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Latest revision as of 19:52, 6 April 2020

Spring Beach Vacationette
Date of Scene: 21 March 2020
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Buffy and Thomas enjoy a demon-free vacation on a beach.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
With Spring finally here and a lot of stressful situations lately now behind them, Buffy had somehow convinced Thomas to take a short break from work and check out a nice little strip of beach during a quieter time of day. It's early evening and starting to get a bit cool but still sunny and pleasant as Buffy rides in the car with him, yawning a little, "So glad classes are finally over, I think we could both use a break." she smiles, having packed a picnic basket and all. Hopefully no demons will interrupt or anything.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit, reaching over and taking her hand as he drives at suicidal speeds, only partially paying attention to the road. Tuesday is always the slowest day at the Club anyway and...well frankly as a couple the pair /need/ this. He brings her fingers to his lips and kisses them, "You do like Rollar coasters, right?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, glancing between the road and a Thomas, "Umm, is that safe?" she laughs a bit nervously but traces his lips with her fingers, nodding slowly, "Yeahh, didn't think I'd be able to get you out from behind that desk, thought you could use a break from the office, and I'm Soo done with school." she smirks and nods, "Heh, I'm an action junkie, love all sorts of carnie rides. Never been to this place before.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly "Coney Island is a landmark, a national treasure of sorts... It's got rides, games, a genuine freak show." He smirks a little bit and is not looking at the road /at all/ now... As if challenging her. "Is what safe light of me heart?" he asks innocently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and sighs, "Yeaah, between school, work and slaying, I dont really get out much so maybe this is a good thing, a chance to relax.." still she eyes the road rather nervously, "Ummm are you even watching the road?" Buffy doesn't wanna tell him how to drive but there is a nervous note to her voice now.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives her a wicked grin, whipping around a car that he was moments from rear ending with a few layers of paint to spare, then whipping back in front of it before he is a head on collision. "Well maybe I have great peripherial vision?" he asks smirking slightly. He takes the exit to the Island and still doesn't put his eyes on the road.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, eyes glued on the road ahead, but she doesn't exactly panic, more like braced for impact..Except that they end up dodging that bullet, and another, "Okaay, when I said I like roller coasters, I didn't mean while riding in your car..You really like living on the edge, don't you?" more nervous laughter although she's. choosing to trust he knows what he's doing. And maybe this is just a little bit..Fun?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, "I'm a creature who goes bump in the night. I'm in love with the woman's whose job it is to bump back. Of course I like to live dangeriously." He says with a wicked smile on his lips as they park the car. the sounds of the carnaval like atmosphere of the place washing over them. "So what chall we do first?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Ohh I get it, you like living life on the edge.." eyes narrow a bit, "I mean, what's wrong, you scared of creatures that bump back?" Buffy gently teases as she climbs out of the car, wearing a cute white floral dress and sandals, a straw bag stung over one shoulder and sunglasses covering her eyes, "Hmm lets check out the carnival. I've always loved those shooting games, they're way too easy, and those haunted houses look fun!" she grins as she peers around, wow so much to see and do.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, looking at the long array of Carnie games, all of them slightly rigged, none of them standing a chance agienstt this pair. "They won't know what hit them, huh?" he asks amused as he takes her arm. "Promise to protect me from all the scary ghosts in there?" he adds playfully towards the haunted house.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, leaning against him as they head for the haunted house, "Ooh, don't tell me you're afraid if ghosts and demons and vampires?" she laughs, "I mean honestly do you think any of these games are a match for us?" still, Buffy always enjoyed scary houses so she leads him that way, smiling at the not-quite-as-scary-as-the-real thing monsters, "Awwe these ghostiesxare sooo cute.." she reaches up to tickle a ghost by the entry.