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Latest revision as of 22:30, 6 April 2020

Audition Interviews
Date of Scene: 02 April 2020
Location: 71st Floor, Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Cordelia prefers to come to a casting call rather than talk to the director!
Cast of Characters: Human Torch, Cordelia Chase

Human Torch has posed:
Welcome to the Fantastic Four!

Is what the big sign in the front of the building or at the front desk on the first floor or something says. The clerk at the desk drones simply.

"ID Please."

That's about all he asks then he says."

"Reason for Visit?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordelia. She's the queen bee. She's got her ID clipped to the front of her suit jacket. It's a dark charcoal, with a crisp shirtt and her hair's been done professionally...but her voice has a certainn cold tone to it.

"My ID is clearly visible" Cordie says and looks a little irritated with the hold up. "I'm here for an interview, I was asked to come here to discuss being in a movie" she says and looks over the clerk.

She's looking a little annoyed with it. "So can you let me past or do I need to pull out my phone, and calll ahead?"

Human Torch has posed:
The guy shakes his head and responds calmly, "No reason mam. 71st floor. I think that Johnny is waiting for you."


He says as the next person comes up behind her and he does it all over again.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie struts in looking...well, unimpressed. Oh she gets the security, sure. But. But.

Cordie shakes her head.. She's here for an interview. Not to test out security...

She looks down the hall, waiting, watching. Where exactly is that guy? Cordie's not wanting to go anywhere she's not supposed to be. At least, that's the plan.

Human Torch has posed:
A big sign says.

'Interviewees. Elevator to the right. 71st floor.'

There's a photo of Johnny Storm giving a thumbs up and pointing in the direction of the lifts.

There is even a soft announcement playing saying, "J Storm looks forward to meeting you. Hurry. Hurry."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Now that's handy. Cordelia steps into the elevator and pushes the button for the 71st flor. See. 71 floors. One intervieww. Alright. Cordie's waiting, feeling like a caged animal. Elevators, are not one of Cordie's favorite things. Unlike, say, Anya, she can at least tolerate bunnies!

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is waiting at the door of the elevator.

Security of course told him that Cordelia was here.

"Hello, glad you caould make it," he says to the wrong person. "Cordelia?" he questions before extending his hand towards the person whop kind ofshrugs him off.

"NO. Kim."

Johnny simply brushes his shoulder off the then turns to the next person.


Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie has a poker face on, "Hello there" she says and looks over Johnny. "You're the contact I was supposed to meet for this interview?" she asks. Cordie's being professional and closed off. Johnny may be all excited. Cordie by contrast? She's cautious and nervous.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm pauses an then a big smile, "AH! YOU! are Cordelia!" finally extending his hand to the correct person he says, "Follow me," he heads towards his office. "Can I get you a Mai Tai?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie nods, "Lead on" she says with a look around. "Your office, and a drink? No thank you. I'm working" she says and gives him a suspicious look, though she does shake the hand.
FSee. She can play nice. Sort of

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm offers a seat across from his desk and then takes a seat behind it. An android arrives with ONE Mai Tai. Johnny takes it a sips and then crossing his legs he leans forward.

"So, as I am sure that you know. I am directing a Fantastic Four movie. The ones that have been made before are all trash. I am going to make the only good one. I am of coruse looking to cast it," he finally gives Cordelia a good look.

"What kind of work have you been doing?" he open a drawer on his desk and pulls out her picture and resume.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Sitting, Cordelia looks somewhere between amused and trying to keep a straight face. "Wait,you're that egocentric that you think that you can only make the Fantasticc Four movie?" she asks. "Hang on. So you want to cast it? You want to cast it and come on. What makes you think I'd be a good fit? I've not been in too many big productions and I have a full time job working for a detective agency" Cordie says, keeping her eye on Johnny. "So...why?

Oh it's like she's back in high school and just been told she's not the cheer captain...Buffy got it. Why. She's got her metaphorical claws out and wanting to interrogate and question.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm holds up a hand, "Well...wait a second," he sips.

"I am looking to cast it and you don't look much like my sister," he cranes his neck. "There are things that can be done but also, there are many..many roles for people to take. I just wanted to meet you and get a feel for you. That's all."

"I mean, have you -SEEN- those other fantastic four movies?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"You want a feel for me? Cheerleader, queen bee" Cordie says and sits backk. Cordie's willing to hear him out, yes. But, but really now. She's got her limits. Sure, the idea of being in a big budget film is tempting, but she does have a job with Angel Investigations though. Which oddly enough, yes...that's her stability and normality, So juggling both's going to be a problem, really...

Plus Cordelia's looking over across the desk. "So what's in it for me, you say you're wanting to cast. Okay, but....casting and acting are two different things"

Gdod, isn't that the truth. Cordie's a small time actress, struggling, and....why's she been picked for this? Cordelia's still got her venomous words ready. She's been two years removed from high school, but...

Human Torch has posed:
"OH. This is just an interview. Eventually I will want you to audition. I am curious if you are even interested?" he pauses to take another sip. Then a larger sip then he presses a button on his desk and finishes his drink.

"Cheerleader huh?" hmm... "Well, how much do you know about the origins of the Fantastic Four?"

Shortly there after the android returns, taking the empty glass a replacing it with a fresh one.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie looks over and sighs. "Look. I thought this was a casting interview. Not....not this. I figured you were casting th efilm. Not interviewing. I was informed it was a casting call. So who should I be mad at. You or the lady on the phone?" Cordie asks looking over to Johnny again, eyes fixed on him.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm ohs, "No. This is not the casting call. If you would prefer to just come to the call and forget we ever met. That works too. This would actually be the step -after- the call. But if we need to go back to square one. then, we can go back to square one.," he puts the resume back into his desk.

"The -lady- will contact you with the dates for -that-."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"Indeed. With my work schedule, I think it'd be best if I just show up" she nods holding out an Angel Investigations business card. The idea is clear. This is how I'm contacted. With that...Cordie nods. "Thank you for your time" she says...but even that has a hint of derision. Though this time, Cordie doesn't mean it. Instead she's heading for the elevator again. Casting call. Alright that works much, much better!

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm purses his lips and takes another sip of his drink. He shrugs and waves behind her, "Good Luck. I like you gusto!" he calls as the door close automatically as she leaves.