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Latest revision as of 22:49, 6 April 2020

Things go boom in the night
Date of Scene: 27 August 2019
Location: Sunnydale, Avalon
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fiona Glenanne, Giganta

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
The night air in Sunnydale's warm and sticky as Fiona Glenannee, former IRA bomb maker, former IRA terrorist (in some people's eyes), and....apparent accidental tourist, is lost. She took a wrong turn, but found good (if not quite good quality) food. Fi's settled on a bench outside the burger joint eating, amazingly, a burger, fries and sippping on coffee. Sunndayle's dangerous at nigght. Fi's brought a gun, and a few 'toys' to play with.

Giganta has posed:
Warm and sticky and...ick. Simple, soft, and (most importantly) cheap shoes clad the over coated woman as she stalks through the city. Doris Zuel, Doctor at Large, is herself more or less lost. Passing through, admittedly, but striding through unfamiliar terrain with a confidence born of arrogance. She carries a small suitcase with her; in the other, she holds a half-warpped burger, crushed flatter as she chews absently. "How far outside Manhattan?" she asks over an earphone, practically growling her conversation. "This is the last time I use regular maps!"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi catches sight of the aangry doctor and folds her arms. "Oy, you're in Sunnydale, genius" she calls. She's not a happy camper. Her coffee's....shock, horror. Decafffinated. As in, no caffeine. Some healthy aeting and drinking crap. Fi's looking for a way to deal with her anger, and when glaring around doesn't cut it, Fi's mouthing off. Yay for Irish temper. Fi's not a happy camper. Plus there's bad things in the air after dark. Or so the legends goe about Sunnydale. Fi's not worrieed. She's got friends in, well, interesting places.

Giganta has posed:
Giganta spares a glance at Fiona, nodding towards her wordlessly. Or is she nodding to the other end of the phone? "Fine," she says heavily, "I'll be there tomorrow. The routes are stopped and it took all day just to get this far." She stops by the bench with a certain fiery red-head, glowering as she eye-narrows. "Tomorrow. I'll find a hotel or something. Goodbye." She touches her ear, the neon blue lighting of the earphone blinking off as she casts Fiona a scathing glare.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shakes her head. Fiery is one word for Fiona. In over her head are other words...but Fi looks over. "You want a hotel? Here?" she asks gesturing aroundd. She's just, sort of....body checking her way into the conversation. Which given she's five feet three or so, is a hell of a feat. "There's....ah there's a few places around Bloodhaven if you keep going. Though be on your toes. Bad, bad things happen after dark" FI warns with a look around, indeed she's not the biggest trouble in Sunnydale....for once

Giganta has posed:
The (other!) redhead spares a small smirk of her own, some self-amusement as she shakes her head. "I'll keep that in mind," she says, taking a seat on the bench alongside. The wood and plastic groans in protest as the taller woman leans back. "But I can take care of myself. Considering how this day has been, well..." She trails off, setting her case down as she unfolds a bit more of the wrapper from her sandwhich. "I'd enjoy the opportunity to blow off steam." SHe pauses, long enough to take a bite from her burger. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, other unrecognizable things-- totally unhealthy, but edible. CHOMP.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shrugs. "That's what they all say" she says and looks around with a sigh. "So you're lost, huh?" she asks, looking amused. "You....let me guess, took a wrong turn and now you're sitting here mad at the world?" Fi asks, her own anger on display. "It's okay, I'm just as mad too. They gave me zero caffeine coffee. Or what they claim is no caffeine." Fiona grunts. "See, we both got shit to whine about" Fi says as a group of....what could be called teenagers, are coming over. Fi looks up. "Oh they mean business" Fi sighs. "Or they could....keep walking?" Fi asks as the tenagers do. Fi is well aware a road goes two ways.