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "Lara took me to a haunted house when I was 14 or so... It was the sort of place you had to sign a waiver to go into and technically had to be over 18... Pretty sure she ... talked... the guy in front into letting me in. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards. Compared to that, this is nothing." He says amused, walking up and giving the man the money to let them in.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, pausing by the entrance..Looks like they need to sign a waiver here too. "Oh really? I didn't think you got scared easily..But then again I imagine that was before you..Before your eyes were opened to the things that go bump in the night..?" the attendant peers at her funny as she hands back the waiver.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head slightly, "Not till I was 18 or so." he says with a bit of a shrug, "YOu'd never recognize me when I was that age," he adds with a bit of amusement in his tone, signing the waiver as well and sliding his arm around her waist. "I was that gangly kid girls like you never would have looked at twice. Ance and everything."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods as she steps in, "Yeah, you mentioned that before...Isn't it interesting how destiny can change your lofe?" she pauses and peers around, eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. And even though it's a fun house, Buffy still tenses, ready for anything that might pop out of the darkness. "I'll bet you would never have recognized me before I became the Slayer. I was the cool, popular girl in school..Had lots of friends, and I was silly, shallow and ditzy." she shrugs, "Worst of all I was one of those weak helpless girls that guys love to protect of only to make them feel more macho.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, his own posture becoming more languid... like a big cat on the prowl. "I can't imagine you ever letting some guy fight your battles for you." he says with a grin, "Please tell me you didn't walk around in a bunch of Pink and say "Yah know," after every sentance or statement."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and shrugs, "Actually yeah.." she grimaces, "Hey when you're weak and helpless and pretty, it's fun to make guys fight over you, great for the ego..Of course, when I 'woke up', I was the one protecting everyone from monsters and suddenly the other girls thought I was a weirdo and a show off and the guys thought I was too macho for them, especially when my rescuing them bruised their egos." Buffy sighs, "Although sometimes I kinda miss being carefree and ignorant.." she peers around and hears growls and shadowy figures lurking in the corners of the next room where 'blood' trickles from the walls and ceilings, the long hallway lit dimly by flickering candles in evenly spaced sconces.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snorts softly and smirks, "Well if you want, we can roleplay some time... We'll go into the cemetery and you can pretend to a vapid ditzy teen and I'll come rescue you from whatever shows up... then you can be appropriately grateful." He says with a wicked grin before eyeing the dripping blood. "Corn syrup you think?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs and shakes her head, "Are you kidding me? I don't think I could ever go back to being that weak, helpless girl. I guess the only plus was that I was popular and everyone didn't think I was dangerous and weird.." she shrugs, "But it's okay..I have a lot of friends now, people I care about, even if I have....History with some of em.." she has a strange look on her face as she says that, stepping towards the blood splatter and Buffy really can't help it, she needs to make sure it's not a real killing. "Heh...Corn syrup..But how about that creepy, bloody zombie crawling out of that closet..And the two snarling at us from down the hallway? Looks like they're herding us this way.." she smiles as she decides to play along, even though her first instinct is to turn around and fight them.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith says, "oooh, guess we should run away fom them." He says with mild amusement, hand still on her waist... and maybe just a little bit lower then that.. after all what's the point of a scare attraction if you don't get to work in a bit of playfulness in the shadows and shifiting lights. Amusement in his tone. "They aren't bad, but once you've been an attempted sacrifice for three porn stars turned sorceresses, it sets the bar, yah know?""

