Then continues. "Buffy this is for your benefit you will thank me later. So when a guy acts a little jealous, it only enhances his status in said relationship."

She nods once and sighs softly. "You two have a lot to learn about relationships. You have been out of high school too long." She tossles Buffy's hair. "Your welcome sis. He'll learn. "

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow and in a totally dead pan voice says "I see.." He clears his throat and says "That rat bastard. I shall track him down. I shall rip off his left arm and beat him unconcious with the wet end. How dare he be physically attractive in the presence of my girlfriend. It is a crime agienst my honor which cannot be born." Amusement twinkling in his crystal blue eyes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly at Dawn, laughing a bit nervously at Thomas. "I'm sorry, that wasn't what I meant, just...That discussion we had the other day and..." she shrugs, "Oh gee, I totally put my foot in it. Dawn's right though, smart kid. Guess I don't give her enough credit." she does peer sidelong at Thomas though, elbowing him gently, lowering her voice just enough so that only he can hear. "Just..Don't mention that other part to her. About...'Food' and...'Feeding' and..Stuff..?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
Mission accomplished and the young girl returns to the backseat fully, peering out the window once more. "I'm smarter than people give me credit for." There is a small moment of silence and she ventures her words once more. "I skipped a class the other day Buffy. English. Had a test on Romeo and Juliet and I was...well, lets just say I was not really prepared for it." She does not move her head away from the window. "So yeah, I served a detention and I /totally/ learned my lesson. So if the school calls that's why." She offers a sweet smile and then adds. "If it makes you feel better, they made me take it in detention. Did Romeo and Juliet have a friend named Cornholio?" She shrugs and winks. "I love how understanding you are Sis. I mean how you would never embarass me in front of this fine handsome gentleman."

Oh she knows how to play the game.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly to Buffy at her whispered request. I mean how do you explain properly that your boyfriend is in fact a soul sucking vampire who feasts on you during sex because your power makes you the equivalent of an all you can eat buffet for him. Not an easy convo to have... And then, When Dawn speaks he can't help but laugh. "You know something Dawn? I think you are absolutely right. Your sister would never dream of doing such a thing..." and then stearing the massive vehicle one handed, he reaches into his pocket and produces a pair of ear buds. He puts them in, and a second later the mellow tones of the Finnish band Lordi's hit "The devil is a loser (and he's my bitch)" Begins blasting in the White Court's ears. He gestures casually to Buffy, then the back seat.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blushes a bit at mention of Romeo and Juliet and her hand goes instinctively to her ring. Angel's ring. That she started wearing again. "Mm..You ARE very smart Dawn, just wish you'd try not to get into so much trouble at school." her frown deepens when Dawn admits skipping class, turning around to narrow her eyes intently at her.

"What?! You skipped class? You just KNOw that mom's gonna ground you for that..!" but it's too late, they're already pulling up to the mall by now. And with a sigh, Buffy would rather not ruin her date-turned-babysitting/chauffering-with her 'Handsome Gentleman'.

She draws a deep breath, turning around, forcing a smile. "Of course not, Dawn, I would never DREAM of embarrassing you in front of someone I'm trying very hard to impress.."

When Thomas puts earbuds in his ears though, she peers at him curiously, "Umm and exactly what are you listening to?" she smirks a bit but it looks like they're finally approaching the mall by now..Which could be a good thing.

Dawn Summers has posed:
And sure enough they have finally arrived. Saved by the speeding driving skills of one Thomas Raith. A quick lean forward to check herself in the rear view mirror and Dawn moves to exit the vehicle, putting her hand on the door handle. "Oh sis...mom isn't going to know about it. Cuz if she did...I would have to let her know we need more security because of the strange men that wander around outside the window of vulnerable a teenage girl at night." She smiles and winks to her sister before jumping out into the parking lot leaving Buffy to digest that one a moment."

Leaning against the hummer, the young girl waits for the other two to exit. She may give her sister a hard time, but she knows better to wander off on her. It is then she realizes they are not at a mall with clothing stores, but an actual grocery store. "Oh hell no. What am I supposed to do make a dress out of tinfoil and organic lettuce?"