Giganta has posed:
Zuel spares a glance for the passers by, a look of mild annoyance before she turns back to her burger. "Flying in from California," she says idly, "Trying to keep a meeting with an old friend-- promptly shot that apart by the way -- missing an important meeting with a potential employer--" She sighs heavily, growling as she crushes the half-sandwich flatter still before chewing the rest down messily. "Lost for the moment," she admits darkly, shrugging. She balls up the wrapper, tossing it at a garbage can before she leans back more. "...but yes. Coffee without caffiene is a crime against nature, and invites retaliation!" She glances aside, smirking. "Some things are not to be messed with!"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"No. They are not" Fiona decides firmly, jaw clenched. She's a good mind to go in and shoot something. Or blow it up in retribution. Come to think of it. It's dark out. Fi won't object to detonating...whatever's out there. Fi looks bored then back to the woman. "So....you are?" she asks deciding their shared hatred of decaf is grounds for...at least knowing a little about each other.

Giganta has posed:
The woman pauses for a moment, shrugging inwardly before she offers her hand. "Dorris," she answers simply, "Came in from the East coast. A few acquaintances are in the area, and I was hoping to surprise them by dropping in. So far..." She grimaces darkly. "Well, lost luggage and myriad delays are the worst I have dealt with today. Though the food comes close." She looksdown at her hamburger, expression sour. "I still cannot believe food like this got me through college."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona looks amused. "Fi" she says simply. "Food like this got you through college? Food with" she says, "No caffeine, how did you ever, ever get through college Doris?" she adds having shaken the offered hand. FI's accent is pure New York right now...and she's fixing the surroundings with a fierce look, like she's going to open up a world of hurt on the poor guy who served her the coffee. Not that she's moving. Instead, she glances to Doris. "I could go in there and deal with this coffee" Fi sighs looking unhappy at it. THat's....understatement of the week.

Giganta has posed:
Dorris grimaces more, if possible: bad memories to be swept away. "Bad coffee is still coffee," she replies, smirking with quiet rue. "Just add sugar until the bad taste is a dull affront to the taste buds." She closes her eyes for a few seconds, sighing quietly. "And caffiene is it's own food group," she adds. "Best taken with proper companionship--" She holds up her hands, ticking down the fingers. "Cold pizza, toast, donuts, or cereal. Dressed as desired, creamer of preference."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi adds a few more to that, "Crepes, choclate, waffles, maybe some bread and spreadables?" she adds and shakes her head. "No. No. Bad coffee is not coffee. Coffee is drinkable. Bad coffee is not" she asides and shakes her head looking determined...and....oh yeah serious too. She'll argue the point about coffee. She'll absolutely argue it. At night. In a rough part of town.

Giganta has posed:
Dorris chuckles quietly, resting as she stretches her legs out before her. The thought of any actual danger to her... amusing. But this-- "A wise person once said coffee is like air," she remarks. "It's not important unless you are not getting any. So when you can't afford anything better--" She sighs, shaking her head. "But those days are long ago, thank goodness. Graduated, became respectable, earned doctorate-- all for the sake of getting good coffee."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
FI shrugs and looks amused. "You got a doctorate in what? Please, tell me it's good coffee" Fi asks hopefully. "Dr of Caffeine Processing?" she guesses with humor in her bitter angry voice as she dashes the cup to the ground and kicks it away. Fi's....done with the coffee. Done with the no cafeine coffee. Instead she shrugs. "So I'm sat here talking to a doctor of.....something. Complaining about food? This isn't how I thought my night'd go" Fi says seeming to calm a little

Giganta has posed:
"Biology," Dorris answers with a smirk. "So... yes, in a very strange way. Doctorate in Coffee, Caffiene, and the Better Things In Life." She smiles with self-satisfaction, basking in quiet relish. "And I shall put it on the List: a good coffee that keeps for longer." She glances aside, eyes alive with marked mirth. "Along with conquering the world, achieving wild dreams, among other things." She laughs, closing her eyes once more. "And possibly finding a good hotel. Which, in this town, is... possible? Hopefully."