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks as she continues down the spooky hallway, past talking skulls that remind her of Bob, cackling dolls and giant spiders nearly tangling them in their webs. The exit is just a few steps away when another zombie jumps it suddenly, startling Buffy who laughs, jumping into Thomas' arms. "Wow, not bad, if I hadn't seen those kinds of things in the real world.." she pauses, arching a brow at him, "Wait what? That must be tough, catching the eye of every girl in the room, I guess it's no longer flattering after a point.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a bit and gently but firmly lets the female Zombie stand up. He gives her a kiss on the hand and says "Sorry, I'm here with my girlfriend." He says with a laugh, trying to be as gentle as possible but yeah..." He sighs a little bit... "He retakes Buffy's arm and they head out. "Worst case? I had a Jehovah's Witness throw herself at me right after I opened the door. It was right after I had disassociated myself from Silverlight and was running through a bit of a rough patch...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit "Wow, that's gotta be tough..And I can't even imagine working at a porn studio.." she shivers, "I'll definitely have to look up Inari, make sure she's okay.." Buffy blinks slowly as she steps out into the bright sky again, smirking, "Well, that was fun..What next? Wanna win some easy prizes shooting ducks with toy guns?" eyes narrow, a competitive edge in her voice, "That is, if you Think you can beat me?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, his eyes going positively wicked. "Oh you think you can beat me Ms. Slayer? I think there is something you are failing to factor in to your estimations." He walks in the direction of the shooting gallery and smirks touching her hand and sending raw desire into her body. "I cheat."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "What you think I'm above cheating? I mean I'm just that much better than you I don't even need to cheat.." she grins and winks though shivers at his touch, leaning up to kiss him briefly before laughing and running off to the shooting game. "Soo what are you waiting for?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit and places $20 on the counter for the man and the guy grins, handing each of them their loaded BB guns, each with 20 shots to hit a small target with. Most points wins...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins, grabbing the toy gun, looking at it thoughtfully, "It's funny, never really been a fan of guns, I much prefer getting all touchy freely with melee weapons, sooo I might be a bit rusty buuut..lHere goes! May the best person wins! Oooh, if I win, you totally owe me!" she peering at her target, Buffy narrows her eyes, focusing intently. Okay, so guns are not a favourite weapon of hers but that doesn't mean she sues the possess an innate ability to use practically any weapon she picks up, as if she's been using it for years. BAM BAM! she hits the bulls' eye nearly perfectly, hitting very close to the center and scoring a 300. The store clerk's eyes widen. It's probably very rare for most people to score that high. She grins and winks at Thomas, "So then, let's seee you beat that!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and looks Buffy right in the eye as he lifts up the weapon and...without looking away from her, there is a series of rapid fire "Pfft, pfft, pffts.." On the compressed air and... 300... Two perfect score in a day are unheard of at this game... But back to back? The poor teen behind the counter saying "Uhh... it's a tie?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "Heeey, how can you shoot straight when you're not even looking?" she makes a face, glancing towards the clerk again, and grins as he resets the board, looks like they get three turns each. Good. "Alright this time it's for real!" eyes narrow intently on the board, shooting more intensely this time, BAM BAM BAM! and this time she scores a near perfect 350 points, "Hah! beat that!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit and does aim, his eyes going a bit flicked with silver.. And sends all 20 BB's through the bullseye, this time taking time to aim his shots so that each hole can be individuall counted.. 4 rows of 5 holes, perfectly framed by the inner ring.. "Uhh...400 points... the gentlman wins..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes widen, peering intently at him, noticing the silver eyes, "Heeey you cheated! But I'll still beat you! One more round left, this isn't over yet!" and she clutches her gun more tightly, focusing on a similar pattern...But even then she doesn't have the extra edge and she only manages to score a 380 at best...But hey, at least she won a stuffy! "Boo, I can't believe I lost..."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "I told you that I cheat." He says playfully and tells the man to add his points to her's so that she can get a slightly larger Stuffy, smirking some.. "We could go and bankrupt the mallet and bell guy?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pouts a bit, elbowing him playfully, "Awwe you didn't have to do that but..lThanks!" she smiles, though picks out a small My Little Pony keychain of Starlight Glimmer who is naturally the coolest pony - which she clips to her cute but functional mini backpack (Which is no doubt mostly full of Slayer stuff - just in case). "Heey since this is so small, you can choose a bigger stuffy for yourself too! AndIm kinda really wanting to try maybe a roller coaster or maybe the Caterpillar?" she smiles, looping her arm with his, "I think those might be super fun! That is, if you're not too chicken?" she wriggles her brows playfully.

Thomas Raith has posed:
He grins. "I mean I'm not scared... of course you know all those urban legends about the catapillar, don't you? He says teasingly even as he places his hand on her waist to guide her in the direction of the ride in question...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, shaking her head, "Hah, I'm not afraid one little bit! I mean...It doesn't look that scary...Right?" she bites her lip, leaning into him as they near the ride in question. To be honest she's never actually gone on a lot of carnival rides and it looks a lot bigger close up..But no way she's gonna admit she's nervous now, even if she shivers slightly, "So, what are we waiting for? let's do this!" she laughs a bit nervously.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The ride itself looks pretty tame. A circular track with humps that ride up and down... then the cover crosses over you plunging you into darkness. He smirks slightly as he hands over their tickets and grins. "Sure, as long as you don't mind snakes." He says almost flipantly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers up at the ride in question, biting her lip, heart s,upping a beat, "Heh, snakes? no problem! I'm not afraid of anything!" she pauses, hesitating, grasping his hand and squeezing it, "Umm...Though not a fan of not being in control.." she adds in a softer lice as they wait in the lineup, biting her lip as it gets closer to their turn..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "Oh? Maybe I should educate you on how fun letting someone else take complete control can be?" he says in a wicked tone and kisses "that spot" on the side of her neck playfully.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Heey, I know how to have fun...Itrust you, just dunno if I trust..Others.." she shivers and giggles as he kisses a particularly tender part if her neck, playfully swatting at him, "Heey, now you're just distracting me..Cmon, let's do this already, before I..I have time to change my mind.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks and nods, letting the much more petite girl take the inside part of the car so he's not squishing her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "WEll if you want I can distract you the entire ride..." he says brushing his lips light as a butterfly's wings agienst hers.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, climbing into the booth, clutching his hands a bit more tightly than necessary. "Umm not that I'm scared at all..." she laughs nervously again, "But I wouldn't mind a distraction...Umm what was that bit about snakes?" She is already distracted with butterfly kisses, closing her eyes and smiling as she Orestes hers against his distractedly, closing her eyes as she waits for the ride to start..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles "Oh an urban legend that a family of copperheads crawled up in the canvas of the Cattapiller once, then when the cover closed they dropped all on top of the people inside... but with the cover closed the operaters couldn't see what happened till the ride ended, thinking their screams were standard excitement." He says amused, but staying close...each word a kiss of it's own..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, smiling nervously, "Umm for real? We're gonna be in the dark, trapped in this thing, no escape? But umm....It's just a myth, right..?" she seems uncertain now, grasping his hands more tightly, trying to focus on him, as the ride jerks to life, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed. "Tell me it's just a rumour?" her eyes widen a bit, glancing nervously out if the corner of her eye. Shoot..She didn't bring any weapons and she really doesn't like losing control..She licks her lips, trying to appear casual with more nervous laughter...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith dosn't answer her... He does kiss her, hard and slow and deep, hand sliding behind her head and holding her to him... Kissing her for the entire 2 and a half minute ride...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers does relax a bit more at his touch and just smiles, pressing against him as she kisses him deeply in turn...It's enough to be distracted from the suddenly increasing speed of the caterpillar as it rises higher into the sky, spinning faster and faster, higher and higher..,She keeps her eyes closed, ignoring the screams around her, the darkness...The feeling of veering totally out of control as she rests her hands against his chest, snuggling in close and tight as the world seemingly spins out of control...He really does have distracting kisses as the ride gradually slows down, ringing them back to earth. She blinks, opening one eye then the other, peeking out. "Umm..Is it really over?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slowly, keeping his mouth close enough to her's to brush his lips agienst her's with every word... "I thought it was just starting." He whispers with a smile, but does slowly start to pull away slowly then help her out of the ride. "So was that exciting enough for you?" he asks smirking.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, snapping out of it as she glances around, "What..It's over already?" she smirks, shaking her head as she grasps his hand, climbing out, "You totally distracted me!" she makes a face but laughs, "And I was totally not scared at all! So what next? Roller coaster? Or shall we grab some cotton candy?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit, "Well we're on Coney Island don't you think we should at least get Coney Hotdogs?" he asks with a grin, smirking a bit as they head to the food area... When the test your strength guy calls out "Hey there buddy? Wanna really impress that cutie pie? Step up here and lets see how much of a real man you are..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Hot dogs.." she grins, "Sounds good, I'm starving!" she pauses, peering at the game clerk curiously, "Ummm say what now?" she bites her lip, grasping Thomas' arm, "zone he really doesn't need to impress me.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
The game clerk grins hugely, "Oh, I'm sorry suger, I didn't realize /you/ were wearing the pants in the relationship. You wanna come up here and show him what a real man looks like? I'll even give you the first swing for free." Thomas just shakes his head a bit, "This poor bastard has no idea what he's getting into does he?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit nervously, "Heh well I don't control him or anything..He does his own thing but.." she shrugs and smirks stepping towards the game clerk, "Soo what, you trying to impress me or something?" she grins, "Alright, lemme show you what I'm made of!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
The guy laughs a little, "Sure thing Honey Bee, lets see what you got..." He says handing over the over sized, improperly balanced mallet and standing back Thomas for his part just shakes his head and walks up to watch, pulling out a series of tickets, figuring that Buffy's about to make some music..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers at the mallet, testing it's weight, but seems to have no issue holding it effortlessly in her hand, "Hmm, seems unbalanced but...Let's give it a go!" she grins, slamming the mallet down in the lever, aiming to hit the bell. Of course, even if it's too heavy for the normal person...Well Buffy is hardly normal.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
BING!! The barker blinks slightly as the bullet hits the bell. Thomas doesn't say a word, just hands the barker another two dollers and signals to Buffy to go ahead and do it again... Top prize requires 5 bell strikes, hardly an issue he knows for her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Really?! That wasn't very high..." she makes a face but looks like she has another turn. "Okaaay, here I go!" she grins, grabbing the mallet, twirling it around several times...Then hits the lever a second time...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Bell rings, Thomas hands over another $2... and another... Untill after five rings he nods and walks over picking up a over stuffed brown bear with chocolate eyes almost as big as Buffy herself is. He smirks a bit, "Think it'll fit in the back seat?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, dropping the mallet finally and draws a deep breath, "I think it's rigged...No way it'd take even me that long to score five rings.." still she beams at the stuffed teddy and laughs, hugging it. "Awwe you shouldn't have! Shall we check out the beach before it gets too late? I'm dying for a swim!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit, "well far be it for me to do anything that delays getting you into a bikini.." he says playfully, leaning over and brushing the lightest of kisses agienst her lips, placing his hand on her back to lead her down towards the beach.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, grasping his hand and following him to the beach. The sun is just starting to set and there are not too many people at the beach today, "Hmm, this is nice.." she sighs, leaning her head against his shoulder as they head down to the sandy beach, "I mean, I don't remember the last time I got to hang out and have non-demon related fun.." because fighting demons is such fun, joke. "Sooo how about a little swimming and then a picnic? Ooh, I hope you like my bathing suit.." she does blush a bit as she says that, it's a while since she went swimming and had to buy a new bathing suit, although she didn't trust Thomas to buy something half decent.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit. "The extremely attractive athletic woman, whom I happen to be crazy about, wants to dress in something revealing, and is worried that i might not like it." He says in a playfully deadpan voice. "I'd offer to help you get it on, but then we might not make it to the swimming."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blushes and giggles a bit, playfully elbowing him as they continue towards the beach, "Oh it's okay, I'm wearing it under this dress..Umm but I'm not used to revealing so much skin..You know, I prefer..Practical stuff, first and foremost.." she peers around, "Hmm where should we set up camp?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks around the beach casually at her question and then using the toe of his shoe carefully marks a large X in the sand. "How's right here?" he asks with a playful grin. Then he casually pulls off his t-shirt and grins wickedly, as if daring her to do the same.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Oh, you're so mean.." she makes a face, dropping her purse and picnic basket on the X before pulling off her shrug, then slowly unbuttons her dress, letting it sink to the ground. It's spring, but it's still a bit cool in the evenings and she shivers a little, revealing the sleek black, slightly athletic looking bikini she wears underneath. It's definitely more functional than revealy but does show off her long muscular legs and trim midsection. "Soo..." she blushes, "What do you think?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith says, "I think... It was 1999. I was in Vennice. A small little boat my father had rented for... something. We'd taken the boat out a ways and the sun was setting. It painted the sky in shades of orange and pink and purple... subtle shades that there aren't proper words for. The Water seemed like it was on fire and the city like it was painted by the hands of God himself. It was the single most beautiful thing I'd I have ever seen." He gives her a playful and slightly wicked grin. "Until now.""

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and blushes a spy his dramatic comparison. "Oh you!" she laughs and playfully punches him before turning and dashing towards the water, stepping backwards, grinning, "Tag you're it! Think you can keep up?" she grins, that old sparkle, and a challenge in her tone. Competitive much?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is still wearing blue jeans, but he chases after her anyway. Launching into a sprint and grinning wickedly as he chases her... not trying /too/ hard to catch her, but at the same time making it so if she were to make the tiniest mistake she would fall into his clutches.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is running backwards most of the time, til her feet touch water then she smirks, darting barely out of his reach, "Come on, you're not gonna get your clothes wet, are you? Let's see just how good a swimmer you are!" and with a smile and wink she dives into the water, vanishing briefly from sight as a particularly large wave rolls in..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Those jeans cost $350... He doesn't even hesitate to jump right into the water after her. Having kicked off his shoes when he took off his shirt, it's really the only clothes he is wearing. Still his poor leather upholstery later. He chases after her into the water, sliding through it like an eel after her retreating form.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, wondering how he can swim so easily and effortlessly, even in those jeans, which would sure hold her back..But she's too busy bobbing and ducking in the water, displaying some impressive athleticism as she dives and slides and rides the waves effortlessly, barely keeping out of his reach, "C'mon, you're gonna have to try harder than that!" still she's being cocky and is bound to make a mistake..

Thomas Raith has posed:
It takes talent, skill, and being a preternatural predator. Still he grins a bit, watching as she swims and then... he doesn't so much as dive into the water but rather sink into water like a crocodile. the sand kicked up by their swimming making him almost invisible beneath the water.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just laughs, way too cocky today as she glances around, pausing in the water, "Heey, where'd you go?Dont tell me you gave up already?" she smirks, folding her arms, "Soo does this mean I win?" Hah, still got it! She still hasn't noticed him lurking beneath the surface..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith comes to rest on the ground mere inches from the slayer. His body bunched up into the tightest package as possible. When he strikes then it's with the speed of a cobra. He grasps both her ankles and launches her straight up, using the strength of his entire body as he bursts into a standing position as well as a little bit of his vampiric strength on top of it... Houston, we have a problem?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes widen, realizing a moment too late that he was lurking right beneath her. Eyes widen in surprise as he grabs her by the ankles, splashing water everywhere to get away. "Hah..." she laughs nervously, giving up and wrapping her arms around his waist instead, "You sure caught me by surprise!" she laughs nervously, "Good thing you're not a predator.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit and whispers something ...unprintable... into the girl's ear and then giving her a soul scorching kiss. "Just be glad that I didn't decide to steal one of your laces." He offers wickedly, heading for the shore to get out of his wet jeans and down to the board shorts he has under them.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blushes and giggles at the whispers, pressing her lips briefly against his before following him towards shore, "Oh, I so knew you were planning that, I mean..I love this bathing suit, but all these laces.." she blushes a little, watching him change into his shorts, "Oh suuure, now you take em off..What are you gonna wear back home?"Err yeah, that just kinda slipped out because..Where's 'home' anyway?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith quirks a single eyebrow at her slip of the tounge but smiles and grins. "I have a gym bag in the trunk, I'll just have to change into that." He says with a wicked smile, twisting the jeans until they are a tight knot that water simply pours out of.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, still blushing as she flops down next to him, "Heh, of course you came prepared..But honestly? I have been thinking about that..lAbout us, and.." she swallows, looking away a bit shyly, "Well you know, I'm always running around between my dorm in Gotham, my mom's house in Sunnydale and..And your place. And as college is nearing its end and...You know, things are progressing, and I just..." she swallows, not sure how to ask about it. So she just leaves the question hanging awkwardly in the air.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit. Why is making this girl feel awkward so much fun? Still after a moment he considers. "Well it's not like I can give you a key to my place... it's a security code and you already know it." He says casuall, tilting his head. "Of course it would mean you'd have to move out of your place with Willow... you sure you wanna do that?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pouts a little, stepping closer, clutching his hands, shaking her head, "But I only drop by to visit you once, maybe twice a week..I..Just wanna live with you..." her face reddens even more because she's never really been this serious about anyone in her life, not even Angel, "I mean, I can always visit Willow and she always has Mercy over and I just..I dunno, always jumping around is tiring and..And.." she sighs, laughs nervously, "Now I'm just babbling like an idiot.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit and leans in, kissing her gently. "Your beautiful when you babble." He says softly, gently caressing her face and nodding slightly. "And if you are ready for that step, then I am too... " He hesitates and then asks "What about Dawn? With your mom sick, will she be alright?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers licks her lips, considering that as she presses against him, honestly having trouble thinking about anything wise but Thomas, "Umm it's okay..Really! She seems to be on the mend, since she had the surgery, my mom's been doing well. And she seems to like you too." she frowns, "Is it selfish for me to wanna spend all my time with you? I just..I've had so many doomed relationships and finally things work out..I just want things to be okay this time.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "Haven't you heard? I am a complete selfish hedonist, I am the last person to ask about if someone else is being selfish.." He considers and adds "You're not just wanting more regular access to my shower are you? I mean I would totally understand if you were but.." He grins wickedly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Oh...Really? Soo Uh, risking your life to save me, risking even our relationship...That was all in the name of some selfish, whimsical fun?" she shakes her head, squeezing his hands, "I refuse to believe that, and I just..Just.. " she blushes some more, "Am I asking too much? I think your brother thinks we're crazy and I can't even tell him I want his blessing, because of everything, but.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit and smiles, just holding her. "We could be making a mistake. It could blow up in our faces... but if it does... well I'd rather have tried then not." He says simply. "So, I guess we're going to have to go and get your stuff from all over the White God's great creation and figure out how we'll cram it all into my tiny little apartment.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and shakes her head, "I don't think this is a mistake...How could it be? We've weathered the worst of the storm and made it through in one piece, right?" she smiles, reaching up to tenderly caress his cheek before letting go, fussing with her basket, "Cmon, let's have a picnic! I actually baked goodies this time and I put a lot of effort into it so I'm not gonna take no for an answer!" she grins impishly. She's totally gonna beat him up if he says no of course, "Yea..I don't have a massive amount of stuff honestly but it'd be nice to have more than one set of spare clothes.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a little bit. "Well as a creature of the night so to speak, I suppose I better do whatever the big bad Slayer tells me." He says in a playful tone, throwing his wet jeans over his shoulder and walking back to where X marks the spot as it were. "And what did you bake? Should I be worried?" he asks playfully... after all she has admited she's not much of a cook.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, flashing him a playful smile as she follows him, still toying with her basket, "Oh come on, don't look at me like that, I only baked scones and errr...Welll ok I didn't bake the rest, just..Crackers and cheeses, fruit and bread and, fruit punch that I made.." she pouts a little, settling down Wu th her basket, "Okaay it's not that impressive but at least try the cheese scones? I'm pretty proud if myself!" she does pull out a blanket, setting it on the sand before unpacking food. There's probably salami in there too for protein, "I mean when's the last time you had a nice normal picnic?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, "That's more like it." He says with a grin. Then as he settles on the blanket he gives her question a bit of honest consideration. "A little over two years ago I think. It'd have been the Saturday after Inari's sweet sixteen birthday party. Father tried to arrange for her current boyfriend to be there but they broke up about a week before. Lucky for him I suppose. Anyway she was miserable and it rained that day...so that Saturday I took her to the park for a picnic.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, there's that name again, and she sighs, "You think if her a lot, huh...You know I'm still planning in checking up on her, soon as things settle down with this whole vamp cult craziness.." and that has her thinking more because she doesn't like to see him sad. "But until then...Open wide!" and she pulls out a cheese scone, holding it up to his mouth, "You DO trust me, don't you?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
"I'd prefer you asked that when you were binding my wrists with silk scarves not aiming a potentially deadly weapon at my face." He says playfully, but his eyes twinkle with obvious affection and he opens his mouth obligingly. His tounge flicking over his lips slightly... to moisten them for the bread of course.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers may not be the greatest cook but she did try really, really hard to please him this time, and while the scones have a wee bit too much baking powder? baking Sosa? flour? errr...Something? It's actually surprisingly goood and cheesy and warm and squishy inside..

Still, Buffy watches him uncertainly, both her lip, "Ummmmm so how is it? Did I do a good job..?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly, chewing thoughfully on the scone and Cheese. He takes a bottle of water from her basket to wash it down and then leans over, kisses her lips slowly, softly. Dancing his tounge playfully with hers and then whispering "delicious."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers watches him intently, uncertain if he'll like it..Or if it'll make him sick but..She's not that bad a baker, is he? And when he eats it, she laughs, returning the kiss brightly, happily, "Oooh I'm so glad I passed the test! Have another!" and she offers him another. Honestly she's in no shortage of these. "Anyways, I know you probably miss your family...But it doesn't mean you dont have another family, I mean, there's Harry, and the Scoobies...I mean Dawn loves you and...Um...I..I can be your family too...Right?" she blushes a little at the crazy idea.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, taking another scone for form's sake and sighing, leaning back on the blanket amd looking up at the cerilian blue sky. "Yeah Dawns a pretty good kid." He agrees. "Not sure the Scoobies care for me that much... I mean I know Fred is scared of me. And Harry.." He sighs. "I know I should tell him, but why would he believe me?" He smirks a bit, "And you are much more then family to me.... Though if you wanna roleplay sometime.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, laying down on the blanket next to him, snuggling up to him as she too, stares up at the warm blue sky, though it's slowly turning to swirls of gold red and violet as evening nears. "Hmmm, Dawn's always talking about you, asking how you're doing..I'm sure Willow's cool with you and Murphy likes you. I guess I still haven't introduced you to Angel and Cordy but I'm sure they will like you. Fred..." she sighs, "Don't worry about her, she's.." she sighs, "You gotta realize she was kidnapped, thrown into a parallel demon dimension and enslaved for seven years..She's not a bad person, just super paranoid and nervous around people, especially men. I'm sure she'll warm up eventually.."

As for Harry..Buffy draws a deep breath, "Hes also really uptight, I dunno why but I'm sure if he knew the truth, as a detective he'd find a way to confirm he really is your brother..He did promise he would talk to you and it's honestly been frustrating, trying to keep the secret from you. I know he's always wondering why it matters so much what he thinks about our relationship..You just have to trust things will work out like they did with us.."

Though she does blush at that last bit, smiling shyly, "Um...Am I?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit and says "I have something I want to give him... If I can ever find the right words to tell him in the first place..." He pulls out his cell phone and scrolls through some pictures before handing it over to her. It's a picture taken of a portrait of a young woman. Beautiful certainly, and a little impish around the eyes and mouth. She's sitting on a park bench, her very presence commanding the entire space around her. Thomas says "My father paints a portrait of every woman who bears him a child... I took this picture from that portrait and had it remade... It's sitting in my bedroom closet.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers at the picture and she can no doubt see the resemblance between Margaret Le Fay and her children, even if Thomas is considerably different in appearance. "So, that's your mother, huh? she's very beautiful...Surely that's proof enough that you have the same mother?" but then, Harry would probably..She frowns, shaking her head, maybe not, "You should show it to him, how can he deny this? He admits that you e been an ally to him before, and even if he distrusts you're simply for what you are, he can't deny this, Or the fact that you have a good heart.." she rests a hand in his shoulder, smiling, "Soo do you really see me as family?" because that makes her happy, really happy.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles softly, he strokes her cheek with the back of his knuckles. "What you call family, is something I've always wanted. Always craved. Seen from afar and knew I could never have for myself." He props himself up on one arm so that he is looking down into her face. "My family is completely fucked up Buffy. I don't want you to be a part of it. But if you'll have me, I'd love to be part of yours."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, leaning in against his hand, resting her head against his shoulder. "Mmm, I'm sure my sister and mom would love if you became part of the family...I mean...You don't have to get married or anything, but, just..You know you're always welcome at the Summers' house and you should know, you're the most important person in my life.." she smiles, "And I'm glad we finally got through our first official date without having to fight a single demon!" because that's a feat in and of itself, with Buffy's propensity for attracting trouble.